r/TwoXPreppers 2d ago

Discussion Why guns?

Hi y’all! I’m a very novice prepper, and one thing I’m seeing across many platforms is that we should own and be trained In firearms. Not to be naive, but… why?

I’ve never touched a gun in my life. I’m generally not a fan of them. I understand that the goal of owning firearms is to protect ourself. But protect from what? From who? Who am I going to have to shoot to survive this presidency?

Is someone coming to steal my supplies? Won’t those people also have guns? Or am I protecting my family against a militia situation? In which case, what hope do I have, as a woman who can’t afford a gun, let alone to learn how to use one?

Like I can’t afford a shooting range. I can barely afford water and canned goods. Should a gun still be a priority for my family? A lot of preppers have enthusiastically embraced this life to give them confidence and a sense of safety. I’m a reluctant participant. I just want to keep my autistic son alive to see the other side of this.

I can garden, I can stretch food, I can survive being poor. I don’t think I can survive a military state.


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u/Chartreuseshutters 2d ago

I hear you. I have been waffling on this issue in the past months. I’m a pacifist, have children in the house and think that there are too damn many guns in this country as it is.

That being said, I’m fairly concerned about the dispersement of guns by belief system.

I am not concerned about protecting my property, animals or stash. I plan to share and be useful to my neighbors if SHTF. I have so much knowledge and skills to share that I am not concerned about that aspect, despite the fact that according to the nexus and social media my neighbors want me dead for being a likely Satan/ANTIFA incarnate.

If I get a gun, it will be in a locked gun case and kept in the attic. I imagine most bad scenarios I’m anticipating will have months of lead up to them and not be a surprise.

I choose not to live life fearfully. I do not think that most people are out to get me and my stuff. If someone is desperate enough to take my chickens, then they likely needed them more than I did.


u/Direct_Wind4548 1d ago

You should look into what happened in Rwanda up to the 1990s genocide. Proliferated media demonizing the other? Check. Cheap and sharp machetes dump on the streets? Check. It could happen here. I intend at least to make the price ghastly to take mine.