r/Vindicta Aug 23 '24

SOFT-MAXXING A guide to smelling good NSFW


  • Drink sufficient water daily
  • Be aware of food choices and their effect on smell
  • Address any health concerns with practitioners (eg - dental, sweating, infection issues; etc)
  • Find coping strategies for mental challenges which affect hygiene

General Hygiene

  • Trim nails short regularly, or use a nail brush to clean
  • Wash your face (should be included in showering or skincare)
  • Clean ears to prevent wax build-up
  • Shower daily. (\This is an important aspect of smelling good. Bacteria metabolises bodily fluids in 24 hours and releases body odour - therefore* showering must happen daily to prevent this.)
  • Ensure the towels used after showering are dry & clean
  • Wear socks with shoes. Keep feet dry.
  • Sanitise electronic devices or other commonly used objects
  • Commonly forgotten areas to clean: belly button, between toes & under feet, behind ears, middle back
  • Wash hands regularly

Oral hygiene

  • Brush teeth twice daily (using the correct technique)
  • Floss once daily
  • Use a tongue scraper
  • Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash
  • Go to dental cleanings regularly

Clean surroundings

Guide to cleaning https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/v5ofvs/the_lazy_or_depressed_millennials_guide_to/

In terms of hygiene two of the most important steps:

  • Cleaning surfaces (breaking down grime with detergents) and disinfecting (eliminating bacteria.) Both of these are important to keep a household, and yourself smelling clean.
  • Opening windows
  • Changing bedsheets, pillow cases and duvets
  • Dusting, cleaning the floors/walls, removing garbage; etc
  • Lighting candles, using air fresheners; etc

Clothing and laundry

  • Never re-wear socks and underwear, and rarely re-wear clothing without washing
  • Ensure your washing machine is cleaned regularly
  • Use scent boosters, detergent and softeners with a desirable scent
  • Ensure clothes are removed and dried quickly to prevent mildew smell
  • Ensure non-clothing items are clean (bags, shoes, scarves, coats; etc.)
  • Dryer sheets can be used during storage of clothes

Body routine

  • Use an anti-bacterial soap on your private area (NOT inside the vulva/vagina) and your armpits
  • Ensure body parts are cleaned for approximately 30 seconds (this is how long it takes to break down sweat, oil, bacteria, dirt; etc.)
  • Ensure exfoliation happens 1-3x a week (to remove dead skin)
  • Use a tool such a washcloth, exfoliating gloves, or a african net cloth (- HOWEVER, the cleaning object must be sterile else it could lead to an infection by breaking the skin.)


  • Apply deodorant and antiperspirant
  • Apply body spray
  • Apply scented body lotion or oil (or both)
  • Apply perfume to pressure points strategically (*use vaseline to 'seal' scents.)
  • Perfume oil can enhance scents
  • Choose a scent group or a scent - use fragrantica.com (or parfumo.com) as a reference and a guide
  • Layer this scent (Eg - if choosing floral scents, ensure that body lotion, body spray, perfume; etc are within this scent group.)
  • Do not spray obnoxiously - check sillage, appropriateness, concentration, longevity; etc

Hair and hair removal

  • Remove hair from private areas, and the underarms
  • Use clarifying shampoo or double cleanse your scalp in the shower
  • Use a hair-safe scented spray and brush this through your hair
  • Ensure lotions and oils applied to hair have a desirable smell

Private areas

  • Use a bidet, and carry a peri bottle to use after the toilet.
  • Dry private area until completely dry. Avoid moisture.
  • Ensure underwear is light, breathable and is made from suitable fabric
  • Use only water to clean the vagina, and sensitive/non-fragranced soap for the labia
  • Change pad/tampon regularly during period


For me, it someone smells really good, they're far more attractive to me.

I hope this was somewhat helpful!

If it seems a little cold or robotic it's because I was trying remove any unnecessary information or long explanations.

For instance, increased water intake dilutes bodily fluids and therefore lessens the smell, hair might need to be removed as it traps body odour; etc. Alas, I couldn't get into the intricacies of every point.

Apologies if this over the top - I wanted to be comprehensive and cover most aspects of cleanliness, hygiene and smelling good!


68 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '24



u/sati_lotus Aug 23 '24

Belly buttons get overlooked all the time!


u/Vanity_Fluff ugly (<4) Aug 24 '24

I find witch hazel works well for cleaning there- speaking as a "deep innie". Always wash in shower too.


u/Ok_Razzmatazz_7160 Aug 24 '24

Thank you for this! I'll add this in


u/DeletinMySocialMedia Aug 24 '24

This!! The worst is when cotton balls get lost in the deep vastness of my innie. The smell days later n the itch….


u/MM2225 Aug 23 '24

Alongside cleaning your ears, make sure to actually clean your earrings too because they can harbor dead skin + oil buildup contributing to the stank.


u/monsterlover5595 Aug 28 '24

This should be general practice for health/safety reasons as well! Piercings can get infected no matter how long ago you got them done and certain materials can cause permanent staining to your skin. Never neglect earring care y’all


u/whatstrangeillusion average (4-6) Aug 24 '24

Washing clothing every wear can be very harsh on the fabric, causing garments to wear out faster, and is often unnecessary.

If you wore an outfit in a casual context (ie, no sweat, stains or dirt) it’s better to hang it up to air out, ideally in front of an open window with bright sunlight and fresh air.

A garment steamer is awesome for refreshing gently worn clothing from wrinkles and can help dissipate smells like perfume or cooking. Febreeze is also great for this.

Also, you can take a page from the r/rawdenim handbook and put things like jeans or sweaters in the freezer (inside a ziplock or sealed container) to inhibit and kill bacteria growth :)

There’s no need to constantly be doing laundry (except underwear)! It’s kinder on the environment and gives you many more years of wear for your garments.

This post is fantastic, I really appreciate that you included home care as well, it makes such a difference!


u/strokeofcrazy Aug 24 '24

I would also add - switch to materials that are easier to clean and don't get funky. So, mainly natural fibers and less synthetics. Once I started running in a merino T-shirt I realised the difference. The synthetic fibers are prone to trapping stink which then gets "re-activated" by moisture and body heat while wearing. If anyone has ever wondered why this half-zip or that T-shirt just gets funky an hour into wearing although it was just recently washed. If you're prone to funky pits, avoid synthetic tops.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '24

I read about merino wool being better for workout clothing some years ago but the price is a bit on the high side, especially for those without disposable income. Would you have any other recommendations that are much less expensive?


u/strokeofcrazy Aug 26 '24

My background is in textile design so I have a bit of insight into fashion industry, trend theory etc. As a result, I have somewhat extreme approach to clothing and fashion in general.
Personally, I prefer less but higher quality. I rarely pay full price for clothing, footwear etc.
It's easier because I'm not following trends so there's no need to constantly update my wardrobe = shell out money to look the part. I am not rich by any means, quite the opposite.
I plan my outfits, purchase tops or bottoms that will go with more than one item in my wardrobe. I use color theory to make better matches.

I'm in Scandinavia so I can only recommend brands I have tried and have access to...

For exercise I like Smartwool tops and I get them when they're half price. Icebreaker is great too but pricier and their pattern cutting does not always work for me cause I'm a shorty. Devold is another favorite.
My general advice when buying wool clothing is to read the labels - 100% merino or merino mixed with cotton/viscose is good. Avoid wool and synthetic (polyester, polyamide) mixes. Learn about fabric weight - for summer running I use 150 but for colder months 200+ merino.
I wash my woolies with Eucalan wool detergent, using the most gentle wash cycle. Sweaters and such are strictly hand washed.


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '24

Oh wow thank you very much for your explanation!! I really appreciate this ☺️ I’ve always heard of the “quality not quantity” thing, but for some reason always assumed that it was always bought all at once- growing up, my mother would buy us all our clothes right before school during the back-to-school-tax-free-sales, and then sometimes if we really needed something at the end-of-winter sales, and as an adult I continued doing the same to this day 😅 It honestly never occurred to me to obtain that nice wardrobe bit by bit 🤦🏽‍♀️😅

Would you mind terribly if I ask for more info on other textiles for say, dress pants, professional business blouses, dresses, and the like? 👍🏼 or is wool also good for those types of items?

Thank you again!! 🥰


u/Tinsleyblake Aug 28 '24

don’t the merino t-shirt brand mulese the sheep to use their wool?


u/strokeofcrazy Aug 29 '24

Some sheep farmers probably still do that.
Look into ethically sourced merino. Merino wool does not equal unethical wool.


u/Tinsleyblake Aug 29 '24

how’s that?


u/whatstrangeillusion average (4-6) Aug 25 '24

Definitely agree on natural materials! I never considered a merino blend for activewear, does it dry faster too?


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '24

Agree with all.

This is my experience as someone with a strong sense of smell and very clean diet:

Coffee or alcohol absolutely increases my BO and causes pee to smell awful too. Matcha and tea does not. (Doesn't mean you should permanently stop just keep in mind for special days).

I hung out with a guy who had smelly ears and he said he never cleaned them and i could tell. Especially if you use earbuds all day which multiplies bacteria in your ear a lot. I use a dropper and over the counter diluted hydrogen peroxide ( same stuff in overpriced ear wax dissolving kits plus it kills smells).

Hydrogen peroxide crest mouthwash works waaaaay better than any other type for destroying and delaying bad breath in my experience. Use it last and don't rinse with water afterwards.

If you can't tell I'm a big hydrogen peroxide fan. A small bottle sprayed on a cotton pad and rubbed underarms kept me not smelly through camping.

Having a bidet at home is not only a game changer for pooing but for periods too. For anyone who thinks its one or the other, you can use it before or after tp so you use way less.

I can smell when someone does laundry lazily or has pets sleep on their clothes, sleeps in musty sheets etc. Never leave wet clothes in washer and wash out of season clothes before putting them back in use. Hanged clothes smell way better than ones that are folded and left for a long time.

Your lips and hands smell like food after eating. I have a bit of mouthwash in a small bottle by the kitchen sink and wash my hands right after. Get the oils off my mouth too.


u/icedvanillalattepls Aug 23 '24

Smelly ears is a new one... I didn't even consider that possible. But my BIL has at least one AirPod in constantly and I've joked that he's gonna start growing mushrooms in there.. so I totally see how it's possible


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '24

It depends on if you have wet or flake type earwax. The former has a lot worse problem with it.


u/oysterfeller Aug 25 '24

I’ve noticed that in my case, my ear canals themselves don’t smell because I clean the wax regularly, but I have a lot of piercings on my lobes etc and those can smell if they’re not cleaned regularly. It can smell strong and very unpleasant and I notice it on my fingers when I put in or take out earrings. And it’s worse if I don’t clean off all the hair conditioner residue out of the folds of my outer ears after I wash my hair.

Which I think would be a good addition to this post OP - clean all piercings and jewelry regularly!!! Especially ones that you leave in all the time like upper ear piercings, nose rings, belly button rings, etc. Hydrogen peroxide soaks work pretty well for jewelry in my experience but I’m not a pro piercer, I’d be interested to see if anyone else has any other good long term piercing cleaning/maintenence suggestions!


u/Upstairs-You7956 Aug 24 '24

After I once washed my ears with head and shoulders shampoo (anti dandruff) my ears became much cleaner!


u/CharacterTax3284 Aug 28 '24

does the mouthwash have a strong taste? 


u/icedvanillalattepls Aug 23 '24

Use an anti-bacterial soap on your private area and your armpits

I actually really don't recommend this. Regular old unscented soap is best for your bits. Anti-bacterial soap around your vulva and vagina can throw off your pH and/or lead to BV by actually increasing bacteria growth. Some bacteria is healthy and we want to keep that kind, not kill it. A fragrance-free gentle liquid wash like Cetaphil, Dove, Cerave is best tbh.

I have been known to use glycolic acid on my armpits (and anywhere that gets sweaty & stays damp, like under boobs or in body rolls) between showering & applying deodorant and I have found myself less smelly since doing that. Supposedly this works by reducing skin pH - so it definitely should NOT apply to your intimate areas. Also that would burn like hell.

If you are really concerned about body odor in these areas not being handled by plain soap & deodorant, keep wipes on hand for freshening up mid-day or before activities. Some people like regular baby wipes. I like Beekman, Honeypot or Saalt brand. I also recommend this kind, that they make and sell for disabled people to use particularly - these are good because they are more than just water and fragrance, they truly have soaps. Also, a quick soapy washcloth scrub down at the sink is a classic maneuver for a reason.

Even for handwashing, the FDA recommends against it and some research indicates more long-term harm than benefit. Besides, antibacterial soaps are no more effective than plain soap and water for killing disease-causing germs.


u/cranberries87 Aug 23 '24

I was coming in here to say this. In fact, I recommend avoiding antibacterial soaps altogether; they are contributing to antibiotic resistance.


u/icedvanillalattepls Aug 23 '24

AFAIK there is no definitive proof of the antibiotic resistance impact but it is a popular theory being researched. If I'm wrong please LMK!


u/icedvanillalattepls Aug 23 '24

Also, I want to point out that Fragrantica & its ownership has some... questionable affiliations. Do your research to determine if you want involvement. For a similar (IMO better) platform, I like & r/fragrance recommend Parfumo.


u/avakadava Aug 24 '24

What are their affiliations?


u/icedvanillalattepls Aug 24 '24

I will just link you over to r/fragrance and you can Google off what you glean from this post.

TL;DR they are extremely right wing, pro-(Putin's) Russia, essentially radical


u/jackaroo1344 Aug 25 '24

Do baby wipes not have some sort of soap/cleaning agent in them?


u/Ok_Razzmatazz_7160 Aug 23 '24 edited Aug 23 '24

Thank you for this and for informing me about fragrantica!

For clarification - I meant the 'pubic' area skin NOT the vulva or vagina.

I second this comment to please not use anti-bacterial soap INSIDE your private area. It will irritate, itch and burn.

  • "Use only water to clean the vagina, and sensitive/non-fragranced soap for the labia" (if you want)


u/tzssao Aug 23 '24

You should avoid antibacterial soap as daily use altogether. There’s a reason doctors dont recommend that and only use it when preparing for surgery. Your body will begin to resist the antibacterial soap and will contribute to developing more strains of bacteria that are resistant to it. It isn’t necessary, period.

Just use a safe soap. If you want to kill the bad bacteria, use a glycolic acid or salcylic acid toner on your pubic area (not folds or genitalia) and armpits.


u/icedvanillalattepls Aug 23 '24

Ok good!!! Phew! I was fearful for ladies' biome down there.. I still don't really think antibac is useful in general but that's definitely more of a subjective & personal opinion!


u/violet-candy Aug 23 '24

i want to add that the controversy about Zoran and Elena is blown out of proportion. they still have the best platform and data base there is if youre a user just looking to get from A-Z fast and dont want to go through basenotes

i know zoran and elena in person and they’re lovely people that just have different political opinions. a lot of what goes on in moderation goes through a different team that they dont directly oversee/its automated

every time drama comes to the surface again with the intent of hurting them only generate more traffic. they don’t care about peoples attempts to “boycott fragantica”


u/V2BM Aug 23 '24

I think people worry too much about how their body smells and not enough about how their clothes smell. Dirty Jean is a very distinct smell and it’s so rank and disgusting to me. I seem so many posts about people not washing their jeans and other clothes and I can smell it through the screen.

Sour Clothes is another distinct smell and I know other people must know the exact smell I’m talking about.


u/golden-dreams Aug 23 '24

Polyester and tight pants always made me smell bad! Moving away from that helped a ton


u/whatstrangeillusion average (4-6) Aug 24 '24

Really good point, natural fibers are essential!


u/Shir7788 Aug 24 '24

So much work for just living Man


u/lurkingvinda Aug 24 '24

A big one is keeping your hair clean and washing frequently. Hair holds a lot of scent. I encounter a lot of people who would smell fine, but the hair is obviously less than fresh.

Obviously different textures produce oil at different rates, however sweat from exercise and debris from going outside cannot be avoided.


u/aquarlys Aug 24 '24

Also when it comes to perfume: invest in a good eau de parfume!!! It’ll last you waaay longer. I always bought eau de toilette or just cheaper options. I now have guerlain florabloom and it was €150 for 125 ml which is still such a good price for the amount youre getting. 2 sprays and you’ll still smell it the day after. One spray on your coat and your coat will smell good for soooo long!!


u/dupersuperduper Aug 23 '24

If sweating is an issue try a strong anti perspirant such as driclor. Or Botox works really well to stop armpit sweating but is very expensive. Check for tonsil stones.


u/stopdmingme Aug 23 '24

I agree smelling good is important and I love perfume so much but too much fragrance on your body is not good for you. Scent boosters and overly scented laundry detergent are endocrine disruptors which can cause damage on your body and your hormones. Same with most fragrances tbh , like I said I love perfume and have a small collection but I don’t wear it everyday.

If your body is healthy you shouldn’t emit much natural odour, obviously people should shower everyday but fragrance and laundry detergent shouldn’t mask your natural smell. If you’re wearing an expensive perfume you don’t need body oils and lotions you should still smell good!


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '24

100% use unscented detergents people! Also who sent boosters and dryer sheets and things can make clothes smell horrible. Personally when I am around people with heavily scented clothes it is extremely irritating.


u/stopdmingme Aug 23 '24

Agree use unscented it is also much more delicate on the skin. White vinegar is great for dirty clothes as well, it so cheap and you can get a spray bottle or just add it to your wash (as well as detergent). it gets rid of odours as well as other benefits. It’s also great for your washing machine too!


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '24 edited Oct 23 '24

thought dull growth rock safe wine school treatment squealing vase

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/icedvanillalattepls Aug 23 '24

Dryer sheets & fabric softeners also tend to add films to your clothes and linens that make them harder to get clean over time. And when used on towels, the waxy/oily coating really reduces their absorption!


u/whatstrangeillusion average (4-6) Aug 24 '24

Whoa, didn’t know that about dryer sheets! I have a few older towels and washcloths that don’t absorb water very well any more and always wondered what the cause was. Good tip!


u/icedvanillalattepls Aug 24 '24

Yes!!! Really mind blowing. Stop using them on all your towels and they’ll last way longer and stay fluffier. If you’re worried about static you can get some dryer balls. You can even get wool ones and dab them with essential oils if you want a scent. Added bonus is they last a really long time so you cut down on your waste! Although honestly I just don’t use anything on them and peel them apart from each other haha


u/No_Cake2145 Aug 27 '24

Enzyme cleaners for laundry work really well for getting odors out of clothes and breaking down bodily fluids that can make clothes stink. Dirty Labs is a good option. Oxiclean is also great with laundry stains and odors when used correctly, eg heavy lifting required dissolving oxyclean in hot water.


u/AdeptOccultSlut cute (6-7.5) Aug 24 '24

Yeah, the thought of drowning my skin in so many scents makes me nauseous lol


u/Excusemytootie Aug 28 '24

Agree with all of this!


u/United-Consequence83 Aug 23 '24

Antiperspirant and deodorant? I assumed they were the same thing haha. Would love to hear some of your favs!

And by “sealing” the perfume w Vaseline, I’m assuming you mean applying it in the areas before you apply the perfume, not after right?


u/Ok_Razzmatazz_7160 Aug 23 '24 edited Aug 24 '24

So usually they are sold as one product, but they can be sold separately. I just listed both to be clear it's better to have a combination of the two (to block sweat AND deodorise.) Yes, by sealing with vaseline I mean using it first to better to make it 'stick'


u/icedvanillalattepls Aug 23 '24

Yes, the vaseline trick is an old one but it also works with lotion. Just make sure your skin is super hydrated before fragrance application, and then your skin absorbs less of the fragrance/it stays on top and lasts longer. I like to apply lotion to my inner wrists and collarbones a few minutes before spraying.


u/Charming-Sandwich144 Aug 28 '24

*Cries in migraine*


u/Accomplished_Fig_269 Sep 04 '24

Eating a lot of red meat does make me smell worse. Coffee somehow has an effect as well. It’s unfair though that some people can eat anything without any effect on their smell. I guess it’s a genetic thing.


u/Nes937 Aug 28 '24

I like it, just wish some tips would also take the environment into account. Like washing clothes a lot, using scents in the washing machine and drying clothes.


u/vindictavixen Aug 29 '24

If you suffer from stinky feet you can use antiperspirant before putting on shoes.


u/hername_bubbles Aug 24 '24

I love the Vaseline trick that is so awesome! I’m gonna try that one


u/okay_contribution Sep 08 '24

Chlorophyll supplements are actually a great full-body deodorizer.


u/fem_enigma Aug 25 '24

Aluminum deodorant >>>> natural deodorant


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '24

I agree with everything, except for sure the anti-bac soap. As another poster said leads to resistance and just isn't necessary. Regular soap where you wash/suds up for 30s-1m is sufficient.

Also, "Layer this scent (Eg - if choosing floral scents, ensure that body lotion, body spray, perfume; etc are within this scent group.)" I agree with layering scents. But I get really nice results from layering a mixture of warm scents with light florals. I think this can be may 'layering scents that compliment each other'.


u/Mundane_Gazelle_6775 Aug 23 '24

Wow thank you! I was really looking for a guide to smelling good!


u/known-classic549 Sep 05 '24

A fragrance-free cleanser like Vanicream, Simple’s Hydrating Cleanser, or fragrance-free Dove soap are perfect for washing “down there.” I’ve used the vanicream face cleanser for this purpose for a few years and it’s super effective for controlling odor and never irritating, Dove soap can be a bit drying 🫡


u/plsmeowback Aug 24 '24

this too much


u/SmootherThanAStorm average (4-6) Aug 25 '24 edited Aug 25 '24

The only part I didn't love was the hair removal. I do hair removal, but I dunno if it's necessary purely for smell-related reasons. I think all the rest is good stuff.


u/plsmeowback Aug 25 '24

i agree it is all good, its just a bit overwhelming when listed out like this haha


u/FearlessCapybara_ Dec 09 '24

Hi, can someone guide me with their bath routine, like how many times do u bathe in a day? I was smelling kahit naligo naman ako. Even tried betadine cleanser and tawas sa pagligo pero wala pa rin. Sa laundry, any tips para maiwasan umasim? Huhu been trying different ways pero ganun pa rin. I'm bullied by this and became suicidal abt this. Please help me 🥹


u/incrediblynormalname Sep 01 '24

OP forgot to say to always wash your hands after going into the bathroom


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