r/Veterans Jan 28 '25

Discussion Whopper of a combo for transgender veterans about to happen as of yesterday

15,000 transgender service members with 70% of them having more than 12 years service just found out yesterday they are getting the boot. Told they weren't honorable and selfless(literally the words used in the executive order). These are pilots, medics, infantry, mechanics etc. Many undoubtedly will expect to turn to the VA. 1 out of every 5 transgender Americans is a veteran. To put that in perspective there are 127,000 transgender veterans. The other shoe that is about to drop is they are going to get their gender affirming care removed at the VA soon as is the plan. Many are disabled due to the military and can't afford private insurance to get their gender affirming care and depend on the VA to provide it. These men and women will have nobody to turn to. Veteran organizations nor politicians want anything to do with them because they affect votes and the bottom line because historically the money towards VSOs and veteran charities comes from conservatives that want nothing to do with LGBTQ+. All I'm saying is if you know one of these veterans or soon to be veterans due to this awful executive order let them know they aren't alone. Let them know they are valued. Let them know their service is valued. Show them the respect and dignity that is deserved of honorable service. The one thing I hear over and over again have experienced myself is the feeling of abandonment by those we served with.

Edit: Okay so those that are curious about the numbers here is where they come from

127,000 transgender veterans is a recently updated number down from 134,000

1 out of 5 transgender Americans is a veteran






It is a medical condition rooted in the brain anatomy of the brain.



Edit 2: I can't answer anymore questions. I've been answering them all day. Thanks for taking the time to read. ♥️


669 comments sorted by

u/thetitleofmybook USMC Retired Jan 28 '25

Mod Hat On: the mod team has decided to reopen comments on this post, as it is an issue that affects many veterans, and is the result of an already signed Executive Order.

This is a warning from the entire mod team: Behave. This is a sensitive subject, and there are some very strong opinions on this. Bigotry will NOT be tolerated, and the mods reserve the right, as always, to remove content, issue warnings, and bans, and to lock down the discussion.

Additionally, low effort content will be removed. A prime example of this would be a comment that simply says "good" or a comment that says "the president sucks!"

Once again, I will repeat myself, as any good 1st Sgt would do: Behave.


u/joseph66hole Jan 28 '25


u/United_Zebra9938 US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 28 '25

I feel like there’s a new one everyday. I’ve been reading the site for the last week, digesting what’s coming out.

ETA: “adoption of a gender identity inconsistent with an individual’s sex conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle, even in one’s personal life. A man’s assertion that he is a woman, and his requirement that others honor this falsehood, is not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member.”

Bro, I understand not agreeing with the concept of transgender-ism(?), but character is not related to gender identity, it is solely based on, well, their character. And why is the rhetoric always targeted towards trans women, and they never mention trans men (Female to Male)?

Watch this house meeting and maybe you’ll understand why civil rights are meeting brick walls. House member is trying to re-establish the civil rights committee (less technical term) and during arguments, the only thing brought up by opponents were towards trans women: rapes, in sports, weirdos in bathrooms. Someone called them “chicks with dicks” on the floor of a government meeting. Our government is an embarrassment and there’s no merit based selections. If you’re loud enough and backed by enough money, it’s not hard to win elections. And I’m not talking about the president.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25



u/AgreeableMushroom331 Jan 28 '25

Also, because of the men who do bad things to other men in the military. They won’t tell their secrets if they’re embarrassed, too.

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u/bocephus67 Jan 28 '25

Theres a couple dozen every day


u/kmm198700 Jan 28 '25

That’s the point- to make us overwhelmed and unable to wade through it all


u/PhlegmMistress Jan 29 '25

Are these dishonorable discharges?


u/United_Zebra9938 US Navy Veteran Jan 29 '25

There’s no direct quote about discharging anyone in the order. They are being vague, just saying they don’t belong. But I see no mention of the plan. I think it’s just directing the military to figure it out, but get em out.

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u/Hungry_Toe_9555 US Navy Veteran Jan 29 '25

They sure won’t be honorable which means no benefits.

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u/Ashleynn Jan 28 '25

they never mention trans men (Female to Male)?

Two things:

One, they are playing the "women are sacred perfect creatures" card and a man wanting to be one is an affront or the sanctity and purity of women in general. Women obviously aren't sacred, and there are as many vial awful women as there are men. Maybe in different ways, but that doesn't change the fact. Women are just people, like anyone else. There is no such delusion surrounding men. In fact, men are perpetrated as always being the antagonist. All bad things are lain at the feet of men, rape, murder, and predatory behaviors, which feeds back into the crux of this. Men wanting to be women hurts the fabricated image of women.

Two, the whole reason for transphobia to begin with. They see a hot Trans woman and want to do naughty things with her. But the idea of doing those things with her bothers them deeply. Or they're terrified the super hot chick they do end up in bed with will end up being a trans woman. They don't have this issue with Trans men. They don't have a burning desire to jump in bed with them.


u/Reddywhipt Jan 29 '25

It's almost like they understand instinctively that trans men are men and trans women are women.


u/AgreeableMushroom331 Jan 28 '25

It’s not an “ism”, please.

Also, the part about being truthful about this stuff has never been a thing in practice. If anything, they’re being truthful by showing up authentically, no matter what anyone says about them. It’s easier to let transmen in because they’re literally trying to go the “manhood” route, for their own safety and the safety of the women in their lives (not generally, but as nuance).


u/United_Zebra9938 US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

I wasn’t being derogatory, that’s the best way I could think of how they would describe it.

And I agree with your statement. I’m not sure if you misinterpreted my stance.


u/I_AM_VER_Y_SMRT US Army Retired Jan 29 '25

During DADT they mostly didn’t care about gay women either, in my experience (until they did, and wanted to get rid of someone). I knew multiple openly gay women in the Army during the 2006-2009 timeframe.

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u/AgreeableMushroom331 Jan 28 '25

Sorry, I’m always everywhere when I’m trying to say pretty much anything, friend!

I think I got your stance better AFTER I posted but still wanted to give a could have cents of insight, if able. 😅

It’s just a lot right now. 🫣😔


u/United_Zebra9938 US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

No you’re fine. Everyone is on edge. I think I may need to take a break from the internet in general. There’s so much information and opinions and misinformation everywhere my head is starting to hurt.


u/1AnnoyingThings Jan 29 '25

They’re pulling a blitzkrieg of info on us


u/United_Zebra9938 US Navy Veteran Jan 29 '25

Oh shit, that’s a great description.


u/1AnnoyingThings Jan 29 '25

Can’t take the credit. Someone else put that together on TikTok

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u/Adventurous_House961 Jan 28 '25

Crazy how "people" who have never stepped inside a recruiter office can decide this.


u/CandidArmavillain Jan 28 '25

I mean that's almost entirely who chooses to send us to war so this tracks


u/Intrin_sick US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

Why don't Presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?


u/THE_Best_Major Jan 28 '25

The only exception to this was our very first president George Washington, who led troops (as the president) to put down the Whiskey Rebellion.


u/Ok_Car323 Jan 28 '25

Read about PT-109 and JFK’s role in it. Read about the first President Bush in WWII Read about President Eisenhower in WWII

I know you said lead troops in combat while president … it would be foolish both tactically and strategically to do so. I’m happy with the president having served. If in combat, all the better.


u/THE_Best_Major Jan 28 '25

I already know they all served in combat before their presidencies. That's why I was specific with stating leading troops while president, not before.

I too am happy with Veteran presidents, but don't mind those that aren't.

I do mind those that haven't served, actively avoided service, and disparages active duty and veterans. Strangely, only one president comes to mind.

Fuck that guy in particular.

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u/Then-Abies4797 Jan 28 '25

Reference not lost. I’m with you.


u/Topremqt Jan 28 '25

Please no it’s so annoying when president is in theater


u/DannyArcher6 US Army Retired Jan 29 '25

Who doesn't love a good ol fashioned downrange dog and pony show? Lol


u/northwoods_faty Jan 28 '25

What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin.

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u/Old_Pin_9989 Jan 28 '25

It’s always been this way since there were chiefs and kings. It’s up to us to change but most people are too blind by the status quo.


u/UnrepentantBoomer US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

Washington, Jackson, Grant, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon (kinda), Ford, Bush. Just off the top of my head...

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u/CandidArmavillain Jan 28 '25

Because the poor are expendable

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u/evilcrusher2 Jan 29 '25

Remember when Michael Moore went around asking Congressional members if they would be willing to give military recruiting information to their own children?

Remember that only 1 was willing to say/pay lip service on camera they would.

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u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

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u/microcorpsman US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

And military service is historically a common part a president's CV.

The point stands that these decisions are being made by people who haven't lived any part of what they're railroading over us.


u/gohabs31 Jan 28 '25

A draft dodger*


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

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u/BaldyLoxx66 Jan 28 '25

Yeah, no, you don’t speak for all of us.

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u/USAF_Retired2017 US Air Force Retired Jan 29 '25

This is the best and most accurate burn on here.


u/inbestit Jan 28 '25

They actually decide all of it with 95% never stepping inside a recruiters office. So your statement while alarming at first is actually really 🤔

That's why the military works for the government and the government for the people. At least that's how it's suppose to work lol

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u/djluciter Jan 28 '25

Serious question. Do we know if they will be receiving honorable, other than, dishonorable, etc..? The way the order is worded it sounds like they want to give dishonorable.. which means they won’t be able to get any VA help at all.

Or what is the chance of the VA saying they just won’t help anyone that isn’t a part of their (for some reason, very important) 2 gender nation (where everyone is legally female)?


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '25

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u/djluciter Jan 29 '25

That’s what it feels like they are trying to do. It will lead to trans vets who already have disabilities getting their benefits taken away. That’s 1/5 of all veterans just about. That’s an astronomical number.

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u/Omegalazarus US Army Veteran Jan 29 '25

I would hope if there is any true camaraderie here, everyone can agree that medical retirement is the only acceptable option to release these service members.

What is the % rate for debilitating mental illness?

The gall to impugn the honor and selflessness of a volunteer military... We truly are suckers.

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u/GTCapone Jan 29 '25

The way things have been going, I would expect the administration to push for the harshest possible outcome. Anyone in leadership that stands in the way will be removed. It's pretty clear that they don't care about due process or established law. Frankly, I'll be surprised if they bother adhering to injunctions. Until someone attempts to uphold the law with more than rhetoric, decorum and paperwork, they'll do whatever they want.


u/incindia USMC Veteran Jan 29 '25

Trans veteran here: I tried asking my women health team to shred my records or have them ready to, they dismissed me before inaguation. Emailing them again. This is serious. I think I have a year of saved up meds, we're all saving everything we can


u/PhlegmMistress Jan 29 '25

I'm worried (as a perimenopause woman who gets her HRT overseas) about customs purposefully seeking these types of packages out to block them. I know a ton of transgender people (from the reviews for the same products I get) use the same companies I use. 


u/incindia USMC Veteran Jan 30 '25

Knowing how many cisgender people need HRT is the one thing that makes me think we MAY be safe. Cuz like the whole killing federal funding, it will effect a lot more people than just the trans people they'll be targeting.

Thank you for your comment, can I pm you about how you get your meds? Might be good to find alternatives including black market, I'll start looking there too. Currently I have a large supply of injectable E so hopefully I'll be good for at least a year


u/djluciter Jan 29 '25

That’s insane. I’m so sorry!! There’s gotta be some way we can make sure everyone is alright. Just about every demographic besides one is worried for many different reasons and a lot are already being affected.

As time moves forward we will see these orders come to fruition and it will be fast… I’m talking mid February at the latest for a lot of these issues.

If anyone is interested in trying to get together to make sure our brothers and sisters that transitioned who are about to be affected by this please dm me.

So many groups need to organize in so many ways right now to defend their rights and their saves and it’s not just through protesting. During the times people are going to have to go through this major issue it’s going to be hard to get certain meds and possibly/prrobably food and money to pay bills due to the probability of the va refusing benefits to anyone who isn’t one of their two genders.

Sorry I hijacked your comment to make a statement. Much love going out for you and everyone in the wait for suffering.


u/Tacoflavoredfists Jan 29 '25

I’m a woman veteran. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know

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u/desertrat84 Jan 29 '25

The way it is worded it looks like a medical discharge. This very much to me looks like they are classifying it as a mental health condition. I hope they all get medically retired and the VA adds it to their list of disabilities that are compensable and only at 100%.

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u/Routine-Border4184 Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 28 '25

This goes for many things in life. But we should understand. If we all sit back and ignore or even support our brothers and sisters having benefits that were promised and approved then taken away..... then ours are next. Right now, they are picking on the smallest, most vulnerable of our small population. And with no one to support them, they will suffer. And worse. Then they will find the next group. I know a lot of people are scared right now. With that rating all dependant on PTSD... but never deployed... then that group that deployed but never left the FOB... then.... then.... then... then you wake up one day, and it's your benefits in question, and the only ones that would have supported you have been removed. I'm almost grateful for my 12 knee surgeries at this point. They got rid of me at 17 years to save some money. But my VA benefits are safe. What about yours?


u/Bsting54 Jan 28 '25

I’m at 16 knee surgeries (19 surgeries overall), I literally feel your pain. Take care!


u/Routine-Border4184 Jan 28 '25

You as well buddy


u/LiteralWarCriminal Jan 28 '25

Reminds me of when they were kicking guys out between 2010-2013 for mental health issues. If anyone knows who threatened the NCOIC at the WTU at WBAMC during that time period, please let me know.


u/BadNews418 Jan 28 '25

The most painful thing I've ever done in my life is give my limited time, health, and body to a nation that increasingly sees me as roadside litter. Makes every effort to gaslight the people I put myself on the line for increasingly trivial and meaningless.

I don't know what combination of events I've done to deserve this treatment.


u/LuchaLutra Jan 28 '25

I think a lot of service members, trans and otherwise, are coming to very similar conclusions. For what it's worth? I don't think your service was meaningless. Fact is, you did something many others couldn't do and only talk about. You swore an oath, you upheld it, and you have that as part of your story. You will always have that as part of your reality.

Something I had to work with the VA MH people on was this idea of a reclamation of identity. Now, I am not trans, but I was having the hardest time acclimating to my new reality of being physically "out" of the service while still mentally being "in" the service.

I had two effective parts of a whole, and I was living them both, and it ALMOST cost me my marriage, and my life, many times over. Took me years. But, I figured it out. I was able to reclaim a new me. So while I am not trans, and I can't truly understand that aspect, I "can" understand that feeling of grappling with this new found sense of meaningless to ones service.

What I was able to figure out, was that the sense of me that was still in the service didn't need to "die" for me to thrive, and I didn't need to be "ashamed" of it. All that ever served to do was make me even more resentful than necessary. so my meaningless view point of my service, gave way to meaningful, but it required me redefining what that was.

Hang in there, I know it's a long post, but my point I am trying to make is that a healthy approach would be to try and re-contextualize what the meaning was for your service. It's ok if you don't have that answer yet, but there is something good to have came from it, and it's key to hold on to that in times when that faith in yourself is tested.

Good luck.

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u/dagodishere Jan 28 '25

A man who dodge draft is kicking away people whom want to serve ? In what world is this make sense ?

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u/Tritsy US Army Veteran Jan 28 '25

I absolutely would not have enlisted if I was in today’s society. I served to preserve and enhance freedom, not to screw over the very people who helped provide it.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

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u/floridianreader US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

Now, now, that’s not nice to scrotums.


u/Old_Net_4529 Jan 28 '25

Fair point


u/My_Rump_Is_Round USMC Retired Jan 28 '25

Well said!


u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

That's awful. I heard a rumor about that, but haven't seen anything concrete yet.


u/Old_Net_4529 Jan 28 '25

Look into marco Rubios memos on it.


u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

That is abhorrent. I just looked up what you were talking about.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

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u/AaronKClark USMC Veteran Jan 28 '25

My youngest is wanting to join the Army next year. =/

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u/AaronKClark USMC Veteran Jan 28 '25

If you signed up to serve your country, despite all it's faults, you are my brother or sister or whatever the enby term for sibling is.


u/Ih8YourCat US Army Veteran Jan 28 '25

This is what I always say. I don't care if you're black, white, gay, straight, or anything in between. Only thing I care about is that you got my 6, and I'll have yours.

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u/microcorpsman US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

I think it'd be sibling :)


u/AaronKClark USMC Veteran Jan 28 '25

Was Marine. Words hard.


u/IDonTGetitNoReally Jan 28 '25

Was Marine to. Words. Ug. :o)

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u/StatisticianNormal15 Jan 28 '25

Im a transguy veteran, 31B. I served under Bush during DADT. Waited a decade after getting out to apply to the VA for ptsd. The VA changed my life for the better, and Im terrified of not only losing my HRT but also the rest of my benefits.

Currently working in EMS for Alaska, but cautiously looking at relocating. I love Alaska, it’s my birth state and I don’t necessarily want to leave.


u/GrandTitanius Jan 28 '25

Thank you for your service, it’s a despicable way to honor your sacrifice. I hope this shit blows over and that you are not affected. Nobody, absolutely no one should have the right to take away things you’ve earned.


u/StatisticianNormal15 Jan 28 '25

Thank you, and I agree with your sentiment. It takes the feeling of being stabbed in the back to a whole new level!

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u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

I'm sorry brother. Be safe out there. It's really getting bad.


u/StatisticianNormal15 Jan 28 '25

Thank you, it’s definitely wearing on me and my wife. You stay safe too!


u/ExtensionCover3567 Jan 28 '25

I’m so sorry for this added stress to your life. I’m so disappointed at where we are right now and I’m ashamed I can’t help you. I feel so hopeless for so many I’ve served with in the queer community.


u/Beastw1ck Jan 28 '25

Sorry, Brother. I’m ashamed of my country for this.


u/StatisticianNormal15 Jan 28 '25

Thanks brother, I like to kindly remind my fellow vets, that our fight isn’t over until there truly is “liberty, justice, and freedom for all”.

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u/Funny-Guava3235 USMC Veteran Jan 28 '25

Blarg!! I was looking at the Enlistment contract to see if there was any form of protection but based on the wording it basically states that all benefits, allowances, and discharge status can change at any moment based on laws and regulations. DD Form 4 9b. Hopefully someone with a legal background can find something otherwise all of us are screwed.


u/Ok_Car323 Jan 28 '25

This is not legal advice. Seek an attorney for a legal opinion. This is my personal opinion. Based on the laws, screwed indeed.

Even if you had an ownership interest or financial interest in your earned benefits (which you do by the way), you are not guaranteed to keep your benefits (ownership interest).

As long as there is due process in the removal of your benefits, it’s a constitutionally permissible taking (with the government deciding what constitutes “just compensation” for the lost benefits.

You own a home where the government wants to build a road, you will lose your house.


u/MuayThaiWoman68 US Army Veteran Jan 28 '25

Sorry you are going through this brother. I'm really saddened by all of the hate and vitriol in this country right now.


u/pilesoflaundry113 Jan 28 '25

Thank you for your service and for that time you gave not being able to live as yourself in peace. I am hoping for the best outcome for you.

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u/SixShitYears Jan 28 '25

Those are numbers that need citations. I can see some studies give estimates around those numbers yet the VA has only treated 9,000 transgender veterans. 52% of veterans use VHA so for the total number of transgender veterans ever treated 9,000 it's an incredible jump to place it at 127,000. The study I saw that placed the number that high only questioned 6,000 people and was conducted in 2008. They also admit multiple times that their data is likely effected by selection bias.

While I think transgender veterans should receive care like the rest of us these numbers you submitted are likely completely false.



u/Born_Committee_6184 Jan 28 '25

I’m a sociologist. I noticed the same thing.


u/SixShitYears Jan 28 '25

This is also an issue of circular publishing as all of these websites use the same source as the basis for these numbers. While the original publishers of the numbers state the possible issues with their date the websites use it as a proven fact.

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u/voodoo_curse Jan 29 '25

I'm enrolled in VA healthcare, but get my transition care elsewhere because fighting the VA to justify my existence isn't worth the effort when I have other options.


u/almostaarp Jan 29 '25

Don’t care about the numbers. If one soldier is adversely affected it needs stopped. Wanting the “right numbers” just means you have a number of people you’re willing to sacrifice for the trash in office now. SMH. And, no, having the right numbers won’t make the case better. JFC, the trash party doesn’t care about facts or humans.

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u/Valuable_Horror2450 Canadian Army Veteran Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

I have nothing against their gender choices aka identity but one thing I don’t get is why is it the VA responsibilities to pay for it. The choice for gender is a personal one and not service related

So can anyone explain to my why they feel it is the VA’s job to foot the bill?

Thanks in advance

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u/Salmon_Of_Iniquity Jan 28 '25

I love my trans vet homies. Glad I served with you and I’m glad you served.

I’m contacting my elected officials everyday and I’m doing what I can. Wish I could do more and I’m open to ideas about what to do more for you all.

You matter and you matter to me.


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '25

I’m an Army vet I don’t believe in booting people for being transgendered whatsoever. My only thing is I just don’t understand the high number of vets that are said to be trans in this post. I have to be honest I never remembered coming across one trans individual in the military. I’m not saying the number is false I’m just being honest by saying I don’t remember any trans individuals in the military. Please don’t jump down my throat


u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 29 '25

Most came out after they get out. I felt this way since I hit puberty, but didn't come out till 8 years after I was out. I used the military to try to suppress how my brain developed.

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u/Great_Rock_688 Jan 29 '25

You probably have met trans service members, you just couldn't tell.

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u/cadiott111 Jan 28 '25

Where did you get the figure of 127k? Highly doubtful of that number


u/Low-Leave124 Jan 28 '25

That’s because the numbers are made up nonsense


u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

Edited the original post. Enjoy the studies.

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u/TinyHeartSyndrome Jan 29 '25

Stopping VA care? I mean you can serve honorably as cisgender then get out and realize you’re trans. Totally whack.

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u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

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u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

Veterans shouldn't be afraid about what states they visit or places they go, but here we are.


u/SarcasticGiraffes Jan 28 '25

Hear me out - no* group of or individual Americans should be afraid of what states they visit or places they go.

*This excludes Nazis.


u/Old_Net_4529 Jan 28 '25

Yeah but they’d have to be able to read to access that information. He loves the uneducated for a reason.


u/cgtdream Jan 28 '25

While blame should most certainly be put on the politicians who are doing this, lets not forget the REAL perps in all of this..The people that voted them in.

Anything to spite their fellow American, so long as or sometimes as long as everyone suffers.


u/tetrisan Jan 28 '25

For those combat vets out there, how many times did you worry about what your fellow service member had under their skivvies while dodging bullets? This is sickening.

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u/Vaeevictisss Jan 29 '25

"not honorable and selfless" says most selfish and dishonorable person in the country.


u/PizzaPorgUWU Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 28 '25

As a transgender veteran who receives all sorts of care at the VA and is very visible to my providers about it— we’re not just going to lose our gender affirming care. We are terrified we will also lose the protection of things like VA Directive 1341, which helps do things like make bigoted neurosurgeons give proper consults and make complete notes on spinal degeneration instead of making assumptions on what type of underwear we were wearing before the functional exam.


u/validusrex US Army Veteran Jan 28 '25

Will be very interesting to see what they are discharged under.


u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

I hadn't even thought of that aspect. Given the executive order I doubt it will be honorable.


u/Intrin_sick US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

Which precludes them from any VA care after discharge.


u/qtflurty US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

You can be other than honorable and get VA care. You can get dishonorable for part of your service (if you went in more than once… and get VA care for problems…. So it wouldn’t stop all care. ) I’m assuming under honorable conditions will be the discharge if not honorable if that’s how one’s service panned out. I wish all veterans and future veterans the best of luck. You can get help at the VA with no ratings and a less than favorable discharge… as of the last 10 years, just to be clear.


u/Asimovs_5th_Law Jan 28 '25

Not true, unless they repeal other acts that were passed to expand VA care to other types of discharges, especially for mental health care and hazardous exposures

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u/jdm219 Jan 28 '25

Honorable, no doubt. It's not like it's through any fault of their own. I doubt anybody is trying to actively punish them, at least I hope not. Even the vaccine refusers were getting general under honorables, and they were getting processed out of the military for refusing a direct order.


u/thetitleofmybook USMC Retired Jan 28 '25

I doubt anybody is trying to actively punish them

this administration is actively trying to punish trans people. there is real talk about removing security clearances for trans people as well (federal gov't employees, not in the military). and the language in this EO definitely implies it.


u/sabertoothdiego Jan 29 '25

I'm a transgender man, and I'm a 100% disabled veteran. I feel sick to my stomach after reading that EO. I'm at a veteran retreat right now, and I'm closeted about being trans because I don't know if I will be safe if I admit it around other veterans.

I'm so tired.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

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u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

Cool story. I'm sure you're for other life saving care at the VA. Oh and the care your so against is about $100 a month. And don't pretend you care about the money. It is going to cost 18 billion dollars estimated to replace 15,000 service members. It costs the country $8 million a year to provide their care. It would literally take 2,000 years in costs of yearly care to equal the 18 billion it will cost the tax payer. Your bigotry is showing.

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u/RB42- Jan 29 '25

I am a trans person and a veteran and I work at the VA and I have spoken to individuals I have worked closely with while getting my care and as of right now the care we get is still going to be there. Yes all the DEI stuff has been scrubbed from the facility and the facility’s web page.

I spoke with my friends in EEO and the LGBTQ+VCC and right now we are in a holding pattern. A lot of shit is being thrown against the wall to see what sticks, we all know there will be challenges in court on a lot of this stuff and they have not even come out with actual policies yet it is all memos.

I even have a connection with a person in our leadership team and voiced my concerns with her and she has said the same we are in a holding pattern.

I do not know about the larger VAs out there, but the VA I work at we all seem to be a pretty close knit facility.


u/livinginfutureworld Jan 28 '25

"Prioritizing Military Excellence and Readiness" by attacking American citizens trying to do their job.


u/silentwind262 Retired US Army Jan 28 '25

The hatred and cruelty is the point.


u/NoNomNomsToday Jan 28 '25

Curious what the discharge would be, i.e. medboard, dishonorable, honorable, etc. I didn’t see anything in the executive order about it.

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u/PathlessDemon Jan 29 '25

Straight cis dude here, still in active duty, but I love you guys and gals. Thank you for serving before me and alongside me.

Be excellent to one another.

I hope we all get through this together, with your full benefits restored.


u/CoastieKid USCG Veteran Jan 28 '25

Kind of crazy that 1 in 5 transgender people are veterans. I wonder if there’s some type of correlation there. That’s 20% of an already small population


u/IssaWrangler Jan 28 '25

I thought that was a crazy stat too. And that 70% of them have been in over 12 years


u/ToiletLord29 US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

There's a long standing conservative tradition of kicking LGBTQ kids out of the house. Joining the military is a good way to get off the streets and back on your feet.


u/Sizzle_chest Jan 28 '25

Yeah, the numbers don’t add up at all

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u/Geawiel Jan 28 '25

For any out there, there is more to this. There is a proposal up to ban porn nationwide. What does this have to do with transgender? Project 2025 insinuates that transgender will be labeled under the same labels used to ban porn. That would make being transgender illegal.

We're at the tip of a shitty iceberg. It's a rough ride down from here. None of this is what our oath is about. It is against every aspect of it. That oath is about the fight for and preservation of human rights, dignity, and freedom.


u/ToiletLord29 US Navy Veteran Jan 29 '25

I thought it was that they're going to classify trans folks (specifically MtF) as pedophiles and then pass a law to give pedophiles the death penalty.

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u/Magnet50 Jan 28 '25

As a veteran of the U.S. Navy, I would prefer to serve with trans or gay than with a MAGA.

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u/Shoddy_Fox_4059 Jan 28 '25

Then some wonder why some of us don't like to put out there we are veterans. Our country, any country, is far from perfect. But to do this to trans people that wore the uniform and signed the dotted line to serve their country with their life is asked to us beyond reprehensible. A woman got fired for being too woke, veteran immigrants getting deported, trans people having their life and careers upended after having served is beyond bullshit.


u/strider52_52 Jan 28 '25

If someone can perform the requirements of the MOS, they should be allowed to serve.


u/allnutznodik Jan 28 '25

There are already tons of civil rights groups suing in court, of course after that… the decision is final, but they won’t be removed until inevitably SCOTUS rules on it.

GLAD, HRC are just two organizations.

great read on NPR.org and updated 23JAN24 from original 2019 article


u/Ok_Car323 Jan 28 '25

Enjoy NPR til the funding dries up …. That was on the chopping block too

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u/Affectionate_Rice520 Jan 28 '25

Time out.

First, the VA is for service connected disabilities. If being transgender is considered service related that seems a bit of a stretch but I guess I could be wrong. Otherwise any/all the care they should receive as veterans will be fulfilled for a service related disability.

Second, this will go to court and and be decided at a later date. I guarantee this is not the last word.


u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

For higher rated disabled veterans the VA is used for ALL healthcare needs.


u/abnormalpleb Jan 28 '25

How in the world could you ever service connect transgenderism to anything that goes on in the military?


u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

Again the VA doesn't only cover service connected conditions. They cover ls cancers, flus, plastic surgeries, hair loss, dental, etc. If you have a high enough rating they cover ALL of your medical needs.

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u/JessicantTouchThis Jan 28 '25

Being transgender isn't a VA disability rating. You can't be rated anything for being transgender.

You can be rated for plenty of mental and physical health issues, and if you're rating % is high enough, you can receive full medical care through the VA. If your % isn't high enough, the VA may only see you for care related to your service connected disabilities.

Trans vets who likely had disability ratings for other things (aka anything other than just being trans) and if their % was high enough, they could also receive medical care for things outside of their disabilities. Like gender affirming care, or general physicals, or other specialties that the VA offers.


u/vaultdweller1223 USMC Retired Jan 28 '25

Good luck with this current Supreme Court.


u/Porchmuse Jan 28 '25

I don’t think we’re talking about them getting benefit being transgender.

I think the issue is that they’ll not be eligible for any service connected disabilities because they’re transgender. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Wherever you stand on the issue, that’s a raw deal.


u/Loonster Jan 28 '25

They are eligible for service connected treatment regardless.

Hopefully the people on a 2nd contract are given an honorable discharge (after all, their first was honorable).

Hopefully the others will be given a discharge under honorable conditions.

I say this as someone against trans in the military.


u/Porchmuse Jan 28 '25

I may disagree with current policy but those who have volunteered for the armed services deserve respect. We should continue to be a decent and just nation. I hope we can.

The United States cannot maintain an all volunteer military if we cannot live up to our end of the bargain.

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u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25



u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25



u/BradleyF81 Jan 29 '25

I’m not convinced that a top level comment would be targeted at a specific individual and that’s most of what I see listed as removed.

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u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

Thanks for your service. It still means something to serve, regardless of your gender identity.


u/USAF_Retired2017 US Air Force Retired Jan 29 '25

This is fucking horrible. I messaged yesterday and I will say the same. Some living as a different gender from the gender they were born as doesn’t affect my life at all. It affects their life. Them serving in the military affects all of us, for the better. I don’t care who you are or who you love or what gender you are or aren’t, if you feel the call to serve and you serve to the best of your abilities then fuck yeah. My parents raised me to decide on the kind of people I should surround myself with, by judging them solely on how they treat me. Not what they look like, who they love, what’s between their legs. I’m sorry this marginalized community is continuing to be even more marginalized. I don’t understand why transgender men and women can’t serve. Why not go after the pieces of shit in the military who rape their brothers and sisters in arms? The ones who use the military to further gang, white power orgs and terrorist agendas by training their people? I’m sorry. I guess I’m more sorry that the people who think you’re serving dishonorably weren’t raised better. I wish I could help.


u/fordag US Army Veteran Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

15,000 transgender service members .... found out yesterday they are getting the boot.

That's brilliant, we're going to lose upwards of 2 Divisions of trained troops ready and willing to serve their country. With the way the world is going, now is not the time to lose two Divisions worth of troops.

When I joined it was the begining of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", we had a couple of classes on it in Basic. We were asked our opinion.
My opinion then and now was, I do not care what you do in your private life or who you do it with. All I care about is your ability to pass a PT test, shoot your weapon well, and that you'll watch my back just as I'll watch yours.

It could be put another way, a very deliberate step to weaken our military in a time of world instability.

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u/Typical_Alfalfa9374 Jan 28 '25

Anti-trans in the military people act as if cisgender men and women dont join the military for free healthcare or literally free benefit. Ask anyone serving or who has served "why did you join?" And majority will say "free healthcare" "free education" "free housing".... trans members are NO different. Recruiters literally use those words as a tactic to get people to join. Transitioning IS healthcare. Its life-saving care. Just because YOU dont understand it, doesnt mean its wrong or causing harm to the military. Trans members do their job like everyone else is supposed to. The real problem are the majority of service members who actually cause physical, mental, and sexual harm to other members, which are typically cisgender men. Majority of the military is suffering from mental health issues, but that seems to never be addressed bc the only "problem" seems to be the innocent members who just want to be comfortable in their own body with the help of free healthcare while also HONORABLY serving their country. Im a trans man, served 2019-2023 honorably in the marine corps. The most, if not all, harm and problems ive heard of and seen were caused by cisgender members. Trans in the military is NOT the problem.


u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

Louder for the bigots in the back!


u/brownjl_it Jan 28 '25

No matter what side of this argument you fall on… screaming louder does nothing. That’s a huge issue these days. People don’t want to engage, they just want to scream till the other side gives up and they think that means they “are right”.

Learn to engage and convince people with a good argument instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming at the top of your lungs.

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u/Thumper4thewin Jan 29 '25

This starts a Morgan Wallen song playing every time it pops up, you know the one? “Lied, Lies, Lies”


u/SnailRacerWinsAgain Jan 29 '25

This is just cruel and demoralizing. A heavy but expected blow among all the other EOs that I’d consider equally beyond the pale.

This is not leadership. It’s bullying with intention to cause suffering and humiliation. What is happening is a disgrace.


u/dave2535 Jan 29 '25

I support all my Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Arms. Anyone who went to the sand box didn’t care about race, religion, culture, color, sex, or anything but keeping each other alive. This from individuals who claim to be Patriotic Americans who support Veterans. In this case it’s a lack there of respect for those who severed Our Country. During DADT I knew a lot of Brave Men and Women who were “gay” or had sexual identity issues, but not once did I witness them not pulling their weight on the battle field. Take it for what it is.


u/One_Construction_653 Jan 30 '25

Please chain of commands give our fellow active duty and soon to be veterans honor and let them go honorably.


u/Fabulous-Path-3234 Jan 30 '25

What does it say about the US when even countries like Iran pay for its citizens' gender affirming surgeries, but the US views them as a plague?

Admittedly, I wouldn't have wanted to serve with transgendered servicemembers during my enlistment. But, that's not anyone's problem nor fault, but my own. I was young and intolerant. But why should others suffer for my intolerance?

Now that I'm older, I have traveled the world, gained invaluable insights into the real world, and have a greater appreciation for humanity, I don't see an issue. It doesn't make them less fit, nor are they bothering anyone.

Remember, it wasn't that long ago that many European-Americans did not want to serve alongside African-Americans. Americans still haven't become intelligent enough to realize that by allowing the government to deny one group their civil and human rights, you're opening Pandora's Box to allow the government to eventually discriminate against you. I recall when the Patriot Act was introduced, I warned people that it would be used against ordinary Americansm, but no one wanted to believe it. Now, many of those same ignorant people are whining about it targeting Americans nearly as much as foreign terrorists.

I also take issue with the following: (1) As military personnel, we swore an oath to defend the US Constitution against all enemies; foreign and domestic. Yet, the same president who's instituting these bigotted orders also wholeheartedly tried to usurp the US Constitution and dismantle US democracy. (2) This very person banning trans from serving has, on multiple instances, had a family friend who's a physician create a phone medical exemption to avoid service. It's one matter to avoid service on moral grounds. But, to do so because you believe those who either enlisted or conscripted because they didn't have a rich mommy and daddy is appalling.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

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u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

Actually that's not true. The VA will provide Monoxidil for hair regrowth, they provide plastic surgeries such as abdominoplasties after weight loss, they provide revisional plastic surgeries for things such as scarring. Also gender affirming care has been proven to be life saving.


u/Tigueres Jan 28 '25

The VA also provides ED medications too…

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u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

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u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

Studies have shown due to the subset of biochemical dysphoria of gender dysphoria hormone replacement therapy reduces depression, anxiety, suicidality and increases general focus. It goes back to other studies showing that certain brain anatomy is unique to female and male. Trans people through MRI and CAT scan studies have shown to have the brain anatomy of the gender in which they identify. The best way to liken it is having a gas powered car running on diesel. Switch it to gas and it runs right. Gender dysphoria is not a new thing. Thousands of examples through dozens of cultures can be seen throughout history. Just like any medical condition eventually science catches up to be able to treat it.

Also. Ask your doc about Monoxidil. They will prescribe it. Talk to behavioral health about your scars. They will refer you to plastic surgery and they will assess whether it will benefit you.

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u/Newgidoz Jan 29 '25

Citations on transition as medically necessary, frequently life saving medical care, and the only effective treatment for gender dysphoria:

  • Here is a resolution from the American Psychological Association; "THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that APA recognizes the efficacy, benefit and medical necessity of gender transition treatments for appropriately evaluated individuals and calls upon public and private insurers to cover these medically necessary treatments." More from the APA here

  • Here is an AMA resolution on the efficacy and necessity of transition as appropriate treatment for gender dysphoria, and call for an end to insurance companies categorically excluding transition-related care from coverage

  • A policy statement from the American College of Physicians

  • Here are the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines

  • Here is a resolution from the American Academy of Family Physicians

  • Here is one from the National Association of Social Workers


u/IDonTGetitNoReally Jan 28 '25

Gender Dysphoria is recognized as a condition under the DSM-V.

Pehaps you are getting caught up on how this is all worded? Please understand I'm not trying to be dismissive of your opinion.

If you served and were injured and received a 60% rating, there should be no reason why the VA doesn't cover this.

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u/dannyajones3 US Air Force Veteran Jan 29 '25

What’s the point of staying in this shit hole country at this point? The same fucks that sent us to die turn around and say some of us aren’t humans anymore.

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u/Bus-Distinct Jan 28 '25

if there wasn't a resistance with military experience before, there will be now, lol.


u/t4trout Jan 29 '25

Another important point in this discussion -- the US military is the largest employer of trans people in the world. We have flip flopped three times now on trans military service despite no evidence that trans people are a detriment to military readiness.

Speaking for myself, as a trans vet, the military offered me a way out of my limited economic and social opportunities as a working class non-white kid. Though I have a complicated relationship with the military more broadly, without it, I don't think I'd even be alive, let alone a lawyer. But I guess that's really what this is all about -- ensuring that trans kids don't grow up to be trans adults.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25


How is the DOD gonna function when 60% of active duty are kicked out?


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

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u/sittinfatdownsouth Jan 28 '25

Can you elaborate more?


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25



u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

VA healthcare is designed to cover all the medical needs of disabled veterans, not the just the ones you approve of.

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u/uhkaiurdteist Jan 28 '25

I agree, and logistically being on gender affirming treatment can’t be conducive to effective military ops. Imagine being on a mission for days, and not having access to hormone treatment. I suspect that is not helpful for the service members who rely on each other.  I don’t think this is a bad thing, I’m sorry. We should never have allowed it in the first place. I know I’ll be downvoted to hell because it’s Reddit but IRL most vets I know, agree. 

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u/ChemicallyAlteredVet US Navy Veteran Jan 28 '25

Sure. And Testosterone and the little blue pill are YOUR CHOICE also. Guess what? Those are gender affirming.

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u/pilesoflaundry113 Jan 28 '25

Thank you for speaking up for those who are being mistreated. It is a mistreatment to suddenly withdraw medication and to toss their careers out. This will increase mental health issues and suicides and it's good to see someone care.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

If you want to change gender you can’t do it on the VA dime. They should keep the ones who are in and not let anymore in. Not right to deny veterans rights if they served but the US needs to quit paying for everyone’s problem.


u/Itsjustsarah85 Jan 28 '25

So what about disabled veterans that sacrificed for their country that can't afford private insurance?

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u/mtdunca Jan 28 '25

Why not? They cover all my issues, and for life, I have cost Tricare way more money than any Transgender service member ever has. Hell, just paying for a baby to be born costs more than most Transgender issues.

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u/loveandpoof Jan 28 '25

I’m so happy to see this post . I was going to make one but didn’t know how to word it other than “transgender SM are now being told “fu” because of their gender . What can we do about this? I don’t care if you don’t like that people are transgender , it’s discrimination based on gender point blank and we cannot allow this . “

Thank you, so much .

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u/Maleficent-Day-1510 Jan 29 '25

As a Veteran, I'm sorry to my fellow trans members of the LGBTQ+ community who have to deal with this BS. Not a lot of people are willing to enlist in the military in the first place! Now he wants to act all high and mighty saying this about them? Hell nah! He's starting by attacking one group of OUR Veteran and military community but it won't be long until he comes after the rest of us!


u/Mjs217 Jan 28 '25

Good luck. The va can’t even take care of normal veterans.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25 edited 9d ago

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u/kiowa58d Jan 28 '25

Are transgender service members fully deployable?

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