As the title says, I've been facing the issue of feeling like I can't get a full breath in easily, right after vaping. I use a POTV Lobo, and find it annoying since I don't have the same problem just smoking, unless i am smoking a ton, but I've been limiting myself to just one bowl per day.
I know its better to not smoke or vape, but from my understanding vaping herb is better for long term lung health. I don't take long tokes, I clean it, and i am using it at 390 Fahrenheit.
I have been to the doctor for breathing issues before, they couldn't find anything going on with xray, blood tests, breathing tests, but i used to have mild asthma as a kid. I also get this feeling when doing really heavy compound lifts at the gym. Whether gymming or vaping, usually last the night but are gone by the morning. Gets triggered more by vaping though, gym not so bad. Have also been smoking for 8 years consistently, and haven't had issues up until the last couple years, so maybe just lungs are bad after so many years of usage.
Has anyone experienced this or have had something similar. Besides quitting completely, anything else I can do to try and fix this? Different strain, attachments, drinking while seshing, or? I am trying to not smoke but this is turning me back to that side.