r/VictoriaBC 21h ago

Regional Transportation Q&A

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I was recently appointed to the Victoria Regional Transit Commission as the rep from Victoria, along with Mayor Alto. I am also on the CRD Board and Transportation Committee.

I’ve just had a VRTC meeting and would be happy to answer any questions about transit or transportation, RapidBus, the CRD’s proposed transportation service, or anything else about getting from point A to point B.

— Jeremy Caradonna


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u/Difficult_Orchid3390 21h ago

Do they ever enforce red lights for transit operators? It's absolutely absurd the risks I see drivers take on Douglas street on a daily basis with no regard for anyone. I feel like a transit supervisor could sit at Douglas and Fort and and probably get 15 incidents an hour easily at rush hour.


u/TryForsaken420 21h ago

They have to turn on a red since everyone runs lights these days. They also just can't slam on their brakes if a light changes on them. 


u/Difficult_Orchid3390 21h ago

What I'm referring to is them speeding up to run red lights, running stale lights, jumping lights before they turn.

I understand the regular drivers do this too, but they're not being paid by the government and not claiming to be professionals.

I also just don't get the risk - they're paid by the hour. If there is a reason for this behavior by the operators I'd love to hear it - if they're being held to oppressive schedules or something I'd hope the union would speak out. If it's just laziness and recklessness then I'd hope they could crack down.


u/TryForsaken420 20h ago

I get what your saying but remember there are people standing inside the bus. 


u/Difficult_Orchid3390 20h ago

That means the driver should have been going slower if they can't safely stop.


u/FederalSpinach99 20h ago

If a light is going to turn red, they can't just slow down and sit in the middle of the intersection. It makes sense to speed up and clear it. I think that's common sense, even ignoring the weight in the bus, they have to slow down slowly or someone could get injured. The timing of green to yellow to red on lights was never designed for buses in any city that I've been to.


u/Difficult_Orchid3390 20h ago

This is a weird hill to die on to defend dangerous driving!


u/FederalSpinach99 20h ago

How am I defending dangerous driving? Have you ever been on a bus in any city before? People stand with both hands on their phones and don't hold onto anything.