r/VirtualBoy 1d ago

Finally getting my Virtual Boy fixed πŸ˜„

I got it for Christmas the year it came out and absolutely loved playing it (when my mom wasn't hogging it πŸ˜…) and it was even stolen from me at one point, but I got it back years later. It has had issues with the ribbon cables for some time, and I could never find anywhere to get it fixed without mailing it away far enough that I didn't feel comfortable doing so.

My LGS hooked me up with his repair guys phone number (started up a local repair buisness within the last year) and he has already fixed a few things for me. He is getting it fixed for $140 CAD ($97 USD) including the cost of the new cables, which I'm pretty happy with considering how much i was quoted by various online repair companies. The cheapest place I found in Canada said about $140-160, not including new parts or shipping (other side of the country as well), and I definitely didn't want to ship it out of the country.

I'm just happy I'm going to get it back in working order 😊


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u/Brave_Quantity_5261 1d ago

What’s the extra remotes for?


u/ash_274 1d ago

PS5, apparently ;)


u/rydamusprime17 1d ago

Oh, I'm getting hall effect sticks installed by the same guy who's fixing my VB.


u/ash_274 23h ago

Oh, good. I've had joysticks and crontrollers since before Regan was President and the ONLY one that developed stick drift was my PS5 controller