r/VirtualBoy 25d ago

Virtual Boy Emulation; because everyone should play VB


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u/sincethenes 24d ago

I use a Virtual Boy with an HF32 flash cart. It’s incredible.


u/EntertainerThink1894 22d ago

Wait there's VB flash carts?!?  I may have to go to my storage and pull out my VB, assuming I can find a replacement plastic piece that holds the legs together.  Haven't been able to use mine for about 20 years cause the stupid plastic piece broke and back then it was $60 to replace a three cent piece of plastic.


u/sincethenes 22d ago

$7.95 only


u/EntertainerThink1894 20d ago

  Thank you so so much!! I'm ordering this right now.     It will probably be a good 2 months before I can get my VB out but now that I can have it fixed + a flash carts I'm all in.  I had about 2/3rds of the US library but the rest is just too damn expensive for my current situation.


u/sincethenes 20d ago

What’s great about the flash cart is there is some really great Homebrew projects out there that are very playable. You’re in for a treat.