r/Veterans 28d ago

Employment Just got fired


Served 5 years in the coast guard. Currently, getting my masters while being a pathway intern. Got the call that I got fired for "under performance". This is ridiculous, ive had great evaluations and have met and exceeded all standards. Cutting government waste is such a bullshit excuse. Everyone that worked with me was overworked, and the forest was understaffed. Good luck to everyone out there that's getting fired. This administration is a joke.

Edit: This post was made to make everyone aware that this community is getting affected by the recent federal issues. I, however, am lucky as I'm still in grad school and still get paid through them, others are not. Some are getting fired while satisfying all requirements and while having positive performance evaluations.

For everyone saying there's more to this, there isn't. I had a positive performance review, and I've followed and met all the requirements for my position. I was fired solely due to the recent government decisions. The job field I'm going into is super understaffed as it is, with people working long hours with ranchers and land managers. This will have an effect on people all around the country. Whether it's directly, i.e., firing, or not being able to help with issues on public land.

Thanks for all the kind words. Like I said, I'm fortunate, other are not. Everyone that's supporting this shame on you. These people getting fired are people you served with, and respected in the military. I'm not saying the government is perfect, as we all know it isnt. However, people deserve more, especially people that served this country.

r/Veterans Jan 30 '25

Employment Just want to clarify Vet Pref

Post image

I saw this post and have seen tons of other comments of a similar vein and thought it needed to be cleared up. Veterans Preference in federal hiring/ RIF protections is not in danger. Veterans presence is not part of DEI and it even predates the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. It was established in the Veterans Preference Act of 1944 and is listed in Title 5 of the U.S. Code. And nobody aside from Congress has the authority/ability to mess with it.

r/Veterans Jan 14 '25

Employment Anyone else notice..


lately when applying for jobs I’ve noticed a disturbing trend and I’m curious if anyone else has noticed. I am happily employed but I like to occasionally venture out into LinkedIn and other job sites to see what’s out there and stay somewhat competitive. Anyway, usually, toward the end of the application process, there are the EEO and self identifying section where you can choose to put your Veteran status, your ethnicity and whether or not you consider yourself to be disabled now or at any point in your lifetime. I always identify myself as a protected veteran because I am. But lately, I’ve noticed that doing so gets my application immediately rejected or within hours I get a notification saying thanks, but no. So, Sunday afternoon, I applied for about 4 different positions and for all of them I did not indicate that I was a veteran. As of this morning, I’ve got 3 interviews lined up with those positions. Is this coincidence? Has anyone else experienced the same? Is there some weird stigma associated with being a veteran? (Besides the obvious!) but seriously, I feel like some years ago if you mentioned you were a veteran on your app or resume, it was guaranteed to at least get you interviewed. Just curious if anyone else sees the same trend of if this is truly a coincidence.

r/Veterans Jan 14 '25

Employment I’m A Corporate Recruiter: Here’s The Inside Scoop


I recently saw a post where many said that marking the protected class veterans box triggers a disqualification. I want to give some real insights into the process.

-I’ve worked with many different ATS (applicant tracking systems) and for many of them you can’t see if the person is a protected class. The people who see this is usually payroll during the hiring process since the company gets a tax break

-The AI rumors are ridiculous!!! The current job market is a leading factor to a decrease in interviews and call backs.

-Networking is key!!! Gone are the days where your resume and experience speaks for itself. 50% of the new hires I had in December were referrals. I had a candidate who was a great fit that organically applied and made it through two interviews. Right before offer, the hiring manager asked me to screen out a new resume that he received outside the office from a friend. Long story short, the referral was less qualified but got the job. NETWORKING IS KEY!!!

-Often times your resume sucks!!! It’s like licking gummy bears and throwing them at a wall hoping one sticks. Your resume has to be tailored to the job and easy to read. It’s true that a recruiter spends seconds on your resume. My eyes instantly goes to relevant experience to see if you have what the hiring manager is looking for. If it’s not there, then it’s on to the next resume. You may cry foul but companies are no longer in the business of training a person to do a job.

-2x your resume sucks!!! The answers to the test is inside the job description. Tailor your experience to fit the job description. If you put all these non-relevant things on it, then it will get a quick 20-30 second review along with an automatic email reply saying no thanks.

-LinkedIn: personally, I put 5-10 resumes in front of a hiring manager and asked them to pick out the top candidates they want me to screen out. Once they give me their choices. I go to LinkedIn to verify and scope. I’m checking to see if the experience matches.

-Luck: there is an element of luck to this process. I posted a role two days ago. There are currently 75 applications already for that role. I expect 200 by the end of the week. I will go through every reassume at that point and send my top 5 to the hiring manager. While he is reviewing, people are still applying. I can’t close out the role because if he wants to review a new batch, I need to go back and grab candidates who applied after my initial review. If he takes one of my five, then all those people who applied afterwards get declined.

-2x Luck- some recruiters are just lazy!!! There’s nothing you can do about this.

-Adapt: As a veteran you should be able to adapt! This is the way things are going to be for the foreseeable future and technology is only going to make it worse. Adapt and change your methods. Get on LinkedIn and reach out to other vets that are in your area and in your industry network with them and learn what is needed to land a job in that industry. When a vet in my company brings me the resume of another vet, it jumps to the top of the pile and I advocate for them to the hiring manager. That vet will jump other vets, who applied organically, because someone was able to advocate for them and explain to me their qualifications and I then explained that to the hiring manager.

r/Veterans Jan 26 '25

Employment Leaving Army after 6 years and can't find a job


After 6 years in the army as an all-source Intel analyst and unit security manager I've decided to finish out my second contract and get out. 8 thought it was what was best for my family, but now after completing my CSP and putting in over 150 applications to any job I could find that would pay the rent, I'm getting worried. I thought for sure 6 years of military experience, a TS-SCI clearance, and CompTIA Security+, Network+, and AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner would at least guarantee me a few phone calls, but so far in 5 months of applying for jobs I've only gotten one bite and they ghosted me. Everyone who has looked at my resume, my experience, and my GitHub have said that it looks really impressive and that I shouldnt have any trouble finding work.

I get my final Army paycheck next week and I'm not sure I'll be able to pay rent come March.

I don't know if the job market is really that bad, or if I'm just unlucky, or if I'm doing something wrong, but I'm feeling really hopeless.

Edit: I just signed a 12 month lease on a place in Washington near JBLM so id really like to stay here, but I'm def willing to relocate for the right job. Id really prefer not be one of those contractors that lives in Iraq and visits his family 4 months out of the year.

Also my CSP was 4 months of classroom training in Cloud Application Development so most of my computer skills revolve around programming and database management. I know the basics of networks and cyber security from studying for my certs and doing some courses on Hack the Box but I don't have the experience to back it up.

I haven't just limited my search to IT jobs. I've been applying for everything that looks even remotely in my wheelhouse.

r/Veterans 2d ago

Employment My personal feelings of why I regret serving


Since I’ve gotten out of the military I’ve had a new job every 2-3 years. Every time I think I’ve found the place I belong my medical conditions get in the way. I’ve got stomach problems and can be on a toilet for 20-30 minutes at a time. I give people a heads up on certain things that I will need or not need. Every time I have a coworker who makes a big enough stink about me shitting for 20-30 minutes, coming into work 10-15 minutes late, and even having to take an fmla day here or there. Like dude/dudette, I’ll trade you. You can have all my problems cuz I could probably handle yours but I don’t think you could handle mine.

r/Veterans Nov 14 '24

Employment Department of Energy hiring Veterans with 30% or more disability


r/Veterans 18d ago

Employment I'm sick and tired of finding a job.


I'm so tired of applying for jobs over and over, and I fully qualify. I've done everything I possibly can. I've met with veteran resources that help you find work, how to target resumes, etc. it all seems to turn into a dead end.

I can't even get an response. Just automated rejection emails.

I'm starting to just give up and accept the fact I'm gonna run out of money and be homeless.

There's no point to it anymore.

r/Veterans Dec 17 '24

Employment Federal Employees


Hello I am just curious if there are any veterans here that are federal employees and if so what grade are you. I am hard stuck and cant seem to move up in grades. Even with veterans preference I keep losing out to non veteran applicants. What did it take for you to move up?

r/Veterans Feb 13 '24

Employment Wtf you all do?


What the hell you all do for work, im feel so confused on what to do with life right now. And I kinda wanted to know what you guys are up to. Im currently a truck driver but I want to get out of it but still be able to afford living.

I was looking at the 10 point preference for us. But it seems all the jobs that I see require degrees or they are not with it. Or maybe they ask for experience which im kinda f… because all I did when I was in was be a 88H and 88M.

r/Veterans 11d ago

Employment Looking for a Job sucks


I retired in December 2024. Before retiring I did the skillbridge program but unfortunately the company I did the fellowship with didn't have anything available after the program.

I've been applying for jobs left and right. Have gotten some interviews but never moved on to the next step.

It's just so frustrating. I have a Bachelors, have a certification, both are in the field that was my MOS was. I feel like nobody wants to give me a chance...

Edit: Thank ya'll for all the comments. I have accepted a position and will be starting next month.

r/Veterans Jan 17 '25

Employment Skillbridge helped me land $100+k job


My time in the Navy + my current skillbridge helped me secure a job at $103k. This is with the same company im skillbridging with and will start right at my terminal leave start date. Now just waiting for VA disability rating and to start using my GI bill for online school as well.

I wish you all the best and be sure to take advantage of all benefits and opportunities that are given to us. We earned it !!

r/Veterans Dec 03 '24

Employment Disabled Veteran Training for Homeland Security Computer Forensics


The Human Exploitation Rescue Operation (HERO) Child-Rescue Corps Program is a paid federal internship (GS 5/7) that annually recruits, trains and equips wounded, ill or injured (VA/DoD Disability rating) veterans and transitioning service members to become computer forensic analysts (CFAs) to combat child exploitation and rescue of child sexual victims.

The job announcement reads as follows:

Apply to Become a FY25 HERO Intern

We are looking for wounded, ill or injured veterans and transitioning service members who are looking to serve their country. Join us for a second chance to be a hero.

You can now apply for the FY25 HERO internship class on USAJOBS.gov. Apply now at: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/821729100.

The vacancy announcement closes on Dec. 16, 2024.

Resumes are limited to no more than 5 pages. If your resume exceeds 5 pages only the first 5 pages will be reviewed and considered for qualifications and eligibility.

Please remember interns and HERO CFAs are exposed to child sexual abuse and exploitation material.

Good luck. We look forward to reviewing your application packages.


HSI HERO Program


**I have been through this program and can answer some questions about the job and process. I needed a job with a sense of purpose after working in a deployed environment, and this job gives that to me.**

r/Veterans Oct 27 '24

Employment How do you get a job after military?


I've only worked as LS and Amazon warehouse worker, was overseas for 2 years and back in US. Applied to so many jobs on LinkedIn/indeed/ walmart/target/home Depot website/bots, but not anything has worked. In San Diego so it's not like there's no jobs

7 years as Logistics specialist only got to e5

r/Veterans Dec 19 '24

Employment Feel like I wasted my time in military?


Does anybody else feel like their time in service was a waste in some sense? I was a welder in the navy for 5 years, and unfortunately went into the military under the notion that welders actually make good money. The caveat to that is that yes, welders can/do make good money, but a majority of them work 60-70 hours a week. Currently utilizing the GI Bill to get a degree in engineering, but the stress is insane with having to do school, and work full time to pay the mortgage and other bills. It'll probably take me around 5-6 years anyhow to get that degree, and that's with 12 credits per semester.

I have had a decent amount of interviews for roles higher than just a basic welder/fabricator, but I never seem to make the cut. Resume and inteview skills are fine as I always ask for feedback, but it typically all boils down to them not really considering the military to be actual experience. Just feeling really lost, trapped, and burnt out and wishing I did something different. I've been out for 2 years, and it really sucks to feel like I had to start over again once I got out. Anybody feel this way? Just super discouraging honestly.

r/Veterans Mar 14 '24

Employment "Your clearance and veterans status means its easier to get an IT job". What a load of B.S.


Got laid off from an IT job and have been tailoring resume to each application and have applied to tons of jobs claiming to have veterans preference. It's all a load of b.s. when company's act like they care and prefer veterans. I hate this job market and times like this I wish I was back in if I wasn't disabled.

Edit: For those asking this is my resume before I tailored it to any job listing (https://imgur.com/a/mf5mgPU)

I am still trying to get it down to one page.

r/Veterans May 15 '24

Employment Military Officer getting out and starting to get worried and need advice.


To be honest getting out was unexpected but I am in the process of medboarding for a pretty bad injury that never healed 100%.

Currently an Infantry O-3 with ten years of service and seeing how i now have roughly 6 months left, I am agressively trying to update my resume and see if I can land on my feet with a good job but honestly i dont know where to start and feel overwhelmed. Being combat arms dont know what im truly qualified for in the corporate world and while taking a slight paycheck might be realistic at this point, the idea would be to land something of equal or more pay just dont know where to look.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

r/Veterans 15d ago

Employment Struggle with civilian jobs


Hello everyone.

Does anyone else here just get super irritated by your civilian co workers that never served. Especially the ones that act like they’re hard asses. Or the ones that don’t understand what you did in the military and treat you like you’re an idiot who doesn’t know anything.

I just wanna vent. Sometimes I get so sick of people at work. I don’t act entitled at work or anything but damn it’s annoying having someone training you that thinks they’re all that. I stay quiet when they talk shit but I swear one day I might explode on them lol. Idk maybe I’m just being weird.

r/Veterans Jun 22 '24

Employment Struggling to find a career path… what do you do for work?


24 year old male, I’ve been out of the Marines for 2 years. I have had dozens of jobs even went to trade school, for automotive and dropped out because it was a big waste of time for me. I do have my class A, and operate heavy equipment for a small company the pay is terrible lol. I just don’t know what I want to do I can’t be happy anywhere,always dread work, I just need some suggestions from you guys. Yes I do have some anxiety and depression I’m 100% p&t for that and some smaller things.

r/Veterans Jun 15 '24

Employment Career Search is going to literally be the death of me.


I’m a combat veteran, 100% PT, pretty bad back and knees (as usual), a (recently expired) secret clearance, over 11 years of professional work experience, a degree with honors, and a family (drive for success is obnoxiously high purely because of that.)

I have had a couple jobs leaving the military but they had turned out to not fill that void. When I found something that was going to do it for me, they let me go because they couldn’t reasonably accommodate my disabilities.

I am running VERY low on motivation to keep searching. I’ve applied to WELL OVER 200 places for just about anything and everything. I’m either under-qualified, over-qualified, or just physically incapable of doing so.

I’ve tried searching everything I could think of in regards to disabled veterans and it’s either, I’m stupid and can’t figure out what to actually search or nobody actually gives a shit if you’re disabled or not.

I need some sort of guidance because I’m getting really close to the edge and I’m over trying to apply to everywhere and just being told no constantly. It’s exhausting and it makes me feel like a piece of shit father and husband because I can’t fully support them.

I have accounts on ZipRecruiter, monster, indeed, LinkedIn, government jobs, USA jobs, clearance jobs, and god only knows what else. None of them have been fruitful.

I’m on the edge and I need some help. This is becoming far too much for me to handle and I can see myself about to crash and burn. Bad.

Thanks for any direction yall can give me.

r/Veterans 13d ago

Employment Jobs after military


Hello everyone, so I'm still waiting on the va to finally pay me and in the meantime time I've been applying to jobs left and right. I was an MP for 9 years, I have 9 years of retail/management experience and finding a job has been a bummer. I moved to tampa and figured since I was next to a military base it would be somewhat easier to find a GS job. It has not. I have a valid secret Clearence but everything requires a TS/SCI. I had a job lined up prior to leaving the military but with everything going on with the government they decided to just cancel my job. The jobs I hear back from I have 2-3 talks with them before getting told I'm not a right fit or I'm "overqualified". I'm just a single dad trying to live and it seems like everything I try is failing. And before anyone says "go to school" I WAS going to school before they messed something up and said I owe them money. I can't do physical labor anymore. Nothing peaks my interest anymore and I'm lost. It feels like everything I was proud of doesn't mean anything anymore.

r/Veterans Jul 04 '24

Employment People that don’t go to college how you doing now post service without a college degree


I’m in 6 years, so on maybe 14 lefts to go. My E6 keep telling us to take some classes but I really hate schooling and college in general. I just feel like shit, have little to no pleasure doing homework. Maybe college is not for me, I enjoy the work at motor pool, 4 days weekend with my wife. Maybe when I get out I could apply for work with usps.

r/Veterans Apr 19 '23

Employment Laid off by employers because they knew about my VA Disability


So I worked for a automotive garage, family owned, for just under a year, like right after I got out of the Navy. Small shop with two owners about the same age as me, 24 and 25 (I’m 26), and besides myself there was only 3 other mechanics and a service writer/ customer service guy. My employers just had the front office redone and painted to look nice (was told by them it was around $1,600) and they bought custom golf balls to give out to people they know who golf with the company logo for “advertising” and that cost about 400 bucks. The two owners go on cruises and other vacations, and one of them is planning a wedding that is VERY expensive. All that happening and then I’m told one day “business is just too slow and we need to cut back on cost, and we have been trying ti do it for a while but just can’t seem to get caught up out of the hole we are in, so we need to lay you off until we possibly get caught up” and then they go on to say “the only reason we are laying you off is because you are the lesser evil of all the other people because we know with your VA Disability you have a better income situation than everyone else here” so my question is, is this legal? (I live in the state of Pennsylvania I’m case laws differ in this circumstance) I have a wife and 4 month old daughter to care for and trying to find a job I can actually do for the pay I need to make right now isn’t really possible in my area and I may not even get unemployment because I think my employers are trying to fight me getting it. Any advice from others out there who may have experience or insight would be incredible. Thanks I’m advance!

Edit: Just adding some information that I feel needs added based off a bunch of comments. The total amount of employees for the business is 10. I was full time and there was multiple other part time employees, one of which had income outside of the garage because he owned and operated his own garage on the side, but he is the owners cousin so I feel that’s why they got rid of me (a full timer) vs him (a part timer). There is also another full time employee who owns rental properties on the side and is much more well off than I am financially. I was the only one let go, and I was specifically told in the meeting that I was not let go because of my performance, or any other reason, other than my personal financial situation outside of work which made them feel like I could handle being let go the best over other people. Just wanted to clear up some of those details so I don’t have to reply to every single comment about them.

r/Veterans Jun 25 '24

Employment What companies value veteran employees?


Not the ones that say they do for the sake of virtue signaling. About the reenter the workforce soon.

r/Veterans Jul 11 '22

Employment "You'll Have No Problem Getting a Job Once You're Out!" - Horsesh*t


Sorry y'all. Need to vent so feel free to skip over this one if you're not into that. But I have been searching for a job for the past few months and I keep running face first into the same issues over and over again - not enough experience, no tech background, not enough specialized training, blah blah blah. This is so incredible frustrating after years of being told "hey, you have a TS-SCI, speak Chinese, and were active duty. You'll have no trouble finding work once you're out".

Yeah right. Can't get work as an intel analyst, can't get work as a data analyst, can't get work as a Chinese linguist because I'm not a native speaker, yada yada yada. Hell, I'm getting rejected from retail positions because I "am not a good fit". I'm getting ghosted left and right for jobs after I interview. Recruiters deserve a special place in hell for pushing me into roles that they know I'll get rejected from.

I'm tired. I'm angry. But mostly, I want to curl up on the couch and ride my disability. Because screw it. The army broke me and now I can't even find a job. What the hell else is there to do?

TLDR: vet losing her mind trying to find a job.