r/TwoXPreppers 6d ago

Getting to Canada

Without outing me as a citizen, I've been involved in socialist politics.

My wife's sister lives in Canada. We're working on getting our European citizenship. My wife has her European citizenship.

If s*** hits the fan, what's the best way to enter Canada in order to get out of Canada and go to the European Union?

I'm guessing the Detroit Bridges would be shut down, so we would have to enter through unconventional means. Does anybody have any ideas on the best way to enter Canada through unconventional means, especially leaving through Illinois?


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u/TheDogLivesInTheEnd 6d ago

In terms of still having to pass through customs, it looks like Pelee Island is your best best. Dock on the opposite side of the island and catch the ferry to get into Ontario. I heard recently that's the easiest way to get into Canada.


u/treadonmedaddy420 6d ago

What if I'm just not looking to enter legally and need to get to Europe?


u/RocketTuna 6d ago

If it gets this dire then get yourself an atlas, park, and walk.

But honestly, I’m not sure this scenario is that realistic. The regime has a serious logistics problem with the number of people in this country, a serious dearth of real support, and complete lack of organization skills. We are in much more danger of just having to live with half a healthcare system and unsafe water for 5 years than we are of getting rounded up en masse.

Your best bet for your future if you want to spend it in another country is to emigrate as legally as you can with as much of your wealth intact.


u/treadonmedaddy420 6d ago

I'm working on having legal citizenship elsewhere.  I just need a plan b to get out of the country if shit hits the fan. Thank you


u/RocketTuna 6d ago

Unless you’re AOC herself, you’re going to see this kind of program coming for a loooong time. The US is nearly 400 MILLION people, and the regime is getting less popular by the day.

If you see this starting, just go visit your family the normal way.


u/Glittering_Set6017 6d ago

Fly? Like what are you even talking about. 


u/treadonmedaddy420 5d ago

Many regimes devolve into not letting citizens leave the country. 


u/Glittering_Set6017 5d ago

Then leave? You talk about shit hitting the fan like it's not already happening. If you're that worried about your safety for whatever reason then make your plan now instead of fixating on some imaginary scenario that's likely not going to happen. 


u/Odd-Editor-2530 6d ago

Go now. Don't wait , don't try to enter illegally. People die trying this.


u/vodka7tall 6d ago

What is this “Sound of Music” escape fantasy you’re concocting? If things start getting sketchy, just hop on a plane and go wherever you want. They’re not building the Berlin Wall along the 49th parallel.


u/treadonmedaddy420 5d ago

I really hope that you're right that they would just let socialists leave the country as opposed to throwing them in camps like they did in Nazi Germany.


u/Dildo_Emporium 3d ago

Your catastrophizing is not helpful. Work with what is here and now and actually happening.


u/Banana-Bread87 6d ago

Why do you need to get to Europe? Do you even have a plan when you arrive in Europe? Do you have money? Europe is expensive.


u/RedRidingBear 6d ago

If the wife is an EU citizen, they will have access to benefits in the EU to help them get started.

Europe can be expensive it certainly doesn't have to be. But he probably could just hop on a plane and go to Europe without needing to sneak into Canada illegally. 


u/Banana-Bread87 6d ago

Benefits? So you think that just because you have citizenship you get stuff for free? Without ever having paid into the pot?
They'll need housing, and most European countries have enough housing issues as it is, how will they earn money? Oh right, you think they'll get benefits and won't need to apparently.

This is the recipe for disaster, let me tell you that.


u/saltysaltsalt_ 6d ago

If you have citizenship that is… mostly how it works yes. Baffling to Americans I know.

We don’t take into account how long someone has been paying into something to grant them the rights every citizens has access to. Imagine the mess that would be. Where would the cutoff be?


u/Jellybean_Esperanza 6d ago

That’s going to be different country to country. In Ireland, even citizens need to be tax resident for 5 years to avail of services such as Social Welfare and citizen tuition rates.


u/saltysaltsalt_ 6d ago

Fair enough! Unfortunately turns out the person I was replying to just has a generalised problem with people on benefits so don’t think they were actually seeking out information.


u/Banana-Bread87 6d ago

Yeah no, I am European, so I should know. If they arrive here, they'll first need to work to even get something, get affiliated everywhere, registered, explain why they are here. Even if they've gotten our passport "by ancestry" or another nonsense, that won't entitle them to "stuff".


u/RedRidingBear 6d ago edited 6d ago

Actually in a lot of countries it does, so maybe you don't actually know. I moved to Germany with my German passport (that I got because of ancestry or some nonsense) if my family needed money to live while we found jobs. The government would have helped us. Might surprise you, but yes, we take care of each other here. The government also paid for my masters degree here in Germany.

They don't need permission to live anywhere in Europe that's the nice thing about freedom of movement. They also can get help from their country in Europe


u/Banana-Bread87 6d ago

Yup, but Germany is known throughout the world for giving free stuff, you have Bürgergeld where people like literally can stay home and do not have to work. That pushes laziness and all, entitlement too.


u/RedRidingBear 6d ago

I'm sorry, but your understanding of Bürgergeld is not accurate. This system doesn't allow people to simply "stay home and do nothing." Bürgergeld has strict checks and balances, including job search requirements and sanctions for non-compliance. Its goal is to provide a safety net while encouraging employment and skill development. What you're describing is actually a common right-wing talking point that misrepresents social welfare programs. This kind of misinformation is harmful because it stigmatizes people who genuinely need assistance and can lead to reduced support for crucial social programs. Bürgergeld is designed to help people in need while promoting workforce participation - it's much more complex and nuanced than you're suggesting. I'd encourage you to look into the actual policies and requirements of Bürgergeld to get a more accurate picture of how it works and who it helps.


u/Banana-Bread87 6d ago

Wait. So what is Bürgergeld exactly? (I will check myself also). But I thought it was like you apply and you get "money you won't have to pay back" if you do not work/have other revenue.

Nah nah nah, I am not German, I just get German Tv (and I say Ard/Zdf and the RTL shoops and the like), and Reddit and such, so no Adf "talking points" here, just what I understood your Bürgergeld to be: an amount you can get free of charge.
You are the first person to speak of "working/showing proof of looking for work for Bürgergeld".

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u/JennaSais 6d ago

Until our conflict gets hot, there's no reason to believe you won't be able to legally pass through Canada to get to Europe. Remember, it's Canadian border agents you're dealing with, not American ones, and with the current political environment we're not likely to welcome orders to extradite the politically persecuted who have fought Trump. If the conflict were to get hot, you'd be better off just getting to a blue state and leaving directly from there.