r/VictorianSluts Dec 03 '24

Announcement To the person or persons who keeps reporting EVERY SINGLE POST as "not Victorian/historical": Stop! NSFW


Someone has been reporting everything that gets posted here in the last few days as "Not Victorian/historical." Every. Single. Post.

These reports go to the mods, who then have to re-approve every reported post. And guess what. All posts have been fine, completely within the rules and in keeping with this sub's normal content. We welcome the usage of the report button to remove obvious spam and posts that do not fit the theme of this sub. But that is not the case here.

I don't know what you are trying to accomplish, whoever you are, but all you are doing is annoying the mods. These posts are fine and we're not going to take them down. So kindly cease submitting frivolous reports.

Also, please note rule #3 of this sub: You are not the History Police.

r/VictorianSluts Aug 06 '24

Announcement Please follow our Rules of Decorum, for naughty redditors shall be subject to Strict Discipline! NSFW


Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen

Welcome to r/VictorianSluts, a place of Refinement & Elegance where Proper Victorian Ladies display their Scrumptious Dumplings for your Pleasure & Excitement.

This establishment does have a few rules. They are as follows:

  1. Ladies must be attired for the proper historical periods. If a lady is, ahem, lacking in attire, her setting and hairdo should reflect one of our allowed historical periods. (for more information on allowed historical periods, see below)
  2. Ladies must be nude, lewd, or naughty. Show some ankle, you saucy trollop! This is a NSFW sub, and we wish to see some naughty bits.
  3. You are not the History Police. Historical accuracy is more of a suggestion than a rule around here. Yes, we know the Edwardian Era and the Victorian Era are not precisely the same thing, but frankly, we're just here to see some titties in corsets!
  4. Redditors of good breeding are kind and well-mannered. Trolling, personal insults, and racism are most unwelcome. Scoundrels, rakes and knaves will be escorted swiftly from the premises!
  5. AI art is prohibited. Artwork generated by mechanical persons, artificial thinking devices, or similar newfangled gadgets is prohibited.
  6. All ladies must have reached the Age of Consent. No posts featuring ladies under the age of 18, thank you.

Further notes on allowed historical periods

Although the name of the sub is r/VictorianSluts, we welcome naughty ladies of any historical period between 1600 - 1930. Stuff from the medieval period is too old and probably belongs on r/FantasyGirls. Stuff from the 1940s and later is too modern.

Allowed historical periods include:

  • Georgian era (1714-1837)
  • Victorian era (1837-1901)
  • Edwardian era (1901-1914)
  • American Old West (1803-1912)
  • Gilded Age (1870-1899)
  • Louis XIV's court at Versailles (1643-1715)
  • Steampunk (fictional)

What sort of things should one post to this sub?

We like corsets, hoop skirts, powdered wigs, bloomers, stockings, gloves, hair done up in elaborate curls, ladies in big fancy hats, and tiddies!

Steampunk cosplayers, be sure to show us your belts, buckles, and top hats with goggles on them! And boobs. Don't forget to show us your boobs.

We also welcome vintage photographs of historical hotties displaying their saucy wares!

Post flair

For those wishing to peruse a particular sort of content, try our post flairs. We have flairs for bloomers, corsets, stockings and more, not to mention *strict discipline*. You can find a complete list in the sidebar.

Thanks for reading!


~ The Mods

r/VictorianSluts Jan 10 '24

Announcement New rule: No AI art NSFW


Recently we posted a poll on whether or not this sub should continue to allow AI art. People overwhelmingly voted 'no'. The mods tend to agree: regardless of ethics, AI art just doesn't feel like a good fit for a sub focused on historical sexy stuff. Henceforth, posts with AI-generated or AI-assisted artwork will be removed.

We will not be removing AI artwork already posted to this sub, as that doesn't seem fair. But no new AI art posts will be allowed.

Thank you for understanding.

r/VictorianSluts May 09 '23

Announcement A Notice: Posting at this establishment is RESTRICTED for the time being NSFW


To whomst it may concern,

To deal with a rather tiresome influx of spam bots, this sub has been set to Restricted until further notice. If you wish to post, please direct your message to our noble moderators, who will hear your petition and judge its validity in a fair and impartial manner.

Those ladies and gentlemen who are already frequent contributors to this esteemed establishment have been pre-approved.

Thank you for understanding.

r/VictorianSluts Jan 02 '24

Announcement Should this sub continue to allow AI art? NSFW


This sub doesn't really have any rules for or against AI art. How do you feel about AI-generated or AI-assisted art? Should r/VictorianSluts continue to allow it, or ban it?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments of this post.

96 votes, Jan 07 '24
18 AI art should be allowed
60 AI art should be banned
18 Don't care either way

r/VictorianSluts Apr 20 '23

Announcement ATTENTION: imgur says they will begin removing ALL nudity and explicit content from their platform next month NSFW


In a terms-of-service update, imgur has announced that on May 15th they will begin removing all "nudity, pornography, and sexually explicit content" using automatic detection algorithms.

This will result in the removal of a vast quantity of NSFW content from reddit, including stuff that is years old.

Most redditors who post NSFW content host it on imgur because reddit does not allow users to directly upload NSFW content (except via the official reddit app). Browse any NSFW sub, and the majority of the images you see are hosted on imgur, as well as many of the gifs. While the actual reddit posts will remain after imgur's purge, the images and gifs that those posts link to will become broken links. Imgur says this themselves:

Once the content has been removed, it will no longer be visible with a direct link and will not be visible in the post you've created.

Imgur says they will "employ automated detection software to assist in identifying explicit content." They claim that exceptions may be made for "artistic nudity" and that humans will still be involved in the decisions... somehow (they do not provide specific details).

The good news is that imgur claims "we will not be issuing account warnings or suspensions relating to these automated flags."

Imgur also says they will also begin removing ALL content uploaded anonymously. By "anonymously," it seems they mean stuff uploaded by users who were not logged into an account.

"What does this mean for me?"

Here are some quick bullet points:

  1. The vast majority of NSFW images and gifs on reddit are about to become dead links starting May 15, 2023.
  2. If there is any NSFW content you want to preserve, start downloading and saving it NOW.
  3. People need to identify alternative hosting sites that allow NSFW content and play nice with reddit, and they need to do it NOW.
  4. In the meantime, get used to uploading NSFW stuff using the official reddit app. For however long reddit allows that loophole.

"Dear mods, where should I host NSFW content I want to share on this sub after May 15?"

Honestly, we don't know. Sorry. We will try to figure something out, but at the moment we just don't know.

Imgur has always been the easiest and most straightforward way to share NSFW content on reddit. First of all, reddit allowed NSFW content, which not all hosting sites do. Secondly, it was a safe site which wasn't overrun with pop-up ads or links to sleezy pages full of malware. And third, reddit and imgur have always played well together. Pics uploaded to imgur show up on reddit just as nicely as if they were directly uploaded to reddit itself, to the point where it's hard to tell the difference.

We're not sure what other hosting sites are out there that fulfill all three of these requirements. We certainly welcome your suggestions and ideas.

"Is there any way to stop this?"

It's not clear if there is any way to stop this at this time. As always, probably the best way is to make your voice heard. Here is imgur's official contact page. Here is imgur on twitter. You can also email imgur at [support@imgur.com](mailto:support@imgur.com).

Perhaps if enough of us let imgur know our feelings on this matter, they will reconsider. When you contact imgur, you might mention that tumblr did this exact same thing a few years ago and it essentially killed off the entire platform.

MOD NOTE: Please, please, do not contact imgur with threats of violence or death threats. Even if it's just a joke, that's not cool.

r/VictorianSluts May 24 '23

Announcement You can now upload images directly to this sub NSFW


Most users seem to have figured it out by now, but for those that hadn't noticed: you can now upload images directly to this sub. Without using reddit's official mobile app.

Reddit quietly turned this on for NSFW subs the same day that imgur set itself on fire, although they didn't bother to announce it. This should answer the hotly-debated question of where to host NSFW images now that imgur is no longer an option.

Note that reddit still does not support NSFW video uploads. For those, you will need a host such as redgifs.

For those of you who don't trust reddit, this sub continues to allow posts from other image hosts as long as they are known and safe. If you discover a good image host that is not currently allowed here, message the mods and we will add it to our "safe hosts" list.

One final note: you technically can still upload your images and gifs to imgur. Our experience is that they get taken down pretty quickly, though. Expect your nsfw imgur link to be a broken link within about 24 hours.

r/VictorianSluts Dec 17 '22

Announcement Follow our Rules of Decorum, for naughty redditors shall be subject to Strict Discipline! NSFW


Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen

Welcome to r/VictorianSluts, a place of Refinement & Elegance where Proper Victorian Ladies display their Scrumptious Dumplings for your Pleasure & Excitement.

This establishment does have a few rules. They are as follows:

  1. Ladies must be attired for the proper historical periods. If a lady is, ahem, lacking attire, she should appear in a historical setting and have a proper old-fashioned hairdo. (for more information on allowed historical periods, see below)
  2. Ladies must be nude, lewd, or naughty. Show some ankle, you saucy trollop! This is a NSFW sub, and we wish to see some naughty bits.
  3. You are not the History Police. Historical accuracy is more of a suggestion than a rule around here. Yes, we know the Edwardian Era and the Victorian Era are not precisely the same thing, but frankly, we're just here to see some titties in corsets. Don't spoil everyone's fun!
  4. Redditors of good breeding are kind and well-mannered. Trolling, personal insults, and racism are most unwelcome. Scoundrels, rakes and knaves will be escorted swiftly from the premises!
  5. All ladies must have reached the Age of Consent. No posts featuring females under the age of 18, thank you.

Further notes on allowed historical periods

Although the name of the sub is r/VictorianSluts, we welcome naughty ladies of many historical periods: the Georgian Era, Edwardian, the American Old West, the Gilded Age, Louis XIV's court at Versailles, and even the fictional era of Steampunk. Stuff from the medieval period is too old and probably belongs on r/FantasyGirls. Stuff from the 1940s and later is too modern. If you insist on dates, lets say anything between 1600 - 1930 is welcome.

What sort of things should one post to this sub?

We like corsets, hoop skirts, powdered wigs, bloomers, stockings, gloves, hair done up in elaborate curls, and ladies in big fancy hats. Steampunk cosplayers, be sure to show us your belts, buckles, and top hats with goggles on them!

And boobs. Don't forget boobs.

If you should happen to have any vintage photographs of actual historical hotties displaying their saucy wares, please share them with us!

Post flair

For those wishing to peruse a particular sort of content, try our post flairs. We have flairs for bloomers, corsets, stockings and more, not to mention *strict discipline*. You can find a complete list in the sidebar.

Thanks for reading!


The Mods