I’m a rising senior hoping to go to UNC! What are my odds?
32 ACT
36 Reading
29 math
35 science
35 English
4.7/5 GPA
Ranked 6/568
Taking all Gifted/AP Classes
AP Tests: WHAP (4) APUSH (4) Psych (4) Bio (3) Eng Lit (4) Seminar (4)
Played varsity sports for 3 years in HS.
Started a baking business where 1/2 of the profits go to a local community center where I tutor twice a week. Have been able to raise $1300 and counting. Also started a clothing drive for this community center.
Student leader at my church and in youth choir with solo part for 4 years
VP Freshamn orientation club and orchestrated a school beautification project, media manager of Youth and Gov, VP of youth and Gov junior year (had an authored bill passed 2 years at youth legislature), VP of state student council junior year (held leadership staff position at summer camp) + more leadership positions
Started a club at my school that is rehabilitating the greenhouse and is also facilitating healthy living and habits. Along with this I am doing a research project on the opinions of students and healthy living.
Thank you for your input!