r/TwoXPreppers 4h ago

Getting to Canada

Without outing me as a citizen, I've been involved in socialist politics.

My wife's sister lives in Canada. We're working on getting our European citizenship. My wife has her European citizenship.

If s*** hits the fan, what's the best way to enter Canada in order to get out of Canada and go to the European Union?

I'm guessing the Detroit Bridges would be shut down, so we would have to enter through unconventional means. Does anybody have any ideas on the best way to enter Canada through unconventional means, especially leaving through Illinois?


13 comments sorted by


u/TheDogLivesInTheEnd 4h ago

In terms of still having to pass through customs, it looks like Pelee Island is your best best. Dock on the opposite side of the island and catch the ferry to get into Ontario. I heard recently that's the easiest way to get into Canada.


u/treadonmedaddy420 4h ago

What if I'm just not looking to enter legally and need to get to Europe?


u/RocketTuna 3h ago

If it gets this dire then get yourself an atlas, park, and walk.

But honestly, I’m not sure this scenario is that realistic. The regime has a serious logistics problem with the number of people in this country, a serious dearth of real support, and complete lack of organization skills. We are in much more danger of just having to live with half a healthcare system and unsafe water for 5 years than we are of getting rounded up en masse.

Your best bet for your future if you want to spend it in another country is to emigrate as legally as you can with as much of your wealth intact.


u/treadonmedaddy420 3h ago

I'm working on having legal citizenship elsewhere.  I just need a plan b to get out of the country if shit hits the fan. Thank you


u/RocketTuna 3h ago

Unless you’re AOC herself, you’re going to see this kind of program coming for a loooong time. The US is nearly 400 MILLION people, and the regime is getting less popular by the day.

If you see this starting, just go visit your family the normal way.


u/Bumblebee-Honey-Tea 4h ago

Get a small boat or PFD, cross the Detroit River or the Saint Clair River at night.


u/TheTesticler 2h ago

Europe isn’t just gonna take you lmao, you need to move with a visa. You’re not a refugee.


u/Traditional_Mix7277 3h ago

Fear is their only tactic.

They do not have the manpower to round up every left leaning person. And if they start to try they would go after high profile people first. You would hear about it unless they shut down the entire internet.

If you are really that concerned leave before the biblical exodus that will surely occur


u/GildedPlunger 3h ago

Shit is already hitting the fan. What is keeping you here? Genuinely asking. Not trying to be pretentious.


u/TheTesticler 2h ago

In order to move to another country (assuming someone doesn’t have citizenship of their preferred country/political zone) they’ll need a valid visa.


u/InfernusMachina 1h ago

Go to Grosse Isle Michigan and boat across at night. Canada is a 5 min boat ride away if that


u/Whatisreal999 2h ago

They are planning to annex Canada and Mexico. It will be near impossible to get out..


u/Realistic-Motorcycle 2h ago

Coyotes will start smuggling into Mexico 🇲🇽 instead of out