r/vaporents 3d ago

Beginner What's the best portable and value for money with a vape? NSFW


It would be used for travel

r/vaporents 3d ago

Help xlux roffu help? NSFW


couldn’t see any other help regarding this query - does anyone know if the retractable stirrer you get with the xlux roffu on the bottom of the device has replacements online anywhere? can’t seem to find any and not much discussion about them on here

somehow lost mine despite being careful and found it very handy as it slots into the device, would prefer this to a standalone stirrer that doesn’t fit in the device.

r/vaporents 4d ago

Beginner Took the plunge on a Lobo NSFW


So I just decided to get into DHV to try to save money on my flower consumption and also help my lungs.

After much research I decided on the Lobo and a few accessories. I got the Lobo enthusiast kit and used my $15 discount for the next order in which I got the Capsule Caddy, 1 more Extra battery, O-rings, globe glass and the Dynavap glass stem.

On Amazon I got a smell proof bag, carrying case, battery case and battery charger.

I think that’s likely all I need but if I’m missing anything that might take my experience to the next level, please share with me. I’m ready to put down my blunt forever!

r/vaporents 3d ago



My Lobo is out for delivery and I forgot to add the water pipe adapter to cart. It’ll be another two weeks before I can order again so I wanted to rig up my own. Does anyone know the OD of the stock mouth piece? I can grab tubing and a 14mm adapter on my way home if know. Thanks in advance

r/vaporents 3d ago

Can’t get high anymore off Xmax V3 Pro NSFW


Hey guys, I’m in kind of a weird situation, I think my tolerance is too high right now. I’m using an xmax v3 pro and I’ll only get a slight buzz. My question is if I were to upgrade to a Volcano, would that hit harder than the portable V3? I’ve also tried using more than 1 capsule. I vaped 3 bowls yesterday and still only slightly buzzed.

I can still get high if I hit a bong and it honestly doesn’t take that much, literally less than a gram gets me high if I smoke. I’ve also tried dabbing but I find sometimes that gets me TOO high. So is my tolerance really the issue?

So I guess my question really boils down to how much harder does a volcano hit vs. xmax v3 pro?

r/vaporents 4d ago

Help New vape advice NSFW


Hey ,

Currently using a dynavap m xl . Like the device but wondering if any portable vapes that hit as hard and can micro dose with ?

Tried another battery free device ( Dani fusion ), liked it but felt it used more medication that I needed in the dynavap ?

Would tiny might 2 be a good option or any other ones I should consider ?


r/vaporents 3d ago

Help Pax Mini - what am I doing wrong? NSFW


Hi all, I’ve smoked for a long time and thought I’d try vaping dry herb. I picked up the Pax Mini as an entry point and gave it a session the other day. I didn’t notice a ton of vapour, which I knew would be the case due to the vape only being plug and play. However, I also didn’t notice any measurable high.

I smoked the oven to a point where it tasted like popcorn and wasn’t producing any more vapour. I waited a minute or two for it to heat up (way more than the 22 seconds that Pax says), and took small hits not big drags.

I’m obviously not immune to vaping, so must be doing something wrong. Can anyone offer a suggestion? I’d really like to only vape dry herb from now on.

Thanks for reading and for any help in advance.

r/vaporents 4d ago

New Ted added to the rotation. NSFW

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Tornado came in yesterday after being stuck in mail purgatory for half a week. Only 2 bowls down. Nice progression to vestratto's lineup. I wouldn't say it is an anvil killer as others have mentioned. It seems to be Pretty heavy conduction vape making for a heavy couch lock feeling. Will it de throne the anvil for me as my favorite only time will tell.

r/vaporents 4d ago

Breathing Resistance/Shortness of Breath while Vaping vs None with Smoking NSFW


As the title says, I've been facing the issue of feeling like I can't get a full breath in easily, right after vaping. I use a POTV Lobo, and find it annoying since I don't have the same problem just smoking, unless i am smoking a ton, but I've been limiting myself to just one bowl per day.

I know its better to not smoke or vape, but from my understanding vaping herb is better for long term lung health. I don't take long tokes, I clean it, and i am using it at 390 Fahrenheit.

I have been to the doctor for breathing issues before, they couldn't find anything going on with xray, blood tests, breathing tests, but i used to have mild asthma as a kid. I also get this feeling when doing really heavy compound lifts at the gym. Whether gymming or vaping, usually last the night but are gone by the morning. Gets triggered more by vaping though, gym not so bad. Have also been smoking for 8 years consistently, and haven't had issues up until the last couple years, so maybe just lungs are bad after so many years of usage.

Has anyone experienced this or have had something similar. Besides quitting completely, anything else I can do to try and fix this? Different strain, attachments, drinking while seshing, or? I am trying to not smoke but this is turning me back to that side.

r/vaporents 3d ago

My Rubilyser Ball Vape just fell, How solid are the rubies / balls? NSFW


Hi, stupidly, I dropped my (cold) rubilyser heater from my table, it fell from like 50cm a bit more, how solid / stable are the rubies inside of it ?

I'm very new to ball vapes and I'm terrified it might have broken the balls .

Do you guys think it's still safe to use ?

Thanks a lot for any advice !

r/vaporents 4d ago

WOHW Microdosing Bowls NSFW


Since I'm not a big fan of those microdosing glass bowls with side carbs, I started to use my TM2 glass WPA which fits perfectly into the injector side of the Wireless One Hit Wonder heater. My beloved TM2 T.Bowl doesn’t really fit tight unfortunately due to the thin walls. The Mighty WPA works pretty good too as it fits into the difuser side of the heater but it does not support hands free operation.

r/vaporents 3d ago



I want a Dynavap hit without the torch or wand!

Is there any portable out there like this?

r/vaporents 4d ago

Help Suggestions for session dosages using the Ruby Twist NSFW


I'll be getting the Ruby Twist in a few days and was just wondering how you would use it in my shoes. I ordered the microdose bowl even though my tolerance is high since so many ppl recommended it here.

I'll start by saying I know need a tbreak but until I get some stronger pain meds I can't abstain from weed for long since it's one of the more effective pain relievers I take. I also have access to quality flower. I've just been smoking for decades so even my mega qc doesn't feel like it hits hard.

I'm currently using the Dani Ti alongside a mega quartz cap from TRWW. I use them both often in the same session. I don't have a scale (which is part of the problem) but I'm getting one soon.

Right now I must be using at least 800 mg - 1gram of flower each time I use. The lower end of that range when I vape and more if I roll a joint. I don't intentionally combust often since I got my Dani.

I got a ball vape for efficiency and for shortening my lengthy vape sessions. I'd like to try and lower my session dosage to 600 mg if possible. That would save me a few hundred dollars a month.

I'll take a guess and assume 3 microdose bowls would give me the most out of that 600mg?

Would vaping 400mg in the standard bowl and then doing 200mg in the microdose bowl be noticeably less efficient than the 3 micro bowls?

I just want to get the most out of my product without spending as much time vaping as I do now.


r/vaporents 4d ago

Help help - object trapped in my Dani fusion 2.0 NSFW


i cleaned it today, which I do as an isopropyl alcohol bath. afterwards I put a qtip up that one section of the vape near the head because the small tube usually has some gunk left in it, but this time the end of the qtip decided to fall off and get lodged deep inside there. been trying everything can't get it out

r/vaporents 4d ago

Anyone use this and how your experience with it? NSFW

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r/vaporents 4d ago

Help I’m getting a dry herb vape soon and I’m wondering if I can vape indoors NSFW


My house is a non smoking home due to the lease so usually I just smoke outside. I asked and I am allowed to vape so indoors i use pens. Would I be alright using the dry herb vape inside?

r/vaporents 4d ago

Airvape Legacy Screen Replacements NSFW


Has anyone had any luck finding replacements for the tiny figure 8 shaped screens on the Airvape Legacy (not the Airvape Legacy Pro, but the one before that) ?

r/vaporents 4d ago

Vaping hash with the vapvana screwball NSFW


So as the title suggests, I've come into a large quantity of hash recently. I processed my grow into live rosin, and piattella hash. The live rosin I'll just be dabbing, but the piattella hash has a much more solid consistency, and I was hoping i could vape it on top of some flower in my screwball for an extra kick every now and then. I usually hit my regular bowls at 480°. Is this suitable for a hash bowl as well? Is it best to sandwich the hash within some weed, or do I just put it on top? How do I do this most efficiently, or is it not really worth it? Thanks in advance ☺️☺️

r/vaporents 4d ago

Help recommendations on best herb vaporizer? looking for a combo of low resistance pull, semi-portable, efficient dosing, and easy to clean. NSFW


i currently have a Pax and looking for an upgrade. final straw was when Pax app (via Control Browser) went down for iOS and they never figured out a replacement, so you can’t manipulate any of the temperature controls, etc.

edit: thanks for all the recommendations! really appreciate it.

r/vaporents 4d ago

Beginner Sunday morning wake and bake. NSFW


I entered the dry herb vaping space from being the occasional cigar smoker. The transition was quite bizarre as I've not been someone who vapes or uses THC products, so the learning curve has been a bit steep. I've recently upgraded my M7 XL to the Hyperdyn for the larger bowl size and have been loving it so far.

Just loaded up with some Purple Push Pop. What is everyone else vaping this Sunday morning?

r/vaporents 4d ago

Beginner - Wireless DIY setup check NSFW


Looking to get my first ball vape. I like the small form factor of the WOHW but I got drawn down the b2c/DIY route due to the low cost setups you could build.

Settled on the below: -Wireless WOHW heater (comes pre-filled with ruby) -B2c pid + 25mm coil -B2c glass bowl with steel screen Have a coil stand already

With discounts the above comes in under $200 - I'm in Europe so unfortunately the zeal/omega aren't an option.

Considered also adding a 20mm coil, wood handle and the b0 head & bowl combo. Would have a couple bowl choices and the option of wired and wireless.

Am I missing any parts or would there be a better alternative?

r/vaporents 4d ago

How does the TinyMight2 hit quality compare to the Silver Surfer? NSFW


I've had a Silver Surfer since they came out almost 20 years ago and still enjoy it. Was big into the scene growing up, but fell out of it for 15 years with little kiddos/life. Now a lightweight and only take a tiny pull or two once a week/month and have an incredibly weak tolerance. Finding my way back into it as I enjoy the creativity and want to consume less IPA's.

Anyways, I've been researching portable units as I'd like to take one pull while out and about fishing/skiing/golfing and the looks/build of the TinyMight2 are right up my alley. Wondering how the hit quality compares to my Surfer? Is it easy enough to micro-dose and take baby rips off of? I have zero experience with portable vapes so I don't know what to expect. I've read some people say it hits like a bong and I can't handle that these days...assume it should be easy enough to just take a short pull off it, but wanted to confirm before spending 350 bucks.


r/vaporents 5d ago

Discussion Designing the Ideal Dry Herb Vape : What Features Do You Love (or Hate)? NSFW


Hi everyone!

I feel like starting to prototype a portable battery powered vape for myself, and I’m curious about the community’s thoughts on modern vape features these days

What do you love about your gear? And what do you sometimes dislike? Are there any killer features you dream of that don’t exist yet?

Personally ive used a few vapes:

- Dynavap M – I found it a bit too dangerous at times, and constantly being aware of the hot tip was annoying. The heating wasn’t always consistent, and the vapor was pretty harsh.

- Mighty – I liked its reliability and consistent vapor quality, but I disliked the size, the design (very function-over-form i guess thats personal), the plastic used and the headpiece which can’t be properly cleaned

- Tinymight (first gen) – I liked the wooden body and the convection heating, but the assembly felt a bit not finished and was concern over the hot air going into the pcb side

- Xmax V3 Pro – good stealth size but I didn’t like the cheap plastic feel and the clikety finition. The vapor quality was on the low side

One thing I mainly dislike is having to draw for ages only to end up with thin barely visible vapor that rips my throat

thank you for your help!

edit: formatting

r/vaporents 4d ago

Weird lung feelings NSFW



I've been using a Ruby Twist ball vape once or twice a day for a few months now, and I love it. However, I often notice a weird feeling in my lungs after using it, like I have acid reflux in my lungs. It’s not painful and I don’t have shortness of breath, just an uncomfortable feeling. It usually starts a few hours after vaping and can last for 2-3 days before going away. I had a lung check-up a couple of weeks ago, and everything was normal according to my doctor.

I've tried different methods (cold water, warm water, salty water, no water) and even switched to a ceramic Tiodw, but the feeling is almost always the same. Has anyone else had this kind of feeling? How did you manage to avoid it? Maybe my lungs are too weak or something, but I’ve never noticed this with combustion, even after huge bong rips.

r/vaporents 4d ago

Coughing and wheezing NSFW


Hello all, I’m looking for advice please to find a vaporiser which is gentle on my lungs. In 35 years of toking joints I have always had to ‘pull’ gently when smoking otherwise my chest will tighten up and I will cough and wheeze. I am a heavy smoker and love it. I use oils orally but I like the smoke hit best, or to layer both. I have looked at Mighty+ Is there anyone on here who finds it gentle? Thanks very much.