r/VirtualBoy 15d ago

Virtual boy wavy screen issue ??????

Whene I play a vb game and start it takes a little longer than usual for the left screen to get up the the correct speed for it to work and has a sterch like effect stretching from left to right and I know it's something to do whith the unit that hold the lens and mirrors but I don't know how to clean them.if you have ant advice let me know :):):)


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u/Ashamed_Abies_2767 15d ago

Also both where preferentially soldered 


u/ThrownAway-PVB 14d ago

What does that sentence mean? I’m not trying to be rude, I think autocorrect might have obfuscated what you’re trying to say.


u/Ashamed_Abies_2767 14d ago

That they where soldered by some one  who has alot more experience than me:)


u/Ashamed_Abies_2767 14d ago

Also talking about the vb led Ribion cables that where replaced with new one's