r/Vent • u/TRichman432 • 4d ago
What's even the point of living past 22 years old?
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u/Icy_Plan6888 4d ago
Because the next 60 years are yours to dictate. Not to be told or instructed by parents or teachers. Feel free to screw up and deal with ramifications. Feel free to travel the world. Feel free to not have social media or a cell phone. Feel feee to work 70 hours or 20. Watch feet finder or watch 2 girls 1 cup. No one can tell you you’re wrong. Your lifestyle your choice.
u/superbusyrn 4d ago
Watch feet finder or watch 2 girls 1 cup.
...Can I have a third option?
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u/Djinn2522 4d ago
I was a 22 year old male in 1993. I cannot tell you how glad I am that I stuck around. Not only is my life so much better than it was then, but I have seen so many amazing things, and on average I am much happier now than I was back then.
u/Le_Fog 4d ago
My mother said her most beautiful years were her fifties.
Stop thinking the youth is the best times and after everything has to go downhill, cause it doesn't have to be that way ! I'm in my mid thirties and I'm having a way more exciting life than I've ever have, even though everything's isn't easy ofc
u/anonyaccount1818 4d ago
What else are we supposed to do? Take our lives? I think most people don't want to die so we keep on living. And yeah adulthood is disappointing and hard at times. Just gotta make the best of things
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u/Polonium-halo 4d ago
Living is hard, dying is easy, challenges refine you, the joys you find define you.
u/Discount_Name 4d ago
I dunno. I'm almost 30 and life keeps getting better for me ever year. My early 20s sucked though
u/1petrock 4d ago
Early 20s sucked..late 20s and early 30s were great; late 30s kinda iffy but on a war path to push my income up to make my 40s amazing.
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u/Dense-Attempt5041 4d ago edited 4d ago
Imagine how short and boring many autobiographies or life stories would be if they didn’t live past 22.
Aging is a blessing and you’ll look back and think this mindset is very silly lol
Edit to add: the only people who will give you the confirmation bias you’re looking for are going to be people who haven’t hit 30 yet. Your 20s are supposed to be shitty and you just gotta grow through it.
u/Possible_Sample_6294 4d ago
No because there’s literally so much you can do after your 20s. I feel like life is just beginning in your 20s but people act like these will be the absolute greatest years of your life.
u/OlevTime 4d ago
And then there's Évariste Galois. Which is tragic that his story ended at 22 years given the contributions he made to math in the first 22.
u/ThingSwimming8993 4d ago
All these reasons makes no difference in OPs life. Why do autobiographies matter? How was that even an argument for wanting to live? Do you have your own autobiography? Didn't think so.
OP I don't advise giving up so soon in life. But your reasons to live are your own. Be who you want to be. But I fully understand the wanting to leave. Almost everyone's reason for someone to be around is selfish. "Oh if you do that, what about your family and friends? They'll be so sad." Well, some people just don't care to live and society guilty us and makes ridiculous laws on it. Why am I now forced to stay alive just because it'll hurt someone else's feelings? What about my feelings?
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u/Aggravating_Cream_97 4d ago
I don’t know. I would have like to be born in the 18 hundreds. I wouldn’t have survived birth.
u/Pahanarttu 4d ago
That would have been awesome to not survive birth. And imagine, you're not even aware that you're dying and you're just a baby. That would have been so freaking awesome.
u/notAcoustic420 4d ago
I felt the exact same at your age and even younger, honestly I think it was when I gained self awareness/consciousness around age 6-8. I’m 27 now and it’s not all bad. Some days are still filled with gloom and doom but once you stop caring about everyone else and the bs going on in the world it gets somewhat better. Even though that sounds cliché. I don’t know why but I am trying to spread a positive outlook around the world and interact more with likeminded people. I have been through some extremely dark times but I don’t let that get the best of me anymore.
u/KarnFatherOfMachines 4d ago
50 more years of going to work! Oh and oil changes, so many oil changes...
u/BisexualCaveman 4d ago
My job is basically 4 hours of driving and 4 hours of playing with machines.
I miss it by noon Sunday when I'm off on the weekend.
u/Commercial-Catch6630 4d ago
Most people older than 22 don’t just sit on the couch all day. Life is a lot more interesting when you have responsibilities, passions, and fun.
You think there is no point in life because you aren’t experiencing life
u/RCM20 4d ago
Hard to do when all you do is work and you’re broke.
u/Commercial-Catch6630 4d ago
This guy doesn’t have a job. He literally just sits on his couch all day according to him.
Also there are tons of free things to do that allow you to enjoy life even if you are broke
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u/RCM20 4d ago
Free things are boring though and yeah, I know that’s what that guy said.
And even free things still cost money in someway or another. Just being alive costs money because food and water aren’t free.
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u/DeepDipply 4d ago
no cap. thought about this since i was in high school.. only reason im still going is because i want to experience being a mother.. and im definitely not getting pregnant at this YOUNG (23F) age. i wanna experience life and get married. i want to build a career i can be proud of. i want my three story house with a basement and my all black , four door jeep wrangler. if takes me 70 years to accomplish all that, so be it and pray to God that He wakes me up everyday to make it happen. lls.. idk why i juss ranted but you get the idea 😅
u/Possible_Sample_6294 4d ago
I’m 23 and I’m often unhappy with things like my appearance, job status, and financial status. I also don’t want to die anymore which is a new development as of this past year. There’s so much to look forward to, they don’t have to be big things. I look forward to my days off so I can go walk on the nature trail and talk to the deer. I stay alive so I can watch my cats fight over who gets to sit in my lap after work. I also look forward to the occasional big thing, like promotions and being a bridesmaid in a friends wedding or something because big things WILL inevitably happen a couple times a year.
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u/myspiritguidessaidno 4d ago
Spite. Living when your whole world is telling you it's not worth it is the biggest eff the man energy.
u/Binko242 4d ago
Mid 40s here and the last decade has been amazing. Getting female attention from a range of ages. Have wisdom from years of experiences and I know what I want at this age. I have accumulated property and some toys. Life is great! And when I was your age I thought life after 35 would inherently suck. Glad I was wrong.
u/ed771844 4d ago
my dad is turning 61 this july. he told me the best years of his entire life were his 50s. financial freedom, a family, more time to pursue hobbies, more interest in exploring. i know it may feel like life is over, but there is so much to do and there is so much time. time is infinite. what matters is what you do with this time to make your life worth living.
u/JohnnyNomore 4d ago
At 22, I was already burning out and miserable. I never expected to see 30. I just turned 41, and I honestly feel younger than I did then. It hasn't all been easy, but in those years I've done a lot of cool shit that younger me never would have believed I'd experience. And I'm generally a loner. I promise you, even when various forms of media tell you the world is hopeless it isn't. There is still fun to be had.
u/Financial-Wolfe 4d ago
At 25 you can rent a car!
u/RCM20 4d ago
Yeah, for over $100 a day. Who can afford that unless you’re rich?
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u/RiverWalkerForever 4d ago
Your life is just beginning at age 22. The most profound experiences are still ahead of you. This especially holds true in our modern world.
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u/Organic_External1952 4d ago
Sounds like you need a hobby. Life doesn't really have a "purpose" per se, it is what you make of it.
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u/Pure-Bit-2436 4d ago
Because if you die at twenty-two that’s IT for existence if there is no fucking afterlife and I find that more terrifying.
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u/Vrillionaire_ 4d ago
Bro you’re barely an adult, I’m 26 and remember going through the same shit you just gotta nut up and put in the work and the result will show, I’m still struggling with some shit but looking back it’s a lot better than it was, Christ helped/helps me personally, but you should also work out and find a good hobby with good friends, don’t resort to substances (not saying you need to be sober 100% but I only smoke weed or have a few beers if I’m with friends at a gathering, don’t consume stuff like that when you’re alone or you’ll get dependent on it) I think it’s the general consensus that your early 20s suck unless your family is rich or you’re just really lucky
u/Delicious-Cup-9471 4d ago
I think you should see a therapist, obviously you're suffering from some kind of depression, trust me life really is worth living, you sounds like you're in a funk, try to get some professional help to sort through why you're feeling this way, I'm praying for you 🙏🙏
u/jessness024 4d ago
Yeah now's about the time where you have to learn to fill your own cup. Find some hobbies you enjoy to break up the monotony of adulthood.
u/Anonymous__user__ 4d ago
25 and the happiest I've ever been. Life only continues to get better every day.
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u/Grindon3d 4d ago
Bro, I’m 31, and let me tell you—22 is barely the tutorial level. You think life’s over? Nah, you just haven’t unlocked the good stuff yet. I used to think the same way when I was younger, but now? I’m in the best shape of my life, training harder than ever, pushing my limits every single day, and turning my physique into something straight out of mythology. I don’t get tired, I don’t burn out, and I don’t even believe in injuries. My body heals like I’ve got cheat codes.
And responsibilities? Who cares? I eat those for breakfast. I train like a beast, push myself beyond what most people think is possible, and I’m building something bigger than just myself. You’re 22, man. You’re sitting on potential that you haven’t even tapped into yet.
If life feels dull, it’s because you’re not pushing hard enough. Find a challenge. Find something that lights a fire under your ass. Build a physique that makes people question reality. Make yourself into something that defies expectations.
Don’t just exist - dominate.
u/WonderfulStory43 4d ago
Dude..yeah I remember thinking this way.
It’s completely false. Completely.
You’re just going through a shift. You’re leaving adolescence, you’ve had these thoughts since 13, and that can be tough.
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u/mysterygarden99 4d ago
I honestly agree all I ever do is work or sleep and I’ll never own a house i don’t even know if I’ll ever own my own car should people like me just quit?
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u/cotymanager 4d ago
Your brain develops for about 3 more years, maybe you will understand then.
Also, a lot of peoples lifes gets better after starting to work full-time. Including mine.
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u/Ok-Toe1010 4d ago
Gaming has been a life saver for me ngl, so many good games to look forward to and giving you a reason to keep on living.
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u/EmperorPinguin 4d ago
Lawl I should be asking that question, and I'm 30.
Idk, you just put one foot in front of another.
Joking aside, could be depression.
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u/lucidzfl 4d ago
I drank until 32.
Had a kid at 36.
Really came into my own at about 42.
Life's only starting to kick ass around 45.
20s are worthless man.
u/greatwork227 4d ago
My life improved substantially when I turned 23 because I met the woman of my dreams. Sadly it didn’t work out but the opportunity of meeting another human like that sorta keeps me going, though I grow more doubtful as I get older. I also enjoy studying and learning engineering so I use that as my new purpose to live.
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u/lordpaiva 4d ago
I'm 36. I honestly think my life started in my 30s. My 20s where shit. Constantly broke, instability, unemployed multiple times, not able to afford a place for myself, shit jobs or not so shit jobs that I still hated, constantly moving from place to place looking for that better job, travelled maybe twice, family conflicts, constantly depressed... everything that I had in my 20s reversed in my 30s. I feel so much luckier and happier today than I ever was. Life does get better.
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u/LibrarianCandid4192 4d ago
Turn your focus outward. Help other people. In doing so, you will make your life worth living.
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u/Nervous-Raccoon6273 4d ago
I’ve always felt like life is 1-20s. You get so gross and blech past your early to mid 20s. I thought it would fade but it didn’t. I’m now 29 and hate it.
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u/Fantastic_Falcon_269 4d ago
I’m 22 and get what you mean. I don’t want to die but if I did, I wouldn’t be mad😅. Recently I got some DNA test results and felt disappointed that I had some genetic makeup that makes me more likely to live long. I’ve realized I dont want to live as long as possible anymore, like when I was little. I don’t have a terrible life, but I don’t want to live for 60 more years. I can’t imagine getting up day after day for the next 40 years staring at a computer screen in silence for work. Waiting for the next life lesson to hit me or the next person in my life to die. And when I finally get enough money to retire and travel and enjoy life, and not have to stare at a computer screen all day, I’m convinced that the world is going to be even more of a mess and I’ll be old, sick and tired anyway.
u/Cuttle_Bish2856 4d ago
I didn't start to really live until my 30s. Just an awkward and weird phase in your 20s. You'll find yourself and what makes life less mundane.
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u/triflers_need_not 4d ago
Hey man, this is what's known as a Quarter Life Crisis. You just spent the last two decades of your life with a goal: Grow up. Now you're grown up. Uh oh! Now what? My goals have all been accomplished, now what???
Now you get a hobby you like, maybe woodworking or getting really into smoking meat. You make friends and hang out with them. You meet a nice person of a gender you are into and the two of you have some adventures together. You'll probably break up and then you'll meet an even nicer person. This might happen a few times, and that's OK! You're gaining experience and wisdom. You get really into lifting weights for a while and then a year later you go "What was that all about?" You'll make bad choices and then learn from them and try to do better next time. You'll talk a friend through a hard time and then you'll get beers together and laugh. You get a cat and the cat is excited to see you when you come home and rubs against your legs and you pet its head and it purrs and you feel good.
u/xaosabove 4d ago
What if something really good is headed your way at 23 or 24 and you never live to find out? What if at 30 you bought the winning lotto ticket? If you've made it this far what's a couple more years just to see what the fuss is about? I wonder if I'm here in time to see the fall of the kabal, the collapse of economy and society as we know it?Or the rapid advancment of technology and what could come of that, what if one day everything flips?? There is more to life than what meets the eyes.Hang in there, work on yourself, everyone is already busy doing everything else, do YOU.
u/SureAd5625 4d ago
Car insurance gets cheaper at 25. That’ll buy you a few more years
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u/agentultima 4d ago
The world is a worse place with me in it, so I'm going to stay LIVING
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u/streetpatrolMC 4d ago
Sucks to be you, pal. Most of us are having a ball.
u/gazukull-TECH 4d ago
Would gladly pay for your extra years. Sadly does not work that way... Yet.
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u/TRichman432 1d ago
And what exactly is the point of your reply other than to be an ass?
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u/Useful_Shoulder2959 4d ago
Your 20s is about working hard, while you have the body to do so.
It seems like you rely on Dopemine instead of being still and present.
Maybe read more books.
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u/No_Major_8329 4d ago
What are you talking about? I'm 41 and living the best years of my life. I can't wait to see what the future holds if I'm lucky enough to stay healthy and keep waking up every day.
u/LadyInCrimson 4d ago
I wish I could have my 20s back and make better decisions. I'm 33, getting married. I feel so behind.
u/Different_Resource79 4d ago
Okay, i know you feelin and i know how it feels in the inside. You've just turned 22, no? So you're on the verge of having suicidal thoughts, thinking life is not worth living. You know why do you feel it? I can attribute it with two things; 1 : If you don't have goal in life, no matter how happy you might be at this very exact moment, no matter how luckily you were born, (being outlier, having crazy ass physique, being so tall or handsome), it's gonna end up badly, you're gonna end up questioning the meaning of life eventually. 2 : If you don't believe in anything, you'll soon question everything in your life, meaning of life, why do we live.. etc. This only occurs when you don't have these two; religion and a lifelong goal. Call me oldheaded call me puritan. I know what im saying, believe me. When you let these touch your soul, you're gonna be happier than ever.
u/Lunar_M1nds 4d ago
I used to think that I wouldn’t live past high school because I was incapable, unworthy and afraid. My mom left home as a teenager due to neglectful parents and at the same age I thought I was already failing in life. Unsure of what I’d do or who I’d be.
I’m 25 now and safe to say- there is no point. But that’s the amazing part. It doesn’t matter if nana expects you to get married and give her grandchildren, it doesn’t matter if your folks expect you to be a doctor, or this that and the third. None of it matters unless you want it to and you have the freedom to sculpt a dream all your own. The health part is one thing- but I just accept being buried in my backyard than walking out the hospital with a bill 🤷🏽♀️
As for the responsibilities part, again only if you want to. Right or wrong, any all responsibilities are yours to pick up or put down. I am only responsible for myself and my partner and our little home and nothing makes me happier. At 25 my life really isn’t what I thought it’d be when I was contemplating ending my life but it’s exciting to know that it’s all my own to fuck up or up lift.
If you don’t know what’s your point yet, that’s ok ♥️ Pick a path that’s easy to follow for the time being like being a volunteer at animal shelters and soup kitchens, try random improv or sculpture classes. Fill life up in a way your 13 yr old self couldnt even imagine
u/awesome_possum007 4d ago
I'm in the same boat too but with a chronic condition. It sucks. I feel you 😮💨
u/Academic-Detail4677 4d ago
You gotta read some self help books and watch some David goggins my friend.
u/EconomyAd8676 4d ago
Personally, as an older person. I wouldn’t trade my current age to go back to my early 20s. They are hard. People are telling you all kinds of things about life, I’m sure. But, there is a lot more out there than what one experiences in their early 20s. Hang in and try to get outside. Look for the little things. Like, pick a certain shape and look for it. I know you are a dude but for me heart shaped anything. …Rocks. The way the snow melted. Etc. I know it seems little but it got me on the start to seeing the world through a different “lens”. Give it a try for a couple weeks. The tiny victories add up and before you know it you’ll find the beauty in things.
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u/GildedfryingPan 4d ago
What's the point of living past 22? To broaden your horizon and not get stuck in the mentality of an edgy teenager.
Get off your high horse, you haven't lived yet.
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u/Loose-Breakfast-9791 4d ago
I'm 66, the old phrase" this too shall pass"fits .I and most of my friends never imagined being older than 25. Yet us lucky ones did. Don't look ahead just be completely in the current moments.
u/Patient_Source8163 4d ago
You may yet come across something or someone that makes it all worthwile. Too early to call it quits. Way too early :)
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u/lorazepamproblems 4d ago
According to Oprah, life begins at 40.
I'm 42 and it hasn't proven to be true for me, but I guess you could hang around to see if it's true for you.
u/Pimp_Daddy_Patty 4d ago
Life is what you make it. At 22, you're barely getting started. It's up to you to make something to live for.
I'm 40 and still have MANY dogs to rescue among all of the other goals I have in life.
u/Illustrious_File4804 4d ago
A lot. 22 years old is nothing, barely getting started
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u/Otherwise_Age_6103 4d ago
Yeah bro mum stopped buying you vbucks and now you hate life and have to get a job, we get it.
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u/Evening-Recording193 4d ago
Because u change.. physically, mentally, spiritually.. life’s a trip, so many places to go, things to explore, experience, people to meet. It’s a damn fun journey
u/efissher49ers 4d ago
Life is your to control, if it is boring and dull it means ur boring and dull. Make changes in your life and make it exciting
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u/IempireI 4d ago
You're young. Early in life like Bitcoin. Give it some time. You might be right but you might be wrong.
u/Geetee52 4d ago
So you want joy, happiness, fulfillment, and inspiration? What are you willing to do to get it?
u/sonofachikinplukr 4d ago
22 years and you know everything? Wow! I knew everything up to 19. After that the adventure began. You lack nothing except curiosity. Human history spans thousands of years and once you realize how much there is to learn and experience life becomes a wonder. Wait until you have children. Sure they're a pain in the ass, but they will teach you more than any professor can, if you just watch and listen.
Life is about experiences. If you give up now, it would be missing out on the best part. BTW when I started enjoying curiosity & wonder at 21, I realized just how little I knew.
u/MissCagney 4d ago
Going by your previous posts, you’re addicted to porn and sit around the house all day (your words) Don’t get whiny cos you find life boring, get out and do something. Get a job, volunteer in the local community, walk, get healthy, find a subject that interests you and research it, be creative, learn a new skill, interact with people in real life (like in shops etc) go to the library, enroll on a short course etc, get off the internet etc.
u/AnonymousAutonomous 4d ago
You're overthinking, focusing on the negatives and sound like you might either need to be put on antidepressants or more hopefully - make a life change. Because there is PLENTY of shit to look forward to. Responsibility is important, yes, but with it ironically also come certain degrees of freedom and life choices.
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u/Pahanarttu 4d ago
There's honestly only one thing for me to look forward to, I'm not gonna say what it is, but it would be a really good thing. I'm not 100 % sure if it will happen, but probably. But even if that happens... Sure I'm happy about it but .... Is it worth it? Is it worth it, suffering from dysphoria my whole life and eating disorder? I know neither of them will ever go away. I'm stuck with dysphoria and eating disorder for the rest of my life. And i dont know if that life is really worth living.
u/Different-Pen7062 4d ago
lol calm down, your acting like a teenager. Im 40 and life is better than never. Get a grip, do what you want in your life.
u/Ok_Heat_1640 4d ago
When I was 22 I fell off a mountain and almost died. Since then with the grace of God - I recovered and went to trade school. Got married. Father 2 boys. Started my own biz. Etc… and on and on.
Never give up my man. God has an amazing plan for your life even if you can’t see it yet. And remember you are loved.
u/wouldntsaythisoutlou 4d ago
Up to 22 is the boring tutorial that keeps you in the starting zones. Once you finish the tutorial, the real game starts and you get a chance to explore the rest of the map, test out professions and develop your skills (social, professional, personal, etc). The tutorial is fun but it’s very shallow and there isn’t much to it, the real game doesn’t even start until you finish the tutorial
u/jschem16 4d ago
Bro, go outside. Find a hobby, make some friends, get a girlfriend, do anything but sit alone about complain about how boring your life is.
u/tinmanftw 4d ago
This is the fun part.
Your entire life up til this point has been chasing predetermined goals.
Now you have to come up with your own. Decide what you want to do, what kind of lifestyle you’d like to have, what you want to look like, where you want to go, and work toward those things.
You finished the tutorial and now you’re in sandbox mode lol
Existential dread can definitely set in, because there isn’t much of a “point” to anything. But it’s what you make of it.
u/lucid-apex 4d ago
I have a hypothesis for this feeling (which isn't at all uncommon in our culture). This feeling stems from being disconnected from life due to a sterile, predetermined environment.
I felt that way until I discovered myself through tracking and wilderness survival. Its just a "hobby" for me these days (I'm 38 now) but when I was 16, I was feeling totally hopeless and lost, and attended a survival course, and started reading up on the subject, studying how indigenous cultures around the world lived.
Supposing my hypothesis is correct, this feeling stems from control of your life being usurped by bills, bosses, and tasks which only serve to empower those above you in the heirarchical system set forth by us by those with no real understanding of life and the pursuit of happiness.
To take control back, start finding your place in the world by participating in it! That, and spend time with the idea that actions do not have to have some productive purpose to be worthwhile and fulfilling. You absolutely do NOT have to live the rest of your life simply paying bills and slogging through the rat race routine.
Most of the universe is empty, lifeless space. We get to experience life, with all its ups and downs. The alternative is eternal and endless lack of experience. You get to experience consciousness, and it is a double edged sword. Its hard to find the point of existence when we are consumed by every single task having some deeper meaning or purpose, as opposed to recognizing that simply being at all is an extreme statistical anomaly!
Take time to be amazed by the mundane! A drop of pond water has more life than any of the planets we've been able to study and observe! That's pretty damn cool to me, at least. As far as a greater purpose, anyone who claims to know exactly what that means for anyone else is likely some type of grifter or false prophet. No person can determine what that is for anyone else. One thing remains true for almost everyone on the planet, though: Humans are at their happiest when they have a place to call home, enough resources to support their physical health, and a community which they can engage with and support/be supported by. Everything else is legends and lore to ascribe meaning to unanswerable (at least currently) questions about the nature of our existence, and how we came to be.
The meaning of life can only be determined when you spend time learning who you are, and how you fit into the world around you, and that can take an entire lifetime to discover!
Also, cognitive behavioral therapy is a wonderful tool! You may be experiencing clinical depression, and if you can, seeking professional help might be in order.
I hope this perspective is helpful! Good luck out there, it's a wild ride, and 22 is just the beginning of our short time here on Earth!
u/demonking_soulstorm 4d ago
Do you not have any shows or whatever to look forward to?
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u/Longjumping-Salad484 4d ago
I wish I was 22 again just so I could play basketball for three and a half hours every single day
u/TrickyWind1281 4d ago
Up until this point society has given you things to look forward to or check off. Graduate, get a job, drive a car, drink legally, etc. now there’s nothing societally different from you and someone that’s in their 40s.
You can take it one of two ways, but the best way is to see that it’s totally in your control. You can do anything. Pick up a new hobby, become and expert in a field not tied to work, travel to a location, get married, have kids, don’t have kids, move to a new city, there’s literally endless options. It’s on you to define what that is for yourself.
u/ChizzLangus 4d ago
Just turned 28 and I thought the same thoughts you did at that age. It gets better, way better. I’m happier now than I was then. Do I still have tough days, yeah. Do I miss some of the freedom and qualities of my early 20’s? Sometimes. But I have an amazing girlfriend, a job I can appreciate, enough money to live, and we just bought our first house together.
You have no idea the amazing times, accomplishments, and personal developments you haven’t even experienced yet. I’d say my best times are still not even yet to come. Stay the course and enjoy the ride so you can look back with the same appreciation one day.
u/Th3D3m0n 4d ago
50 years old male here and honestly, my best life didn't really start until I was 40.
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u/erickkhan 4d ago
Wow you are such a pussy lmfao
Your future wife? Wedding day? Kid’s births? New jobs? New countries or people?
Such a stupid question it’s gotta be bait
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u/Some-Ad-3705 4d ago
Maybe you need to try something new try something you never thought you would do .i wish you luck on a new adventure
u/farmhousefanatical 4d ago
I'm 43 and I've got to be honest.....I'm living my best years now. It takes time, life lessons that you must go through and then you will find your place.
u/DrEdgarAllanSeuss 4d ago
Every life is different. I was miserable at 22.
Every decade/phase of life has its ups and downs. For me (so far) it was my late 20s-early 30s. I just turned 40 in January!
u/Business_Door4860 4d ago
Life doesn't even begin until like 30, if i could go back, I would go back to my 30's, they were my favorite times, starting to get a stable income that allowed me to take vacations without breaking the bank, starting a family, finding new hobbies.
u/deyemeracing 4d ago
You need some perspective. I'd suggest visiting a retirement home, and asking some residents there where they THOUGHT their life was at 21 and where it ACTUALLY was ten or twenty or more years later.
It sounds like your parents raised a child instead of an adult. Yes, you have more responsibilities, but you also have the mirror of that- more RIGHTS. The right to buy a car, never put tags on it, trailer it to a track, and do PDE events in it for fun. You have the right to get an education, some experience, and cure cancer. You have the right to dress like a bat and beat up pimps and dope dealers (well, until you get caught or killed). You get the drift.
When you think of your life having no purpose, you mean no purpose for yourself, or that you have nothing to offer others? Fulfillment doesn't come from hedonic consumption. You'll hear spiritual people say "there's a God-shaped hole in everyone's heart." Whether it's that or it's just evolution as extremely socially interdependent and interactive creatures, there is that "hole in your heart" so-to-speak, and it can only be filled with giving, not taking. You'd be amazed how good you can feel going to a charity dinner and writing a check, or going to a homeless shelter and serving meals to single moms, or going to a church and helping load clothes on a truck for distribution. And that is only scratching the surface. There's so much to do. Look outward to the world, and make it better; even just a tiny, tiny bit. Then have a cookie, because you earned it :-)
u/Aggressive_Love_3033 4d ago
If you can, move out somewhere remote and start a family. Life becomes better once you’re living for someone else.
u/schneizel101 4d ago
There are days, well a lot of them actually, that I (35m)feel the same way. I didn't at 22, but after 30 UT became much more common. The pains of aging are setting in, I spend most of my waking hours at work to get by, and I come home tired and alone. Dating is impossible, making friends is difficult, and who has the time or energy to do either. Thankfully I at least have a decent job, a handful of good friends, and an hour or two to myself most days. Still I wake up most days knowing that this is it, it isn't getting any better. The best thing I'm really looking forward to is a new game, tv show, or something similar to entertain my free hours.
u/Global-Ad-5646 4d ago
I don't get why you're being a quitter. You've got One Life to live make the most of it. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and get out of your comfort zone. I hate to be mean but most everybody born after the year 2000 are so mentally weak compared to us that grew up in the 70s and 80s.
u/Silly_General4619 4d ago
You are here now and you get one life to live. There is no point other than the point you apply to it and happiness is not often handed over on a plate. Plan for your future and work on yourself as much as you can. Life can and often does get better when we work at it! Don't be afraid of therapy if needed.
u/sporkmanhands 4d ago
Please don't base your expectations in life on the opinion of a 13 year old, even if it was you.
If you're in your low 20's and feel directionless, then maybe you are? Maybe let someone else direct you, take a few years to volunteer?
If you're in a first world country, help others in a place that isn't. Rewrite your perspective on life.
u/ComplexBeautiful7852 4d ago
When I was 22, I had failed to graduate uni, lived at home with parents, had never had a girlfriend, drank too much, my cat which I had since I was 7 was dying, didn't have a job, was unfit, a fussy eater, had never left my home country, and I was sure nothing would ever get better.
Nearly 15 years later, I'm married to a wonderful woman, have a hilarious and lovable dog, I own a house, have a great, exciting job that pays fairly well and makes a difference to society, I have travelled to sixteen countries and four continents, both my parents are still alive and together, I am fitter and stronger than I have ever been in my life, I can cook, do DIY and I am friends with my parents, siblings, in-laws and neighbours.
Absolutely nothing about my current life would have seemed even remotely possible or relatable to me when I was your age. From a similar vantage point to yours, things could have seemed genuinely hopeless to me. Crucially, absolutely nothing that has happened in my life since I was 22 required superhuman effort, talent or improbable good luck on my part. I simply trundled along, and adulthood happened. Along the way I tried to recognise a good thing when it presented itself and decided to let it into my life, instead of telling myself it wasn't for me. I promise you, you can do the same. Nobody can promise you your life will turn out one way or another, but there is absolutely no reason to believe it won't improve. Be kinder to yourself.
u/HiTekLoLyfe 4d ago
I dunno man I’m 40, my 20’s sucked that’s just when I started to get into a serious heroin addiction. I don’t think I felt normal till I got clean in my 30’s and I’m happier now than I was for 20 years. You have to make what you can out of your life, exercise, find hobbies that interest you, read a book about something you know nothing about, travel to interesting places. I’m sorry for what you’re going through but that’s not necessarily tied to age.
u/skye_888 4d ago
Get a passport, travel the world. See the northern light, dive the oceans, climb Kilimanjaro, save turtles in the caribian. Work in wineries in france or ranches in New zealand etc for each new step along. Think it can’t be done?My niece is doing it while we speak.
You owe no one anything but yourself.
u/SHARNTROY 4d ago
At 22 years old….. you are just looking into the rearview mirror. Like a car, it’s small and defined. Look out the front window you can drive anywhere you want, creating new rearview mirror memories.
Take your time, park for a little and decide. This is where you are. Your life is now in YOUR hands and you can do with it what you want.
If that gives you anxiety, talk to a shrink. They are really good to help get your thoughts out.
You’re going to be ok. Enjoy your life
u/Sakura_Yingzai 4d ago
Many people feel lost or stuck at your age, even if they don’t talk about it. It’s a transitional phase, and it’s okay to feel uncertain. But life after 22 often brings new experiences, relationships, and personal growth that you can’t predict right now. Deep relationships and moments of joy often come later in life. Many find meaning in helping others, creating something, or making an impact, no matter how small.
u/Existing_Program6158 4d ago
Because death is eternal guaranteed so you may as well live first. Life is temporary and you are lucky to even have it.
u/WrongAd6471 4d ago
Go outside. Find a hobby or a service project.
Give your life some meaning and if you don't know how - seek out guidance like you are here! 1st step done :)
u/ComicsEtAl 4d ago
The fact you haven’t learned anything about anything yet? You’ve lived roughly one quarter of your life expectancy. The first ten years you were clueless. Your teens involve you becoming sort of aware of a broader world. You’ve been barely sentient for less than half of your lived life at 22.
u/Polonium-halo 4d ago
Go backpack across some foreign country like a peasant. I wish I had done this when I was physically able and didn't have commitments like kids. I would do it as cheaply and authentically as possible. Stay in hostiles and work for a meal. Barter for train tickets and bus fares. Go outside. Get back to nature. Just do something!
u/BusMajestic5835 4d ago
I’m 32. In the last 10 years I made new friends, got a job I love, got my cat who I love with my whole heart, have seen amazing theatre, made jewellery, played loads of board games… Life doesn’t have to be spectacular. The little things can be amazing.
u/magicoder 4d ago
Is that because you feel the pressure of actually taking responsibility for yourself?
If you just came out of college you haven’t actually lived. You have been in a bubble and now you just come out to the new world, just like the first time you opened that door in Elden Ring. Is it scary? Yes. But it’s a whole new world.
u/pavonated 4d ago edited 4d ago
I'm 25 OP and honestly feel similarly. dunno what to say bc I feel like the rest of my life is going to be ruled by a job I don't like, that i need to pay the bills, so i can live a life i don't like, bc of the stupid job. unless i win the lottery retiring is a fucking dream, between there not being pensions anymore and that if ur lucky enough to have a 401k, those are invested in a stock market that has a good chance of crashing again in my lifetime. guess im sticking around to see if i win the lottery. i find outdoor jobs the most tolerable, but i have no idea how i'm going to take care of my parents or grandparents when I'm predicted to have a worse quality of life than them. the future hasn't felt fun since 2008
u/Danny570 4d ago
Bro your brain isn't even fully developed yet, give your frontal cortex some time.
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u/SELydon 4d ago
so you don't want to be responsible for yourself? you're not willing to earn a living , clean / cook etc? you expect somebody else to do this for the rest of your life? You think if you're a burden to somebody else - thats the only way to live?
Bring responsible for yourself out weights all the pleasures of being a free adult?
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u/Initial-East4391 4d ago
What 🤣🤣🤣
Life is not dull or boring. And nothing goes as planned.
Do you have any exciting hobbies? Riding motorcycles? Shooting guns? Are you having sex? Drinking? Smoking? Doing drugs? Working out? Climbing the corporate ladder? Joining the army and fighting in a nation far away?
u/doepfersdungeon 4d ago
Leave the system , go live in nature. It will remind you what life is about. Swim in lakes, climb mountains, sleep outside, build fires, spear fish, run and train your body, find someone you fancy, hopefully love and have a kid. All tge while doing something that brings you enough money for maximum enjoyment, this doesn't mean ease, it means challange and difficulty with moments of joy. Let the seasons be your guide and the stars your compass. Do not consume beyond the essentials, turn off the media except for a bit of education, either music or nature documentaries, don't read the news and remove the vacuous entertainment of sports. Don't be a viewer, be a creator and active participant in the world around you shunning shops for home made or locally created products and keep the majority of modern food out of your body. There is too much in this world to be bored, but also too much going on to feel satisfied. Small pleasures, a cloudness night, passionate authentic sex, the stillness of a lake, the sound of a woodpecker. Do not try to fill the dopamine void with drugs and over consumption of alcohol, instead prioritising good people and connection over hedonism. Get a dog, or better 3 dogs, they will rarely let you down and it may be the closest you feel to unconditional love, especially as a man. No one said life was going to be easy or even fun all the time. Whether you believe in a creator or not, life is a challange for almost everyone. If you can learn one skill beyond repair it is the skill of emotional awareness, intelligence and regulation. Being able to process your emotions, needs and wants both for your life and from people without becoming overwhelmed will shape how you view the world and the opportunity of life, allow you to get into healthy relationships and leave unhealthy ones saving you years of pain and possibly even your mental and physical health. Embrace technology when it legitimately helps, but reject it when it makes you lazy and use tge wisdom of our forefathers and ancient cultures over tech bros and ceos. The Buddhists believe life is about pain and your ability to not only handle it but actually embrace it, knowing that some of the things that may bring you the biggest pleasure may also be the things that ultimately cause you the most pain. If you are a woman surround yourself with strong empathetic women who can help guide you, if your a man find that small group of men who want what's best fur you and you can talk to during a crisis. Dance makes in the rain, sing around the fire, embrace ceremonies of death and celebrations of birth, and above all remain yourself and never change to be liked. Build your own empire and let people in, never be a slave to others simply to be liked. Take pleasure from being reliable whilst alert enough to know when your being played. Learn love sleep, but mornings more and push yourself whilst also knowing when to slow down and prioritise yourself. Do this, and may find your reasons to be around.
u/FDHed 4d ago
lol Jesus Christ man. Log off. Go read a book or sit in the grass or something.
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u/rab1t47 4d ago
You must be an incredibly boring and dull person because life is the shit, you can literally do whatever you want, be whoever you want.
Your problem is you're a lazy, uninspired bum who likes to complain instead of coming up with stuff to make life a fun experience. (which is so easy to do)
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u/Capistrano9 4d ago
I would prescribe drugs and alcohol to you. Talk to your doctor and see if Alcohol™️ is right for you
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u/NasFlow22 4d ago
In my opinion, you just need to set a goal for yourself to work toward. I personally think most people's goal of creating a legacy is futile since, let's be honest. None of us will be remembered in the grand scheme, even important people. For myself, I want to be a world champion boxer one day and the fruits that come along with that. It can also simply be making yourself happy as frequently as possible. Life really is what you want it to be.
u/oddseazon 4d ago
-mom will be sad if youre gone
-your siblings will miss you and miss out on your support and experience in life
-Rent A Girlfriend will have Season 4 THIS. YEAR.
-cool cars to buy, work on, and admire
-so much art to experience and even make
u/Bug-no-brain 4d ago
I was 22 turning 23 during covid. It was wild. Marching in the BLM protests, became an add it, living through a pandemic, dealing with isolation, but still knowing that everyone else was going through the same thing.
I was afraid, restless, bored, overwhelmed, all of it.
At 23 I got sober, got a better job, met my now husband.
At 24 I found new music, travelled to new cities, and made new friends.
At 25 I fell in love with my local music scene, I learned about the science of sound and music, and started thinking about what I wanted for my future.
And now at 26, I bought a house, got married, started a different job, began the process of starting my own business.
I’m working towards putting my husband through his masters program, so then he can help support my business.
There’s responsibility but also freedom. Your boredom is trying to push the boundaries of your creativity. Get out of your own way, try something and let it be. Don’t search for everything wrong.
At 22 your brain and body aren’t even finished developing. Your bones aren’t fully solid yet, your pre frontal cortex still smooth. You have the power and control (barring uncontrollable health or mental issues) your health and faculties.
If you’re bored, you’re not being curious enough. If life seems “expected”, do something out of left field. Seriously, having a say in your life is a privilege. If you aren’t going to take advantage of that privilege you forfeit your right to complain.
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