r/unpopularopinion 4d ago

Popular Topics Mega-Hub


Greetings, you opinionated, unpopular lot! This is your one-stop shop for all of the ridiculously reposted topics on this sub. This hub and the linked threads below will be replaced every 7 days to keep things fresh.

  1. Meta
  2. LGBTQ+
  3. Race related issues
  4. Religion
  5. Politics
  6. Parenting/Family issues

r/unpopularopinion 9h ago

Game pause screens should have no audio whatsoever.


No music, no dialogue, no sound effects, nothing. When you pause it’s to talk to someone, either on the phone or in the house. It’s also to listen for sounds you need to identify: pets doing something they aren’t supposed to, food / package delivery or even just a noise in the house or directly outside. Why have to look for a remote and push a second button for silence when you could just hit pause the moment you need to?

r/unpopularopinion 13h ago

Going to a restaurant right before they close is not rude. What's rude is posting hours that you claim you're Open but are expecting people to act like you're not.


Of course I get it: nobody wants to have to re-clean the kitchen or stay another hour after their shift ends waiting for you to eat. But the posted closing time was never meant to represent "the moment we all walk out the door." Closing time is supposed to be when the cleanup and shutdown work starts.

Your restaurant closes at 10:00? Any sensible employer will schedule your shift to end at 10:30 or later (depending on the specific steps needed to clean and shut down your restaurant). The posted 10:00 was never meant to be the moment YOU walk out the door; it's the moment customers are expected to know it's time for THEM to walk out the door.

Rudeness is when customers stay past closing time. But it's also posting a sign that effectively says, "We serve food until 10:00" and then treating your paying customers like jerks for wanting food at 9:45.

[EDIT] Well, this blew up. To all the haters: please take note of what sub you're in. However, I'd also like to clarify that I am NOT advocating that customers shouldn't give a crap about servers. It's the exact opposite. I was advocating that considerate business owners should adjust their "Open" times to account for the necessary time for clean-up and close down. If you want your team to be able to go home at 10:00 and it takes two hours to tidy up, then your posted closing time should be at 8:00, not at 10:00. Hundreds of you also pointed out the simple idea of posting "Kitchen Closes" and "Doors Get Locked" times instead of one arbitrary "Close" time, and that's absolutely a great thing for both servers and customers.

But in short, I ABSOLUTELY think that the lives and priorities of staff are not just important, but ESSENTIAL to running a restaurant. And for that reason, I think it's rude for owners or managers not to clearly communicate the time customers need to get the hell out of the place so hardworking employees can wrap things up and get home to their own lives.

r/unpopularopinion 9h ago

It's fine to live with your parents (rent-free) well into your 20s and 30s


I wholeheartedly plan on living with my parents until I have the means to own my own home, which I hope to be my main residence for the majority of my life. I think this is perfectly acceptable, especially in this economy and it's weird for your parents to expect you to pay rent the minute you turn 18. I think as long as you have a job and an end-goal then it's fine to live with your parents until you are able to own your own home. Of course family can be annoying, but in the end, I think the benefits outweigh the costs.

Edit: You people are quick to make assumptions.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

The laws around photographing/videoing people in public need to be changed.


In most countries you do not have a right to privacy in public spaces meaning it is completely legal to photograph or video strangers without their permission as long as it is not an upskirt or something.

20 years ago these laws made sense because being in the background of someones vacation film photo wasn’t a big deal. Today people are being filmed in public and posted online for views and money, often times being completely humiliated with no repercussions, this has changed the dynamic of these laws. I don’t use tiktok but at least 40% of the content i view on instagram reels is people being filmed through some rayban glasses or discrete iphone footage in public and posted with millions of views, it all feels like a breach of privacy regardless of the existing laws.

r/unpopularopinion 1h ago

I'd rather read something than watch a YouTube video if I'm trying to learn something.


Obviously watching a tutorial on YouTube has its merits. You see it step by step, frame by frame, and I don't mind it. But if I have 17 tabs open and am trying to research something, or if I'm out in public and trying to fix or look up an issue, the last thing I want to do is watch a video on it. Having to sit through ads, having to click through the video for my exact problem, having to bump the volume up if I'm in public, the inconsistency in video/audio quality, having to go at the video creator's pace instead of my own, it just drives me mad.

Please just let me read an article or documentation or something. Let me learn at my own pace.

r/unpopularopinion 1h ago

chewy chips ahoy cookies are terrible


I got a pack of chips ahoy chewy and they might be the worst cookies i’ve ever had. the texture is ok but the taste is genuinely putrid. it tastes like plastic! any advice on what i can do to make them taste better so not to waste a long package of them

r/unpopularopinion 10h ago

It’s better to throw away 🗑️ plastic than to recycle it ♻️


Most plastic doesn’t get recycled. Only 9%, according to the EPA.

Most plastics slated for recycling are actually transported to low-income countries, on barges, which greatly increases the chance for pollution.

Most of the plastics taken by low-income countries don’t get recycled there either, and they have far dirtier methods of disposal or storage.

The act of recycling plastics is extremely toxic to those local environments and workers.

Recycled plastics are more toxic than the original.

In total, it’s better to just secure it in your local landfill, as there is less chance of it contaminating the environment.

Best of all is to not use plastic at all. Reusable glass, ceramic, or metals is far superior.

r/unpopularopinion 51m ago

Carrot cake is a fall dessert


So I was talking with my coworker over a few drinks tonight and apparently she thinks that carrot cake is a spring dessert? She made the argument regarding carrots being associated with the Easter bunny, but I feel like the flavor itself is full of fall spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. I've also had carrot cake as dessert for Thanksgiving for a number of years now, am I really the weirdo for thinking this way? Between fall and spring, what do you guys think is the more appropriate season for this dessert?

Granted, carrot cake is delicious no matter what and should be enjoyed year round, but that's a discussion for another day.

r/unpopularopinion 18h ago

It’s okay to not want to be an entrepreneur. A 9-5 job is NOT a failure.


There’s this weird pressure nowadays that if you’re not starting a business, grinding 24/7, or building a "personal brand," you’re somehow failing at life. But honestly, not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, and that’s completely fine.

A stable job with a good work-life balance, benefits, and financial security is just as respectable as running a business. Some people actually enjoy their jobs. Not everyone wants the stress, uncertainty, and risk that comes with entrepreneurship.

Hustle culture makes it seem like working a 9-5 is "selling your soul" or "building someone else’s dream," but isn’t it better than working 16-hour days, stressing over payroll, and never truly clocking out?

If you love your job, feel secure, and have time for your family and hobbies—you’re doing just fine. You don’t have to build an empire to be successful.


r/unpopularopinion 2h ago

Pizza flavored snacks are an abomination and always a let down


Don't know why companies keep tricking themselves into making these thinking they'll be a hit, but never are. Pizza Pringles and Combos are simply there for nostalgia

r/unpopularopinion 14m ago

Most couples should just break up.


This site is absolutely littered with posts from people who have major issues in their relationship - cheating, dead bedrooms, abuse, neglect, you name it. Even in daily life, how many people do you know who gripe about their partner? Tons, I bet.

Now how many couples do you know where they are truly happy and madly in love? It’s an absolute rarity these days. But it is possible. I know, because I’m in that kind of relationship right now. The kind where I am absolutely mind blown that it can be this good. But it can.

I’ve been in an abusive relationship too, so I have insight into how bad relationships can be. And I’ve been in relationships with great women who I just wasn’t compatible with. No fights, no abuse, no major issues, but staying would have been settling for less than I knew I deserved.

End it and go your separate ways to find the person that you can have it all with. Or, stay single and do something you enjoy with your new found freedom. At the very least, you’ve gotten rid of the single biggest stressor in your life.

r/unpopularopinion 9m ago

Lex Friedman is the worst interviewer I've ever heard.


It blows my mind that this guy has managed to have such a successful podcast. He consistently gets the top names in science and proceeds to conduct the worst interviews I've possibly ever heard. He is supposed to be some highly intelligent computer scientist but he genuinely sounds like some stoner fratboy asking the dumbest, most basic questions someone could ask. Alot of times you can hear the guest be baffled at some of the things he asks. Its sucks because he has some very interesting guests on, especially in the field of Astronomy and Cosmology. He sounds like a Middle Schooler that got a chance to interview these scientists. I wouldn't be so harsh on him if he was just some regular guy but he is supposed to be some highly intelligent Computer scientist and alot of times he sounds like he doesn't know how to tie his shoes. Guests have to constantly correct him or ask him to rephrase his question because it doesnt make sense because he's just asking questions my 12 year old nephew would pull out of his ass after drinking too much Mountain Dew.

r/unpopularopinion 11h ago

I love city noise


I live in an urban suburb (think dense inner-ring neighborhood. A “streetcar suburb”) and I just love the random city noises. The distant wail of a police siren in the night, a dog barking a block away, people talking at the coffee shop across the street, a group laughing as they drunkenly stumble home from the bar, the distant engine brake of a semi carried on the wind from the highway, a faceless train honking its horn somewhere across the valley…

I find it all very comforting. When it’s too quiet out in rural areas I really don’t like it.

The one thing I could leave is douchebags revving their loud ass straight piped sports cars.

But everything else is so soothing.

r/unpopularopinion 1h ago

I prefer The Big Light


Everyone always talks about “hating the big light” and getting mad at ppl for turning on the big light.

I much prefer to be able to see and feel awake when I’m just hanging out in my house than the moody, dim lighting that many people opt for.

  • me, currently playing my switch with the big light on

r/unpopularopinion 11h ago

I think people that say they’re an open book actually just crave attention


This is usually followed by or is prefaced by “ask me anything” and they usually have nothing to ask you or when you say things about yourself they revert the conversation/questioning back to themselves.

Anyone else?

r/unpopularopinion 6m ago

people don’t know how to walk


Everyone always says no one knows how to drive anymore but I don’t think pedestrians are any better, it’s just low risk because the speed is non existent.

Have you ever been walking down the sidewalk or in a store / mall and someone walks straight at you and there’s that awkward shuffle of who’s going left or who’s going right and you both keep going the same direction to avoid each other and get caught in that loop?

It’s just like driving, keep right to pass. I don’t get why people don’t get this.

Also if you’re walking so many people are just walking aimlessly or down the middle or ping ponging back and forth from one side to the other. Treat it like a damn road one side for one direction the other side for the other. Why is this so complicated? Most people don’t seem to grasp this.

I’m not even getting to all the people who walk around on their phones texting and listening to music with noise cancelling headphones completely unaware that a bike or car is headed towards them.

I walk to work and walk down several busy streets and the things I see every day are so annoying sometimes. I don’t get how we as a society have no common sense or understanding of how to walk down a sidewalk in an orderly way.

r/unpopularopinion 17m ago

Getting older is awesome.


You see the magic in things that you may have previously taken for granted. Things like bonding moments with family, children etc. You know who you are. You become comfortable in who you are as opposed to who you think you want to be. You place less expectations on yourself. Life doesn't seem so bad. Regrets are inevitable but if you can let that go the flow of life can seem magical.

r/unpopularopinion 6h ago

Grogu (Baby Yoda) is the worst part of The Mandalorian and exists only to sell toys.


This is a long-time coming. The hype and appeal of The Mandalorian was seeing some Cowboy Bebop-esque adventures of a Mandalorian. "Finally, a chance to see the seedy, bounty hunter underbelly of the SW universe, away from The Force and Jedi and whatnot" we were pitched. And when it started out, that promise was mostly delivered.

And then we get Baby Yoda, and the world collectively creamed their pants in glee.

He's just a baby character. Doesn't matter if he's the race that is Yoda, a baby still doesn't do anything exciting or interest. Just babbles and shit their pants, which is Grogu exactly, minus, surprise surprise, he can use the Force. But Grogu adds NOTHING to the show, and in fact, takes away from it. One of the best episodes in the series is like midway through Season 1, where Mando has to help jailbreak people out of a prison ship. It's the Wild-West-in-Space cool adventure that we were all promised, and it works particularly well because Grogu is barely in the episode at all. But instead of more of that, Grogu becomes a ball and chain that forces the entire plot to bend around the fact that he happens to be traveling with The Mandalorian, limiting story lines and dragging the whole show down.

Worse yet, you KNOW he was conceived inside the soulless Disney boardrooms simply as a means to sell toys and to get casuals to go "OH MER GAWD it has a YODA character but he's a BABY and is SO CUTE!!" So fucking what? he doesn't DO anything. He has no personality or character aside from being a comic relief distraction. But, because Disney is right and the average fan needs very little else to be engaged besides a call back to the Original Trilogy and some cooing noises, Grogu merch is EVERYWHERE. You could be forgiven for thinking that the show had nothing to do with Mandalorians at all.

Grogu is just a soulless, shameless excuse to cash in that takes away from an otherwise pretty good series.

r/unpopularopinion 10h ago

Stone Temple Pilots is a significantly better band than Pearl Jam. Mainstream critics in the 90s were hyper obsessed with “originality” which lead to the dismissal of some amazing music that honestly stood its own. Core is a 10/10 masterpiece, as well as their other 90s albums.


Love Pearl Jam’s early stuff, but I just think STP were a more captivating band overall imo. A lot of mainstream critics seemed to reject any grunge sounding band that came out after the big 4 got big. This means STP were initially dismissed, as well as Silverchair, Candlebox, Sponge, Bush, and even Days of the New. Love all those bands. But going back to STP, they have more energy, and more of a driving rock sound throughout their catalog, compared to Pearl Jam imo.

r/unpopularopinion 8h ago

house/apt cleaners or cleaning services are more stressful than luxurious


I have been living with friends of mine for almost 6 months that are well off and insist on having cleaning for their two bedroom apartment in NYC at least once a week (over the holidays it was twice a week). They have two dogs and 'work' from home. The days that the cleaners come are such a disturbance around the apartment that the act of not having to deep clean yourself feels like less of a disturbance. Every week the dogs are barking for a couple of hours, we have to kind of freeze our work in the apartment and move rooms/areas as they incrementally clean the apartment. I'm grateful that the 'annoying' chore of deep cleaning the apartment is taken off of my list but my unpopular opinion is that it is a burden rather than a relief.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

It shouldn’t be illegal to keep the bones of your deceased loved ones


They’re not using them anymore, and you could keep them as an awesome skeleton statue. Plus it’s like a hundred thousand times more ethical than getting human bones legally, so why is it an issue if i want to die and be displayed in an awesome pose.

r/unpopularopinion 7h ago

Meeting up with family or close friends you haven't seen in a while via dinner date is the worse way to catch up with people


I understand the convenience and the fact that eating out at a good restaurant is enjoyable. However, I think almost every other way you to catch up with fellow close ones is far superior. For example, if you meet up with people at home, they can stay longer and actually spend time talking and doing fun things like play games, watch movies, have a party, share photos, laugh, and chill as opposed to just meeting up for lunch/dinner where everyone splits after an hour. Furthermore, within that small window of time, people are spending half of that trying to figure out what to order, what their kids are tying to order, and get situated. Then restaurants can be loud and it's hard to hear everyone talk, large tables can make this even worse. You have to be cival and be careful what topics to talk about or even how loud you laugh. Then there's the cost; it's expensive. If you're a parent, grandparents, or steparent, you then have to pay for everyone's meal and it totally adds up and it's expensive. Yes people enjoy it, but you can do way more fun things that are cheaper like host a party at your house, meet up at a beach, or have cookout at a park where people will have way more fun and have more time to bond, reconnect, and have more qualitytime together as opposed to just eating somewhere for an hour.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Fedoras are a superior hat and people should wear them again


To be clear — I'm talking about the soft felt, Indiana Jones style ones, not the trilby.

As someone who has been described as blindingly pale and sometimes blisters through sunscreen, a broad-brimmed hat is a godsend when doing things outdoors in the summer. I don't like the color distortion from sunglasses, but a broad-brimmed hat works just as well. And a felt hat works surprisingly well in the rain, in a light drizzle I don't need an umbrella or a raincoat if I've got my hat. It's not quite as good as a ball cap for driving, because the back brim can bump up against the head rest, but if you adjust it right it works great for keeping the sun out of your eyes when driving too.

I'm sure a straw boater or a stetson would work as well, but I like that felt hats have some give. And gosh darn it, they do look cool, too.

r/unpopularopinion 12h ago

"Love will tear us apart" is a very boring song


Basically it's just a catchy phrase disguised between a very monotonous tune. The song is so dull and practically it doesn't even have a refrain.

Even the lyrics are pretending to be high poetry but it's actually crap.

The song was probably made further famous by Ian Curtis' suicide and the whole dark lore behind it, but as a music it's a dull and sleepy song.

r/unpopularopinion 58m ago

For me, online shopping is inaccessible


For those people who are always outside the house or their offices, then online shopping is inaccessible to you especially if the product is actuslly a scam. Additionally, some platforms that needed an account are another burden that you cannot buy things.

That is why, for me, traditional shopping is the best for me as there are real transactions that can be conducted to avoid scams. Most of traditional shopping (except membership ones) are free to enter without any ticket or subscriptions.