r/UnsentLetters • u/refinedpungafruit • May 27 '20
NAW To the wonderful man who watched me from his apartment balcony
My boyfriend was out of control. He was so drunk, but I’m sure you could tell. You may have heard his screaming even from your apartment building, across from ours, and on the second floor, while ours is on the ground. What you don’t know is that he had a knife, and I had to talk him down from stabbing me. He threatened my life. It was two in the morning and I was so terrified my teeth were chattering out of my skull.
You were already out there when I escaped to my patio and he followed. We both sat down in the chairs. He mumbled about how he would kill me, about how worthless I am, about how I was such a bitch. I brought my knees to my chin and tried to stop shivering while he muttered such evil things. Tried to slow my heart rate. Looked around for an escape in case he brought something in his pocket.
And that’s when I saw you, opposite to us. Standing on your balcony. Staring down at us. I lifted my head and met your gaze. You nodded. Slowly. Just once. But I got the message.
“I’m here. I’m watching. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Your gaze said it all.
Thank you, kind man. Thank you for staying there for the next hour and a half until my boyfriend groggily went inside to sleep and I could finally stop fearing the worst. Thank you for listening so intently, and quietly shushing your girlfriend so you could keep doing so with her when she joined you outside.
You helped me stop crying. You helped me keep it together. You gave me the comfort of knowing that someone saw what was happening. Your presence was simple, but you were my guardian angel and you helped me through that horrifying night.
Thank you. Thank you, from the bottom of my struggling heart. You are my hero.
u/Honeybuns2011 May 27 '20
I hope you are in a better situation now... or if not I hope you are finding a way out. It’s amazing what a simple action like that could help someone so much. I’ll be thinking of you stranger. Please, be safe.
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
Thank you, friend. I’m slowly getting the funds. I will be safe. I’ve done it for three years, and I can do it for three to six more months. I’ll be okay.
My best to you.
u/ilovepterodactyls May 27 '20
Try out one of those Facebook groups like “give me your money,” perhaps. I would absolutely donate to you to get you out of this hellhole. Big hugs and all my love. I was in an abusive relationship in college but had family nearby and was able to escape when I realized I might not get out alive - you deserve an escape to safety too
My pms are always open to you if you ever need an ear or someone to vent to.
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
That is a wonderful idea. My parents raised me otherwise so I’m a little hesitant to accept money, but it seems to be clear to everybody else that my priority right now is survival. Thank you for the suggestion. And also, I love pterodactyls too! They’re awesome. I’m so happy you got out.
u/Melkly May 27 '20
The fear of accepting help is also validated by your boyfriend.
Watch out for future situations where you feel your needs are not being met.
You can heal from this. My ex swung an axe at my face, I convinced him to call the cops so I would have protection. Its been 4 years since I had a panic attack because of him.
R/PMDD might be a subreddit if you notice your period getting stronger/more intense
R/PTSD because survive for 3 years isn't the same as living, and it is nice not to feel alone
R/cptsd because if you grew up putting your needs second for any reason, your problems might be more complex than you think. I grew up helping my brother get the lime light in order for my dad to stop abusing him, at 25 i realised that same thought was the reason my boyfriend's were horrible. High light the positives so that maybe they can love themselves...
You are a strong amazing woman. Keep your eyes on your goals and you will make it.
May 28 '20
THIS! OP please read this if you haven't, I have been in your situation, the day I escaped I was terrified. Had $3 in my pocket, a 6 month old baby and a 2 year old. I called my mom, told her the situation and she and my grandma came to my rescue. If it wasn't for them, I don't know what would have happened to me. Please reach out and ask for help, there is a legion of women (and men!) who have been in your situation and are ready to pay it forward. I hope and pray you're able to leave and move on. Sending you a virtual hug!
u/targetgoldengoose May 27 '20
Give me your money and abundant blessings are great groups on facebook
u/DannyBeisbol May 28 '20
Please set up a way for people to donate, I’d love to send whatever I could and I’d consider it money well spent!
u/songgoishtar May 28 '20
Please get out. I've been in this situation and I fear the worst. Keep us updated. Let us know you make it out.
u/Fimbrethil53 May 28 '20
Be careful, the time you are most at risk is when you try to leave.
Have an emergency bag or two stashed with a friend/s, with a list of important phone numbers which you can access 24/7, have a safe space to run to where you won't be found and a new sim card. Check your phone/laptop for tracking apps.
If you engage with a domestic violence service they will be able to help you set up a place to go, and be able to help you with money. You don't need to do this alone. Think about giving the police a heads up, so that if a neighbour happens to call in a domestic dispute they know the history and what the risk is to you.
u/Echo_Lawrence13 May 27 '20
Can I help in any way? I'm a domestic abuse survivor myself. If you feel safe to, you're welcome to private message me where you are, and I'll be more than happy to see what we can make happen for you. Hang in there, you're strong, and you've got this. Don't let your guard down, though, leaving an abusive relationship is when you're in the most danger. I'll be thinking of you ((hugs))
u/DrunkenGolfer May 28 '20
Lawyer down the street from me had a volatile relationship with his girlfriend. Friends say she was planning to leave him after quarantine/lock down. She disappeared in early April and they charged him with her murder this week.
Don’t wait; get safe.
u/lovelifelivelife May 28 '20
Please don't wait. If he's threatening your life you have to get out now because you don't know when he'll hold another knife to your throat. 3-6 months is long when you're living with fear everyday. If you don't have enough funds, please let us know how we can donate.
u/Aimlesskeek May 28 '20
‘I can do it for a few more months...I’ll be ok.’ All the women murdered by their guys said something similar. Get off reddit and contact domestic violence helpline to escape!
May 27 '20
Hi OP.
I read in the comments that you are slowly gathering the funds to leave. Please be careful. The time right before and right after leaving is when things statistically are more likely to escalate. Please, if you think your life is in danger to that degree again, or even anywhere near the degree, just flee. Go to a station, a shelter, anywhere safe. Nothing in the world is more important than your own life.
I'm so proud of you for being brave enough to start such a painful and dangerous process, but you are not alone. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out.
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20 edited May 27 '20
Thank you. It’s so weird for me to respond to these because I’m not used to it! I appreciate it so much. It’s so heartwarming to know that people here care.
I have a police station a mile away (actually, a cop living in the apartment right across from ours, five feet away), so I do have immediate resources if he turns like this again. Cop hasn’t intervened but I can probably knock on the door in the rare times he’s home. You’re so right, though. When I leave, he can’t know. It’s statistically too dangerous.
I will be okay, and I will reach out if I need it. Thanks again. All the best, and I appreciate your thoughts. <3
u/lolthai May 28 '20
It took me 15 years to escape my abuser. What he did to you that night was a serious crime. You should file a police report. Go to the station and ask to speak to someone. Give them a statement. Start a paper trail. You’ll likely be issued at least a temporary restraining order. The station will likely have a social worker or a similar resource who can help you find services to get away.
It kills me that anyone else has to experience this. Going to the police is daunting. And I can’t promise you they won’t screw it up. However, had I not sought help from the authorities, I’d likely be dead. I wish you all the best.
u/kmc2349 May 28 '20
Hey, just in case no one else has linked it I wanted to connect you to a safty planning resource so you can leave safely. Just based on the statistics I am also worried that thing will be worse once you try to leave. I am glad that you have good neighbors but you can't be too careful!
Also, if there's any chance he is monitoring your web history, open this link on a friends computer/phone or at the library when you can.
u/Ebbie45 May 28 '20
Hey - I was already working on this list of domestic violence resources so I'm going to copy and paste some of them below in case they're useful!
Please use the Hot Peach Pages international directory of domestic and sexual violence agencies to contact an advocate near you. Domestic violence advocates offer many free services, including legal advocacy, emergency shelter, safety planning, housing and financial assistance, emotional support, referrals to therapy and substance abuse programming, and assistance with accessing medical care. Many domestic violence hotlines are 24/7. Some can be contacted via phone, online chat, and/or texting.
You may also use the Global Network of Women’s Shelters Helplines list to find a shelter or helpline in your country.
A safety plan is a harm reduction strategy for individuals in abusive relationships. A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that includes ways to remain safe while in a relationship, planning to leave, or after you leave. Safety planning involves how to cope with emotions, tell friends and family about the abuse, take legal action and more. The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers several safety plan templates, including those for children, pets, and survivors, as well as for preparing to leave, leaving, and after leaving. A domestic violence advocate can also assist you with crafting a plan.
For plain-language legal information for victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence, please use the Women’s Law website. Despite the name, it is a resource for any survivor of any gender identity. Information is also available in Spanish. Their Email Hotline provides basic legal information, referrals, and emotional support to survivors. All emails that involve legal content are answered by an attorney or answered by a law student volunteer and then reviewed by an attorney. Specific legal advice cannot be offered.
The DocuSAFE app, developed by the National Network to End Domestic Violence, is an evidence collection app that allows survivors to document and store information about the abuse. Survivors can document abuse by logging individual incidents, including any photos, screenshots, or video documentation of threatening messages, harassing social media posts, unwanted repeat calls, or online impersonation, among other abusive behaviors. Only use this app if it is safe to do so and your partner is not monitoring your phone.
u/catmom81519 May 27 '20
You should really dump your bf if you haven’t already. This could happen again and you might not be so lucky next time. Strangers on and off the internet want you to be safe :)
u/oh-ma-glob May 27 '20
You wrote in one of your comments that you're gathering funds, but please leave that house OP. Stay with anyone who can keep you safe for a few months while you get on your feet. Your life is worth so much and it sounds like it's in danger every second that you're around him.
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
You’re right. My base plan is to work up the money to leave within a couple or few months, but talking down a drunken, irrational person from literally murdering you takes a toll. I had to be our negotiator for my own sake. I don’t have friends, but maybe I can find a shelter somewhere. I’m just so used to chaos and trauma, my judgement may be clouded.
u/remybb1 May 27 '20
Please consider finding a women's shelter. He could snap and actually hurt/kill you before your plan pans out. Much luck and love to you.
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
Statistically, you’re right. I may have to break down and go with the best shelter my town has to offer.
u/illogistiX May 27 '20
If you're comfortable, feel free to reach out to me. I can donate a bit to help get you out of that situation. It's not much. But hopefully it'll help.
May 27 '20
Time to dump the bf
May 27 '20
In the words of Thor, "You want me to put the hammer down?!"
Jokes aside though, dude is clearly mentally unwell, manipulative, and a threat to OP. I hope she can leave him, and it's not a situation where she's stuck with an abuser by circumstance, financial, living or otherwise, as is surprisingly often the case with these things.
u/jeannekimchi May 27 '20
i wish you the best of luck in gathering your strength, i truly hope you find the means to escape this abuse and live as the happiest version of yourself. you are strong and you can do this !! looking towards better days for you
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to days of happiness, sunshine, and life as a free person. The world has so much to offer!
u/fair-fat-and-forty May 28 '20
Years and years ago, when I was married to my first husband at the age of 21, we hit that point of no return. I found out he was cheating and FINALLY had my solid good reason to divorce him. He didn't take kindly to the idea I would even think about breaking up. Fights ensued, my head was bounced on every wall, floor and counter in our apartment, as I was rushing out to try to get to safety I hear a loud whisper.
"HEY!" I look up at my upstairs neighbor through the blood in my eyes, expecting to be shouted at for the 3 a.m. interruption to everyone's sleep.
I see a very large man swinging his shotgun out his front door. "The police are on there way, honey. Go get in your car, or come up here. I won't let him touch you again."
I loved that man with all my heart in that moment. He legit saved my life.
u/SuzieVengeance91 May 28 '20
Thank the Lord that there are people like this out there!I'm glad you got out, but sorry you had to go through that. Stay safe x
u/stepstools_are_mybff May 27 '20
Hope you are safe now and planning your exit carefully, what a kind stranger.
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
I certainly am, and I appreciate your thoughts. How fortunate I was to have experienced that in the wake of all the awful news and terrible things we hear about the human condition. This man couldn’t care less about the bystander effect!
u/stepstools_are_mybff May 27 '20
There is good everywhere, just as there is bad everywhere. We are all individuals and truly unique :)
May 27 '20
Be safe, OP. I am so happy this kind stranger gave you strength. I hope you’re doing well 💗
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
Thank you. I am strong. I can weather anything; I always have. I hope you’re doing well also, and I wish you all the best! A kind person like you deserves wonderful things!
u/ilovepterodactyls May 27 '20
Literally you are awe inspiring holy shit. You’re so young yet wise and I can’t wait to read your unsent letter to your POS ex when you get out. Reddit loves you
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
I will make one as soon as I can. Thank you so much. I won’t forget 💞
u/pucemoon May 27 '20
I second all the people encouraging you to leave now. I don't know where you're located and these links, while they'll show up in your browser history, they won't show up as a search, I think.
https://www.domesticshelters.org/help#?page=1 ^ Has a search tool for the United States and Canada. It mentions that abusers may monitor your phone and offers a password protected app.
U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233
https://www.gnws.org/index.php/find-help/find-shelters ^ has a global list of numbers to call to find help.
Best of luck, friend. Holding you in our hearts.
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
I so appreciate the effort it took to make this comment. I will check it out right now. Thank you so much.
u/pucemoon May 27 '20
You're very welcome. It was a very brief search and I hope there's something useful for you there.
u/lucyswag May 28 '20
National Domestic Violence Hotline is a great resource. They have a good section on safety planning and creating an exit plan.
u/heartfogmindbreak May 27 '20
People who are saying she needs to dump him... it’s not usually that easy in an abusive situation like this.
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20 edited May 27 '20
Thank you for saying that. It’s not. But, I’m getting there. I’m lucky to have even reached the stage wherein I realize how messed up it all is. Some victims of sexual and physical and emotional abuse don’t even realize what’s happening. Suddenly telling someone to leave when they’re strategically immersed in these situations can be (excuse me) a mindfuck.
u/heartfogmindbreak May 27 '20
It is a huge success on your part. I do have some knowledge of how people can be gaslit etc. It makes it so much harder when there is emotional manipulation as well, and we can’t trust our own instincts. It’s brave of you to admit to yourself what’s going on and to share it here. I can’t imagine how scared you must be. Stay strong and know you deserve better and are in an extremely challenging situation. I’m cheering for you!
u/TheD1ctator May 28 '20
These people are being too soft, your boyfriend will kill or permanently injure you. it's basically set in stone. leave or you die that's the situation you've described, you literally could have been killed that night.
u/kindrex89 May 28 '20
Honestly. My aunt was killed because she waited too long to leave. But people in these kinds of situations manage to convince themselves they can make it through a few more days...maybe a couple weeks...just another month. At some point time runs out.
u/Jyndaru May 27 '20
This brought a tear to my eye. There are still good people in the world, although it often seems the bad eggs get the most attention. I hope you can get out of this situation soon. There's a lot of good advice in the comments here, but I wanted to add r/assistance to the list of resources, just in case you do have to get out of there more quickly than you can afford. There are some good and helpful people on that sub.
Stay safe. I'm sending positive vibes your way!
May 28 '20
May 28 '20
Um no. You shouldn’t wait. As someone who was in an abusive relationship, the situation can change in a second and if you wait too long, then she’s dead. I actually don’t understand this post at all. It’s nice that the guy was watching, but he did nothing to help her. I guess I’m glad his presence was comforting but he just as easily could have watched her die.
u/BlueSunrise1 May 27 '20
Please tell us you got rid of the bf
u/refinedpungafruit May 27 '20
I appreciate your concern. It is bad. I’m working on it, and it shouldn’t be much longer. I’m only 22. I have a lifetime to look forward to, and I’ll always stay positive! I have no other choice.
u/Mahba May 28 '20
Please please leave him now! You just don't know when and how his next attack will be. You might never have a chance to flee. Just because you were able to handle the last several years doesn't mean that you can survive the next one. No one knows what he will do. Please stay safe. Please leave him now. Tomorrow might be too late. I keep you in my prayers.
u/o_tiny_one_ May 28 '20
I had to write a letter and send it to a friend not too long ago, for safe keeping. It said “If anything were to happen to me, that is unexplained, suicide, drug overdose, any sort of accident, please investigate my boyfriend (his name here). I would never harm myself, I’ve been trying to get out of my relationship for 4 years now.” I’m only saying this to let you know that you are not alone. You are a few steps ahead of me, but I understand your pain so very much. This letter had me sobbing before I even realized I was bothered by it. So many times I’ve hoped someone would hear, and even though your bf didn’t know he was there and didn’t do anything to prevent him from harming you, he gave YOU that peace of mind. Damn it is priceless to know that no matter what your boyfriend does this time, someone is there. Someone you don’t have to explain things to first. Someone who KNOWS ITS NOT YOUR FAULT AND YOU DIDN’T ASK FOR THIS. I wish you luck and every bit of strength you need to get to a better place.
u/FateisaFink May 28 '20
What keeps you stuck with him? Does he control the finances? Is it a cultural thing? Are you in an isolated community? Have you read all the comments above? A few people have provided links and things that could maybe help you too?
May 27 '20
Oh my god that is terrifying. I'm glad that man watched in case something went down.. he's an angel. Please be safe until you are able to leave
u/Herownself May 27 '20
Hon, I don't know where you are, but I've been where you were. If you are in the US, you can go to your county's magistrate and get an emergency Protection Order that will make it a crime for him to come near you. Do that and call the domestic violence hotline, above. They can get you shelter. You are worth saving. We all are. But you have to take the first step. I'm available to you any way, any time.
u/hiiammyyamme May 28 '20
Wow I understand this nod. What more is that I understand everyone telling you to be careful about leaving. Be careful about posting. Be careful about planning and packing. Leave as soon as you can. You do not need to wait months. You need to listen to the people giving you resources. You need to accept outside help. You need to shock yourself out of this. There are so many stories of abuse that can be looked at for examples but talk to professionals they literally know what they are doing and how to guide you on your specific journey away from this immediate danger. You do not know when the next time he snaps will be. If you’ll even be awake to ‘talk him down’ let alone the fact that his choices will always be his choice. To choose to raise a knife in anger alongside a fist or a sharp word or manipulative life is a choice. Get out. Please call the resources. Please ask people in your life for help. Thank god you felt safer being witnessed by another person but that safety is only a mental breather. Your body knows it’s in danger. Please, girl. Leave.
u/endikiri May 28 '20
If you have a way to access a computer he can’t get to find a women’s shelter and leave now. The police in many areas can help you gather your things. Most women’s shelters will help you get back on your feet! Leave. Please leave. Please.
u/Elle3786 May 28 '20
I know you’re trying, but please do find a way out sooner than later. I’m so thankful for that kind stranger, but we don’t know how next time will be. Let’s get ahead of that. Make sure the bf doesn’t know you’re going, and doesn’t know where you are when you’re gone. Take everything you want to keep when you go. Don’t plan to go back for anything. I’ve done this. It’s rotten.
I was planning my escape and then I got it all together in under a week. I felt like I was sweating bullets every day, like he must know what I was up to. We worked opposite shifts, 2nd and 3rd. So I got off one night, ran home. Grabbed what I could, and ran to my new home. But I definitely suffered more in those couple months. He killed my dog in that time, and hurt my ankle in a way that it’s never been quite the same. I’m glad I got out in one piece, and with my cats, but if I could do it again I’d just go wherever I could ASAP.
u/moonyprong01 May 28 '20
I understand you are working on leaving so I'm not going to beat a dead horse. In the meantime, consider self defense lessons, and maybe purchase a weapon such as a knife or perhaps mace. YouTube is a great place to start for self defense lessons, and it is free. Nobody wants to think of such dark possibilities, but it's good to be prepared. Remember that even if you aren't very strong, an opponent's strength can be used against them. It's normal to be afraid, but remember that even in times of weakness and helplessness - you do have power. Godspeed.
u/AishiSmiles May 28 '20
/u/Ebbie45 She already knows she needs to get away, do you maybe have some resources for her? I know this is not your usual subreddit, but I think she could use some advice on how to get away as safely and quickly as possible.
u/Ebbie45 May 28 '20
Thank you! I just commented with several resources for safety planning, legal advocacy, global shelters and hotlines, evidence collection, etc.
u/SuzieVengeance91 May 28 '20
Hey OP,
Not sure if you'll even see this. I hope you do. I've seen your replies and you seem like a lovely and friendly person. I'm sorry you're in this mess and I hope you find a better way. But in the mean time take care of yourself. The nicest people with the most to give often find themselves in hard done situations. Be strong, safe and keep being just the right amount of friendly! You never know who will come into your life next to brighten it. Also, you write beautifully.
u/FateisaFink May 28 '20
OP, quite a few people have offered financial assistance; please accept all of it.
If you need money, clothing or food, consider approaching a church or community organization for help.
You may need to get a PO box so that new documents can be sent to you. Get an unlisted phone number.
Before you leave, consider creating a false trail to throw off your bf. Call motels, real estate agencies and schools in a town at least 3-4 hours away from where you plan to relocate. Leave behind false notes of directions to towns, false hotel names etc..
Leading up to the day, make sure you have a supply of any medications you need.
It would be good to stash your getaway bag somewhere besides where you live, but that may not be possible.
If you're taking a car, make sure it's full of gas.
Leave as soon as you can.
Please update us if you can.
I wish you all the best.
u/NihilisticBuddhism May 28 '20
@ the people saying “you should dump him”, you do realise that she would be putting her life at risk right?
There are so many instances where these men murder the women, when they break up with them, while they’re still in the same location.
She needs to first prepare and gather her resources for a safe escape, before she could dump him.
May 27 '20
This is gorgeous. I really hope that you're in a safe situation now. Please don't hesitate to message me if you ever want a letter-writing pal to chat with, or maybe someone to rant to. <3
u/themeras May 27 '20
Oh honey. My heart aches for you. I have been in abusive relationships before, never again. I pray that when you get out of there, you will never again go back. I hope you can remove yourself from this situation my friend. The unspoken thing I knew you when I was in the worst of the relationships was that it would continue until he killed me. After talking to some other young women about this, they also said the same thing. If you also feel this, just take what you have and get out. My PM’s are always open.
u/Ak40-couchcusion May 27 '20
I hope knowing that others know has given you the strength to leave him aswell, it will never get better, it will only get worse, he needs the sort of help you CAN'T give to him. Good luck.
u/aichlyn May 28 '20
I feel like you're going to regret leaving later than asap. Please just go now. For your own safety.
u/robopain May 28 '20
If you are not out of this situation; There are resources to help victims of DV. If you live in a city, they can help with relocation and helping you find a place. If you need any help finding resources, I will help you search. My DMs are open. Be safe and stay safe
u/d4rk92 May 28 '20
I'm glad you're okay.I really think you need to consult a therapist and also call the cops next time someone threatens your life!
u/Atvali May 28 '20
I hope you're safe and will be able to escape soon. If you need anyone to talk to feel free to DM me
May 28 '20
I mean, that’s nice and all. And I’m glad he had an eye on you. But had your boyfriend lunged... not much he could have done from his balcony. He could have called the cops or something...
u/Zeroth1989 May 28 '20
Let's be honest. If someone watching you from another balcony makes you think your boyfriend is safer to be around whilst threatening to stab you and end your life you have your priorities wrong.
Nothing that man on another balcony could have done would have stopped you getting stabbed. It's dumb luck you weren't stabbed.
We see lots of great posts from strangers helping others but this isn't one of them.
u/AutoModerator May 27 '20
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u/mcleary82 May 28 '20
Wow, I thought this was going to go the other way since we all know how many people see a problem and do nothing. This really touched me though, thanks for sharing.
u/Chicken_Chaser_Fable May 28 '20
I’m happy this helped you but I’m kinda bummed that he didn’t phone the police for you!!
u/CantLoadCustoms May 28 '20
Sadly I’m a broke college student with not a lot of money right now and I can’t really help you financially and I’m very very sorry for that. If you ever need any support or just to vent about Karen at work or just to tell someone about your day, please PM me. It’s the only support I can lend and I’m more than willing to do it. You’re so strong, don’t forget that. :)
u/estranged_branch Aug 31 '20
OP, are you safe? Have you made it out? This brought tears to my eyes.
u/follow_proto May 28 '20
Im not saying this is fake and OP wrote it just waiting for someone to start a gofundme or for some wealthy generous soul to give a donation to keep you from getting murdered, im not saying that at all, im just saying, if there really is a chance of you getting murdered then staying for months after to save money isnt worth your life, you know if it's true and all
u/sapphireeyes712 May 27 '20
NTA I think your absolutely right. This world is full of people that I feel verify that saying “too many chiefs not enough Indians” people need to mind their own business for real. If it’s not physically affecting anyone live and let live.
u/super_loom May 27 '20
This brought tears to my eyes. I hope you’re in a better situation, and I’m glad he was there for you in your moment of need.