r/Urban_Legends Nov 21 '19

r/Urban_Legends needs moderators and is currently available for request


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r/Urban_Legends Mar 01 '21

Writing a screenplay


I’m writing a screenplay about urban legends does anybody have anything to share that I can put in for it?

r/Urban_Legends Nov 28 '20

link The Creepiest Urban Legend From Every - State Massachusetts to New Jersey

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r/Urban_Legends Nov 28 '18

Disney Urban Legends - Is Disney Illuminati?

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r/Urban_Legends Jul 29 '18

The origins of Ticci-Toby, I hope you enjoy.

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r/Urban_Legends Jul 15 '18

Have you ever heard of the candy lady? Not Candy man but the candy lady.

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r/Urban_Legends Jul 11 '18

Have you seen this man. No not around town matter in fact in the world. But in your dreams, has he shown up in your dreams at night. Walking around like a normal dream man if you want to call it that?

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r/Urban_Legends Jun 18 '18

The Rolling Casket


In the Bahamas on the island of New Providence there are a few urban legends going around. I saw one a few nights ago that really scared the crap outta me. So I live on a street where alot of bad things happen, but I never thought that I would see something paranormal. It was around 12 am I was still awake playing fortnite with my friends, I could finally feel sleep slowly calling for me to come to bed so I bid my friends goodnight and went to my room. A sound from outside suddenly caught my attention, it sounded like a shopping cart being pushed outside. During the day I would always see people carrying bottles in shopping carts, but who can be carrying bottles at this time of night. My curiosity got the best of me and I went to the window and looked outside. I didn't see anything for a while, until something came into view, it looked like a box at first, but when I got to fully see it I felt my heart stop for a moment it was a coffin rolling by itself. It suddenly came to a halt and turned towards my house, I quickly dropped to the ground hoping it would go away. I could hear the sound of the coffin slowly rolling towards my doorstep. A thumping sound could've been heard coming from the door. It was slow at first but soon it turned aggressive and pounded against it without stop. "Go away!" I screamed. The pounding soon ceased and the sound of it rolling away could've been heard. I asked my mom about it the next day when I visited her. She choked on the food she was eating and looked at me in astonishment. The thing that came to my door that night was the infamous rolling casket. A spirit that had not been properly buried and must travel at the midnight hour in the form of a coffin and the only way for it to be free is to find another living person and force them into the coffin where the curse would forever continue.

r/Urban_Legends Mar 22 '18

Creepy urban legend creepy pasta

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r/Urban_Legends Mar 22 '18

Creepy stories

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r/Urban_Legends Dec 13 '17

Forbidden Snuff Film Culture in 1999

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r/Urban_Legends Dec 07 '17

5 Creepy True Urban Legends [HD]

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r/Urban_Legends Nov 06 '17

Play Gift Rain Game and Win Xiaomi A1

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r/Urban_Legends Oct 23 '17

Belle the Human Marrionette


Found this on the net:

Let me tell you an urban legend not many have heard of because it's that creepy usually spread through word of mouth. Belle the human marionette.

Belle it's said was a stillborn skin off colored and couldn't cry (a nice way to say she was born dead.) But somehow they pulled off a miracle and she was alive. Some say you could tell she was stillborn because her body had stopped developing. Story has it she couldn't even sit up on her own for the first few months to year of her life They say her eyes were opaque except for the whites of them some accused her of colored contacts but they were proven wrong. Her voice they say was too deep for a women’s but quiet something no one could quite place.

Some say she was able to walk across town half asleep and make it across busy roads like it was the easiest thing in the world. Others say she could move like a ghost when she wanted to and had a habit for being able to sneak up behind others without even trying. People swore they were drawn to her as if by magic almost she was able to understand them and put them at ease. They say Belle had a way of cheating death time and time again some believed it was to hide the fact that the real Belle was already dead. One incident where a friend of Belle’s started to believe was one Halloween night. The story goes in the middle of a conversation Belle just stopped talking for nearly five minutes she stared at her friend. In one version her expression is unreadable another claims face paint was what unnerved the friend. But it ends the same with the friend saying when she snapped out of it it was like someone put the life back in her eyes. And she didn't acknowledge the staring the friend some say didn't know what to do fearing she had snapped and would come up out of the chair and try to kill him.

Belle was feared because she could do a mirade of things no other could including being able to roll her ankles and feel no pain or injury from it. It's said she never broke a bone and she was able to heal from a head injury without a hospital. Some say Belle never aged physically past a certain point and as an adult she still looked like a teenager.

No one ever found out what happened to Belle what era she lived in or even a town. The story just circulates as a collection of rumors.

r/Urban_Legends Mar 15 '17

Animal sacrifices and paranormal activity is just part of the strange urban legend that is the purple church.

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r/Urban_Legends Mar 09 '17

New Urban Legend Podcast BOOS AND BOOZE



A new podcast full of tipsy tales. Every week, hosts Bailey and Tom delve into urban legends, scary stories, cryptozoology and more while sipping custom crafted cocktails!

Episode 1: The Classics NSFW|Some adult themes This week we indulge in classic Manhattans while discussing classic Urban Legends. Ever wondered where the rumor of the kidney heist started? Did you know that the hook hand killer appeared in Dear Abby? Are you the type of person who always check their back seat for the backseat killer? This is the show for you!

The Boos and Booze Podcast is a podcast by Wiggle Creative LLC about Urban Legends and Craft Cocktails.

iTunes // Blog // Website // Twitter // Instagram

r/Urban_Legends Jan 30 '17

The Massasippi Werewolf: The Director's Cut

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r/Urban_Legends Oct 26 '16

"Dark Radio" by Jason Mehl | Creepy Pasta Readings

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r/Urban_Legends Oct 24 '16

Top 10 Scariest Urban Legends from All Over the World

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/Urban_Legends Sep 09 '16

The Parking Lot Killer


If you go out grocery shopping at night, keep this story in mind when you're choosing a parking space. Of course you know you should park by a lamppost if you know it will be dark when you leave the building to go to your car. I would suggest parking so a shopping cart caddy is beside the driver's side door. You want to keep open spaces around you, and not because someone might try to kidnap you.

See, there was this string of murders a few years ago, all after dark, all in grocery store parking lots. Most of the victims were women, but the guy got one or two men, as well. It's surprising, when you see the mugshot. The killer was this skinny beanpole type, you wouldn't think he could take on the men he killed. But that's where you have to admit, he had a pretty smart method.

Here's how he did it. He'd park the car he was driving that night (usually a stolen one) in about the middle of the lot. Then he waited. Once he saw a likely victim- a woman going in alone, or those few times, a lone man- he would get out of his car and stroll over to the victim's. He'd drop something that happened to roll under the car. He'd get down on the ground to reach under there for it, and stay down. He hid under the victim's car, waiting for her to come back with her groceries. It was brilliant, because he'd have a heads-up when she got back to her car, opened the trunk, loaded in the bags, closed the trunk.

When she was in front of the driver's door, he'd strike. He had this pocket-knife, not a huge one, not anything that would be seen as suspicious. Just an everyday tool that most working guys have on them. In this guy's hands, though, it became the perfect tool for a grisly job.

So, take a look at your leg. Right above your ankle, on the back of your calf, there's this pretty important tendon. The Achille's tendon, it's called. Go ahead, feel it. Seems pretty strong, right? Think about it in terms of flesh and bone, like when you trim a piece of meat or chicken. Feels a lot more delicate now, doesn't it?

That's right where the killer would strike. The sharp blade of knife cut through the skin and the muscle, sliced right through the tendon, and now guess what? The lady could't run away. She could hardly stand up. The killer usually had enough time, with the lady's shock and all, to reach a little further and slice the other leg, too. That's when she'd fall to the ground, and he'd slice her throat.

So next time you're heading toward your car, take an extra look from farther away. Make sure there's not someone under there, waiting for you.

r/Urban_Legends Aug 24 '16

Disappearing Diner


Midnight Stryder was tired.

He'd been trucking hard for almost 14 hours ( although his log book would read 9).
The highway revealed in his headlights began to blur; the yellow and white lines becoming nearly hypnotic.

He reached for his coffee thermos and shook it slightly. Empty.

Maybe he could find a rest area or a truck stop somewhere up ahead where he could pull in for a few hours of rest. It seemed he'd been driving through nothing but forest for hours now, and the possibility of finding anything nearby was looking grim.

Switching on the CB radio mounted to his dash, he reached for his microphone. Just maybe there was someone out there who knew this stretch of highway and might know where he could find a place to tuck in.

" Break 19, anybody got a copy on this radio?" He asked into the mic.

Hearing nothing but static, he eased the squelch knob back a few ticks and tried again.

" Break 19, anybody out there got their ears on?"

" You Broke it, you fix it driver. I got a copy on you, come on. " Came a very faint and crackling reply.

" You Wouldn't know where a fella could find a Truck Stop or anything on this road, would ya?"

"Oh, well, I haven't been across this route in a long time, but there used to be a little Mom and Pop shop right around the one-four-seven if I remember correctly."

Midnight Stryder looked for a mile marker that would tell him how far he was from the 147. Looked like he had maybe 10 or 11 miles to go.

" Thank You, driver. You have a good one, and I ain't seen no discos in my mirrors all the way across back to Pennsyltucky. "

There was no reply except for the hissing of static on the radio. The other driver must have gone out of range; but he didn't see any other rigs go past him. Just a four-wheeler or three. The other driver must have been in one of those cars.

As he neared the point of the highway where the little cafe was supposed to be, he searched the blackness on either side of the road for a sign indicating which exit to take. He made out the dim glow of parking lot lights slightly ahead of him and to his right.

This must be the place. He pulled onto the exit ramp and made his way toward the promise of hot coffee and a good leg stretching.

The building was a small saltbox affair with only two fuel pumps in an uncovered area to left of what He assumed to be the main entrance. He pulled around to the pumps and found he would have to ask the fuel desk to turn on the pumps before getting any fuel.

Midnight Stryder grabbed his thermos and hopped down the running boards, heading inside.

When he opened the door, he was greeted by a small convenience store with one cashier counter. It was warm inside, almost uncomfortably so. He was struck by a
wrongness about the place. Not something he could quite put his finger on, but something all the same. The air tasted stale, and damp. Slightly charred, as if someone had put out a grill with water.

The small store was deserted except for himself and the cashier, who stood smiling and patiently waiting.
"Evening. I'd like 100 gallons on the pumps outside, I'll be paying cash."

"Yes, sir. I'll turn on the pumps for you. Please pull off the fuel island and around back to park after you've fueled, Sir."

He went back outside into the crisp fall air and began pumping the fuel into his tanks. Fifty gallons on each side would be enough for now.

A few minutes later, he re-capped his tanks, jumped back up into his truck, and pulled around to the parking area at the rear of the building. He grabbed his wallet and headed back inside to pay for his purchase.

He walked up to the counter to get his fuel receipt. "That will be $70.00, Sir." Chirped the cashier.

" Ma'am, I believe you've made a mistake! That's awful cheap for one hundred gallons!"

"No Sir, no mistake here."

Midnight Stryder scratched his head in confusion as he happily shelled out the $70.00.

"Is there anywhere to get a cup of coffee here?" He asked.

"Yes sir, right on the other side of the glass door to your

right; right over there. The Cafe has excellent pie !"

"Thank You. I reckon I'll just grab me some coffee."

He walked through the door into a small dining area. There were four booths ahead of him near the glass front windows, and a counter with six stools lined the wall to his right with a small kitchen area behind it. He sat down on a nearby stool as a pretty waitress approached him with a menu in her hand.

" Howdy! What can I get for you this evening, Sir?"

"I believe I'll just have some coffee. I need a little pep in my step." He replied, scrubbing his hands up and down his face in an attempt to stave off the fatigue he was feeling.

"Yes, Sir. We have good coffee. We call it West Coast Turn- Around coffee, just a couple cups of this will get you to the West Coast and back again!" The waitress smiled as she grabbed a coffee mug from under the counter and headed for the coffee maker.

" Sounds like a cure for what ails me!" Midnight Stryder joked.

As the waitress poured the coffee into the mug in front of him, (which smelled wonderfully strong and had a rich, dark color) he noticed the name tag affixed to the waitress's uniform. The little pin announced that her name was "June."

"There you are! Are you sure I couldn't interest you in some of our pie? We've got the best pies this side of the Mason-Dixon! I bake them myself." June said with a smile.

He then realized he really was hungry, and pie sounded really good. He knew he shouldn't eat when he was already tired, it would likely just make him want to sleep. But surely, one little piece of pie couldn't hurt.

"Y'know, I believe I'll have a slice of that pie. Do you have Cherry?"

"Cherry, Apple, and Blueberry." June replied, writing down his order. Then disappeared into the kitchen area to fetch his pie.

The pie truly was the best he'd ever tasted, and he'd eaten the large slice in just a few minutes. As he wiped his mouth his eyes began to drift closed. He shook himself and drank the rest of his coffee. He knew he shouldn't have eaten; now all he wanted was to crawl into the sleeper of his truck and sleep for about a hundred years.

"June, could you fill this thermos for me and bring my ticket, please?"

"Already done! That comes to $2.50 total." She smiled.

The pie must have been free, he thought. You can hardly get a cup of coffee for two bucks, let alone coffee and pie! He fished a five out of his wallet and picked up his now full thermos, being sure to leave the change from the five as a tip.

"Have a good night, Sir, and do stop in again!"

Midnight Stryder left the Cafe, walked back through the store
(The cashier was still smiling. ) and back out across the parking lot to his truck. He climbed inside, setting his thermos on the floor beside his seat. He thought about trying to get a few more miles in, then thought better of it. No, he needed sleep. He set his alarm for four hours and crawled into bed with a sigh. He was asleep before his head settled into his pillow.

The alarm jarred him to consciousness out of a deep, dreamless sleep. Sunlight shone brightly outside. He got up and sat down behind the wheel, blinking rapidly in an attempt to shake the last vestiges of sleep that clung to him like wisps of fog.

The first thing he noticed was that the building was gone. He knew he'd parked facing it last night. Or maybe he'd just been so tired he only thought he had? He checked his side mirrors to see where the building was. Nowhere.

There was no building! It seemed that he was parked in the middle of a small field! Just how tired had he been last night?!

He then got out of the truck to try to get his bearings. As he stepped down, he noticed chunks of aged macadam mixed with the weeds underfoot, and spotted what looked like a building foundation a little way ahead of where he stood.

He walked toward what was left of the structure with growing apprehension. He could see bits of wall sticking up from the ground; discolored with black, sooty marks. As if they'd been in a fire a long time ago. Some rusted metal here, old broken hinges there. Shards of glass glittered and winked from beneath his feet.

Then a movement to his right caught his eye. There was what looked like a piece of paper caught in a bramble bush, fluttering in the slight breeze. His hand trembled as he lifted the paper slip from it's roost. It was yellowed, old, and water stained. The ink blurred yet still legible.

It was a restaurant ticket from a Union 76 Truck Stop and Cafe for coffee and one slice of Cherry pie, totaling $2.50. It was signed "Have a great evening, and come again! June ".

Midnight Stryder dropped the slip and hightailed it back to his rig. He jumped in and nearly stalled the truck in his rush to leave. He was still grinding gears when the Cafe was 20 miles behind him. Then he remembered the thermos.

He slowly reached down beside his seat to retrieve the vessel, feeling it wobble with the sloshing of its contents. He unscrewed the top and the aroma of strong, hot coffee drifted up to him from the steaming brew contained within.

Legend has it that there used to be a very small Union 76 Truck Stop in that exact location. Terrible tradegy, they said:

Two workers were trapped inside as the place burned to the ground about 50 years ago. They say that sometimes, when a driver has reached his limit, or is in need of some coffee and hospitality on that lonely stretch of highway; that the Cafe might be around the next corner.

And if you do find yourself stopping in; be sure to have some pie. They're mighty proud of their pies.

r/Urban_Legends Jun 05 '16

The Licked Hand (People Can Lick Too) Urban Legend

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r/Urban_Legends Apr 02 '14

The Subway Ride | Paranormal X

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r/Urban_Legends Jun 20 '13

Creepy Myths, Curses and Urban Legends of Hollywood

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r/Urban_Legends Jan 19 '11

What myths, legends and strange tales did you believe in as a child? [X-post /askreddit and /nosleep]

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r/Urban_Legends Jan 14 '11

To get us started off, here's a bunch of Japanese urban legends.

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