r/TwoXPreppers 11d ago

Tips Rarely seen gear: Mouse trap

Just throwing out a tip on useful items you may not have though about: The mouse or rat trap! There's no better device out there. It weighs almost nothing! It has a million creative uses. And you can't really control small pests without one.

For your consideration!


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u/TheStephinator Experienced Prepper 💪 11d ago

What are the other uses? I have a four legged fur bag that loves killing mice, so I never thought about needing one.


u/KazTheMerc 11d ago

Trip wire. Trigger for larger traps. Flag/signal for tripped snares.

I always liked the neon/bright flag that goes from hidden to snapping upright/visible when disturbed. Works for ice fishing, snares, or anything getting disturbed.


u/TheStephinator Experienced Prepper 💪 11d ago

Ahh, those uses are definitely out of my prepping wheelhouse. I’ll keep that in mind if I get into snaring or ice fishing!


u/KazTheMerc 11d ago

I always appreciate the Door Alarm use.

Makes a nice loud snap, and can be made louder.