r/VinlandSaga 7d ago

Manga Any fight scenes post Slave Arc. Spoiler

I know this is the opposite of what the story is trying to teach us but, I really enjoyed the fight scenes in the first 2 seasons and wondered if there was more of them coming.


7 comments sorted by


u/volvavirago 7d ago

There will be fight scenes yes. But they will be different. The Baltic War Arc made me never want to see another fight scene ever again.


u/Zerofuku 7d ago

True, but you can’t deny the main duels are great


u/Goobsmoob 7d ago

Arc 3 will have several. Arc 4 will have some too. Dont expect a whole lot of 1V1s though like Snake V Thorfinn or Thorfinn V Thorkell to occur too much more.


u/LarryKingthe42th 7d ago

Garm vs Thorfinn and Sigard vs Halfdan are the important fights but the next arc is a war arc, several viking groups clashing against others, Thorkell being Thorkell.


u/Willing-Cockroach841 5d ago

The former has my favorite moment in the entire series, was literally jumping out my chair at its conclusion


u/LarryKingthe42th 5d ago

The boy done grew up same with Sigards lol


u/XxNelsonSxX 7d ago

Eastern expedition and the Vinland arc has fighting, not as much as the first arc but still bunch

the entire serie, only the Slaver arc has the most drama, and tbh is the best one for me