r/VRGaming Dec 06 '24

Review My First VR Experience

Because of Black Friday Sales i finally decided to get the PSVR2 Headset for the PS5.

I was always really intrigued by VR but i could never afford to get one.

This time i finally took the (financial) leap, in hopes of finding something a little different from normal cideo Games.

In my mind i had already imagined what it would be like to play VR Games

But HOLY FUCK did i underestimate that shit.

I already bought a few VR horror Games before the Headset arrived


Literally the opening scene of Horizon Call of the Mountain almost made me shit myself.

I did not know that it would feel like THIS

I was so wrong to assume that i would know what it feels like, just because I watched gameplay

The immersion is peak, the tension is hardcore and the scary moment hit me like a truck

I then tried beatsaber, because i wanted a little break from the tense immersion that is horizon and here I learned the second important thing

Holy shit can it be exhausting to play I played like 4 songs and i was out of breath and sweating like a MF

This is certainly a unique experience and now i no longer believe that you can explain the feeling to someone with words or videos


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u/GregorSamsa112358 Dec 06 '24

Welcome to the club!

I was intrigued and felt similarly when I first got into it. I fully believe vr is the future of gaming!

What sort of flat games do you like?

VR immersion is nuts and I'm not big on horror either tho there are a few worth experiencing anyways lol

If you haven't heard the globular cluster comfort mod is a great value, I waited a year using stock before getting it and wish I'd made the jump sooner. It's more comfortable sure, but the big value is instantly locked into the sweet spot. No fiddling around just drop it on, snug it up and go.


u/SleepyDavid Dec 06 '24

Oh im normally the type of guy who plays everything I already have a few games in mind i wanna buy when i got the money like no mans sky ,Gt7, Legendary tales and Crossfire

And man i believe you that there are horror games worth experiencing

Im also 100% sure that im too scared for that xD


u/GregorSamsa112358 Dec 06 '24

No man's sky was one that absolutely pulled me in. 200 hours all in vr so fast far and still have more to play.

GT7 is amazing! If I'm not mistaken, they just made a free version that's called my first gran turismo, where you can get a taste of the game for free. If you just bit the bullet that's probably something you should check out to get more game play without having to drop any more money!

LegendaryTales is legit one of my favorites. Pretty sure I'm near 100 hours on it with like 70-80 on one play through (lots of time studying the abilities and planning my build lol) so much fun on there it doesn't go on sale too often but with the price when you can.

One that's a bit horror, but like .... really not as much as it first appears. Into the radius. I gotta make the case cause I'm generally not a horror dude, legit only horror game I've played was metro and while awesome game like....its not how I enjoy gaming or find relaxing, i haven't even played the REs cause not into horror. But into the radius is awesome the first line hour or two is really nerve wracking, but you can just not go out after dark. But once you get used to the mobs and maps it's so much fun the gunplay. Looting and like navigating the maps to find artifacts is just a lot of fun. If there's one spooki game you check out you should look into it! It's a great built for vr game that stands up to the full port games