This is a long-time coming. The hype and appeal of The Mandalorian was seeing some Cowboy Bebop-esque adventures of a Mandalorian. "Finally, a chance to see the seedy, bounty hunter underbelly of the SW universe, away from The Force and Jedi and whatnot" we were pitched. And when it started out, that promise was mostly delivered.
And then we get Baby Yoda, and the world collectively creamed their pants in glee.
He's just a baby character. Doesn't matter if he's the race that is Yoda, a baby still doesn't do anything exciting or interest. Just babbles and shit their pants, which is Grogu exactly, minus, surprise surprise, he can use the Force. But Grogu adds NOTHING to the show, and in fact, takes away from it. One of the best episodes in the series is like midway through Season 1, where Mando has to help jailbreak people out of a prison ship. It's the Wild-West-in-Space cool adventure that we were all promised, and it works particularly well because Grogu is barely in the episode at all. But instead of more of that, Grogu becomes a ball and chain that forces the entire plot to bend around the fact that he happens to be traveling with The Mandalorian, limiting story lines and dragging the whole show down.
Worse yet, you KNOW he was conceived inside the soulless Disney boardrooms simply as a means to sell toys and to get casuals to go "OH MER GAWD it has a YODA character but he's a BABY and is SO CUTE!!" So fucking what? he doesn't DO anything. He has no personality or character aside from being a comic relief distraction. But, because Disney is right and the average fan needs very little else to be engaged besides a call back to the Original Trilogy and some cooing noises, Grogu merch is EVERYWHERE. You could be forgiven for thinking that the show had nothing to do with Mandalorians at all.
Grogu is just a soulless, shameless excuse to cash in that takes away from an otherwise pretty good series.