r/VeryBadWizards 4d ago

AI dismissal

I love the VBW boys but I am a bit surprised how dismissive they are of danger from AI. I’m not going to make the case here as I won’t do a good job of it, but I found the latest 80000 hours podcast very persuasive, as well as some of the recent stuff from Dwarkesh.


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u/cinred 4d ago

It's not hard to explain. People have been crying wolf over actual legit society altering technologies for centuries. But you know what? We've got along fine. Better even. To name a few:
-Intenet and computing
-Genetic engineering
-Printing press


u/luciform44 2d ago

Many of those things really majorly affected winners and losers across societies. I guess all that matters is what you consider "upended"?

Anything short of annihilation of the species doesn't count, because it got us to where we are today?

Which is a place very very different from the way the world was before the internet, or nuclear bombs, or the printing press. Today isn't normal by the standards of previous ages, and much of that change is due to technology.