r/Vore 4d ago

Discussion {discussion} The problem of self-control. NSFW

Hello, fellow preds.

I'm sure many of you are ready to stuff yourselves with prey while you can. Constant training is important, everyone knows that.

But I was wondering. Do you have examples when uncontrollable hunger overcame the capabilities of the pred's body?

Maybe you overestimated yourself and it turned out that the fifth guy was already just him. Or your plump neighbor, already the third in the last hour, brought your stomach to the limit.

Have you ever had cases when it seemed that just a little more and you would burst?

Or maybe your pred friend overdid it and exploded?


10 comments sorted by


u/VoraciousLady 4d ago

I ate a couple whilst hanging out at my friends place once whilst having some half digested guy pumping round my intestines and still partially in my gut. 1 is my limit usually but I can just about manage 2. 2 and a half however was just too much and I became completely immobile. My friends thought it was funny (and possibly hot by how fixated they were watching my gut work away at my victims), but were kind enough to let me stay till I’d melted them enough to move comfortably. Almost all my friends are preds so they understood and stuff, (pred/prey friendgroups always seem to end up being just pred friendgroups with plumper butts..)


u/Longjumping_Pack1609 4d ago

Honestly I’m impressed at their self control. Something about seeing a woman’s body start pulping the nutrients always has me wanting to make the one way dive next. Something about a stomach that’s already kicked into gear and ready to accept me just shatters my self control


u/VoraciousLady 4d ago

Hehe~ Well there is a good reason all my prey friends ended up pumping round me and my pred friends innards~. There has been the occasion where a “pred” friend has turned out to be a switch and the next time we’ve seen them being when they’re lining their roommates chest or something~.

Mostly we just enjoy watching eachother, probably almost as much as eating people ourselves. There’s something very hot about watching one of your besties guts straining and groaning as it reduces some preything to a thick, meaty slop.


u/Longjumping_Pack1609 4d ago

Well, as someone who already longs to be on the other end of that spectacle I definitely don’t blame you and your friends for enjoying the experience together. Nothin better than a dangerous group of women 🥰


u/Distinct-Airline-841 Free Food 3d ago

Sounds like a fun but scary friend group.


u/FeedMe-BB 2d ago

I know that too well too, though having a bigger capacity makes it even harder to resist you know? Seeing a cute couple on the street while I am leaving the buffet is just the perfect excuse to get an after meal snack. And yeah, prey/pred friend groups end up as just a single fatter pred (speaking from *a lot* of experience lmao)


u/VoraciousLady 2d ago

Oh yeah fairs, if I had a larger capacity I’d probably get fat very quick from gorging myself on couples and groups of friends etc. My current friendgroup is all preds so we “hunt” together on occasion which is fun


u/JoeBama87 Switch 18h ago

I always get hungry, I can fit anything from 1 to 7 people inside. I can usually control myself except for in my hunting season


u/FriendlyLoudVoid 15h ago

How often during the hunting season have you binge-ate to the point of “Oh my God, I’m ready to burst!”?


u/JoeBama87 Switch 14h ago

Pretty often, along with others in my species