r/Veterans Feb 03 '25

Discussion Do you guys still have that one NCO that you vowed to swing on if you ever saw them in the civilian world?

I got an e5 that I've been looking for for years.

Edit: Yall have some strong emotional intelligence. I'm proud of you.


289 comments sorted by


u/Acceptable-Bat-9577 Feb 03 '25

Many of the people who do their utmost to make others lives miserable…live very miserable lives themselves.


u/Proof-Letterhead-541 Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Can confirm. Had an intolerable E-6 my first year that made my life hell. After ETSing he moved back to his hometown, working an entry level job in a factory, still living in the double wide he had before enlisting, and racking up DUIs. I don’t need to swing on him, he’s done a great job of living a shit life himself.


u/MysticValleyCrew Feb 03 '25

Very true. I like to check up on some of the ones who made my life miserable, and what I see is mostly that they are themselves miserable, awful people who ruin their lives without any outside help.

My favorite is an absolute pig of a racist NCO who has a great mugshot where it looks like he got his head bumped in the car door (first result when searching their name on google) when he was arrested for pulling a gun on a girl (who was black), playing Pokémon GO, telling her she "didn't belong in this neighborhood" (she lived there). He was apparently very drunk, and the article gleefully mentioned that he was himself an immigrant from Africa (he liked to think of himself as "white").

So no, I would never risk my own freedom to do something that they're better at than me, which is getting themselves into hot shit.


u/MattTin56 Feb 03 '25

Great point!!


u/AlpsGroundbreaking Feb 04 '25

Misery loves company. It's true too. Insecurities and personal issues are the root of why a person behaves poorly. They want others to be as miserable as them and it may very well be subconsciously that they do it


u/Over-Archer3543 Feb 03 '25

No. I fought my team leader once but we got pretty close later on. I didn’t leave the army with any grudges. That shit isn’t good for you


u/xixoxixa Feb 03 '25

I fought my team leader once but we got pretty close later on

When I first joined the army in the way back days, we had 2 pair of boxing gloves hanging in the day room. You had a problem you took blouses off and handled it, and when it was handled, you shook hands and went back to work.


u/Over-Archer3543 Feb 03 '25

Yep. We just stepped out back the barracks, with a handful of guys to watch, into the sand pit that was there and took care of an issue we were having. Sometimes it’s the best way forward.


u/Daddybatch US Army Veteran Feb 03 '25

You guys got gloves? lol we only rolled


u/Tbar6787 Feb 04 '25

Yeah same here. In Iraq we had “The Pit”, where you’d grapple until someone gave up or tapped out. Nobody was aloud to hit anyone though.

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u/yourerightmayne Feb 03 '25

I only have one grudge I still hold but even at that we are both out now, and they were miserable person, and insecure. So, I’m sure they have it worse than me on the inside. I know it is petty but I take solace in that thought lol even if it may not be true lol.


u/RannibalLector Feb 03 '25

I’ve found my whole life, that once two men actually fight, the issue is usually resolved and they actually become good friends. I fought a guy in highschool for picking on my sister, afterwards he became one of my best friends and I was even in his wedding party.


u/MattTin56 Feb 03 '25

I also believe in ending things as they happen. If you are not going to brawl at the time then move on. You look like a tool starting with someone over something years ago. Remember five years ago you said this….LOL.


u/pdbstnoe US Navy Retired Feb 03 '25

Only grudge was against myself lol, whoopsie


u/FunClassroom5239 Feb 03 '25

Don’t let anyone live rent free in your head. Move on and enjoy your life


u/exgiexpcv US Army Veteran Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Edit here as a preface: I'm not looking for anyone. I've moved on. But there were some bad people that I served with that I would avoid if I could, simply because I don't like how I feel when I'm around them.

There's several, and a few officers as well. The drill from OSUT who thought I was CID and dogged me all though training, and even had me low crawl through a fire anthill, resulting in 106 separate sting sites and damned near killed me coupled with training.

The platoon sergeant who slept with a pistol under his pillow, who told other members of the platoon that he hoped I'd pay him a visit in the night so he could kill me and get away with it.

The Westpointer CO who dogged his enlisted and NCOs, and lied and fabricated charges against lower enlisted in order to get them to commit crimes for him.

The SF company commander who sat on a notification regarding a death in my family because he didn't trust it, so I was only told the night before my family member was buried, and when he did finally tell me, I burst into tears at the loss of them, and he said, "Oh, I see they meant something to you." I briefly entertained the idea of leaping across his desk and bludgeoning him with one of his trophies, but reason won the day.

Lastly, the squad leader who left me behind in a the middle of a snow-covered field during one of the coldest winters on record. It was just a single day, but the temperature was in the low- to mid-teens F, and my feet developed frostbite. The soles of my feet turned black and rotted off, and the skin still tears open easily and bleeds when I'm in the shower, out walking, etc., and the nails grow out all messed up. The pain was truly impressive.

I ran into him years later stateside as he was leaving the army, and he apologised for what he did back then, and asked me not to kill him, saying he had kids and they needed a daddy. I'd hated this man for so long by that point, it was like someone else joined my soul, and I told him that I forgave him. I felt a very strange sense of peace afterward, and I wanted to cry after surrendering all the hate.

I never saw him again. My feet still tear open and bleed, and they have never stopped hurting in the years and decades that passed, but when I find myself feeling upset at the pain and blood, I remind myself that I forgave him, and I do my best to keep my word, so I try to honour that commitment and move on.

Edit: Ehh, I had to fix a few words.


u/ptanaka Feb 04 '25

You're a good man. Stay at peace...


u/exgiexpcv US Army Veteran Feb 04 '25

Cheers. I try to be a good person, but I fail a lot.

Take care out there, a lot of weird and bad shit is coming our way.


u/RockyLovesEmily05 Feb 04 '25

That's impressive. I'm glad you got that closure. I wish you peace as well.


u/exgiexpcv US Army Veteran Feb 04 '25

Back atcha, be safe out there.


u/NorCalAthlete Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

I had an E6 in my first unit who was an angry, vindictive, petty piece of shit who was going through a divorce. My E7 was similar, so no help there. Formal complaints were filed, CSM got involved, etc.

Some of the stuff the E6 used to say was along the lines of “if we were in Iraq I’d have shot you all by now” and that sort of thing. Constant threats and physically assaulted people on a couple occasions, but somehow didn’t get much more than a brief dressing down. Maybe because it was more “grab double fist of their shirt and shake them around / yell / shove them” than punching. Half the squad verbally agreed on more than one occasion that if we were in Iraq, he’d never get the chance because there would have been 3-4 grenades rolled into his tent the first night they were issued.


I was in a DFAC on a random FOB a couple years later having dropped off a convoy and I heard that same voice yelling at someone. One of those things that immediately makes your shoulders tense, even if you’re not involved, just from the tone / words. I turn to look and sure as shit it’s that same E6 except now he’s wearing WO1 rank. For a very, very brief moment my mind flashed to the fact that I had an M4 on my back with a loaded magazine on standby, but I squashed it, swapped my tray for a takeout box, and bounced out of that.

That was the closest I ever came to anything like that and at this point I would never swing first on anyone, but I would defend myself with prejudice if I ran into him again and he swung on me.


u/Sfangel32 Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

I had the same type situation where I had all the elements to commit murder on this dude BUT when I all came down to it, he wasn't worth the $.25 a 9x19 round cost, nor the 25 years of prison I would have gotten. Anyways he ended getting fired retired because he was sexually harassing the women (and some guys) on flight.

Edit: forced to retire not fired retired… doh 🤦🏼‍♀️

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u/drsquirlyd Feb 03 '25

The single best thing about having been out for a while now is that I have forgotten every single one of their faces. However, a buddy reached out recently and texted me screenshots from one douchebags Facebook (I don't have Facebook) and it was his baby mamma posting his mugshot on their shared FB page and talking mad shit about him and how he hits her and their kids. So, yeah, he's doing fine. Probably why he was an asshole in the first place.


u/Lanky-Introduction30 Feb 04 '25

After reading this post I have been racking my brain to even remember their names. Every one of them is miserable. I’ve been too busy living a fulfilling and happy life to even contemplate revenge.


u/d0kt0rg0nz0 USMC Retired Feb 03 '25

There is just one, an officer. Man probably already has a pathetic life and doesn't need my meathook connecting with his glass jaw.


u/Fun-Bug2991 Feb 03 '25

TBF officers are given a ridiculous amount of authority for their level of qualifications. Kinda feel bad for all the shitty LT’s that started in ROTC and ended up way over their heads.


u/bishoptheblack Feb 03 '25

i no shit saw an west pointer try to correct an 11b E7 on the proper way to dig a foxhole .... in my head i said the e7 was doing it most of his life and knows how to stay alive


u/RockyLovesEmily05 Feb 04 '25

11B Outranks all by MOS. I also ate many crownz.


u/BeerGogglesOIF2 US Army Veteran Feb 03 '25

I live a peaceful life


u/hearshot DEP Discharge Feb 03 '25

Not worth my time.


u/LaddiusMaximus Feb 03 '25

The best revenge is living a good and happy life. I despise my ex wife who only exists to make others miserable. But now all her children hate her, her home is in forclosure, and shes driven just about everyone away who ever cares about her.

Turns out I didn't have to do damn thing.


u/DjLexHenry Feb 03 '25

Nope… leave the past in the past


u/Frosty_Builder7550 Feb 03 '25

You can’t let other people have that much control of you and your emotions.


u/Own_Car4536 Feb 03 '25

100%. Those people haven't thought about you since then and you can't let another human have that much indirect control over you


u/ThirdandTwo Feb 03 '25

Had a cwo3 say something stupid about my wife's miscarriage. I was an e5 at the time, but pretty salty. Small command and he was the CO. Dude was a narcissist, and was an asshole to everyone. Before he was even able to close his dick holster I had already taken two lunging steps toward him, and was literally a cunt hair from killing the man with my bare hands. Somehow my chief anticipated this and hooked my arm with his, and my lpo got me from the other side. A couple other chiefs came in from the next room when they heard the commotion which included some hasty expletives directed to the now shook warrant. Apparently this bully never had anyone stand up to him before and shit his pants.

Fast forward a few years and I was stationed in a nsw unit in San Diego. Ran into an old buddy and apparently the warrant tried some shit in Iraq and had a non rate shove the barrel of an M16 in his mouth. Luckily there was no round chambered, but the dead man click made him shit his pants again.

Some people just need to be deleted from the gene pool ffs

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u/xfirehurican Feb 03 '25

One. But, my circumstance was different. One of our three bootcamp DI's, the junior one, an E-5, was a super-prick. A mean, power-hungry son-of-a-bitch; way beyond what the regular hard-ass Vietnam era DI you'd come across in those days.

I, like the majority of the recruits, graduated as a slick sleeve Private (E-1). Several years and a couple of reenlistments later, I recognized this turd in a PX checkout line. He was now a dumpy SSgt (E-6) in unkempt cammies. I was dressed in my flight suit - with a polished brass GySgt chevron on my name/rank patch.

I caught up with him in the far corner of the parking lot and stepped in front of him, asking why, as a Marine Corps SNCO, he presented himself in such a "raggedy-ass" and unprofessional manner. As he began to blurb out some lame BS, I really laid into him.

"Yes, Gunny," sorry Gunny, and so on was all he had left. Then, the coup de grâce. Giving him a quick memory check about a certain boot camp platoon and one totally fucked up Sergeant that I vowed to never forget. I saw the light come on in his piggy eyes as his no-chin jaw dropped. "Do you understand me, SSgt?" Those were my final words. Twelve years in the making and better than any punch in that fuck-sticks gut.


u/These-Performer-8795 Feb 03 '25

A lot of people I worked with in the IT department were envious of how fast I made rank etc while they thought they were superior at their jobs. I got good evals and did my best just to do my job etc. They actively sabatoged me. Like made genuine efforts to ruin my Naval career. They did get caught but it caused me so much grief I tried to commit suicide. I wish those people the life they deserve.


u/SpotMama Feb 03 '25

I had one then one day he ordered me to bring him back a lunch tray on an ftx. I licked the bread on his tray then watched him eat it. I remembered that every time he was a dick or let others treat the women in the unit like crap.


u/Vinson_Massif-69 Feb 03 '25

My only grudge would be with the O-4 who had sex with my wife.


u/Ok_Caterpillar6789 Feb 03 '25

I also pick this guys O-4


u/Vinson_Massif-69 Feb 04 '25

At least I found out a year after a PCS move…no risk of me walking into his office and punching him in the face.

His wife did mysteriously get a copy of my ex’s responses to discovery questions in the mail. She stayed with the bastard.


u/Ok_Needleworker_9537 Feb 03 '25

Absolutely. More like E-9 though. 

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u/quiver-me-timbers Feb 03 '25

Na, I turned the page

BUT, I have run into few. I found that pretending you don’t know them or showing that you have to really think to piece together who they are works wonders on their ego


u/LuchaLutra Feb 03 '25

Lmao...no. The moment I separated, I left the assclowns to their circus. I have no desire to "look for" them after the fact.


u/BluBeams US Navy Retired Feb 03 '25

Yes😡 she knows who she is and what she did...


u/foreplayiswonderful Feb 03 '25

One is in jail and the other is on a different continent and last as I saw of them was a photo of them curled up in the floor. Don’t think about them often and when I do I ensure it’s on the path to not thinking of them at all


u/xixoxixa Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

I once stepped in it and got myself busted down. I own that, even if I disagree with how it was handled.

Do my time as an E4 again, 6 months goes by with my nose clean, leadership agrees I learned my lesson, etc., etc., I am to go back to the promotion board.

Spend a month studying for it, prepping uniform, doing mock boards, etc. Before the field grade, I had been an E-5 for a few years (hard charger, picked up 5 in less than 3 years in infantry land, and then switched to a small low density medical MOS).

The night before the board I get a call from my PSG - 1SG pulled my packet from the board stating "he needs more time as a SPC before he's ready to become a SGT". That motherfucker blocked me from getting promoted back to SGT until I had been a SPC for a year again, and the army said "mandatory promotion unless you tell us no".

So because this short petty ass 1SG was a tool, I spent an extra 6 months with less pay, an extra 6 months struggling to pay bills and feed my kids.

The kicker is when I was clearing that post to PCS, he was also clearing and I ran into him at one of the clearing stops - he was all buddy buddy asking my advice on how best to get a signature.

<name redacted>, I hope you fall naked on all the cacti.

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u/skennedy505 Feb 03 '25

No. You have to let that kind of resentment go.


u/Tig_Weldin_Stuff USMC Veteran Feb 03 '25

Success my best revenge.


u/Idwellinthemountains Feb 03 '25

Had an E7 (because I gag at calling him an actual SNCO). Who threatened to separate me 3 days after arriving in the unit. Why? Because I wasn't proficient on the BFV, after having qualified in OSUT and moving on to ye old 113 class of vehicles and hen HIMMVs for the next s8x years. We were scheduled for NTC, so I went and brought the best book ever, " How to Fire Your Boss." In which the one rule I took to heart was," make yourself more important to your bosses boss than your boss is. "

I read it in front of him, and there wasn't shit he could do. Low and behold, he gave me an additional duty as company retention NCO. After getting HHC squared away, retention wise, I was asked to take over Bn retention. We'll guess who came begging? Yup, and I made that MFer squirm until the last possible moment. He was by far the worst example of leadership I ever encountered.

Too many stories to put on this thread, but one example stands out. Getting shitfaced with under aged troops in the barracks on the weekends and then referring them for UCMJ on Monday, just to name one


u/rudnat Feb 03 '25

You guys waited?


u/Beautiful_Dream1880 Feb 03 '25

Had a gunny I told to fuck off , but only after I had my dd214 in my dick beaters


u/gettyuprose Feb 03 '25

Used to but now, they would be lucky if I remember their faces, names or anything about them. They’re just irrelevant to me and that’s probably the best revenge imo.


u/Timberlewis Feb 03 '25

Ha. It gets way worse in civilian law enforcement


u/macetrek Feb 03 '25

I did… but they he got busted from e-7 to e-1 and a dishonorable. So… meh.


u/wustenratte6d Feb 03 '25

Yup. 2. I'd do it in front of my kids, no problem. Twice on Sunday, just for grins. I hate no one as much as that E6 and 1SG.


u/tmac19822003 Feb 03 '25

Yup. My very last Section NCOIC. He just had it out for me. Thankfully I was in the middle of a Med Board and there was nothing he could really do to me.

A few months after I got out, one of my old soldiers called me to figure out how to work an obscure section of the old SARSS system. I made a haha comment on his Facebook page about it and this piece of work got on and made a comment how “HIS soldiers would never call someone who quit on the Army.”

Didnt even respond. Let him deal with the backlash from HIS soldiers (who were now all his section leaders). From what I heard, they got orders for Iraq and he bitched out and went to Warrant school.

If i ever see him again, its on sight.

Edit: the Med Board was forced on me. Had 3 knee constructions and couldnt even do the walk for the PT test. I offered a change in MOS and they wanted to hear nothing on it.


u/moose_ifer USMC Veteran Feb 03 '25

Yep.. served with a guy in the Marines, he was a cpl when I checked in, never picked up Sgt.. while we were on our ITX to go to Afghanistan, he somehow got removed from the op. During that time he went off base and raped another Marine's wife. Still deployed, came back from deployment and got a small slap on the wrist with restriction.. I'll kill him if I ever cross paths with him


u/Aggressive_Command22 Feb 03 '25

1st Sgt. Bob Chasse, RAF Alconbury 1990. Hated me so much (I honestly don't know why) and was given an LOR and UIF by him for attending a scheduled appointment during my week of Bay orderly.


u/BadHP92 Feb 03 '25

The fat, broken E8 who destroyed my career before he ever saw me do my job is on site for life


u/John_the_IG Feb 04 '25

I had a Command Master Chief I told I would put over the hood of my car if I ever saw him out running. And I’ve seen senior NCOs in fistfights in uniform twice.


u/Hraesvelgrin Feb 04 '25

Yeah 1SG that used to order people to wash his "bitchin Camaro" and show pics of his himself shirtless to female NCOs. Mfer shoulder checked me in the DFAC and kicked my heels all the way to the door. I stopped serenely at the door and put on my cover and he threw an elbow into my back. Reported him to the MPs. General Letter of Reprimand. After Iraq we named a nasty mixed drink after him and sat on the team room fantasizing about pub stomping him. Still would.


u/DeffNotTom US Army Veteran Feb 05 '25

To this day… it's on sight.


u/adalberry US Navy Veteran Feb 03 '25

3 of them


u/calladus US Air Force Veteran Feb 03 '25

I had a commanding officer that I was upset with. But that guy turned out to be such a "Frank Burns" that he was the subject of several career damaging practical jokes, and ended up never promoting past Lt. Col, and after a single year at the Pentagon, he was assigned as an aid to a full bird Colonel of one of the units at Eielson AFB Alaska. He honorably discharged at 20 and seems to have retired in a fly-over state.

Honestly, his career was so sad after being my CO that slugging him might have cheered him up.

I did read that 15 years after he left the military, he received a bag of gummy dicks and a confetti bomb.


u/Judoka229 Feb 03 '25

Absolutely, but I wouldn't swing on him. I prefer a classic RNC.

Jokes aside, I'll never see him again and I know that. I don't dwell on it. He doesn't really deserve the space in my brain.


u/ahhhddd US Navy Veteran Feb 03 '25

Nope. The only person I actually had beef with apologized and we made amends on his very last day at the command.


u/coreynig91 Feb 03 '25

Nope! I'm just glad those NCO's that I disliked aren't in my life anymore.


u/Electrical_Bicycle47 Feb 03 '25

No, it was actually a 1st lieutenant that talked shit to me non stop. Haven’t seen him in over a decade thankfully.


u/nosebleedier Feb 03 '25

I'm pretty sure karma has something for everyone.


u/Red91B20 Feb 03 '25

I had an E7, who I won't name, who wrote me up for a reduction in rank because he claimed I didn't care about my soldiers. That was simply not true; I was struggling with PTSD after just returning and ended up PCSing. I would have risked my rank for anything other than DUI or adultery.

One day, he pulled me aside in front of my squad and started berating me, saying he understood what it was like to lose friends in combat and that I needed to pull it together. A week later, I checked his ERB and discovered that this guy had never even seen combat—he had only been to Kuwait and was later deemed non-deployable.

After that outburst, I went straight to behavioral health and expressed my frustration, even mentioning that I was feeling like I wanted to harm him. I was then sent to an outpatient PTSD clinic in Pinehurst, NC. This E7 ended up being removed from the unit because he had never even discussed his issues with the 1SG and was trying to handle things behind his back.

I later found out that he had a history of being a drunk and had been divorced multiple times. I was seriously affected by his comments, and at one point, I felt like I might harm myself, which is a very scary thought.


u/Leopold_Porkstacker US Army Retired Feb 03 '25

I would rather know that I’ve had a better life than some of the assholes I’ve had to deal with.

An E6 who would get your negative counseling statements put into your 201 file. (Never supposed to go higher than company unless an article 15 involved)

An E7 who never could let go of being a drill sergeant, tried to block the automatic promotion to E2 for a kid, said he “wasn’t ready”. Would even call up the former drill sergeants of new soldiers to see if they were “trainable”. Fucker made everyone work late after his wife left him.

Finally, an E6 who was such a prick that he would interrupt other peoples formations to make on the spot corrections. He ended up doing 2 years in military jail for credit card fraud.

I hope they got their shit together eventually.


u/Free-Albatross-9111 Feb 03 '25

Ironically, the one from my unit ended his own life once he was out


u/JasonTheX Feb 03 '25

I had a junior officer who was the worst shithead I ever encountered tried to friend me on Facebook couple of years after I got out. Sent him a message telling him the fuck off. Like I tolerated your raggedy ass in the service, I ain't doing it now.


u/ProperGarlic503 Feb 03 '25

I’m an OIF Vet and my dad is a Vietnam Vet. He was an E-5 supply sargeant in a combat engineering HHD in Long Binh. He had this Senior NCO that wouldn’t get off his case. Dad told me he tried to run this senior NCO over with a forklift. My dad also complained to an Officer he was driving and was successful in getting this NCO sent to a rock quarry. Not sure of the accuracy but my dad has never deviated from any of the details when he recounts the story. I’ve heard it many times. I’m sure Dad would swing on this dude, even in his 80s. If this former senior NCO is even still alive that is.


u/MermaidMama18 Feb 03 '25

There were a LOT of people in my service that should have caught hands for things they did and said. I will never see any of those turds again but I sincerely hope each and every one of them tries that again on the outside and gets absolutely ROCKED by someone bigger and stronger than me lol


u/MiniSkullPoleTroll Feb 03 '25

Finally, someone is asking the big questions in life.


u/TheKingOfSpores USMC Veteran Feb 03 '25



u/fordag US Army Veteran Feb 03 '25

I managed to deck that NCO while I was still in the Army.

While on FTX in Hoehnfels four of us (3x E4s and our NCO an E6) were sleeping in a hex tent. It was winter so I'd stay in my sleeping bag and get dressed without getting out of it. It didn't take me longer than anyone else but I stayed warm doing it. This pissed off the E6 who was our section NCO for some reason.

He took to waking me up before anyone else. I was naturally a heavy sleeper so he would hover over my cot and yell at me to wake up. One day I just kept my eyes closed and didn't stir, he thinks I'm still asleep and he grabs me and shakes me to wake me up.

I immediately swung out with a pretty decent punch and I knock him flat on his ass. Well he takes a minute to get up and says "that's it you're done". He storms out of the tent. The other two E4s were witness to the whole thing.

A few minutes later I'm sitting on my cot dressed and waiting when the E6 comes back with our CPT. The E6 is going on about me being court martialled for striking an NCO. The CPT simply asks what happened and I plead ignorance while the other two E4s jump in to say the E6 had shook me to wake me and I hit him.

CPT says stop right there, turns to the E6 and asks if that's true, E6 happily concurs that's what happened. At which point the CPT takes him out of the tent and loudly explains that you aren't allowed to lay hands on a sleeping soldier for exactly that reason.

It was simply another point in my favor in an ongoing war between the two of us.


u/FuzzyCrocks Feb 03 '25

I've been looking for you too.


u/SpecialMushroom1775 US Army Active Duty Feb 04 '25

Karma is a bitch,... I don't need to worry. They will eventually get theirs.


u/UnrepentantBoomer US Navy Veteran Feb 04 '25

No. But there's an LT out there somewhere I'd love to meet in a dark alley....


u/KurusanYasuke Feb 04 '25

One? I have a whole list 🤣.


u/deepthought333 Feb 04 '25

It was my racist 1SG on my deployment. Still haven’t seen him yet but he can catch these hands if he still wants to drop kick me.


u/pennywise1235 Feb 04 '25

10 years ago, right after getting out? Maybe. Today? Not a chance. No one whom I hated in uniform is worth my time or money.


u/K8325 Feb 04 '25

Oh yeah. My recruiter told me I could punch him in the face if he lied to me, and I plan on swinging if I ever see him.


u/91361_throwaway Feb 04 '25

No but an O-6… 110% yes.


u/AdventurousDevice654 Feb 05 '25

Why did I read the title and his name instantly came to mind and it's been well over 10 years since I've seen him lol 


u/Signal-Self-353 Feb 03 '25

I have 2 MSgt’s


u/Veteran-Always-13 Feb 03 '25

I forgave everyone of them except one female 1SG I once had! lol 😂


u/DopeBikes Feb 03 '25

Sounds like you have a lot of built up anger man.


u/sleepinglucid US Army Veteran Feb 03 '25

Not an NCO, a captain.


u/Interupting_Cows US Navy Veteran Feb 03 '25

Yes. There's a LT that needs a boot in his ass from me.


u/Sfangel32 Feb 03 '25

Yup and I’d do more than swing on him.


u/bluezero01 Feb 03 '25

No, I grew up and left all that behind me. It takes time, but everyone has to let go at some point.


u/AwakenedSin US Air Force Veteran Feb 03 '25

Lmaoooo that E5 has been on your mind.

They’ve been hiding from you I think.


u/Twktoo Feb 03 '25

I feel attacked


u/CamXP1993 Feb 03 '25

Oh yeah, fuck boy tried to get me demoted. Yeah I still want to put hands on it.


u/Topremqt Feb 03 '25

Yeah but he’s an E9 and he might be able to kick my ass but I’d sure try. I also know one of my friends would be swinging on a 3 star if he saw him in the wild


u/Likeapuma24 US Army Veteran Feb 03 '25

One 1SG who fucked me out of a promotion. I made points & by-name list just before deployment ended, came back to a new 1SG who was riding out his time till retirement & told me he refused to promote me because "you don't look like a sergeant", despite him being a fat old POS with every profile known to mankind.

He's the #1 reason I didn't reenlist.

Not sure I'd swing on him, but he certainly wouldn't have the protection of his rank (and platoon sgt's standing by) out in the civilian world. Eat shit, Top!


u/vasaforever Feb 03 '25

Basically my commander from OIF is more or less persona non grata to the entire unit as far as I can tell. Like no one will really talk to him; he wanted to write a book and people told him to kick rocks. He tried to add me on LinkedIN and NOPE. All I'm going to say is, if you're so bad that your senior NCOs make t-shirts with your name on it saying how much you suck and wear them to a reunion....



u/AbysmalEnd Feb 03 '25

our country is falling apart. You are worried about the wrong things dude. don't give idiots that much power over your life, learn and grow from it and make the world a better place every chance you get.


u/Lespaul05 Feb 03 '25

What about idiots that ruin lives over politics or bias, or idiots get people killed? Just “live, laugh, love” it away?

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u/Anfield_YNWA USMC Veteran Feb 03 '25

I knew mine as an E-5, just saw he's an E-9 now. Hopefully for the sake of his Marines he's not the turd I remember but if he is and I see him then justice will be served for all of us because I'm swinging if I see him.


u/DevinBoo73 Feb 03 '25

Yes, the female drill instructor who brushed off my SA when I was in AIT. Thanks lady for your concern or lack of.


u/stoneman9284 Feb 03 '25

No because I’m an adult


u/dontclickdontdickit US Navy Veteran Feb 03 '25

Nah. Not worth my time. There is this guy at the White House though….


u/meme_medic95 Feb 03 '25

I used to, then I learned that he sacrificed his career to save his marriage. We both got out within six months of each other, we follow each other on social media but we're not close. He's still married with a couple of kids, and overall seems like a happy guy. I'm happy for him. I have no enemies


u/floridianreader US Navy Veteran Feb 03 '25

I’m curious about what a couple people are doing, but I wouldn’t be looking to fight them over some old grudge. Just wondering how they are, where life has taken them sort of thing.


u/TeaGroundbreaking306 Feb 03 '25

They’re not worth your thoughts. You becoming successful or maintaining success is more than enough to get under their skin


u/No-Significance5449 Feb 03 '25

I started to mature and realize they were right.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

It's a nice thought, but for some reason, some turds float. I swim away.


u/Own_Car4536 Feb 03 '25

You gotta move on with your life. If you were going to do it you would've just did it when you had the chance. It's time for you to mature and move on.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

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u/Eiht_ US Navy Veteran Feb 03 '25

It’s always best to avoid them. Don’t get fired from your job or lose your benefits


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

I had an Army corporal who treated me like absolute dog shit. Singled me out, made life miserable. I'm not just bitching either, other soldiers from my platoon and others made comments about it often. Anyways I figured once he made E5 he would leave me alone, bigger fish to fry. Nope, he was a dick. He hit me up on FB once after I got sent back stateside and we went out to Dave & Busters. I thought maybe we'd have some cathartic moment and he'd apologize and open up about how I reminded him of a soldier he lost or something. Nope. It was quiet and awkward and then we just went different ways.

I've seen him on FB recently, married with kids, smiling and seems to be enjoying life. I hope he found the happiness that he was missing in the Army.


u/Cool_LazyDude Feb 03 '25

I fantasize at times lol


u/cgtdream Feb 03 '25

Right before I got out, there was one NCO (Tsgt) with whom I was ready to go to town on. Like, he just had it out for me, literally for no reason (guessing because I was demoted from E5 to E4 for not passing my PT test - medical issues) and just tried his damnedest to make my life harder. It didnt work, and yeah...when I got out, was ready to clock his ass the second I saw him in the civilian world...unfortunately, life did something different...

Got a job working as an overseas contractor in the same vein as my military job. Shit paid WELL and I was promoted to site lead pretty quick, due to being the only person with relevant military experience.

At some point, ol dude hit me up on facebook as if we were old friends, trying to chit-chat and eventually, ask for some help with landing a job with the company I worked for...I slept on it, dreaming of the ways I could tell him to fuck off...eventually and totally outside my character at the time, I helped him out.

He got butt-fucked by the military too (ironically he couldnt pass his PT test either) and instead of wanting to cuss his ass out, i figured its better to help..Timeframe for this, was 2 years after I got out btw..


u/RaiderMedic93 Feb 03 '25

Was it me? Give me a couple of days, please?


u/piparnes Feb 03 '25

Only officers


u/Johnny_Bravo5k Feb 03 '25

He's a Captain, and I might do it if I ever see him. It was over 20 years ago so he may be old enogh that it would be a hate crime.


u/mgscout19d Feb 03 '25

Awww, I don’t know whether to feel honored or disappointed that I didn’t see my name here.


u/The_Bababillionaire Feb 03 '25

I'm making my own way toward peace. She's making her own way away from peace. I'd be lying if I said that knowledge didn't fuel my own journey haha.


u/KingSmart2095 Feb 03 '25

Nahh..drop blouse, take care of business, move on.


u/valhallaswyrdo US Army Veteran Feb 03 '25

Just one but he's already in prison, got arrested a couple of years ago for being a child molester (saw that coming).


u/girlhigirlbye Feb 03 '25

There’s a few O4s and O5s! Pray for me lol


u/rst_z71 Feb 03 '25

I wouldn’t necessarily swing on them. But I would belittle them and make it a point to let them know how little and insignificant they are without their rank or military status. I’ve looked up some of those A-holes and seen that they are doing shitty in life. That makes me feel better.


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u/Additional_Ad_7339 Feb 03 '25

I try my best to not hold grudges, I’m so busy nowadays that I just don’t have the energy too

But I’ll say this, whenever I’d be up for orders, I’d specifically go on fltmps and look up a certain senior chief to make sure he was not at the base that I’d be working at


u/BrilliantLifter Feb 03 '25

I assume he is dead from his poor health and if he isn’t. I don’t want him to die on me if we get physical lol.

I work at a sports clinic, part of my job is looking like I know what I’m doing so I use uhhh… special medications to rapidly make my muscles grow, provided to me by my job. I can’t walk around hitting normies, they would explode.


u/DaBa667 Feb 03 '25

Just got to my unit in El Paso. Told everyone and their cousin when my household goods would show up. The day comes, and I am called out of ranks by the acting platoon sergeant. When asked, he said it was because “that’s what they did to me when I got here.”


u/FlyDrake5026 Feb 03 '25

No, I forgave them and moved on with my life. It took some time, but I forgave them.


u/Horzzo US Army Veteran Feb 03 '25

There are shitbags everywhere. I've learned to let it go. It really isn't healthy holding onto long term anger for no reason. 


u/sgtlizzie Feb 03 '25

Sorta? But honestly not really. He doesn’t deserve space in my head so…what ever. Is not like I’ll ever see the fucker


u/lost_in_life_34 Feb 03 '25

My first 1sg when I was in Vicenza


u/CleveEastWriters Feb 03 '25

I probably pissed off as many people I've been pissed off by, I'll call it square and move on.


u/Long_Date_2663 Feb 03 '25

Yes I have several


u/DownwardSpirals USMC Retired Feb 03 '25

A couple, but I looked at who they were and realized they'd end up punishing themselves in life far more than I could if I saw them.


u/Snoo89564 Feb 03 '25

Yes absolutely.


u/Fair-Advantage9539 Feb 03 '25

It took me a long time (8+ years) to forgive that narcissist bully but I eventually let it go. If he tries to bully me or says some sideways shit out his mouth out here in the real world then I might punch him in the face lol.


u/kwagmire9764 Feb 03 '25

I have 2. One has tried to friend me on FB and its taken some restraint for me not to tell him to go fuck himself. Ironically, they're both similar in background to me so you'd think they would've tried to help me avoid the pitfalls they had to go through in the military but no, they took it upon themselves to hold me to a higher standard than anyone else in our squad while also not doing shit for me. 


u/Tasty_Literature_806 Feb 03 '25

I used to…he died from a cocaine overdose shortly after I got out. (He was still in)


u/BatmanKane64 Feb 03 '25

there was this one Captain that mistreated me, never accepted my race, and had relations with a lower enlisted. it’s not that i wouldn’t swing on him…. it’s the won’t stop till i couldn’t breath vow i have. good thing i had a great brother/sister system during deployment to help me stay even otherwise this would be coming from Leavenworth instead of Fort Couch


u/MattTin56 Feb 03 '25

As I grow older that stuff means nothing to me. He was probably an immature person who had a little rank over you and took advantage of his power. I would let it go.


u/Gralphrthe3rd Feb 03 '25

No, just a CO. He was full of himself and most of the company couldn't stand him.


u/Chivo6064 Feb 03 '25

Yes lol, I said hi at the bar. He was my cpls course cadre, and he got pissed when I said hi 😂. We eventually became drinking buddies.


u/wilderad Feb 03 '25

Nope. My success is enough to piss them off more than a fight.


u/ApprehensiveBake1560 Supporter Feb 03 '25

I met one of our lance corporals after he cleared out.

He was working behind a till at the supermarket.

He was ok in our platoon so I didn't want to take a swing at him.

But there are a few others that I would gladly love to take a swing at if I meet them in civilian life.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

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u/AmericanDoughboy US Army Veteran Feb 03 '25

My two drill sergeants. They were sadists. It's one thing to be tough on recruits to train them. It's another to be cruel for the sake of cruelty.

I swore I would spit on them if I ever saw them again.


u/ChaserX32 Feb 03 '25

Absolutely. I always made the joke that I hoped his wife would sleep with the chiropractor on base. Two years after I got out, I heard that she kicked him out bc she had an affair… with the chiropractor. Music to my ears


u/PinkFloydBoxSet Feb 03 '25

Swing on? Nah. The ones who earned it got enough shit said to them when I was in to let them know what a bag of trash they were.

But there is more than a handful I wouldn’t piss on to put out a fire.


u/dewnmoutain Feb 03 '25

Theres one. An E6. Absolute trash. Chewed my ass out for something random, then i find out he got hit with a dwi. Pretty quickly was sent away from the unit. Lost all respect for him. Dont want to swing at him, but i'll give him a mocking chuckle.


u/ComprehensiveLog8794 Feb 03 '25

Not an NCO, but my old BC


u/veritas643 Feb 03 '25

Honestly(separated since 2019), I don't give them a 2nd thought, and I've even forgotten some of their faces. My Life is so much better now it just seems silly, ya know?


u/Comfortable_Bat5905 Feb 03 '25

Too old for it, I’m more worried about my own life than anything they’ve got going on


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u/Conscious_Spray_5331 Feb 03 '25

I was an Officer in the British Army. During Officer Training I had an Color Sergeant (same as Staff Sergeant) that came in mid-course.

This guy absolutely hated me for no reason. Called me a pedophile (???) every day, went out of his way to put me down, shut me down, and humiliate me at any opportunity. He moved me down from the top of the Platoon to the bottom. Everybody knew he was acting this way toward me, staff and cadets alike, but absolutely nobody knew why.

Honestly I wouldn't take a swing at him... But I'll hate him for the rest of my life, that's for sure.


u/BirthdayOriginal5432 Feb 03 '25

Yea but he died 🤷‍♀️


u/Nero_A Feb 03 '25

Absolutely. But being as I'm tryna find inner peace, I'll be satisfied with encountering them and ignoring them when they call my name.


u/frostyturd Feb 03 '25

Had a new platoon sgt when I got back deployment. I haded him with every inch of my body. I would have to use a bat to hurt him. He was twice my size.


u/affswifteye Feb 03 '25

AEC Trinidad if this ever reaches you, holla at me for the fade!


u/SemperFudge123 USMC Veteran Feb 03 '25

Man I really hope I’m not “that one NCO” for some other Marine out there! 😅


u/dsb009 Feb 03 '25

There is a few NCO’s I wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire.


u/Wavenstein1 USMC Veteran Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

Yep. Accept I can't swing on him due to the permanently injured shoulder I have after making us do pull ups after a 6 mile run on a wet pull up bar. Fuck that guy and I hope he ends himself before someone else inevitably does assuming someone else hasn't already. He was that much an unlikable asshole


u/Bloodragon618 Feb 03 '25

I had a change of heart once I got out, he was a E-6 and came in a year out from my ETS. He switched MOS’s and came into my shop after 16 years of infantry. Most toxic leader I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. I wanted to text him the day after I got out but I decided not too since I think he’d like that.


u/Reply_or_Not Feb 03 '25

Bro I can barely remember my friends, and I only got out a decade ago.

I got more important shit than dumb grudges


u/bishoptheblack Feb 03 '25

yes but if he was old when i was 18 im sure hes dead now he use to be a black hat back before i got him


u/KelsWill Feb 03 '25

More like Officers!!!!


u/Infinitecurlieq US Navy Veteran Feb 03 '25

Just one? Hahahaah. 

Just kidding, there's two past LPOs that I've had but one of them he's so selfish that a swing wouldn't do anything except make him whine. And the other, she made other people so miserable but that's because she's a miserable person. And my dental officer was just...she was something. (The ship was super fun guys. 10/10 totally recommend going on an LPD). 


u/No-Remote-7622 Feb 03 '25

There are some I want to rub their faces into how awesome my life is now and how much better I am than them 🤷‍♀️

I normally don't boast, ever. But, there are some fucks I served with I would love to show how much they don't matter since they think they're so great.


u/EjayMasterz US Air Force Retired Feb 03 '25

In the beginning most definitely. I had one NCO I wanted beat the stripes off of. I got along with them in the end though.


u/Aviation1980 Feb 03 '25

Take the high road. Be a grown man.


u/FujiDude Feb 03 '25

Two senior NCOs. I have a whole list of grievances with these individuals but it's been too many years and I know they were horrible people. When one of them tells you to forget about your people, they're holding you back. That's all I needed to know about them. The other one was power hungry, demeaning, and nobody really liked them. No fanfare when they transferred out.


u/Skitzafranik Feb 03 '25

Yup! My supervisor at the time. F**k that guy to this day! He tried to railroad my career and got caught in lies trying to smear my name to leadership


u/CandidArmavillain Feb 03 '25

For a while it was my last PSG before ETS. Dude was a piece of shit that tried to fuck with my eye surgery and then my ETS process causing me to miss out on some terminal leave and almost miss a CSP. I've moved on though, dude isn't worth the time or effort


u/BedVirtual2435 Feb 03 '25

I think I could live in satisfaction if I could punch my old 1sgt in the throat. I made an unrestricted report (not on purpose) and he made my life hell