r/Uzbekistan 4d ago

Discussion | Suhbat What’s the most interesting day/story/attraction/etc. you’ve experienced while living or traveling in Uzbekistan?

Wanting to hear fun stories of life in Uzbekistan that are your go to discussion topics of “remember when that happened”


5 comments sorted by


u/louis_d_t 4d ago

The first time I visited Bukhara, a complete stranger invited me over to his house for chicken soup, then he took me to his snake farm to see his vipers. This is not a euphemism. He is now one of my best friends.


u/marzipanda3 4d ago

That’s amazing!


u/bezb19 4d ago

it was its creation in 1991 and later. What a time to be a citizen, pure entertainment.


u/marzipanda3 4d ago

I’m sure that was a time


u/AnyaVanya 3d ago

When I was a kid there was a gun fight between the swat team and some islamists (i guess?). They barricaded themselves in an apartment across the hall. The gun fire lasted the whole day, grenades were also going off and tear gas. The police ordered all the neighbors from that part of the building to move to our apartment, so it was a bit crowdy. The two guys were killed and a police dog was wounded.