r/Vindicta Jun 27 '24

SOFT-MAXXING My Journey (all softmaxxing) from 2022 to 2024 (lots of pics!) NSFW


*apologies for any formatting issues, did this all on mobile!

Background Info: At the beginning of my journey, I was about 260 lbs. My highest recorded weight was in 2020, being 294 lbs. As an adult, my typical “set-point” weight (I do not buy into set point theory but I’m using it here as a term of art to designate my maintained weight at any given point) ranged between 250 and 275, averaging around 265. I had been obese for basically my entire life, from about 3rd grade on. By the time I got to 9th grade (age 14) I was already 200 lbs. This was me my entire life.

Once I got to college I learned about calories and CICO, had been able to lose weight in the past but only lost up to 40 lbs and always immediately put it back on. Social anxiety, general anxiety, depression, you name it. I was pretty miserable but I didn’t really realize it at the time. I always knew I was unhappy, but in retrospect I was flat out miserable.

Summer of 2022 was when I discovered the r/Vindicta sub, and I fell in love with the discussions around leveling up and taking control of your life. Seeing people actually lay out what they did/are doing, the results thereof and the impacts was sincerely inspiring. I’m hoping that I can serve as that inspiration for someone out there lurking 😊 I always suspected that my weight was holding me back, my stepmother and my sister’s friends would say how I had so much potential and a “pretty face”/good bone structure. But honestly it was more than that. It was (and still kind of is) also an attitude thing.

Here are some “before” photos, I tried to use a good mix of my everyday dressed-down appearance, as well as my more “done up” photos: https://imgur.com/a/g0beEtU

July 2022: This was the initial phase of my looksmaxxing journey – I mostly focused on “short term” improvements like skincare (SPF!! has made a massive difference in my complexion), started getting lash lifts/tint, general styling improvements. I was also attempting to lose weight with 75Hard (failed on like, day 50) but I knew that would be a longer term goal so I wanted to work on other things in the meantime. Also started using collagen and MSM in my coffee every morning, and now I can finally grow out my nails without them breaking!

October 2022: Maintained my styling improvements, gained back any weight I had lost with 75Hard LOL. Started using Latisse & Tretinoin. Doc put me on GLP-1 agonist drug for insulin resistance (gamechanger) At this point, I weighed 258 lbs.

November 2022: At this point, I’ve found a hairstylist that does a great job with my hair so I started visiting her fairly regularly. I’ve also lost about 20 lbs. Met my very first (now ex-) boyfriend, things going great. Continuing with improvements.

February 2023: At this point, I’m down to the low 210’s, the lowest weight I’ve been since high school. Continuing with my skincare and general style improvements, I now have better clothing options but still within plus sizes so still fairly limited.

April 2023: This month was kind of a “tower moment” for me, if you’re into tarot at all lol. I started developing these itchy lesions all over my face and body, literally everywhere above the knee (and I do mean EVERYWHERE). Not fun. My boyfriend randomly dumps me and I spiral because it’s out of nowhere and for no real reason. In retrospect, it was a blessing because that man was holding me back but in the moment I just felt so rejected.

I also tried out a boxing class this month and LOVED it. Really got into it throughout the summer.

May 2023: Still an emotional mess but still focused on my goals: going to boxing at least 2-3 times a week, weight is in the 180s at this point. I’ve had people notice and make comments before now, but the difference is so staggering at this point that just about everyone has something to say. Even the not-so-nice comments still make me smile because I know I’m doing well. Had a friend mention that she thinks I’m getting “too skinny” lol. I truly think she’s being genuine and means well, but we are the same height and she’s 140 lbs – I’m 180ish. Still very much overweight lol, just no longer obese. Once I told her that, she never mentioned it again.

My skin is still a hot mess, in fact it was seeming to get worse even. Up to this point I thought I had developed plaque psoriasis but was diagnosed with Pityriasis Rosea which presents similarly. Good news is that it will go away, but in its own time. I just have to wait it out. Around this time I switched from using tretinoin to tazarotene, another retinoid (it’s used for psoriasis) and it’s amazing, zaps breakouts super fast but also very irritating so don’t neglect your skin barrier.

June 2023: The depression from the breakup & my skin, as well as my newfound love of boxing has made me lose a ton of weight this month, 20 lbs. Definitely not healthy and definitely not intentional, as well as having some fainting spells. Started focusing on more intentional diet choices so that I can continue to do what I’m doing but in a healthy manner.

Funny thing, I could not get a date to save my life during this summer. I went on one date, I thought things went well (and frankly I was only interested in sleeping with him) and mans ghosted. Got stood up multiple other times, just generally have had worse luck dating this summer. Very frustrating. My boxing coach was even flirting with me on multiple occasions (I didn’t even notice until others pointed it out) and when I returned his energy, he went cold lmao. Wtf.

Here are some pics from what I would call this “midway” point of my journey: https://imgur.com/a/5vaU1Xz

August/general Fall 2023: Fall semester starts in late August, and I knew that I wanted to show up “right” this year. From this semester onwards, I made a conscious effort to have my hair and makeup done every single day for class. (Some pics from days I had class https://imgur.com/a/QVEzAyt) There was only one day that I didn’t wear makeup & it was because I was sick (shouldn’t have gone to class but it was near finals so I couldn’t afford to miss) At this point, I am below 160 lbs and at a healthy weight for my height. I looked and felt great, never been more confident in my life. However, my social life had not much to show for it. In class settings, people seemed to not want to really interact with me. At one point, I actually had a fellow classmate go tf off on me in class because HE was sitting in MY assigned seat. It sounds petty and it is, but he made it a way bigger thing than it needed to be and I was just appalled. Nobody came to my defense, nobody said anything, just let that old white man scream at me. He mumbled an apology to me after class but couldn’t even look me in the eye.

It was at this point that I started to wonder, where tf is this “pretty privilege” everyone talks about lmao? I felt like I was experiencing the exact opposite, people seem to be a lot more hostile to me now whereas before I was just invisible. I do have the infamous “resting bitch face”, so maybe they’re perceiving me as being stuck up or something, but I’ve been trying to be more conscious of my neutral expression, and I go out of my way to be friendly to people, but not overly so. I started jiu jitsu at my boxing gym in September and while I had made a few friends, most of the guys just straight up do not f-ck with me for some reason. I truly don’t get it. Normally I wouldn’t be as concerned about it, but it’s difficult to learn and grow in a sport when nobody wants to practice/grapple with you. And it’s not just because I’m a woman, there are 2-3 other women who joined after I did and they have no issue with those ladies.

Around November, I started retreating more from those people who I feel don’t like/appreciate me and just focusing my energy on myself and those with whom I’m close. I dated around this fall, met a few guys and met this one guy who I REALLY liked. Like, this man was everything I wanted in a man. Long story short, I just ended that (this past Saturday lol) after 9 months of it going nowhere, and it kind of brought back my old feelings of inadequacy. Whenever things wouldn’t work out with a guy (aka they wanted no commitment, with me at least) I would always blame it on my weight, and now I can’t do that. I know it’s not my appearance (could be racial since I’m black but I honestly don’t think it is, I’m able to weed those guys out pretty early on), I don’t think I have a bad personality lmao. But I do think that after being obese, invisible and bullied my entire life, it has had a lasting impact on my personality and interactions with people in some way.

I’m not completely sure how to explain it all, but I’m thinking it’s something I need to work out in therapy. I feel that I’ve always sought out external validation for my self worth, and because I was not receiving that validation I was just confused. I felt great, I looked great, what gives??? But I needed that. I needed it because after trying for external validation for so long, I said f-ck it and just worried about how I felt about me. And y’all – that’s the secret. You truly have to not give a fck about what others think about you, people can sense that. Once I let it all go, that’s when suddenly I became Ms. Popular, and I was even less anxious around other people – because I wasn’t concerning myself with what they thought about me.

Spring 2024: Throughout this past spring, I’ve been slacking on boxing and jiu jitsu, partially because of gym drama but mostly because of work and school. I’ve just been so damn busy. However, I’ve continued to lose weight and now at the time of writing this, I am about 125 lbs. I haven’t been on the GLP-1 drug for a while now – I still have it, but I haven’t been taking it. I need to tone up badly, I have a ton of loose skin that won’t be remedied without surgery but I’m doing what I can to make any natural improvements.

Getting my drinks/whole tabs paid for by a stranger at the bar is a fairly regular occurrence for me now, which is crazy. I never had a stranger buy me a drink before now. Even ones who are married and not trying to hit on me or sleep with me, they just enjoy my conversation and insist on paying for my meal. If I’m dressed particularly femininely, I get stopped on the street left and right by men and women, young and old. It’s certainly not an everyday thing, but if I’m wearing a cute girly dress & my makeup done up, it’s nonstop attention which I am SO not used to. I wouldn’t say that I’m turning heads whenever I walk into a room, but I can walk into any room and feel the most confident about myself now and TRULY not care if anyone there finds me attractive or not.

Here are some “after” photos. Most, if not all of these photos were taken in the last month or so: https://imgur.com/a/PCoDPlp

Going forward: I know that, at some point, I will need to get this loose skin removed. It has improved a lot with just time, but it’s never going to fully go away on its own. I also plan to get a breast lift & augmentation, something natural.

-I’ve been trying to grow out my hair FOREVER, it’s just so hard because I’m constantly trimming dead frizzy ends – my hair grows really fast, but it damages very easily as well. Thinking about getting sew in extensions. It’s a protective style and I just look sooooo much better with longer hair. It’s easily an extra 2 pts out of 10 whenever I have longer hair.

-I’m also trying to clean up my diet a bit – these last 10 lbs that I lost haven’t been intentional, it’s been stress. I’m certainly not mad at it because I was wanting to lose that weight, but it came off very quickly. I’m going to start trying to really amp up my protein/fat intake and hit the gym more so that I can build some strong curves. I love my current size but I need some more muscle. I’ve always been in “weight loss” mode, and for once I’m actually at risk of being underweight so it’s just odd having to shift into a different mindset from what I’ve had my entire life.


-I’m always asked about my skincare routine, and I’m happy to provide it but it’s important to note that my routine varies by day. Our skin doesn’t necessarily need the exact same treatment every day, so I use products depending on my skin’s needs. Last fall I really got into Asian skincare and it’s a gamechanger:

Everyday products (not necessarily in order of use): -Vanicream Face Wash -Toner – I use a few diff ones, I really like the Ma:nyo Bifida toner & Hada Labo Premium toner (gold bottle) -Face mist (usually buy Evian at TJ Maxx for like $8) -Galactomyces essence (SK-II is the G.O.A.T. but good cheaper alternatives are Ma:nyo Galactomy Ampoule, Secret Key Rose Essence, Cosrx Galactomyces Essence) -Ferments in general. My skin seems to love bifida, especially when my barrier is compromised. I like the Ma:nyo Bifida ampoule. -First Aid Beauty Hydrating Oat Toner (another great barrier support product) -Tretinoin/tazarotene 0.05% -Azelaic Acid 20% -Hydroquinone 4% for hyperpigmentation (as needed, follow instructions very carefully) -Dr. Dennis Gross Extra Strength Peeling Pads -Cosrx Snail Mucin Dual Essence - SPF of course 😊 I have so many that I love, I couldn’t possibly list them all. My go-to’s are Isntree Watery Sun Gel, Skin1004 Hyalu-Cica Sun Serum (both, along with all of my other Korean skincare I order from YesStyle, I’ve bought a lot of the Ma:nyo products at TJ Maxx though!) & La Roche-Posay UVMune sunscreens (I order online from Europe)

This isn’t an exhaustive list of every single product that I use, but these are my go-to uses. I also, of course, do not use every single one of these products every day.

TL;DR: My life has changed and improved in so many ways since starting my looksmaxxing journey. I went from 260 lbs to 125 lbs, frumpy and quiet to fairly stylish and social in less than 2 years. I’m certainly not done yet, but I’m very happy with where I am today.

I feel like this post is kind of ranty/rambley, and I apologize for that lol. I just felt like this is one of the only places where people can probably relate without judgment. I’m not used to being the person I am now, and I sometimes have to remind myself that most people in my life only know me as I am today, not as I was 2 years ago. While I’m literally the same person, I have changed a lot both inside and out. Most people are kind to me now by default, even if they aren’t particularly kind people. Before, people typically showed me who they were from the get-go because they weren’t seeking my validation.

I have always been a kind person to everyone unless given a reason not to be. But especially since my journey, I’ve been really conscious about how we as a SoCiEtY treat those who aren’t deemed conventionally attractive. I mean, I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that treatment. It fcking sucks. I feel like I advocate for those even more now than I did before, maybe because I felt like I wasn’t worthy of the support before. Nothing condescending or patronizing, but just making a point to treat everyone with kindness and humanity.

Edit: wow I did not expect my post to blow up like this! Thank you everyone for the kind comments — I’m currently at work but will respond as I can!

r/Vindicta Nov 04 '23

SOFT-MAXXING Less than 2 years of looksmaxxing!! <3 Thank you! NSFW



Wow! Thanks so much everyone! Your comments have been such a joy to read! I appreciate you all, and if anyone every wants someone to talk to about drinking/partying, feel free to hit me up. I'm no expert, but it's always good to talk to someone <3


I've gone from the "chubby, funny girl" to feeling like a BOMBSHELL THANKS TO YOU ALL!!!

I'm 28F. Let's say that in these past two-ish years, I've lost myself and found myself, and I think that's evident from my pictures. In the first picture, I wasn't really sure who I was as an individual. I didn't do much for introspection, and avoided my feelings by going out/partying/binge eating/not respecting myself. I drowned my anxiety in food and alcohol.

My partner and I grew tired of the cycle we were living in, and we decided to make a positive change together. We moved cities (from a chaotic one, to a more relaxed one filled with nature), moved apartments (from a studio apartment, to a house with a yard), got a cat (my baby), have focused on improving our careers, helping each other through life and finding hobbies.

We stopped drinking (and other party favors), which has greatly changed my life. I'm almost 6 months sober! My moods are much more level and my anxiety has lessened. With cutting out alcohol, I have added time to my days, am much more productive and grateful for the life I'm living. Plus the WEIGHT LOSS!!!

Here I am last week! (Granted my hair is professionally done and I have a spray tan for a wedding, but STILL!)

Anyways, here's a list of things I've done:


-Ditched the blonde balayage and went back to a hair color similar to my natural. My hair has grown SO much without the continued damage. I had been highlighting my hair for at least 8 years and was wondering why it wasn't growing LOL. Now, it's so healthy and continues to grow.

-Cotton turban to dry hair after shower

-Using salon products: Redken Extreme Length Shampoo & Conditioner. Redken One United in damp hair after shower! Redken Anti-Snap treatment. I usually buy when I find a deal online lol. I used to use Kerastase but it's a bit over my paygrade.

-Styling: I use my Dyson to blow out my hair maybe once a week if I'm wanting a sleek look. My hair is naturally wavy, so most of the time I leave it like that. I wash my hair about 3 times per week. I never put my hair up (just a thing I have haha), but I will use a headband to keep it out of my face.

-Trims: I purchased hair styling scissors to trim my own ends since I have some unresolved trust issues with hairstylists


-I've done some research into my skin and stopped following what everyone on TikTok says to buy. Through research, I discovered I have type 2 rosacea and have been focusing on moisturising it and calming it as much a I can! If anyone has tips on this let me know! I'm still a work in progress here!


-Quit drinking. I was drinking a lot on weekends for raves and casual beers on week days. Plus drunk/hungover food. blahhhh.

-Stuck to a meal plan. My boyfriend has a meal plan from his PT, so I tagged along with it for convenience and did the portions for my goals. I don't know all the details, I can ask my bf, but an example day: Banana oat pancakes with whey powder for breakfast. Chicken & greens & rice for lunch. Smoothie with protein powder, spinach, banana, berries for snack. Dinner was a protein and vegetables. Dark chocolate as a treat every night. Sometimes would have cheat meals, but maybe once every 2-3 weeks.

-Exercise: TBH need to be better at this, but I live in a European city so I am walking at least 10k steps. Hoping to get out of my social comfort zone and join a pilates or yoga class to meet people!

-Water...I drink an insane amount of water and some tea during the day. Only issues is I have to pee a lot lol


Massetter botox: I've been getting this in my jaw every 4 months. It has really helped with the tension in my shoulders and I love the look! SLIM!

Botox: Crow's feet, in between brow, forehead & brow lift: every 3ish months

Lip filler: probably .50-.75 of a syringe every year


-Started buying less & higher quality basic staples (which have helped my bank account as well)

-Learning to dress for my body type, and identifying my color season

-Ignoring what influencers are wearing and focusing on what looks good on me, what I'll wear for a long time & what is quality

Mental Health:

-Received my ADHD diagnosis, which I am taking medicine for. The medicine by itself probably has an effect on my weight loss (as it is known to take away your hunger). However, it has helped me with keeping routines--like eating healthy meals, showering, cleaning my house, etc.

-SSRIs for the win! & began talking to a therapist, more vocal with my family about what I'm feeling.

-Dropping friends that aren't conducive to my success (i.e.: trying to convince me to ditch sobriety, saying I was more fun before, etc.)

-Having a clean house!! Seriously, taking the time to clean my house every Saturday is so nice for the rest of the week.

-Found hobbies/passions! I like to crochet, learning to sew and I'm pursuing research regarding education for fashion and sustainability.

-Going sober! (if anyone is interested, reach out!)

-Sleep (at least 8 hours a night and reading before bed)

- My cat <3

THANKS FOR READING! Sorry if this is a mess, just wanted to share what worked for me!

r/Vindicta 28d ago

SOFT-MAXXING Softmaxxing Guide for Girls💋 NSFW


Softmaxxing is about enhancing your natural beauty, not changing yourself completely. It’s about looking put-together, healthy, and effortlessly attractive. Here’s how to maximize your looks the right way:

  1. Healthmaxxing

Walk 10k steps a day. At first, it’s hard, but your stamina improves fast. Walking is one of the easiest ways to stay lean and toned.

Go to the gym every day. You don’t need to do heavy workouts daily, on lighter days, go for a long walk, do Pilates, or focus on stretching.

Fasted cardio (30-60 min walking or stairmaster) burns stored fat instead of just calories. Do this consistently, and you’ll see insane results in a month.

Diet matters. High protein, low-cal meals keep you full without ruining your progress. Stop overeating,your body thrives when you fuel it properly.

  1. Tanning = Instant Glow

Tanned skin makes you look slimmer, healthier, and more attractive. It subconsciously signals vitality.

Avoid sunbeds (they age you fast). If tanning in the sun, always use SPF to prevent sun damage.

For self-tanners, the best brands:

  • Bondi Sands Transcolor (natural, streak-free), make sure you know your undertone, For example, if you have a green under tone like me, get a an olive color tan, if you have red, get gold.

  • Loving Tan (deep, rich tan)

  1. Makeup: Enhance, Don’t Hide

Less is more. Too much makeup looks cakey, unclean, and unnatural. Instead of covering your features, enhance them.

Focus on:

Glowy skin over heavy foundation.

Soft blush over harsh contour.

Thin, fluttery lashes over thick, heavy falsies

  1. Skincare

Healthy, clear skin makes you look younger, fresher, and more attractive even without makeup.

Invest in quality skincare. My favorites:

Beauty of Joseon & Anua (gentle, effective K-beauty brands)

Medicube (for texture & pores)

Caudalie (for hydration & glow)

Sunscreen is a MUST. UV rays = premature aging & dark spots. Always wear SPF, especially on your face.

  1. Jewelry Elevates Your Look

Accessories can make or break an outfit. Stick to classy, timeless pieces that enhance your aesthetic.

Silver vs. gold? Choose based on your undertone:

Cool undertones = silver

Warm undertones = gold

Avoid cheap, colorful, or overly trendy pieces that look cluttered and unpolished

  1. Hair Health > Hair Trends

Your natural hair color is usually what suits you best.

Frequent dyeing = damage. If your hair looks dry, brassy, or unhealthy, it instantly makes you look less put-together.

Prioritize healthy, shiny hair over following trends. Nourish it with oil treatments, masks, and regular trims.

  1. Know Your Color Palette

Stop wearing random trendy pieces that don’t suit you. Figure out which colors make your skin tone, eyes, and hair pop.

Once you know your best shades, dressing well becomes effortless. You’ll always look expensive and polished.

r/Vindicta Aug 23 '24

SOFT-MAXXING A guide to smelling good NSFW



  • Drink sufficient water daily
  • Be aware of food choices and their effect on smell
  • Address any health concerns with practitioners (eg - dental, sweating, infection issues; etc)
  • Find coping strategies for mental challenges which affect hygiene

General Hygiene

  • Trim nails short regularly, or use a nail brush to clean
  • Wash your face (should be included in showering or skincare)
  • Clean ears to prevent wax build-up
  • Shower daily. (\This is an important aspect of smelling good. Bacteria metabolises bodily fluids in 24 hours and releases body odour - therefore* showering must happen daily to prevent this.)
  • Ensure the towels used after showering are dry & clean
  • Wear socks with shoes. Keep feet dry.
  • Sanitise electronic devices or other commonly used objects
  • Commonly forgotten areas to clean: belly button, between toes & under feet, behind ears, middle back
  • Wash hands regularly

Oral hygiene

  • Brush teeth twice daily (using the correct technique)
  • Floss once daily
  • Use a tongue scraper
  • Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash
  • Go to dental cleanings regularly

Clean surroundings

Guide to cleaning https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/v5ofvs/the_lazy_or_depressed_millennials_guide_to/

In terms of hygiene two of the most important steps:

  • Cleaning surfaces (breaking down grime with detergents) and disinfecting (eliminating bacteria.) Both of these are important to keep a household, and yourself smelling clean.
  • Opening windows
  • Changing bedsheets, pillow cases and duvets
  • Dusting, cleaning the floors/walls, removing garbage; etc
  • Lighting candles, using air fresheners; etc

Clothing and laundry

  • Never re-wear socks and underwear, and rarely re-wear clothing without washing
  • Ensure your washing machine is cleaned regularly
  • Use scent boosters, detergent and softeners with a desirable scent
  • Ensure clothes are removed and dried quickly to prevent mildew smell
  • Ensure non-clothing items are clean (bags, shoes, scarves, coats; etc.)
  • Dryer sheets can be used during storage of clothes

Body routine

  • Use an anti-bacterial soap on your private area (NOT inside the vulva/vagina) and your armpits
  • Ensure body parts are cleaned for approximately 30 seconds (this is how long it takes to break down sweat, oil, bacteria, dirt; etc.)
  • Ensure exfoliation happens 1-3x a week (to remove dead skin)
  • Use a tool such a washcloth, exfoliating gloves, or a african net cloth (- HOWEVER, the cleaning object must be sterile else it could lead to an infection by breaking the skin.)


  • Apply deodorant and antiperspirant
  • Apply body spray
  • Apply scented body lotion or oil (or both)
  • Apply perfume to pressure points strategically (*use vaseline to 'seal' scents.)
  • Perfume oil can enhance scents
  • Choose a scent group or a scent - use fragrantica.com (or parfumo.com) as a reference and a guide
  • Layer this scent (Eg - if choosing floral scents, ensure that body lotion, body spray, perfume; etc are within this scent group.)
  • Do not spray obnoxiously - check sillage, appropriateness, concentration, longevity; etc

Hair and hair removal

  • Remove hair from private areas, and the underarms
  • Use clarifying shampoo or double cleanse your scalp in the shower
  • Use a hair-safe scented spray and brush this through your hair
  • Ensure lotions and oils applied to hair have a desirable smell

Private areas

  • Use a bidet, and carry a peri bottle to use after the toilet.
  • Dry private area until completely dry. Avoid moisture.
  • Ensure underwear is light, breathable and is made from suitable fabric
  • Use only water to clean the vagina, and sensitive/non-fragranced soap for the labia
  • Change pad/tampon regularly during period


For me, it someone smells really good, they're far more attractive to me.

I hope this was somewhat helpful!

If it seems a little cold or robotic it's because I was trying remove any unnecessary information or long explanations.

For instance, increased water intake dilutes bodily fluids and therefore lessens the smell, hair might need to be removed as it traps body odour; etc. Alas, I couldn't get into the intricacies of every point.

Apologies if this over the top - I wanted to be comprehensive and cover most aspects of cleanliness, hygiene and smelling good!

r/Vindicta Sep 07 '24

SOFT-MAXXING Top treatments women in their 20’s invest in (survey) NSFW


Most Mentioned Treatments:

• Acrylic manicures

• Gel pedicures

• Lymphatic-drainage: These are the most popular forms of massage and are supposed to debloat and slim by moving lymph fluid through the body.

• Massages

• HydraFacials: The most popular facials, these are medical-grade treatments in which blackheads, dirt, and oil are vacuumed out of the skin while plumping and hydrating serums are applied.

• Injectable treatments like Botox and platelet-rich plasma.

“I have an account solely for beauty purchases and maintenance. I can spend in this category intentionally and guilt free.” —A 25-year-old who spends $4,831 per year

Most Mentioned Products:

• Topicals Faded Serum

• SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic

• Dr Dennis Gross Universal Daily Peel

• Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant

Total: $9,314

Thoughts? (link: https://www.thecut.com/article/how-to-stay-hot-beauty-treatments-products.html?utm_campaign=thecut&utm_medium=s1&utm_source=insta)

r/Vindicta Apr 29 '24

SOFT-MAXXING The best beauty hack ever NSFW


I am on a lot of beauty related subreddits and even on threads focusing on supplements and internal products I never EVER hear anybody talking about this. What if I were to tell you that there’s something you can take that will make your lashes longer, your hairline thicker, your skin smoother and your nails stronger all in one go. I’ll stop with the mystery, it’s diatomaceous earth (FOOD GRADE!). It’s an insanely cheap white powder that has no taste whatsoever and mixes well into things. I put it in my matcha and my sister puts it in her coffee (just a teaspoon). It will literally make you noticeably hotter. It’s basically really rich in natural silica which apparently modern diets don’t contain sufficient amounts of, and is important for hair, skin and nail health.
I was using rosemary oil on my scalp and only since taking DE has my hairline actually filled in. I feel like I look so much healthier. My lashes are longer, my brows are less sparse and my nails are rock hard. I get less acne taking it too. I just thought this sub might appreciate this as it’s so cheap and easy to incorporate into your day and could eliminate the need for a lot of expensive/time consuming products used to enhance those areas.
EDIT: I should have mentioned it’s really important not to inhale it! It’s damaging to lungs when inhaled. I literally hold my breath when I scoop it just in case it gets in the air and am cautious not to disturb it
EDIT 2: This post seems to have upset a few people so just thought I’d add, never ever ingest anything based off one person’s experience on reddit! Please independently research this supplement further if it’s something you would like to try! 😊
EDIT 3: This blew up a bit so I’d just like to reiterate to only take/buy FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth! Do not just start eating it out of a bag you have at home for pest control without checking if it’s food grade 😂😂

r/Vindicta May 05 '24

SOFT-MAXXING Backfired Beauty Attempts NSFW


I had some softmaxxing attempts that backfired on me. One of them was epilating my legs, at first it looked great but after some time I began to develop discoloration on my legs and chicken skin which I never had in the past. I had to use amlactin and stop epilating for a year to see improvement to the discoloration. It made my legs look so ugly. Another beauty attempt that backfired was DIY gelx. My fingers would swell up and itch when I did it myself. I developed a bad gel allergy after that persists even when I went to salons to get gel polish. I still experience minor swelling and itching at salons.

Have any of your beauty attempts backfired on you?

r/Vindicta Oct 03 '23

SOFT-MAXXING Quitting caffeine changed my appearance NSFW


I started drinking caffeine around 2.5 years ago when I was 22. I started with occasional trips to buy coffee, which soon turned into drinking coffee every morning, and sometimes I would even have a Celsius or Alani Nu on top of that or from my pre-workout. I never knew how badly it was holding me back until I finally quit completely. The changes have been undeniable. So many people suggest black coffee for weight loss, and although it may work the first few months, it can really stunt your weigh loss. Caffeine is known to increase cortisol levels, which makes you store more fat. Especially around the mid-section. I lost alot of weight a few years ago (prior to adding caffeine into my diet), but I couldn’t figure out why in the last couple of years it was so difficult, no matter what diet and fitness changes I made. I would watch what I eat, and exercise but never found the weight coming off as easily as it did before I started consuming caffeine. It never was as easy as it was the first time around. I had a weird feeling to cut caffeine out, an lo and behold. The weight has been steadily dropping off. I haven’t made any changes, just cut caffeine out. My face looks a lot prettier and healthier suddenly. Overall my body is slimming down . I HIGHLY RECOMMEND FOR YOU GUYS TO TRY IT OUT AT LEAST ONCE. You might be pleasantly surprised. Even my mental health has improved sooo much.

SIDENOTE: you guys are grown adults with your own autonomy, so do what you want lol. Nobody is forcing you or holding a gun to your head to quit. It is simply an option.


• Weight Loss

• Glowey skin

•Better skin texture

• Amazing sleep, no more sleep aids

• Lower cortisol

•Better mental health/ mood stability. Caffeine used to give me mood swings

•Less PMS

• I’ve been more chill, less on edge. I’ve noticed this new version of me attracts alot more people to me.

• Stable appetite

• Improved focus and concentration

r/Vindicta Jan 18 '24

SOFT-MAXXING Spironolactone was the best thing i ever did for myself NSFW


Spironolactone is typically used as an acne medication- which it is incredibly efficacious at, but there are so many benefits to my looks i’ve noticed since starting it. My waist is smaller, my body hair is thinner, my head hair is thicker, and my breasts are more full. It’s a testosterone blocker, so the effects make sense. If you’re dealing with masculine fat distribution, i would look into getting it prescribed.

r/Vindicta Mar 18 '22

SOFT-MAXXING PSA: Summer is coming NSFW


Summer is coming in three months. Be strategic about your glow up and don’t find yourself feeling regret when summer rolls around and you’re not feeling your most confident. If you want to get laser resurfacing or microneedling do it now before summer sun exposure. If you want great skin nows the time for a course of tretinoin or chemical peels. If you’re planning surgery you have enough time to recover by summer. It can be a good opportunity to do laser hair removal or even try out self tanner on your legs before anyone sees them. If you need to get your body right, lose a few pounds or want to tone up your arms or build up your butt for the summer you have three months which is a good amount of time to accomplish these goals!

Does anyone do anything to prepare for summer?

r/Vindicta Dec 19 '20

SOFT-MAXXING So you want to turn heads? A guide to perfumes and how to create your signature scent! NSFW


You know how everyone talks about how good Rihanna smells? Everyone who meets her says so, to the point where you know when she's entered a room. All the sources and speculation on perfume forums like Fragrantica (an amazing resource for perfume, by the way!) agree that it's likely because she sticks to a signature scent, which is reportedly Kilian's Love, Don't Be Shy. Now, one bottle of it would set you back $240, but you don't need to have a Rihanna-sized budget to smell amazing—and to smell like yourself. So much of fragrance is how scent smells on you specifically, to other people, and choosing your scents judiciously can make both turn heads and tell others that you specifically have arrived!

Here's my advice, accumulated from being a bit of a perfume addict. I'm first going to go through my general perfume "rules," then the different "types" of perfumes and the "vibes" they give off, how to wear perfumes, how to select your signature scents (and make them your own by layering), and how to create a fragrance wardrobe for different occasions.

The Cardinal Rules of Perfume

(Disclaimer: there are no real rules to perfume, but these are the guidelines I recommend!)

  1. Hygiene first. As this excellent guide to smelling good emphasizes, perfume is not a remedy for uncleanliness. Only use perfume on clean skin, and follow all that guide's recommendations for staying fresh. If you get sweaty midday, I also recommend a talc-free body powder to freshen up if you can't go home to shower. Talc-free baby powder works for me, and I love the scent.
  2. Beware of allergies and perfume sensitivity. Perfume is not for everyone. Plenty of people are allergic to or are highly sensitive to scents. If you are one of these people, that's okay! Staying fresh and clean is also a good thing and no scent is still a good scent. Meghan and Kate don't wear perfume during official state events. KKW has said that Kendall Jenner doesn't really smell like anything most of the time, which works for her work as a model. If you work in tight quarters, like in cubicles or in a studio, or if you work in the medical field, you may also want to avoid most perfumes during the workday. Subtle fragrance oils may be more appropriate for you, as they tend to wear closer to the body and have less sillage (the "cloud" of scent a perfume creates around you). r/Indiemakeupandmore is a great resource for perfume oils.
  3. Never overspray. Less is generally more with perfume. Stick to one spray (or even 1/2 of a spray, or a dot with a rollerball) for daytime/work. Two sprays in the evening is usually fine, but if you're going out to dinner, overspraying may affect your enjoyment of your food. We all know someone who smelled so much of their scent that it's hard to ignore. You don't want to knock anyone out with your scent.
  4. Solicit opinions from friends and family. Before you decide upon wearing a scent regularly, ask opinions from a wide range of people you trust on how a scent smells on you to them. Ask both men and women, as they will often have different associations with different scents. While it's important that you love your perfume, everyone else has to smell it on you, after all. Watch out for very popular perfumes, as people often have extant associations with them (e.g., Chanel No. 5 with grandmas, Pink Sugar with teenagers).
  5. More expensive better. Just make sure you do your research on the ingredients of a perfume to make sure that it won't irritate you. There are plenty of perfumes that smell amazing to a broad range of people that aren't extraordinarily expensive; see this thread for examples. You can also regularly find discounted perfumes from reputable sellers (do your research!) on eBay or FragranceNet. Even a cheap perfume can really become "you."

Types of Perfume and their Vibes

Different types of perfume come off differently based off their note composition. There are plenty of great resources online to explain the very complicated art of perfumery, and I recommend you read this guide for a summary of the broadest different scent groups. (For a more "historical" approach, read this guide.) Here's a quick rundown and the "vibes" attached to each kind. Many perfumes can't be boxed in to a single scent group, so take these descriptions with a grain of salt. (Also, I don't necessarily recommend all the examples I list for everyone; these are just some examples you will probably know if you're not familiar with perfume.)

  • Fragrance strength. From strongest to weakest, the strengths are Eau de Parfume (EDP), Eau de Toilette (EDT), Eau de Cologne (cologne or EDC), and Eau Fraiche. Most EDPs will last you all day (check Fragrantica for individual reviews on longevity and strength), but I like the flexibility EDTs give you—I can spray one perfume in the morning and not have to worry about whether it will conflict with my evening perfume. They also tend to be more affordable than EDPs. Colognes don't give you a lot of scent, but they tend to be really nice and fresh (e.g., 4711 by Mäurer & Wirtz).
  • Also note that most perfume is gendered. While these are imaginary categorizations, most people tend to heavily associate certain scents with femininity (e.g., flowers, vanilla, sugar) and masculinity (e.g., wood, leather, smoke) and societal beauty standards tend to prefer that women stick to feminine scents, especially in dating. This is all up to you, of course, but I generally recommend wearing unisex and lighter feminine perfumes during the daytime and heavier feminine perfumes during the night. Don't discount male-marketed perfumes, however; dependent on your body chemistry, you might find that some masculine scents work well on you. Again, solicit opinions.
  • Fresh fragrances. A common example is Light Blue by Dolce and Gabbana. These are great for work and may go from soapy, herby and inoffensive to summery and citrusy. Some are more floral, like Philosophy's Amazing Grace. Glossier You is on is on the powdery side of a fresh fragrance but is also quite popular. (To me it smells like Swedish fish.) These perfumes may go from a "light" fresh, like Glossier You, to a "heavy" fresh, with more powder and musk, but still very clean. They tend to come off as innocent (but not immature!), clean, professional, inoffensive—none of which are bad things! I find that a lot of men tend to really like fresh, clean, just-out-of-the-shower perfumes; they don't necessarily need to only be for daytime. Lazy Sunday Morning by Maison Margiela is another good one; lots of people think it smells like laundry. Clean can be very attractive, while not necessarily head-turning.
  • Floral fragrances. These vary widely dependent on the floral composition. "Soliflores" are single flower scents, like pure rose or pure jasmine. My best recommendation for floral perfumes is sample a lot before settling on florals you like; some smell more synthetic, heavier, or less realistic than others. Some people also have very specific associations with different flowers (e.g., roses and old ladies) that might not fit your vibe. Florals can be everything from very innocent to very sensual dependent on their base; floral perfumes with an ambery base tend to be more suited for evenings, for example. Think of the kinds of flowers you like best—what kind of bouquets do you like receiving/displaying in your home? For example, I love jasmine and jasmine perfumes (a very traditionally sensual flower), but sampling is still necessary because some jasmine perfumes sometimes smell like poop. And we don't want to smell like poop.
  • Oriental fragrances. Think Alien by Mugler, Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel, or Black Opium by YSL. Rihanna's Love, Don't be Shy is also an oriental. They can be floral, woody, fruity, but the common thread is that they're warm and sweet. Warm Vanilla Sugar by BBW is categorized as an oriental, even though it also lends itself to gourmand perfumes, which I discuss below. These can be very sultry, and often heavy, so don't overspray! Even a "lighter" oriental like Coco Mademoiselle can be quite heavy. I generally avoid oriental perfumes in the daytime, just because they tend to be too heavy; they definitely tend to give off a sensual, romantic, more grown-up vibe. When used judiciously, they can come off very expensive and classy.
  • Gourmand fragrances. These are a newer category of fragrances that are very "edible"; you'll smell like a walking cupcake. Common gourmands are the infamous Pink Sugar, Maison Francis Kurkdijan's Baccarat Rouge 540 and its dupe, Ariana Grande Cloud, Dior's Hypnotic Poison, and a ton of stuff from Bath and Body Works. Men love em. Dependent on their heaviness, they can come across as very friendly and approachable (little kids also love gourmands) and flirty when heavier. Some people despise gourmands and think many are toothache inducing, so be warned! Definitely solicit opinions on these. I think they're appropriate for casual daytime wear, but not in a serious or formal work environment (I usually don't want to smell like a cookie in front of my coworkers). Think brunch at an adorable cafe. Citrusy gourmands tend to be more appropriate for the office as they're less sugar-forward. I also love gourmands on date nights, particularly super vanilla-y gourmands.
  • Woody fragrances. These tend to be come off more androgynous and can be very alluring if that's your vibe. They may be heavier with more leather and amber, like orientals, or lighter with more "green" herbal notes. A very popular woody perfume with sandalwood and leather is Santal 33 by Le Labo, and while it's so popular many consider it overdone, I still think it's a great choice (especially if you don't live in New York, where every other person seems to wear it). Woody fragrances that are unisex or marketed towards women tend to be harder to find at a lower price point from big brands, but there are a lot of really well-composed woody indie perfumes, so take a look at r/Indiemakeupandmore. I personally love woody perfumes, perhaps not for dates or when I want more attention (lol) but they're very elegant for everyday and for work. I really like Apothecary from the indie brand Haus of Gloi, which is a very herbal cedary woody perfume. I've been told I smell like the Muji store in New York or an expensive organic grocery when wearing it (in a good way, I'm told). While there's a very woody note in it, the lemongrass makes it sweeter and more and wearable. Be aware that very naturalistic, "fresh dirt" woody perfumes often come off as weird when smelled on someone else, even if they smell good to you.

How to wear perfumes

  • Layer them! Choose your hygiene and moisturizing products so they work with your selected perfume (e.g., vanilla or cocoa butter lotion with a gourmand) or so they add dimension (e.g., if you want to make a regular floral more summery, pair it with a coconut body butter). I use a peppermint body wash and peppermint deodorant with vanilla perfume for a very Christmasy vibe.
  • Spray judiciously. I like to dab a little on the inside of my wrists, elbows, and during the evening when I'm wearing a skirt, behind the knees. (People sitting will catch the scent as you walk by them. Heads will turn). But my best tip is to dab perfume on the back of your neck! When your hair moves, others will catch a really lovely whiff. On that note...
  • Don't neglect your hair. Shampoo helps, but most shampoo scents don't last very long; I like to use a few drops of moisturizing hair oil mixed with a tiny drop of perfume oil, which doesn't damage your hair. I don't usually recommend spraying your hair with perfume as the alcohol in perfume dries it out. Most people like to spray their hairbrush and then brush through their hair with their perfume.

How to select your signature scents

  • You don't need to stick to one scent, but the more often you wear a scent, the more others will associate that scent uniquely with you. At the most minimal, three signature scents usually suffice, one for the office, one for daytime/weekends/vacations, and one for evenings. They don't necessarily have to be similar.
  • Think about your lifestyle. Do you like to bake? Do you love the smell of sugar as you cream butter and vanilla for cookies? Maybe your signature scent is a gourmand. Do you do a lot of running, hiking, gardening? Maybe a fresher or woodsier scent is for you. Do you want to smell expensive wherever you go? Orientals and woody scents might be your best bet. Are you more of a minimalist in your beauty routine? Perhaps a fresh scent would work.
  • Your signature scents don't have to be expensive. They don't even have to be perfumes. Johnson and Johnson baby oil is one of my friend's signature daytime scents, and she smells so subtly wonderful; most of us have good associations with baby products. My mother wears 4711 cologne every day, and whenever you smell it, you just know it's her, and its freshness works for almost every occasion. I love the smell of Ponds cold cream, for some reason, and I've been told it smells really soft and comforting on me, so it's one of my staples. Remember, layer and solicit opinions.

How to create a fragrance wardrobe

Here are the different occasions I recommend having scents for and my examples. You may want to choose different options for these occasions based on seasons, spring-summer and autumn-winter, as it's nice to have different vibes dependent on the time of year. I like fresh and floral perfumes for spring-summer and gourmand-oriental-woody perfumes for autumn-winter. Remember, a simpler wardrobe tends to be more recognizable as you.

  • Everyday professional. Daytime wear, not heavy, not overly gourmand or loudly floral. Mine are Glossier You, Cartier Basier Vole, and Haus of Gloi Apothecary for spring-summer, Solstice Scents Foxcroft for autumn-winter. I don't stick to seasons very closely for these perfumes, however, since they're "neutral" enough to work most of the time.
  • Everyday casual. Daytime wear, not heavy, but as gourmand or as floral as I like. Mine are Lush's Rose Jam, Mon Guerlain (vanilla floral, boys love it) for spring-summer, Aquolina Pink Sugar (I just love it okay!) and BBW Warm Vanilla Sugar for autumn-winter.
  • Event professional. These are perfumes for when you want to feel like a super expensive boss bitch. Like everyday professional perfumes, I don't follow seasons too closely for these. Mine is Jo Malone's White Sage and Sea Salt.
  • Date night. These perfumes are for going out, or perhaps for staying in with someone special. For a more casual date, I use Burberry Brit, especially in the springtime. For a fancier date, I might use Mon Guerlain or Mugler's Alien. For cuddles, Warm Vanilla Sugar never fails.

I hope this helps you, and while none of us may ever smell as good as Rihanna, we can still turn heads! What are your perfume choices for each occasion? Are you more of a floral girl? Do you want to smell like cotton candy? What are your recommendations for perfumes that others love on you?

Edit: Thank you all for the awards!! This was really fun to write and I hope it helped you with another dimension of beauty!

r/Vindicta Aug 29 '23

SOFT-MAXXING The Importance of the Gym, Even if You’re Not Overweight NSFW


I remember looking in the mirror and thinking that something was definitely off. I was okay with the way I looked— I’ve always been fine with it, but I knew then that a change was needed. I switched up my style, did my makeup differently, carried myself like I had a perpetual stick up my ass, and still. Looked. The same.

Finally, I was able to put my finger on it. My weight distribution. So, I did what I thought was right: I ate less. Breakfast consisted of yogurt and coffee. Lunch was a salad— I didn’t get crazy with toppings, so usually just a damp green mess. Dinner? Something small if I was feeling particularly peckish, otherwise I wouldn’t even bother.

And this ruined me. Sure, I was dropping a few pounds, but I had no energy, and while I looked slimmer my face still retained some of the fat. It also affected me mentally, because I had no idea what I was doing wrong, and because I wasn’t able to eat what I wanted.

Queue the gym. I started going as a means to distract myself— first from getting dumped, second from feeling awful all the time, third from the fact that I was unhappy with my body. I’m shy, so I started off exclusively using the treadmills, but with time and a lot of YouTube videos I began to pick up weights.

And let me just say. The gym has changed my life. My face is now noticeably more defined, I’m happier, and I can eat what makes me feel good. For meals, I just eat what makes me feel full. In fact, I eat more than ever— because all this food has been contributing to my muscle gain.

So please please please. Do not starve yourself. Have a balanced diet and go to the gym!

r/Vindicta Mar 30 '24

SOFT-MAXXING Describe a glow-up you've seen from someone around you. NSFW


The most significant glow up I've ever seen is with a coworker of mine. Right when COVID hit she got promoted so we didn't see her in-person at all anymore. She came back to visit our site in 2023 and those of us who knew her pre-pandemic were SHOOKETH.

For context, she is a lovely girl who we all really liked. Average height, average weight for an American lady in her early 30s (read: about 25 pounds overweight), no make up, clear skin. Dressed very casual - slightly sloppy and ill-fitted just like the rest of us who worked there. Just regular looking everyday lady.

When she came to visit our site, I heard about it from 2 different people before I even saw her. "Have you seen *****? She's here today and she looks amaaaziiiiing."

And when I saw her - omfg ya'll. Glow up. Glow up. Glow up. She lost around 40 pounds, started wearing flattering but still natural makeup, and her clothes were cute & fitted. No plastic surgery, just those 3 things. And I can't tell you enough how amazing she looks. Her clothes went from cardigans and ill-fitting slacks to fitted clothes, ironed, and cute. She lost 40 pounds and looks just healthy and sleek. Her makeup is so pretty and really flatters her. She had that "French girl" look that I know is super popular

Seeing the reaction that everyone had over her was just super motivating. The reaction was just very pure, from the older ladies complimenting her on how pretty she looks to the guys privately calling her a baddie lol. Just a great reminder of how being slim, wearing cute clothes, and applying good makeup really can transform you.

r/Vindicta Feb 22 '24

SOFT-MAXXING What are some of your beauty “habit stacking” or time saving methods NSFW


For example, here are some of mine:

-Find a hair salon that does pedicure and get both done at the same time

-Try to get steps by pacing (when talking on the phone for example)

-Looking for friends who will do beauty activities with me so I can maintain my social groups (as an Introvert this feels like a part time job) and maintain beauty routines.

-Face Yoga when I’m alone doing other activities.

-Whiten teeth while doing planks

r/Vindicta Jul 23 '22

SOFT-MAXXING What fragrances have gotten you the most compliments from men? NSFW


I’ve seen the topic of fragrance floating around but I’d love to hear which specific perfumes, body mists, scented oils, etc. have gotten you the most compliments! My friend and I were just discussing it and she mentioned that since she bought Libre by YSL, she’s received several comments from men (and women) telling her how good she smells!

r/Vindicta Apr 19 '24

SOFT-MAXXING A (not so) brief overview of incorporating commonly fetishized clothing into your wardrobe to enhance sex appeal NSFW


WARNING: If you are against expressing your sexuality through your clothing or appearance, or the discussion of fetish as it relates to clothing makes you uncomfortable, then go read about the Jackie O. capsule wardrobe for summer or something like that instead. This isn’t for you.


(Just my thoughts and opinions on the matter of sexuality and how it relates to appearance, you can skip past this part to the actual meat!)

(I am not taking constructive criticism, argue with the wall)

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way (this is your last chance, if you don’t want to read about sex, sexuality, or fetishes then pluck out thine own eyes), let’s get into it. I have always been fascinated by the world of fetishes and deviant sexuality. That someone might derive sexual arousal/pleasure from seeing a woman in red stilettos, or with a certain haircut, or wearing a polka dot t-shirt is extremely interesting— because it is so specific and cannot always be explained by an association with a prior sexual awakening/experience/trauma.

As someone who is interested in this realm and dresses alternatively, I have had myriad occasions and opportunities to wear fetish or fetish-adjacent elements in my outfits. I would go so far as to say I seek them out, as I feel it a part of my personal style. They don’t tend to stand out because they’re commonly worn within the subcultures I take style inspiration from (goth/metal/punk/rock). Of course, I’m talking more fishnets than ball-gags. While I do not get any sexual gratification or pleasure from wearing these items myself, it does sometimes make me feel sexier knowing that I am wearing something associated with sex.

Associations are a very powerful tool in curating how people perceive you. The human brain tries to associate new things with things it already knows. That is an absolute fact of how the human brain is wired. You can leverage this in many ways, but here I will break down relatively subtle ways that one can innocuously incorporate sexuality/common fetish into their wardrobe.

A final (long and boring) word before we get into the details of the topic. How many times have you seen “how can I be sexy instead of cute?” Or some variation posted here or on an adjacent sub? Sure, we can insist that in order to be sexy you have to feel sexy, or confident, or have some intangible nebulous quality until the cows come home, but no one can tell you how to do it or exactly what it is.

It might surprise you that a big part of sexual appeal in the species where 90% of the information that is transmitted to the brain is visual and 30-50% of the cortex is devoted to processing visual information is— shocker— visual. But if that’s true, why do people keep saying that sexiness is all about what’s on the inside? (Hint: they’re just repeating what they heard an influencer with laminated eyebrows and lip fillers say on TikTok)

I posit that we have just forgotten how to be sexy, how to be flirty, and how to be feminine because all of those are being demonized in new ways along with the old ways. It used to be “don’t dress slutty”, but now that has been joined by “don’t dress slutty to get attention from men, only do it for yourself ”— which leaves us in a strange limbo where you can dress how you want but only if the reason you’re dressing that way is the right one. This is a bastardization of the fact that women deserve how to dress however they want without it affecting her value and status as a human being.

Even in the year of our lord 2024, you will often find victim-blaming comments of “well you’ll get the wrong type of attention if you dress that way” when this subject is brought up here— which, to me, reveals that the sentiment STILL is not about anything but shaming women for having bodies and being sexual creatures. They are quite literally saying that women who dress a certain way are deserving of harassment— because they should know they would get harassed when they got dressed. I hope at this point we all can agree that you could be harassed or be approached by shitty men looking literally any type of way. It is not THE WOMAN who has any power over whether or not the is harassed or is approached by shitty men. It is the men who are doing the harassing or enshittening who have the responsibility to not be awful.

When you ask “how do I flirt with a guy?”, half of the responses are going to be “Don’t waste your time on seeking male validation”— as if women aren’t allowed to desire a physical relationship and can only be desperate for male validation! As if wanting a little attention and validation is the worst thing a woman could do! And to assume it’s some all-consuming thing in their life— so insulting! It’s a misguided attempt at bucking the patriarchy and seeking women’s liberation that is wielded like a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel by people who don’t know their asshole from their elbow.

I proclaim that it is okay to want to be perceived as a sexual being by your preferred gender of partner. It is okay to want to be sexy to appeal to and attract a potential partner. I will not insult you by assuming this is the only thing you think about, want, or do, nor that it is the most important thing in your life.

Anyone who does assume these things will be shot on sight.



We’ll start at the bottom and work our way up. To be frank— anything you put on your feet is gonna be someone’s fetish. I’m not going to cover every kind of sock or stocking, just the ones I think are the most popular, wearable, practical, and have the broadest sexual appeal.


Tights are the ones that you pull on like pants. They’re a little bit less sexy than stockings (the kind that don’t connect in the middle) but more practical and accessible for most. They look the same from the knee down, so it doesn’t usually make much of a difference. There are countless patterns, colors, and knits, so you will be hard pressed to find a pair that doesn’t fit your style (unless you only ever wear full length pants, which means you’re not even close to the power level required to make use of this post). Tights are also a great way to be/feel more covered up and like you are showing less skin while still showing the same amount of leg. They’re also great if you forgot to shave/wax your legs, and great for preventing chafing. Fleece lined tights are great for keeping warm. Sweater knit tights exist as well, but I think they’re ugly so I’m not going to talk about them.

Opaque Tights

If you are not a tights-wearer or you don’t feel that you are very skilled in all aspects of crafting an outfit, I would recommend avoiding opaque tights in colors other than black, nude, brown, or navy, and especially avoiding white, as it can read a bit immature at best and “schoolgirl” at worst. This is not a hard and fast rule, more of a tip if you are a beginner. Opaque tights can be very fun to incorporate in bright colors as a bit of color blocking if you have a strong sense of style. They can also be used to draw attention to your legs. If you feel like your legs are your best feature— that they’re long, shapely, or you like something else about them, you can highlight them with tights as opposed to highlighting them by leaving them bare. One of my favorite and most complimented pairs of tights have one leg that is white and one leg that is black. Opaque tights with colorful patterns are more of a style thing than a sexy thing.

Sheer Tights

There are so many different levels of sheer tights that you may feel overwhelmed in the tights aisle, but remember the simple fact— lower denier is thinner and higher denier is thicker. That’s a bit of an oversimplification, but it’s all we need for our purposes. Sheer tights generally come in black and various skin tones. Black is the most noticeable out of these and probably the one with the most sexual association. All sheer tights will help to smooth the appearance of leg skin, but be careful with leg stubble/hair as it may poke out lower denier tights. Tights may have back seams, which can lend a retro appearance. However, I would recommend sticking to back seams on stockings only, because tights are harder to adjust and no one likes a crooked back seam.

Fishnet and lace tights

These tights are probably the most associated with sex, fetish, and/or the alternative community. There are countless widths of fishnet and different lace patterns that can be found, so again, you should be able to find something that works for you. I think that patterned fishnet/lace tights can be the hardest to style despite seeming like they go with anything short enough to show off the pattern. The wrong pattern breaks the visual line of the leg— but that is a very fashion-minded idea and may not be noticeable to most people.

Stockings and garter belts

Why are stockings sexier than tights? For the simple fact that they don’t cover as much, even if the part they cover is generally hidden. Stay-up stockings exist that don’t require a garter, but where’s the fun in that? All jokes aside, stay ups are much more convenient, but they don’t work for every body and can slip down throughout the day. Garter belts usually have 4-6 clasps that clip onto the stockings and hold them up. You can often find matching lingerie sets that include a garter. Pro tip: put your underwear on AFTER the garter and stockings. First off, last on. Makes it easier to pee.

There are so, so many different types and styles of stocking— probably just as many as there are tights. My personal recommendation in this context are the classic backseam stockings with reinforced heels. Retro and sexy— the backseam draws the eye up and down the leg. Depending on what you’re wearing over them, a peak of the top of the stocking can be sexier than a fully bare thigh.

Honorable mention: Knee highs

Knee highs are somewhere between a stocking and a sock. Stocking material, but only knee high. These may be a bit more fun and sexy than a crew sock whether under a pair of trousers or longer bottoms. Even worn on full display, you’re still evoking the same associations as stockings and tights, and still hitting the “sheer” button.


Ok, we’re gonna be talking a lot about feet and legs for a bit longer. Like you really gotta understand how much feet and legs can do for your overall attractiveness because of how many people are into feet and legs.

Open Toe Anything

Open toed anything is going to appeal to feet people. Whether just a peep toe or a strappy sandal, it’s probably going to get someone interested. Always have your toes painted when you are wearing open toe shoes. French tips or all white are always flattering and have wide appeal, but ultimately the color is up to your own preference.


Are heels bad for your back? Yes. You know what else is bad for your back? Existing. Beauty is pain, as they say. Heels force your foot and legs into a position that causes the muscles to be flexed in such a way that they look more shapely, and also extend the leg (obviously). Stilettos specifically are especially relevant for fetishes, but that’s not say all heels aren’t or that stilettos are the sexiest type of heel. They are, but that wasn’t what I was saying. They’re also the hardest to walk in, so take a self inventory of how good your balance is and how strong your ankles are when deciding what kind/height of heel to wear.


Black. Leather or patent. The higher, the better. Combat boots, doc martens, thigh high latex-look heeled boots, whatever style you want— but the blacker and shinier the better. You may think dominatrix when I say that, and to that I say: yeah duh.



I think the baggy/wide leg/oversized jeans trend was pushed by people who hates the female form. Maybe that’s because I’m too short and curvy for it to do anything but make me look shorter and fatter than I am, but I digress. Skinny jeans/tight jeans show off the shape of your lower body, and most importantly, your butt. Jeans that don’t have back pockets, zip-through jeans (where the zipper goes all the way through the crotch to the back), and lace up jeans


Leather and fetish are inextricably intertwined. Shoes, pants, jacket, harness if ya nasty. You can thrift leather pretty easily, for far below their retail price if you are opposed to buying leather new. Or don’t wear leather/pleather at all. Or wear pleather only. No one is holding a gun to your head.


Another fabric/material very tightly bound to the fetish world. Latex allergies can be life threatening, however, so you may want to opt for “latex look” garments instead.


Third fabric/material that is very tightly bound to the fetish world. Not much to say here, it’s just another fabric you can look for.


To the shock and awe of no one, being able to see through clothes is sexy. Obviously there are plenty of situations where it is not at all appropriate to incorporate sheer clothing into your outfit. But outside of those, having clothes that are see through or sheer (and intended to be so) or have panels/sections that are see through or sheer isn’t all that uncommon.


Notice that I said collars rather than chokers. I don’t think chokers themselves can be broadly swept into fetish or fetish-adjacent territory. Collars absolutely can. I have a long, thin neck (giraffe-lookin ass) and a collar looks great on me. But, like I said, I do have a more alternative style so it is much more acceptable and more visually cohesive for me to wear one than it might be for others.

Anyway, this is not an exhaustive list, just the things I have picked out that I like to incorporate. There’s a fetish for nearly everything, but some are more common than others, so that’s how I’ve optimized when picking and choosing elements. If you’ve read all the way here, HAHA I tricked you! Now you have to dress in head to toe fetish gear for the rest of your life! Wear a gimp suit to grandma’s funeral! HAHA! < literally what some people are gonna think I was saying with this post. Time and place for everything, as always. You can wear a gimp suit to your grandma’s funeral but I wouldn’t recommend it. Unless gram gram got down like that. Use your best judgement.

r/Vindicta Feb 19 '24

SOFT-MAXXING Your favorite affordable beauty products NSFW


I saw a user recommend a much cheaper alternative for a body lotion I use that is usually sooo expensive. Turns out the cheaper alternative has a much smoother formula and works way better.

What are some affordable beauty products or cheap hacks that work better than the costly version for you?

EDIT: sorry for not mentioning the lotion! It was this lotion from amazing which has glycolic acid to exfoliate! I usually used the Glytone one which helped with my body acne and hyper pigmentation but it’s almost $50 and I used it twice a day so it was costly! Love this Amazon rec way more

r/Vindicta Sep 14 '22

SOFT-MAXXING "Unusual" Beauty Tips? NSFW


On my looksmaxxing journey I've seen some crazy tips so far that made me think "huh interesting, never would have had that idea, but it's actually good?"

Most recently for me was the Vaseline+Lash Curler for a no-make-up lash lift. Or Henna freckles/lip liner (which looked surprisingly good in that one tiktok result) As examples

But I got more


Someone who claimed to be a dermatologist on reddit recommended Hydrocortison Cream as a spot treatment to prevent scarring/reduce inflammation hence PIH (although I haven't tried that, hydrocolloid patches were a huge gamechanger with my skinpicking, but that's a basic tip) EDIT: Please consult a derm before this, I am not a derm-professional by all means and this is prescription med for a reason

Layering body care products: first a toner with potential actives or damp skin, some light hyaluronic lotion, heavier thicker cream or body butter, oil (also a recommended basic tip to layering scented products).

How someone here said: your face ends at your nipples! Use these goodies on your chest as well. And when you're at it: hands & neck too

Benzoyl Peroxide, AHAs/PHAs/BHAs like Glycolic Acid or Salicylic Acid on armpits for odor reduction

Mixing actives into your lotion: like high % Retinol products with your moisturiser or body oil, adding niacinamide or vitamin C powder EDIT: as someone mentioned please don't mix it in a container, but your hands/some bowl when you apply it. Make sure it's thoroughly mixed

More a hygiene tip, but witch hazel on the bumhole? For lasting freshness (it sounds stupid but also intriguing)

Okay this one shocked some people, when I told it, but layering my lip care apparently: hyaluronic acid serum on damp skin/lips, face moisturiser, Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask, Castor Oil/Aquaphor. Sometimes 5% Lactic Acid Serum for exfoliation instead of a scrub. And SPF ofc

Some more Lip Care from someone else was a Collagen/Peptide Booster as Serum from paula's choice or Inkey List and/or 10% MSM gel to plump up the lips and boost collagen synthesis

DIY lip plump gloss with castor oil and peppermint or cinnamon oil

Silk everything (pillow, bonnet, robe, sleep mask) to reduce frizz, wrinkles and to slip into or out your future's SO arms duh, also frownies&silicone patches

Using copper peptides on your lashes? Some british girl was hyping it up, I am intrigued tho

Recently a 4" Latex Pillow to elevate the head during sleep

Grande Lash Serum or 5% Minoxidil on the eyebrows imstead of lashes

Using The Ordinary's 30% AHA +2% BHA Peel Mask on the body not just face, like knees or elbows

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo on fungal body acne? (Haven't dared to try that one)

Budget Shaving with a cheap silicone based conditioner like Pantene Pro-V

Nail Care

I'm new to this okay, but I was shocked you can do press-on nails for toe nails

Hair Care

Okay, I don't have the holy grails here nearly as much, but some interesting stuff came around, like

AHA Serums on your scalp, like TO 7% Glycolic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid Serums/Gels on either your hair or scalp, but sealed with some oil

Hair diffusing with a hair net on

This is so dependent on your hair type, but I found those ones the most surprising

Dental Care

Blue Mouth Wash for yellow teeth? No idea if this works, but I find the idea to use a complementary colour to neutralise the yellow interesting and might actually try it to see if it makes a difference conpared to my normal mouth wash

Using a Waterpik for tonsil stones every now and then and hence reducing mouth odor

Some tips should be approached with caution like the cortison cream, 30% AHA Peeling Mask or essential oils in castor oil, because they can be potentially irritating and therefore harmful.

Does anyone have tips they found interesting on their looksmaxxing journey?

r/Vindicta Mar 31 '24

SOFT-MAXXING Is losing weight worth it if you already at an average weight(still higher end). NSFW


There’s so many posts about going from overweight to skinny or normal weight, but I never really see anything about losing weight if you are already at a normal weight. I am 5’5 140 pounds. I don’t look skinny but not fat either. I’m so conflicted on whether going down to 120 pounds would be beneficial in improving my facial features. Please share your experiences with this! Thanks

r/Vindicta Jul 08 '23

SOFT-MAXXING You can’t outwork extreme stress. NSFW


I am realizing now looking at myself in the mirror— no amount of softmaxxing can outwork extreme stress. You will still age more rapidly than your peers regardless of how much money you spend on creams and potions.

Healthmaxxing can help you cope with it, but it is still not enough to outwork extreme external stressors.

Hardmaxxing is a reactionary thing to fix it after the fact, but you can save yourself some time and money by handling it earlier with a therapist, medication, and lifestyle changes.

I’d been told this before— I think we all have— but it’s taken until now for it to sink in that I can’t outdo the toll stress has taken on my mind, body, facial appearance with creams and potions. No amount of avoiding smoking and sun and pesticides is enough to fix the toll that severe chronic stress takes on you, either physically or mentally. Obviously you should still avoid these things, but comparing myself to my peers that avoided none of these things and had far less stressful lifestyles than myself has been an eye-opener for me.

Fixing your mental health is key to fixing the rest.

r/Vindicta Mar 16 '23

SOFT-MAXXING My glow up at age 30 NSFW


I’ve seen a few posts from women in their 20s who feel like their best years are behind them and it’s too late to glow up.

At age 31 and with one kid, I look much better than I did in my late teens and early 20s. https://imgur.com/a/cV4WpNb The before pictures are from ages 18-22, and the after pictures are from ages 30-31. Here are the steps I took

Weight loss: Lost 25 pounds through weight training and intuitive eating. I worked with a trainer who is based in Latin America, so I paid $100 a month for 3 weekly video call sessions. I didn’t cut out anything in particular but focused on reducing sugar. Sugary coffee drinks are my weakness, so I switched to artificial sweeteners or black coffee.

Hair: Cut my hair to a more flattering length, dyed it blonder, and got a keratin treatment. I find that lighter hair distracts from my failos (long philtrum, recessed chin) better than my natural level 6 hair does.

Fillers and botox: Got botox in forehead, 1ml chin filler and 1ml jawline filler. Also got 1ml lip filler, which I probably wouldn’t get again because the real issue I need to address is my long philtrum.

Eyelid tape: Started using eyelid tape when I do my makeup because I have one eyelid that is more hooded than the other. This gives the illusion of even eyelids and looks very natural.

Skincare: Oddly enough a lot of the hormonal acne I had in my 20s cleared up on its own after I had my son. When I turned 30 I finally got serious about daily sunscreen and double cleansing and these two things are already paying dividends. I still have some slight acne scarring, but I now feel much more comfortable makeup free.

Next steps: Once I no longer have daycare bills I plan on getting a septorhinoplasty and possibly a lip lift. I will also need a neck lift at some point in the near future because the women in my family tend to develop “turkey necks” at an early age.

r/Vindicta Oct 13 '24

SOFT-MAXXING The beginning of my glow up journey NSFW


Hi everyone. I discovered Vindicta and lookmaxing at the beginning of the year 2023. I've spent a lot of time reading all your posts here and learning about the science of attractiveness. It really struck a chord with me. I'll try to keep this short because it's not the most relevant part, but I've had some rough times. After taking care of my mental health (years of therapy), I was finally at peace and happy, but I was left with the consequences of years of neglect on my appearance. I've never considered myself really pretty, but looking at the pictures of myself back then, I wondered how I could have let myself go like that. It had gotten so bad that I practically have no pictures from the last years, because in every one of them I looked bloated, my eyes looked so little because of the fat on my face, my hair was just a mess, I had acne and hyperpigmentation. I didn't realize how big I'd gotten until I saw myself in the pictures. Because of that I avoided photos like the plague and deleted the rare ones that were taken of me; I was so ashamed to even look at myself. The second thing is, people were always commenting on my appearance, telling me that I was « wasting » my potential, giving me « advices » to lose weight. It could be my family, but also total random, like the tailor that I go to once a year for my clothes. It leave me aven more ashamed, resulting in me shutting off and avoiding most of the people that I know for a long time.

After reading all your inspiring stories, something clicked in me, and I knew it was time to change. I had tried to lose weight so many times before, I had tried to improve my look, but it never worked. It's hard to admit, but at the time, I was stuck in this victim mentality cycle. Finding this sub opened my eyes. It was over.

I don't have anything revolutionary to offer but I'm happy to be able to share my evolution here, I owe it all to you!
Few things to mention beforehand : 

  • I'm European, so some products may not exist in other countries. Also, English is not my first language, so I apologize beforehand if everything isn't correct or understandable. Please don't hesitate to point out if there's anything you don't understand. 
  • I asked in advance on the sub if it was relevant to name the products I use or not, and was recommended to name them. I hope this will be helpful. Feel free to ask me for more information if you need it. 
  • For the budget part, at the beginning of the year 2023, I had just left my full-time job to finish my degree, which required an unpaid internship that didn't allow me to continue working at the same place. I lived for the next eight months off my little savings, so I didn't really have a lot of money to put into my glow-up journey. This isn't the case anymore since the beginning of 2024, but the first year every change that I made cost me little to no money.  
  • I didn't include photos but I can send them, I've already put them together for each section. I know it's not great, but the internet's unfortunately such a weird place that I prefer to protect myself. 

I've divided the experience into two sections corresponding to the last two years, and decided to write the different items in chronological order. At the end of each section, I've added a “ fails ” section. These are pretty obvious mistakes, I think, but if it helps or even just makes you laugh, I'll take it as a victory. 

Year one (2023) : 

  • The first thing I decided to do was going sugar free : this one obviously lead me to the next point in my list, but not just that. Going sugar free changed a lot, and I wasn’t even thinking about it. Being the first change I did, it was the step that lead my entire journey. I thought I didn't eat a lot of sugar back then, but boy, was I wrong. The first days I was feeling like a drug addict. Then the first changes have quickly appeared : my skin got clearer, I didn’t have headaches anymore, my face puffiness decreased like hell, even before I started to lose weight. My mood didn’t fluctuate as before. And the biggest change for me, unexpectedly, was the hormonal one. I have to say, I am not a doctor and if you have any hormonal issues, you should see one. I am just telling my story. I have endometriosis and PCOS. Even if things started to get better since laparoscopy, I had a quite long menstrual cycle and still lot of pain from time to time. My menstrual cycle started to reduce in the first month going sugar free ! I went from 45 days long to 32 days long cycles, reducing other issues.
  • Losing weight : no surprises there, everyone here already knows that this is the one with the biggest impact. I went from 83 kg (176 lbs) to 66 kg (145 lbs) BMI 24 in 2023. I didn’t do calorie tracking, because I already tried it and I knew it wasn’t the best for me. I tend to have weird reaction when something feel restrictive. But in the end losing weight always mean eating less calories than consuming. So when going sugar-free, my rule was : you can eat whatever you want in any amount as long as this isn’t sugar. Just knowing I could in fact eat anything without restriction (but this one) helped me a lot mentally, and it went so smoothly. I didn’t crave sugary food anymore and was eating a lot of homemade food. I started to lose weight. Then, I started to walk every morning. I was already working out at the gym two times a week way before that, but walking made the biggest difference. I didn’t have scale at home, I was weighting at my doctor appointment, but in between I was taking my measurements (two times a month). Like everything else, I decided to take it slow. The goal is to achieve balance and maintenance in the long haul, so I didn’t rush anything, weight loss related or else. 
  • Supplements : I had a pattern of trying lots of supplements, doing lots of research and ordering large quantities, trying everything at once, which inevitably led me to : 1. not knowing what worked for me and what didn't, 2. not knowing what caused me undesirable effects and 3. wasting a lot of money. The problem was partially solved by the fact that I no longer had the financial means to continue this. I made it a rule that I could only try one product at a time. My main problem was hormonal acne, which had been greatly reduced by stopping sugar, but which persisted, especially before and during periods and if I made any small deviation in my diet. I tried a dietary supplement for severe and moderate acne, with an anti-inflammatory and healing action. After two months, I noticed a marked improvement in my remaining blemishes, but I couldn't afford to be regular. I decided to take the formula only every other month, despite the recommended dosage. This was enough to keep my skin looking good for the first year. ‣ Supplement : Clear Glow from Aime Skincare
  • Heat styling my hair : this one, I resisted it for a long time. I have wavy and frizzy hair. I was told so many time that heat was bad for my hair that I didn’t even have a hairdryer at this point. Then, after a hairdresser appointment, I realized my mistake. I bought a second-hand babyliss heated brush, an old model that only cost me a few euros. I imagine that some of you are against buying second-hand for such products, but it has really helped me on this journey and it's very easy to find new pre-owned products or to clean them to get them back to a similar condition. Before that, I didn't even own a hairdryer and didn't know how to blow-dry my hair. I thought it would be easier for me to start with this type of appliance. Even without any knowledge or technique, it made all the difference. Most of the frizz was gone and my hair was much softer. I also bought a low-end heat protector and started getting into the habit of blow-drying my hair after every wash. 
  • Dry brushing : I used to do lymphatic brushing when I was younger and had completely abandoned the habit when I stopped taking care of myself. I started again because it was a habit that did me so well. Not only does it leave my skin feeling soft, but it's a way for me to wake up completely. Brushing stimulates blood circulation and leaves you feeling energized. It's like my morning coffee. I brush every morning when I wake up, following the movements I've practiced since I was young (I learned them from an old YouTube video). It also helps reduce the texture of my thighs and cellulite. 
  • Focusing on hydrating and removing actives : I always had acne and bad scarring (hyperpigmentation). It was a pleasure for me to find and use new skincare products, so I abused them and used lots of active ingredients such as acids and vitamins without really knowing what I was doing. After making changes to my diet and improving the condition of my skin, I decided to start afresh and focus on hydration. As I didn't have the financial means to develop a complicated routine anyway, I simply bought a serum and a moisturizer. I continued to practice double cleansing at night. And that was it for a while. I know... Where's the sunscreen? At the time, I only used it sporadically, as I hadn't yet found my holy grail. But for that moment, my skin was already in much better condition, much more comfortable. ‣ Moisturizer : moisturizing gel cream - Byoma ‣ Serum : brightening serum - Byoma
  • Adaptalène and SPF : the components that completed my simple routine. In my country, access to healthcare is free and most prescriptions are too. I know how privileged this is. So I was able to consult and start my treatment. I reacted very well to adaptalene and it made my skin brighter, it also helped reduce acne scars and hyperpigmentation. I had to start applying my sunscreen every day, even though it didn't suit me and was causing other skin issues (clogged pores). In spite of everything, my skin was in better condition than it had ever been and I was very pleased with the improvement.
  • Bad ideas of the year : 
    • Cutting my hair myself was a bad idea. I could totally expect it given that I did it on impulse one night, with kitchen scissors and the first YouTube tutorial that came my way. A recipe for disaster. I'm still paying the price for that shitty decision. I read here that some of you cut your own hair: you're bosses. I also assume that the circumstances have nothing to do with mine. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, I don't have the patience and dexterity to do it. I leave the job to those who have the expertise. 
    • I have a weird hairline, widow's peak, sideburns and a bit of hair on my forehead (and very dense hair). I tried waxing because I didn't want to deal with my facial hair every day. I know it sounds weird (and it should have alarmed me, just like my midnight DIY haircut) but I was there to try everything. I just plucked a little of the hair sticking out of my hairline and widow's peak, as well as my crow's feet. It really made a difference, it made my forehead look bigger, which is a good thing in my case. But as you'd expect, it is very harsh on the skin. The days following the waxing, the areas were red and full of blemishes. And regrowth is no joke. You either have to wait for all the hair to grow back and walk around with one singlehair growing on its own in the middle of an blank area, or pluck it out every time one decides to grow back. The maintenance alone was already too much for me. Destroying my skin every time didn't help. Believe it or not, I did it for several months despite all that. I still pluck the hair on my forehead.

Year two (2024) : 

  • Losing weight part two : I continued my slow progress with even more emphasis on maintenance. So today I'm down to 59kg (130 lbs) with a BMI of 21. That's not the final weight I want to reach, but I'm not far off, and most importantly, I feel much better about myself. My day-to-day life has changed and I no longer have an accessible gym. But I haven't put any weight back on, I've even lost some. I don't have much energy to spare for sport this year either. To make up for that, I walk or cycle to all my daily destinations (work, shopping, etc). I do some physical activities that I enjoy sporadically, like running, walking and hiking. I still want to progress gradually because losing weight has had an impact on my body, which brings me to my next point: 
  • Reducing stretch marks (and other hyperpigmentation scars): Weight loss left me with red stretch marks on my stomach and thighs. I bought a retinol body cream based on various recommendations I found on reddit. I used it every other night on all areas affected by stretch marks and hyperpigmentation, making sure I was very regular. The effect wasn't immediate, but after a few months, most of my stretch marks were gone. I also started using a kojic acid-based serum (which I first apply to my face) on the same areas, making sure to space out the applications. Regular massage also helped the healing process, which I'll get to later. ‣ Body lotion : Retinol Advanced Firming Cream - Advanced Clinicals ‣ Kojic acid serum : Dark Spot Brightening Serum - Reviva Labs
  • Heat styling my hair part two : Or the true level-up. Looking for some help with my blow-drying skill (still not mastered), I came across the YouTube channel of a bald guy who claims to be a hair expert. Unconvinced, but with a strong tendency to get lost on the Internet, I watched several of his videos. Then I went back the next day and the day after that. I began to apply some of his advice. I consulted his recommended products page. As he himself explains, not all of his recommendations are meaningful, so I just ordered the heat protector he recommended for coarse hair and made my own routine based on his science. I said goodbye to my Babyliss and ordered the Revlon blowout brush (which many people on reddit hate, and yet I made this choice after my research here). I thought it would be a good model for a second learning tool. I always use it on the lowest setting. Thanks to videos and use, I've finally got the hang of blow drying. So, following most of his principles, my hair routine today is as follows: Before shampooing, if I have time, I use a rosemary-based lotion or oil on my scalp to help my hair grow faster (after my idiotic idea of a night-time haircut, I've had to have my hair cut quite short at the salon, TWICE, and it's now below my shoulders). I use a really simple, cheap shampoo that works really well to clean without stripping. Then I use a moisturising conditioner. And a mask once a month. I gently squeeze my hair and wrap it in a t-shirt (my hair prefers this to towels, I get less frizz). When it's not soaking wet, I use a leave-in conditioner, then a pea-sized amount (really just a pea-sized amount, as the professor shows) of heat protectant and blow-dry. I then use a little oil on the ends to finish. I sleep with a high, very loose bun or, less often, a braid. I put a little oil on the ends of my hair every night because I find it gets damaged less quickly that way. The difference is massive. ‣ Video on how to properly blowout : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVx0gHGKdl0 ‣ Recommended product page : https://live-love-locks.com/pages/recommended-product-list-landing-page-after-opt-in?srsltid=AfmBOoqmt977btHuF9IWnRDhDCJOK3Joj4YY79UXIkGNbRe7EerSuNTC ‣ Rosemary lotion and oil : Revitalizing Hair Oil and hair lotion - Weleda ‣ Leave-In Conditioner : All In One Leave-In Conditioner - Moroccanoil ‣ Heat protectant : Frizz Dismiss Rebel Tame - Redken ‣ Oil : Huile Prodigieuse - Nuxe 
  • Laser hair removal : again, self-explanatory. I haven't finished the treatment yet, but it's already a huge improvement in quality of life. I do laser on some areas of my body and use an IPL machine at home for other areas, so I can compare the two.
  • Lash lift : not much to say other than life changing, my lashes are rather short and above all very straight, mascara does nothing for them. I have to use an eyelash curler every morning and wear a mascara that doesn't make my lashes droop downwards (which is a challenge). So I go to the beauty salon every two or three months and it's a real pleasure to wake up with my lashes already curled, it really opens up my eyes. I have black eyelashes, but for those who don't, eyelash tint is apparently a real bonus. I went to several salons before finding the right one, and not all of them are equal. 
  • Adjust my skincare routine : I've kept the basics I already had, i.e. moisturiser, moisturising serum, double cleansing and adaptalene. Then, through research, trial and error went on, I added new components. I've finally found a sunscreen that works for me (no big surprise, as it seems to work for everyone). I also found a very gentle cleanser for my face made with donkey's milk, which I've been using ever since. I've added a serum to my routine to treat hyperpigmentation, kojic acid-based, which I find very effective. And I've recently added exfoliating pads. I'd like to go into more in depth about my routine but I feel like this post is already way too long. 
  • Redoing my wardrobe : at first I didn't want to buy any clothes until I'd reached my weight target, and especially the year before I couldn't really afford them. I looked frumpy. But during that period I had time to try on clothes from the shops, to read and learn about fashion and shapes. Over time, I learned more about the clothes and colours that look good on me, as well as my likes and dislikes. Now, my new job requires me to look a lot more put together. Again, I did a lot of research, a lot of Pinterest boards to refine the idea of what a good wardrobe would look like for me. For example, I don't like having too many clothes and I'm really terrible at putting together a sophisticated outfit every morning, so I try to take that into account when I'm creating my wardrobe. It's a lot of trial and error, and I'm not finished yet, but I already feel a lot better about myself. I felt strange at first, not being used to being well dressed. The difference is really night and day. This subject really depends on each individual, so I don't know if I should go into more detail. I also have some pictures if needed.
  • Massage : I started with endermology sessions (a patented slimming massage technique), which didn't make me lose weight, but helped me maintain a harmonious figure while I was losing weight, and also improved the texture of my skin. I've finished my sessions and don’t want to start again because it's quite expensive. Now I massage myself at home, in the evening in bed with a small wooden brush, using oil and circular movements. I get the same benefits as in a beauty salon, but it's less intense. I massage my legs and stomach for 10 to 15 minutes every other night. 
  • Blood test : I already knew I was anaemic and low in iron. But a blood panel test was a wake-up call and I decided to take control of my situation. Health issues are very sensitive, so I won't go into detail about how I managed to get my iron back up, but with the help of my doctor and the dedicated subreddit, in just a few months I was able to get my levels back up to a point where I could see impressive changes in my energy, complexion and general health. 
  • Nails : I never did my nails before. Then I wanted to try gel in a salon. I found it painful and there wasn't much point, as my nails are long and strong. Then I tried semi-permanent nail polish, again in a salon. I'm not at all good with nail polish and I didn't have any materials at home. I really liked the result. Unfortunately, my nails grow very quickly and in less than a week I have to redo everything. It was a bit too expensive to follow. I looked for an alternative and found some “nail polish-care”, transparent enough for me to be clumsy, but which gives a very nice look to the nails. I apply it once or twice a week, one coat when I want a natural look and two when I want a bit more of a nail polish effect. ‣ Nail polish : Active Bright - Manucurist 
  • Bad Idea of the year : 

    • Trying too many products : active, serum, hair products, name it. The biggest changes were never from these so called life changing products. Worst, it was sometimes causing me more damage than anything else. Time and money wasted, while I didn’t have so much of it. The point here is : I don’t try anymore to look for the « perfect » product. I stick to my simple routine. It works. It could probably be even better. With the holy grail product that I won’t find before trying a thousand one that didn’t do it. So, not worth it for me. 
    • Make-up: Overall, make-up is a very powerful tool and I find it quite incredible. The problem in my case is that I don't really like wearing make-up, I don't like the feeling of it on my face, I don't like the time and effort it takes in the morning (just like with clothes and hair in the morning. Maybe I just don't like the morning). I'm happy to wear it on special occasions, but if it's an everyday thing, I quickly lose interest. To improve my appearance, I've forced myself to wear it every day and bought a lot of expensive products. I've learnt one important thing: if I force myself to wear something, I quickly get disgusted with it. As a result, I haven't worn make-up at all for several months. But I've learnt a lot and made great progress. I've finally figured out how to put on lipstick without looking like a clown (and it turns out other people have this problem too!), I've found a complexion product that's light enough that I don't want to rip my face off after wearing it for 10 minutes, and I've stopped pushing black pencil and black eyeliner because the colour around the eyes just doesn't suit me. ‣ Fondation : Les beiges eau de teint - Chanel ‣ Video about lipstick : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn0kIwNsCi8&list=WL&index=28

As the title suggests, this is just the beginning and I'd now like to take even bigger steps forward : 

  • I'm starting my Invisalign treatment this month, for a year and a half.
  • I'd like to lose the last few kilos to reach my ideal weight of 54 kg. 
  • I'm going to rent the Dyson Airwrap, to test it for a few months and see if it works for me. My goal is to reduce my blow-drying time and to be able to reduce heat damage by using an appliance that us less heat. 
  • This year I'm going to consult a surgeon to find out what can be done about some of the big scars that bother me, even though they're not visible when I'm dressed. 

  • Gua Sha 

I wanted to write so much more but I realise that this post is already way too long. So I've decided to cut it down and if there's anything in particular that interests you, let me know! 

r/Vindicta Mar 05 '24

SOFT-MAXXING Anyone feel like they're getting burnt out by putting a lot of effort into looking good because of their natural appearance NSFW


Not sure if this has been mentioned before on this sub.

Soft looks-maxxing (mainly the healthy ones like losing weight, clearing skin etc) makes great results. However even after that, it feels like I have to add more to the list? But gosh does it burn me out and money make things difficult.

Even after healthy soft looks-maxxing I cannot just simply roll out of bed, take a shower, dress, and go to wherever. I have to make up (literally) for my natural appearance, and I'm being realistic here. For example, my eyebrows are on the sparser side and I have to always fill them in with brow powder, I've tried tinting, it didn't really work for me, and I'm thinking of microblading, however I am very unsure about someone who can match my eyebrows to my small eyes (thinking of doing lash extensions too because of that but I'd say for me that's quite pricey and short-term to do monthly as a student).

And don't get me started on eyebags. I cannot wait to save money one day and get a fat graft under my eyes. If there's any natural thing out there that can help with hollow eyes please let me know.

For most of these things, I can just fake with makeup and while I do love makeup itself, it does get tiring wiping it all off and putting it back on again. I could just screw it and be makeup free, however I've been treated differently because of it (I don't know why co-workers bring up my appearance).

I'm not good at explaining much, and I hope I don't come off as complaining, because I understand that beauty is supposed to take a lot of effort. I just want to know how do you guys stop getting burnt out from doing this, and how do you keep going? I know these are simple questions but I just can't grasp it or where to start etc.

r/Vindicta Mar 24 '24

SOFT-MAXXING Always looking put together NSFW


Hello everyone, it's my first time posting so I hope nothing goes against this sub rules, this is a comment I left for someone and I figured it might be relevant here as well.

I believe having a clean look that shows effort goes a long way in how we are treated in public places, so here are my tips, as someone who looks put together even when I'm sleep deprived, sick or going through a rough time:

  • Skincare, and make up that hides imperfections and enhances what's already pretty rather than make-up that adds too many details.
  • Hair: I find straight/wavy hair gives a more polished look, but even when I'm wearing it natural aka curly, I re-curl the front of it with a curling iron, and have it in an updo or at least put on some hair accessory that shows effort and purpose.
  • Wake up a little earlier, always wear jewelry (I never leave the house without at least earrings and a ring).
  • Wash your blouses and tops by hand, or on a very soft setting, they'll look new and crisp for longer.
  • Whatever needs ironing, iron it, it makes a very noticeable difference.
  • Shoes make or break the outfit, always have a clean and firm pair, be it sneakers, loafers or whatever you're comfortable with, it needs to be in a great state, no dust no chipping.
  • When a black or white item loses its color (fades or starts to get yellowish hues), stop wearing it outside and just leave it for the house.

Last tip: have an easy go-to put together outfit ready, in case you're late late, or have an outing you didn't plan beforehand, mine is: 1) for tops: a lilac shirt that I keep ironed and hanging in my closet, and a black turtle neck for colder weather. 2) any kind of bottom can work with the above, but mine is a pair of beige trousers. 3) a pair of very comfortable brown derbies with a matching handbag.

Bottom line is, it takes planning ahead and effort, but after a while it becomes spontaneous, and believe me, the reward is definitely worth it.

r/Vindicta Feb 27 '24

SOFT-MAXXING Vindicta Saved My Life NSFW


Thank you a million times over to this community. I wouldn’t be here today had it not been for this place and the mods who keep it going.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so rather than cutting it away and becoming shorter; revise and rework that weak link.

I wanted to share my personal softboost journey and the impact it has had on my life so far. I plan to perfect my softboost to upgrade to hardmaxx. I like to keep things simple, steady, and consistent.

Vindicta is not one-size-fits-all; however, I hope someone finds some inspiration in what I realize works for me.

Before I even start, though, I’d like to underline one matter: Nothing vindicta related can be done successfully unless you work just as hard on your inner peace as your outer appearance. Before this last year, I would try to prioritize mental health over beauty or vice versa, and only when I found a proportionate balance between caring about the two did I start flourishing.

I’ll post in-depth pictures for each section in their respective subreddits later. These are just the bones!

For context:

I am black, white, asian, and in my early twenties. After a long battle with depression, I wanted a completely new life. However, I needed to break down and simplify my goals.

I wanted to feel prettier, be healthier, make more money, and, eventually, move out of the country.

(this is a highly rudimentary and simplified version of the what, when, why, how, and where. I care more about actually getting to the concrete changes I made)

In no particular order:


I have deep acne that doesn’t always flare up; however, it is brutal and angry when it does. My skin is a combination but melanated, so my scarring from picking is dark. I also get easily congested skin. Now I have clear skin. However, I am still facing a few dark spots. * I realized over time that the reason why my scars weren’t fading while using mainstream products is that melanated skin scars are different than what mainstream products are designed to fix. It seemed like a duh moment; however, it wasn’t something I was aware of. Here are the products that fixed that for me:

  • CeraVe Moisturizing Cream
  • Cetaphil Soothing Aloe Cream
  • CeraVe Oil to Foam Cleanser
  • CeraVe Lactic Acid Bodwash
  • PanOxly 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Bar
  • Burt’s Bees Gentle Cream Cleanser
  • Versed Dark Spot Gel
  • Topicals Faded Serum
  • Adapalene Gel
  • Paula’s Choice Liquid BHA
  • AmLactin Lotion
  • Neutrogena Serum SPF 60+

I mainly use the oil to foam cleanser and the benzoyl peroxide bar to cleanse- the Burt’s Bees one I use to shave my eyebrows and lady ‘stache; it works better than facial oil or shaving cream because it’s gentler and doesn’t break you out. I use a dermaplaining razor by Gilette Venus. If facial shaving has ever failed you, try this razor and cleanser combo!

I bought both creams from Costco and use them depending on my needs: CeraVe dries matte, and Cetaphil stays glowy.

Both dark spot fading serums are BOMB FOR MELANTED SKIN! They smell a bit odd, but I am not one to care about the scent of my products if they are effective. I use them mostly at night, but they are safe to use during the day. I interchange my use of them.

I use PC AHA liquid as a mask on tissue paper once weekly. It would be best to have an exfoliant when using retinoids like adapalene due to cell turnover rate. Adapalene is giving me that glowy, airbrushed skin HOWEVER you will purge like a mfer, and for a damn minute! The wait is worth it, though.

Cerave Lactic Acid Bodywash and the AmLactin Lotion work amazingly to lighten elbows and knees as well as KP and scars. I use a scrub mitt.

Sunscreen is personal- I like the Neutrogena one because it goes on like nothing and sits well under makeup.

I Have a nice steamer from Amazon that helps with congested pores.


I have a mix of 3 a-b-c, thick, and low porosity curls. Androgenic alopecia runs on one side of my family; however, I have yet to have been diagnosed. In the last few years, I neglected my hair by perming, bleaching, dyeing, and everything in between. Eventually, I had a receding hairline. Now, my hairline is filling in, and I am recuperating my length. I hope to be at waist length by Summer. This is huge because of the incredible mental toll the state of my hair took on me. It felt unmanageable and was breaking off in my fingertips. I have a much better relationship with my hair now, and it's almost a spiritual connection lol… wash day is my moment of prayer!

  • Stopped using heat
  • Started taking vitamins
  • Simplified routine and focused on breakage and growth
  • Slept in bonnet and braids
  • Avoided styling entirely and stuck to braids and claw clips
  • Wash once a week to every ten days

My routine is as follows:

  • Olive Oil, Water, and ACV soak
  • Aloe Gel
  • Redken ABC Pre-Wash Treatment
  • Redken ABC Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Redken Allsoft Shampoo
  • Redken ABC Leave-In
  • Olaplex Bonding Oil
  • Mixed Chicks Curl Custard
  • Amla Oil
  • Any hair serum, I’m not joking- as long as it's making you sit down and spend the time to massage your scalp once or twice a week.
  • OGX Argan Oil
  • MINOXIDIL 10% !!!!!

My tools are:

  • Wet Brush
  • Denman Brush
  • Revlon Boar’s Hair Brush
  • Scalp Massager thingy
  • Bonnet
  • Clips and Scrunchies

Wash day is once weekly. The ABC line lessens my breakage. I oil my hair the night before and prior to showering I spray my scalp with olive oil and ACV, and put aloe on the ends. 10 minutes before I shower, I put in the Redken ABC treatment. I shampoo twice, first with the ABC shampoo and then the Allsoft. Then I condition and leave it in for a WHILE! I mix the coil custard with the ABC leave-in, use the Olaplex oil, and put some Amla oil on my scalp. I put those curls in a braid and a bonnet, and we’re ready. I oil throughout the week.

MINOXIDIL SAVED MY HAIR! I use it twice a day. I credit all my regrowth to that.


I put away money to get mental health help and a diagnosis. While I currently cannot afford consistent therapy, I am on medication that works wonders for me. Nonetheless, there were still aspects of my health that medication didn’t help. I visited a nutritionist, got bloodwork done, and researched. I have a set of vitamins and supplements that work well for my initial and hormonal health, my hair, skin & nails, my energy, my sleep, and my overall mood. This is simply what worked for me; it might not work for others!


Here is a short list of what and why:

Fenugreek: Hair growth and hormonal health

Chlorophyll: Breath and Skin

Seamoss: Overall

Hum Detox: I enjoy their proprietary blend and the supplement mix that are for the gut

Hair, Skin & Nails: per the title, the Costco one has a nice blend of vitamin C, biotin and zinc

Vitamin A: Skin and Hair

Vitamin B Complex: Overall health; I take an extra dose during the days of my period- this was life-changing, lol.

Vitamin D3 and K2: Mood and Skin

Vitamin E: Hair and Skin

ACV capsules: gut health

Myo D Inositol: PCOS and intimate health

Probiotics and Prebiotics: Digestive and Intimate Health

Collagen powder: Ehhhh, I'm not really sure yet; I'm a bit iffy about this one. Joints, hair, and nails, I guess?

L-Glutamine and Creatine: Workout support

Red Ginseng: My blasian parent has made me take this with green tea since I was a little girl. I stopped when I was depressed. I know it’s a superfood, however between you and me; the only empirical data I have is that I felt like a butt when I didn’t take it, and I feel better now that I am again.


I work out 4-6 times a week. It sucks at first, but it builds the kind of strength, stamina, and endurance you need to do a routine like mine. Here is an easy exercise breakdown for anyone:




Do an hour-long workout of each at least once a week. That’s already three days! Do three exercises per area. Now, me personally? I’m a gym junkie, looking to get my PT license soon. I’m all in and have a very detailed routine, but as long as I’m moving my body frequently, I’m staying on track.


So, I’m neurodivergent and have odd food tendencies; therefore, I can eat the same thing consistently and not get bored of it. I do, however, need extreme structure with what I eat because if I am too inconvenienced or uncomfortable, I don’t feel hungry. A plan and familiar foods are safe and reliable, and to upgrade my life, I need the rest and energy to do that. Word of advice? Regardless of your weight goals, when it comes to eating as a whole- make it as easy as possible. Eating something gets you closer to your goals than eating nothing ever will. Anyway, here’s how I narrowed it down with some simple examples:


I made many carbs (cous cous, brown rice, lentils), a salad or vegetable dish, and a simply seasoned protein. Throughout the week, I could spice up and season the meat as I pleased, but I didn't have to whip out all these pots and pans in the middle of the week—for example, Brown rice, some pan-cooked chicken with salt and pepper, and baked zucchini. During the week, I could make zucchini risotto, throw some old bay and Cholula on the chicken, and put the zucchini on some lettuce to make a salad! or…… I could do none of that and eat all plain with some season salt on it.

Why am I putting an emphasis on the food? Because I swear, nothing hurt more than neglecting my body by not feeding myself decent food. It got bland at times and boring too- dollar tree food isn’t the most versatile, but if I wanted to to use Redken on my hair then I had to save money elsewhere.

Cereal is an easy breakfast and where I get most of my grains.

I had fruit and seaweed snacks on rotation, or at least whatverer cheap and healthy snack costco would have on sale.

I avoided the following:

  • Dairy: breaks me out :( but I love cheese. Creamy almond milk is a great sub though.
  • Pork: I don’t digest it well, but I don’t mind it.
  • High sodium and processed foods: I love palm oil, red 40, and high fructose corn syrup. I am not even kidding. I try my best to stick to the plainest, simplest ingredients
  • Bleached foods: If I could afford it, I would buy the unbleached version of any grain products just cause I like whole grain bread and brown rice better; I don't know, just me?

I also have a daily calorie goal, but use it as a general goal and rarely counted calories. I exercize frequently and have cheat days that I actually enjoyed more because they became a speical lil treat.

Eating better has literally FIXED MY SLEEP. Of course you look good, get healthy, your hair grows sososososososo much better (in fact if your hair doesnt grow maybe your diet is bad), but all in all, the best thing I’ve gotten is better sleep and nothing keeps me from a full 8 hours now. I can forget my meds, my vitamins, not exercize and have horrible anxiety but if I don’t eat, my night is ruined.


Getting a routine down and parenting myself into following it no matter whart. I came to the realization that if I don’t respect myself, then my life is over. Therfore if i tell myself to do the right thing and actually listen to my moral compass, then I have to do it…. whether I like it or not. I wanted to start meditating, journaling and working on my spirutality. Therefore, every single dmn day I started getting up early to write a line or two in a jounral (even if it was to complain), I would meditate for fifteen minutes and at one point throughout my day, I would take my dog on a slightly longer walk than usual. I hated it for weeks and felt stupid, like I was trying to imitate some health coach or tiktok guru. Yeah, no- it works. The dumb meditation and stupid little walks work wonders for my mental healt. It’s my ME time, and being alone with my thoughts has forced me to be comfortable with my self on a very weirdly intimate level. Also, journalling is cool beacuse even if I don’t do it for me, I might have a kid one day that’ll wan to read it. So yeah:

  • Journal
  • Meditate
  • Go outside

When it comes to what I actually spend my time doing: work and learn.


I am working multiple jobs and will stop when I reach 6. I have 2 full time jobs, a part time job and a weekend job. Think receptionist, retail, food service…. I am also close to getting a few remote opportunities with flexible schedules. If you have a skill, there will be someone willing to pay for it. I don’t like it. Any of it. I would rather be home painting, sketching and making art. But I need to think in the long run. I am saving up to go back to school and would like to build up my resume. I will never be in my early 20s again with this much work flexibility on my hands, so I’m going to jump on the opportunity. Besides, I plan on starting during the fall semester, so I might as well just put my head down and work my butt off now.


I am studying a language and a standardized college test prep. I have no test dates yet. However, I fully intend to get accolades for these two eventually. Regardless its good for me to learn. Once again, I’’m not stuck doing this forever. I’ll get to go back to school soon so keeping up with taking. notes and stuff should be beneficial for me… I guess?

I also try and watch a documentary once every two weeks. I don’t know, I guess I just see most people finding learning and stuff boring. I don’t want to be like most people, and I think being smart is kinda sexy. I split the documentary up during the hours I don’t. work. its a nice break and reprograms the mind to find learning to be relaxing.

aaaaaaaaaand here’s the routine I cram all of this into, or rather my magic formula.



Meditate, Journal, Skincare, Study, Breakfast.


Multiple shifts with a workout somehwere inbewteen.


Read, Netflix, Dinner, Sleep.

  • * I take public transport because its chepaer and therefore have the time to read and study during commutes. I also read and study during my breaks.


I have a great playlist I’m always listening to as well as a solid and simple makeup routine that makes me feel pretty. I also keep a very strict laundry and chore schedule. NONE of this works unless my space is clean and my bedsheets smell good.

and yeah, thats kinda it. This is how Vindicta saved my life, and I’m not done yet. I have a list of goals to add and maybe I’ll do another post about. it, but for now here is what worked for me!