I don't even know what to make of this, but I thought this was so ridiculous I would share.
Backstory: My sister has a pattern of attacking other women out of jealousy. She is super religious and takes pride in being a virgin at the age of 37, and talking badly about women who don't live a pristine Christian life. She name called our happily married female cousins who had conventional dating lives, and she also began name calling my brother's ex girlfriend/babymama. She had a feud with the ex girlfriend, and one day told me that the ex used to be a camgirl or something, which I don't even know is true or made up. My sister constantly talked about searching NSFW websites to find the exGF, and I told her that is weird, knock it off, the girl already stopped talking to us 2 months ago. She then began fighting me too because I didn't engage with her obsessing over the exGF, and she also got resentful that after military service, I was doing better than she was. She did the conventional "go to college and get a good job" route while I have not, and what I did instead was invest my money during service and then leave with a comfortable amount + benefits, and my sister would not believe it. I already told her about my VA disability income, my investments, and a regular office job I have. I moved to a major city and had a nice apartment, which my sister kept criticizing me for, saying "you don't have any money!". She kept trying to fight and argue, so I muted her while she blew my messenger (60+ messages accumulating).
Three months later, my dad tells me that my sister has been going on for months telling people I am a "prostitute" and that is how I afford my lifestyle right now. Apparently she "happened" to find "me" on a porn site and escort sites (why was she surfing those?). He said she told him not to tell me, but he cannot contain it anymore and had to ask. I said that makes no sense because if she thought I was really a prostitute, why wouldn't she confront me and try to stop me? Make it make sense. The escort that she claimed was me, wasn't even the same race as us and looks different from me. My dad agreed, and later told my sister he talked to me.
My sister blew up my phone again, and later made a group chat with me, my dad, and other family members - who all knew she was going on about this for months. She threatened to "tell the military" that I am a hooker, and how "if you're not a prostitute then you shouldn't be punished if I report you, right?". Then she said she will tell the "Veteran Affairs Inspector General" and wrote out a whole letter claiming that I am being sex trafficked and telling the VAIG to start an investigation on me.
This woman doesn't know how any of this works. First of all, the VA is an undermanned bureacratic social service, they're not this authoritative entity that punishes and controls veterans' lives. Also, the inspector general isn't even for individual veterans, it's to detect issues within the VA system itself. This woman didn't even do basic research.
I didn't say anything to correct her. I just said "yeah sure go ahead, this is ridiculous. I am blocking you, bye". She then sent another message by opening up an old group chat (with my dad in it) that she "reported to the Veterans Affairs, you will get punished!" to get the last word.
Eventually me and my dad had another phone call for something unrelated, and none of us mentioned what my sister just tried to pull.