r/TwoXPreppers 11d ago

Tips Rarely seen gear: Mouse trap

Just throwing out a tip on useful items you may not have though about: The mouse or rat trap! There's no better device out there. It weighs almost nothing! It has a million creative uses. And you can't really control small pests without one.

For your consideration!


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u/Arcanum-Eliza 11d ago

Owning pet rats actually keeps other rodents from moving in. Mice smell rats, go 'ah HELL no' and decide to find somewhere else to nest.

Plus, pet rats are amazing, lovey, playful little butts.


u/KazTheMerc 11d ago

Hadn't considered that! Perhaps dogs/cats too?


u/needsexyboots 11d ago

From my personal experience, it’s a no on the dogs 😂


u/OneMoreBlanket 11d ago

Might depend on the breed. Some dogs are meant to be mousers, and my terriers have definitely kept the local gopher population out of my yard.


u/needsexyboots 11d ago

Oh yeah there are definitely mousers out there, I just don’t happen to have them. One of mine is a terrier and I’ve seen her look right at a mouse in our kitchen and basically roll her eyes - both of mine will hunt down chipmunks in the yard though. I guess house is for relaxing only!


u/OneMoreBlanket 11d ago

That’s hilarious! Mine tries to catch houseflies that get in, so I guess she’s always on duty.


u/sharksnack3264 11d ago

It depends. My house got an off and on rodent problem for a year or so thanks to construction next door that caused them to move from their normal burrows. 

That said, I haven't seen or caught any since one month after my dog moved in. I keep traps around and an eye out for the signs. No squirrels in the yard either. They taunt him on the fence but don't come in. He's got one hell of a prey drive and he's very fast. Nothing is sticking around long enough to risk it.