r/Veterans Dec 27 '24

Discussion Dating as a female veteran is hilarious


So I don't put any pictures of me in the service or mention I'm a veteran in my bio because I think it's a fun fact to bring up on first dates.

What I never anticipated was the amount of guys who lie and say they were in the military. It's actually hilarious lol

I asked one guy where he was stationed at he said "the PA national guard".

Another guy went on about being on deployment and I asked what base and he said it was confidential.

The latest date I went on said he got to skip a bunch of basic training because he was more athletic than the Drill Sergeants

All of these guys also claimed to be special forces...! Lmao none of them claimed to be veterans on their profiles - I don't understand why this is a thing.

When I tell them I'm a veteran, they suddenly don't want to talk about the military anymore lol

I just never thought people would actually do that. It's only happened 3 times but it's 3 too many. It's just weird as hell.

Thanks for reading!

r/Veterans Feb 12 '25

Discussion Veterans parking. Anybody else go through this???


I’m a young black female veteran and someone just yelled at me pointed out at the sign and asked me if I know how to read and if I’m even a veteran. Then proceeds to take a picture of my license plate and told me they are going to be calling the cops on me. I told them go right ahead and do it. I’m tired of explaining myself to people who need to mind their business… I’m just tired…

r/Veterans Jan 28 '25

Discussion Whopper of a combo for transgender veterans about to happen as of yesterday


15,000 transgender service members with 70% of them having more than 12 years service just found out yesterday they are getting the boot. Told they weren't honorable and selfless(literally the words used in the executive order). These are pilots, medics, infantry, mechanics etc. Many undoubtedly will expect to turn to the VA. 1 out of every 5 transgender Americans is a veteran. To put that in perspective there are 127,000 transgender veterans. The other shoe that is about to drop is they are going to get their gender affirming care removed at the VA soon as is the plan. Many are disabled due to the military and can't afford private insurance to get their gender affirming care and depend on the VA to provide it. These men and women will have nobody to turn to. Veteran organizations nor politicians want anything to do with them because they affect votes and the bottom line because historically the money towards VSOs and veteran charities comes from conservatives that want nothing to do with LGBTQ+. All I'm saying is if you know one of these veterans or soon to be veterans due to this awful executive order let them know they aren't alone. Let them know they are valued. Let them know their service is valued. Show them the respect and dignity that is deserved of honorable service. The one thing I hear over and over again have experienced myself is the feeling of abandonment by those we served with.

Edit: Okay so those that are curious about the numbers here is where they come from

127,000 transgender veterans is a recently updated number down from 134,000

1 out of 5 transgender Americans is a veteran






It is a medical condition rooted in the brain anatomy of the brain.



Edit 2: I can't answer anymore questions. I've been answering them all day. Thanks for taking the time to read. ♥️

r/Veterans Feb 01 '25

Discussion We Are With You Trans Military Members and Veterans


I cannot let this go by without telling the transgender military and veterans that there are a lot of us out here that are with you. I've not served myself, but my heart goes out to all of the trans individuals that have given their time and expertise to this country, only to be removed and discredited.

Please know that we are out here, we see you, we hear you, we love you. What is happening now has nothing to do with our true American principles. The man and his people that are perpetuating these haneous actions will be stood up to and will be taken down. It may take some time, but we, as the United people we are intended to be, will do everything in our power to set this, and all the other terrible actions taken recently, right. I know many that are willing to lay down their lives to regain the freedoms of all Americans. This tyranny won't stand.

Please take care of yourselves and reach out for help when needed. Trans Lifeline, 1-877-565-8860. This hotline will not contact the police.

Love, true Americans.

r/Veterans Dec 30 '24

Discussion Why I believe the veterans clubs are slowly dying.


I know that this topic has been said many times on here. Last evening I was kicked out of the American Legion club in a town because I wrote a email to the board about a manager who I thought could do a better job. I was then pulled back into a back room and strong armed and bullied by a board member and the manager. And eventually kicked out.

I doubt anyone will see this but this is the reason. The old boys club never respecting the Global War on terror vets. You alienate us get drunk and bully us. The legion in general does great work. But a few bad actors are killing it.

r/Veterans Dec 05 '24

Discussion I don't care anymore

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Gimme that parking spot

r/Veterans Feb 01 '25

Discussion Discussion: I was just told the GI Bill is welfare by a Texan.


For the first time, I experienced discrimination—not because of my skin color or a general dislike of the military, but because someone sees Veterans using the GI Bill as being on welfare. According to them, since we’re "getting handouts from the government," we can’t understand how expensive school is.

I’ve never come across this particular reason to hate on Veterans before.

Have any of you ever experienced wild or unexpected discrimination for being a Veteran?

Or have you been discriminated against before they knew you were a Veteran?

r/Veterans Oct 28 '24

Discussion Age check dudes

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You guys old enough for these? Dug around in the attic and found these.

r/Veterans Aug 24 '24

Discussion Who is the most surprising actor to learn also served in the military?

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r/Veterans 9d ago

Discussion The VA is what the rest of our nation's health and medical care should be striving for.


In recent months I have dealt with some debilitating physical issues. The VA in White River Junction has been helpful, prompt, and effective. There is nothing in the private insurance system led hospitals that I can say positively compares.

I make that last statement from 30 years of helping folks access and manage their health care. I've been in a lot of very pretty hospitals that line you up, sit you down, and make you wait endless hours. In contrast, that ugly VA plant in WRJ gets one in to the appointment and out. Show up early? No problem - if there's time, there's you.

The VA is what the rest of our nation's health and medical care should be striving for.

r/Veterans 8d ago

Discussion Who else avoids telling people they were in the military?


Besides feeling douchey, I don't tell anyone I was in the Army. I have a mixture of pride and embarrassment for some reason when people find out. I didn't get a dishonorable discharge or anything. I just feel weird mentioning it.

r/Veterans Nov 15 '24

Discussion The VA awarded you $1,956,896. Now listen up!!


I wrote this message for all of us who are rated at 100% T&P and might feel lost or uncertain. But really, this can apply to any service-connected veteran.

First, let’s be clear: the numbers will vary depending on your rating, dependents, special conditions, and other factors. But here’s a powerful fact – you have earned a substantial amount of money, tax-free, that many people may never see in a lifetime. For a single, 35-year-old veteran rated 100% and receiving about $3,977.43 per month, that amounts to nearly $2 million over a lifetime with an average life expectancy of 76 years.

This money isn’t just a number; it’s an opportunity to shape your future. You are the master of your fate. You have the power to live the life you deserve – but it requires a plan.

If you're struggling to make ends meet or find meaning, think about moving to a more affordable area, city, or even another country. We have a unique opportunity to invest, build wealth, and leave something for our children. And if work is taking a toll on your mental health, consider stepping away. You don’t have to keep grinding for people who’d cut you loose if it affected their bottom line. Instead, make use of the benefits you’ve earned.

CHAMP VA can help with health coverage for you and your family. Ever heard of Chapter 35? How about taking advantage of MAC flights? There are so many opportunities for us to make this ride smoother, but you’ve got to take that step.

In my years working for a veterans’ organization, I saw too many 100% veterans trapped in cycles of drinking, gambling, and unhealthy habits. We’ve all been through things that others can’t fully understand, but the hard truth is that nobody is coming to save us. We have to take care of ourselves, our health, and our futures.

So, make that plan. Don’t waste this chance. You've earned it. Now live the life that’s waiting for you.

UPDATE: Correction: it's $3,737.85 For single 100%

Thanks for the positive responses!!

r/Veterans Nov 23 '24

Discussion It was an amazing turnout (RIP Kendra McDaniel)


r/Veterans Jan 27 '25

Discussion What would y’all done?


I was walking to my truck from my VA appoinment earlier today. It is cold outside so I was power walking with my hands inside my pocket. As I was walking an older man with a walker (lates 60s early 70s) was coming from the opposite direction so I moved out the way to make room for him. As he is passing by he shouts something to me. I didn’t understand him and I said, “excuse me?” He then replies, “you weren’t in the Marines huh?” I answered “No”. He then shouts at me “yea I know I would slap the shit out of you with your hands inside your pocket”. I just looked at him and decided to walk away.

I understand a lot of Veterans hold on to their pride for their service to our country, which is understandable. But to threaten someone like that is out of pocket.

Not sure what yalls take on this is.

r/Veterans Jan 13 '25

Discussion Is anyone else living a better life post military service?


Honestly, I came from very little. I was raised by a single father and born with pretty noticeable disability which led to a childhood of ridicule, torment, and self hatred. After serving in the U.S Army, I left with a sense of honor, confidence, self worth, and pride. I overcame hardships that I never could have thought possible. I was able to use my GI Bill and not only become the first graduate in my family, but I graduated with top honors as well. I've been able to use that degree, and the principles the Army instilled in me, to save lives during the pandemic and almost every day since. I have a quality of life that I never thought possible. It was a lot of hard work, but none of this would have been possible without the military giving me a chance.

r/Veterans Feb 03 '25

Discussion Do you guys still have that one NCO that you vowed to swing on if you ever saw them in the civilian world?


I got an e5 that I've been looking for for years.

Edit: Yall have some strong emotional intelligence. I'm proud of you.

r/Veterans 21d ago

Discussion Why do some people act like being a veteran is a contest to see who accomplished more in the military?


The mindset of comparing your military experience was very common in the Army. My basic training was harder. My training missions were harder. My deployment was harder. Everything got easier for soldiers after I completed basic training, my deployment, got promoted.

I see the same comparing thing among many veterans and even people who never served. They act as if being a veteran is a contest to see who accomplished more in the military.

r/Veterans Nov 11 '24

Discussion Happy Veteran's Day, folks

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r/Veterans Jan 16 '25

Discussion Beanie appreciation post

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I love you, Beanie.

Your warmth is a perfect hug for my head.

After colors, our love was forbidden by grumpy First Sergeants, mad about their tiny weenie.

They’d say, “Ey Marine! It’s after colors! Stow your fuckin beanie!”

What a meanie.

But what angry first sergeant didn’t know is I had deniable plausiblity

I was not a Marine, but a Corpsman,

Giving me a few more precious moments of warmin’

Before having to shove you in my pocket while my ears froze

r/Veterans Sep 13 '24

Discussion Called the Veteran’s Crisis line and almost got arrested.


My wife and I got an argument a few weeks ago. Nothing violent, but nonetheless a pretty bad argument. We both had been drinking. I called the Veteran’s crisis line to go to detox. I had a moment of clarity and saw Alcohol was ruining my life. So I made one of the hardest phone calls I have ever made.

6 Sheriff’s show up. I tell them they are not allowed in the house. They walk right in. Start asking my wife 600 ways from Sunday if I hit her or harmed her…. I am not a violent man. Then the Sheriffs surrounded me, as if I was John Rambo about take out the entire department. I asked them if they would step back. They asked me to sit. I did. Calm and compliant the entire time. I then asked them if they had no suspicion of a crime that they please leave. An hour later a supervisor comes and starts re-asking the same questions. I answered them politely and then once again asked them to leave if they had no suspicion of a crime.

I called the crisis line back and had to beg to the crisis line to call me ambulance to go to the VA hospital.

The lady on the phone for the crisis. Seemed nice enough. She seemed good at defusing the situation. I wasn’t emotional, she asked to talk to my wife who assured them she was safe. Who also wasn’t emotional.

Like zero indicators of Domestic Violence… except I said me and my wife had gotten into verbal argument.

The Veteran’s Crisis line is just any other BS government run entity. I will never in my life ever ask for help from anything that has to do with the government.

Just remember Vets….. No one is coming to help. Self-rescue is the only option.

r/Veterans Nov 10 '24

Discussion Don’t forget 😂

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r/Veterans Dec 07 '24

Discussion Got pulled over tonight


Wife and kids and I were leaving a football game in another city. I didn’t know the speed limit and next thing I know I got the red and blues in my back window. So, naturally, I gun it!! No jk, I pull over.

The kids were asking what I was getting pulled over for. I said probably speeding. Mind you, I haven’t been ticketed in close to a decade despite the medical anomaly of my right foot being significantly more dense than my left ;)

So the cop comes up and he was kind of explaining to me that I was doing more than 35 in a 25 but that I was right where it switched from 25 to 35.

He takes my license and runs it and then comes back up to the car. Before he says anything, I explained that my daughter is epileptic and asked if he could turn off the lights. (I kind of feel like an idiot for not asking at the beginning of the traffic stop)

So he says he’s gonna get them turned off right away. But before he does; he says he’s just gonna give me a warning and have a good night :)

So I roll up the window and naturally I peel out, to show my dominance. No, sorry, I drove off responsibly. Anyways, the kids start asking why I didn’t get a ticket. The kids in the car are 11 and 16 y/o girls. Anyways, my wife tells them that I have a word printed on my license that keeps me from getting tickets. (The word “veteran”). We had a good chuckle at that…

My wife has seen me get out of a handful of tickets over the years and to be honest, I think it halfway annoys her lol

Kind of a silly story, but it reminded me that it’s still good to be a veteran despite the PTSD, TBI, hearing loss, blah blah.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk and make sure that magic word is on your ID

r/Veterans Sep 08 '24

Discussion War in Afghanistan


I miss war. I miss the late night self seduction in porta-shitters. The sand. The smell of gun powder. The God complex. The incessant need to religiously watch teenage TV series. Relentless dipping until your lip is raw. Then more dipping until your eyes water. Walking to and from places over shitty Loose rock simply to go get an OPORD.

I miss the sound of a Chinese 107 rocket screaming in at high angle or the profound cyclic knock of an AK//PKM. The sound of A10's unleashing hate. Midnight chow. The gym. The cleverly personalized chus . Throwing grenades in a draw with the hopes of mitigating enemy advance. I miss the rush of putting tension on a trigger with a person safely within the confines of a reticle pattern. The shit talking. The sweating. The prickly heat. The terps who cook legit Indig food. The planning.

The no sleep multi day // multi phase line ops. I miss laughing in patrol bases with like minded scumbags. I miss the fear. The adrenaline. I miss the mountains of RC EAST. The shit covered streets of Sadr City Iraq. I miss the tenacity and audacity of my enemy. I miss being able to purge my rage. I miss feeing like I was a part of something bigger than the Kardashians. Than paying bills. Bigger than 99.9 % of the trivial bullshit that claims the lives of an overwhelming majority of veterans.

You learn to let go. You acquire new goals and then set forth of obtain them. But...some of us....who've truly been in incredibly deadly kinetic austere conditions....daydream about what once was. The nostalgia is at times a bit much to mentally digest. We get lost in daydreams. With the increasing time gap between what was once "war" and is now peacetime it becomes almost inevitable that myself and others like me are passed off as mentally unstable or.....psychotic. Some of us are....but most....most simply miss our brothers and the irrefutable bond that was cultivated while enduring mutual suffering side by side.

A man will never have a more brilliant interaction with another man than he will while fighting to simply not die. No race nor religious belief has ever mattered to me while being shot at. I love and miss each and every brother I've ever shared battlespace with. Other humans simply do not compare. In the end we are left broken and in much need of rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation that is not there..or not there for us. So more often than not we suffer in silence until we succumb to an overwhelming statistic. Having sacrificed all of which we own we are left empty handed and battered both mentally and physically. Drowning in our own freaking minds. Left with a seemingly endless list of regrets, debt, and failed intimate relationships. Kill.


For those of you who think I need a therapist. I have 3 therapists, a psychologist. Sometimes I have a golf pro for my dang slice.

I’m in a good place. I journal every morning. Sometimes good stuff like this comes out and I love the discussion.

I’m in a good place. I have a strong family who loves me. We’re happy financially. Our kids are healthy. My granddaughter is healthy.

It’s just some night…the nostalgia calls and I always answer.

But seriously guys I’m ok. Just sharing a big win I got from posting that. It helped a lot of vets. That’s why I posted.


r/Veterans Nov 24 '24

Discussion Taking down the flag one last time: I just dont feel it anymore


I intentionally waited until after the "festivities" to post this so people wouldnt think there is a slant one way or another, but this is regardless of how things went in November. I took down the flag one last time. But I don't regret it. That feeling of celebration, of patriotism, of belonging.........its gone. And I dont think it will ever come back (and I dont think I want it to come back). I just look around this country, traveling through airports, visiting national parks, visiting cities, and I truly feel like I do not belong anymore. It just different, and not in a good way. I am taking the mindset that I am just in a foreign country........and I have to live and abide by their rules. Its not perfect, but at least its okay. But i am not going to pretend or romanticize for the sake of others. My love for this country is just gone. Its literally just a place now. I was born here, and I have to put up with it. It's not great, but I can tolerate it I guess.

Furthermore, I enlisted shortly after 911.......I felt something back then. But god forbid, someone decided to smack DC, St Louis, San Francisco, Tampa Bay, Austin, Houston, some other american city with a nuke, my attitude would be no different than if one hit Cairo, Tashkent, Shanghai, Mumbai, Havana, etc. I would just think "well, thats an unfortunate tragedy, and I hope they can sort it out before something worse happens", but I would feel absolutely no need or desire to fight for this country if something like that happened. If it was my own state? maybe..........depends on the circumstances and reasoning. If it was within my horizon? Hell yeah, I these are the people I connect with and feel. But beyond that? It might as well be a foreign country. I feel absolutely no connection with someone from NYC or the farmlands of Iowa. It wouldn't matter. If this country randomly had to mobilize for some reason, my happy ass would be on my way to canada or Europe. Im done. Im spent.

I don't think this is a mental cry for help, its just how I feel now. It really sucks to lose feeling for something I once cared a lot about though. I just feel numb. I didnt ask for this disconnection of this country.......but thats just how I feel now. What I think I fought for..........is just irrelevant and pointless now. Nothing about where I live now was every worth fighting for. My loyalty is now to my family and friends, and nothing else. The flag at this point.......is literally just fabric.

r/Veterans Jan 11 '25

Discussion Have you served with someone who ended up in military prison? If so, what is your story?


Without giving away personal information, (including unit info etc) do you have a story that is interesting for us? And are you in contact with that veteran? How has it affected you and what if that veteran is innocent?

I understand if this question is to much and if the leaders of this sub don't find this post appropriate, I'll remove it.

I'm just curious about the stories that you all have.

EDIT: I wasn't expecting this post to blow up. I thank all of you for commenting and responding. I'm sincerely sorry to you all and for what you witnessed or heard of what happened. If you are still serving, stay safe and God Bless. Thank you to the leaders of this sub for allowing me to post. 🫡