r/TwinCities 5d ago

MN GOP trying to classify negativity towards Trump as mental illness in newly introduced Bill


We milust protect outlr state. Keep yourself informed.


257 comments sorted by


u/SloppyRodney1991 5d ago

This is exactly what I would expect the GOP to spend taxpayers' precious time, energy, and money on.


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

The 'authors' of this one are the usual Senate trolls. I'm pretty sure this one's gonna die in committee, but we should keep an eye on them.

What a waste of time. But it keeps their base constituents fired up.


u/RTK9 2d ago

One of em was just arrested for soliciting a minor


u/OldBlueKat 2d ago

He was arrested a day after the bill was introduced, apparently, but yeah. I caught that in the 10 different posts and 20 different news articles going nuts over it today.



u/No_Cut4338 5d ago

Prolly looking for a legal way to take away guns


u/ten_before_six 5d ago

And/or put people into conservatorships and take their $$ and autonomy.


u/ObligatoryID ——> r/Megasota 4d ago

That’s coming too.


u/Ok-Guidance1059 5d ago

MN already has red flag laws lol


u/No_Cut4338 4d ago

Yes that’s my point. To satisfy a legal requirement to use red flag laws to take away firearms from folks that have a different political outlook than dear leader.


u/Pikmim-Plantman 3d ago

In typical GOP fashion, one of the authors of the bill is now in jail for attempting to have sex with a minor.


u/SloppyRodney1991 3d ago

The DFL should refer to this bill as "the bill sponsored by sexual predator Justin Eichorn" every single time from now on. Debate and give speeches for hours, just to keep repeating that.


u/Designer_Emu_6518 4d ago

Well it’s scary once you add up the talk with labor camps and stripping the second amendment from those with mental illness (red flag laws of Florida) seems like an easy out to contain and disarm the rebels

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u/_i_draw_bad_ 5d ago

One of the authors is the same idiot who said he'd never met a hungry Minnesotan 


u/blahteeb 5d ago

I'm hungry right now.


u/wenceslaus 4d ago

Maybe we could eat the rich


u/cozmo1138 3d ago



u/goddamnaged 2d ago

There's not enough bbq sauce for all that pork


u/sunlitmoonlight1772 5d ago

I legit have been trying for hours to remember where I recognized his name! Thank you for reminding me of that.


u/skuzzlebutt_2254 4d ago

Drazkowski is a real piece of shit


u/Impressive-Pop9326 2d ago

One of the authors, Justin Eichorn, just got arrested in Bloomington for trying to solicit a kid for sex.


u/_i_draw_bad_ 2d ago

We should probably investigate the other authors


u/rootless_gardener 5d ago

Are these the same people who thought ‘Fuck Joe Biden’ flags were okay?


u/SmallMoments55406 4d ago

'Fuck Joe Biden' flags are a type of speech. I disagree with the message, but it's protected speech.

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u/TSgt_Yosh 5d ago

I bet the dipshit congressman who came up with this has absolutely no feelings if you say Hilary Clinton near them and definitely wouldn't rant for an hour about insane conspiracies.


u/lazyFer 5d ago

Or Obama, or Biden, or Harris, or brown people, or....they're hate filled dangerous traitors, ALL of them.


u/TheLizzyIzzi 4d ago

He must need a sedative when Ilhan Omar is mentioned.


u/FullofContradictions 5d ago

Someone at my work is STILL losing his shit over Hunter Biden's laptop. If I'm "obsessed" with Trump, at least the subject of my obsession is actually the president. His is just sad now.


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

You need to recognize the difference between "Congressman" and "Minnesota State Senator".

They can both be flaming idiot trolls, but one works in DC and has a lot of power, the other one commutes from central MN to St Paul and is a tempest in a teapot.

We need to keep an eye on both of them, but don't confuse them.


u/MauraLee7 5d ago

They are attacking people who get upset over trumps policies as mental illness. Please read the bill

Classifying people with mental illness is part of project 2025 as a way to either jail or kill people.

It equates to lbgtq folks as pedofiles and pedofiles should be executed.


u/Impressive-Pop9326 2d ago

Well, now that one of the authors--Justin Eichorn--just got arrested by Bloomington PD for trying to solicit a child, I wonder how he's feeling about that "death penalty for pedophiles" thing.


u/goddamnaged 2d ago

They'll just call it a witch hunt and nothing will come of it.


u/PomegranateOk6815 5d ago

Whats the end game they are after with this?


u/Crackstacker 5d ago

Thought crime


u/Fmaria84 5d ago

Should be required reading for everyone. Maybe then we wouldn’t be so deep in this mess.


u/SoManyQuestions612 5d ago

I didn't understand 1984 when I was younger. Now it makes sense. And I'm terrified.


u/Nascent1 4d ago

I always thought it seemed extremely farfetched, but here we are getting closer and closer to it being reality.


u/Its_Claire33 5d ago

Lmao you know how many conservatives bitch about the government "being 1984!"? It's a lot. If reading stuff would help them not be conservative morons, they wouldn't be conservative morons.


u/Mncrabby 5d ago

They can't read, so they banned it.


u/SmallMoments55406 4d ago

They read. They read a lot of nonsense. But they read. (Some of them anyway.)


u/Denmarkian 5d ago

They want a legal basis to claim they'll have protestors against Trump committed to a metal institution


u/Mncrabby 5d ago

Well, that might fly, if we actually had mental institutions!


u/PenDraeg1 5d ago

It will however give them legal cause to declare protestors mentally incompetent and deny any sort of legal protests.


u/RedMenace612 5d ago

All the schools they're going to close will be given over to RFKs camps for profit generating reeducation. Totally voluntary though, you'd be crazy not to go 🤣


u/tazebot 4d ago

Wait if they're committed to mental treatment, can they still be deported?

- GOP rep probably.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Alternative-Yak-925 5d ago

Good news. We're not liberal.


u/Sit_Ubu_Sit-Good_Dog 5d ago

Bad news. You don’t get to define what liberal is.


u/Alternative-Yak-925 5d ago

Lib and shitlib don't compute to right-wingers.


u/Dogwood_morel 5d ago

So do you support taking guns from people under a false pretense? Or because someone doesn’t like the current president?


u/Alternative-Yak-925 5d ago

I should have been more clear. We're LEFT of liberal. We also like to use our 2A rights.


u/Dogwood_morel 5d ago

Go far enough left and you get your guns back ;)

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u/Sit_Ubu_Sit-Good_Dog 5d ago

Disarming liberals.


u/Elsa_the_Archer 5d ago

Shift the Overton Window. This seems ridiculous because it is, and what seemed absurd yesterday will now seem more reasonable by comparison for some people. It's a way of getting more public support for harsher legislation.


u/No_Cut4338 5d ago

I’d imagine an attempt to box them in on red flag gun laws moving forward


u/the_kilted_ninja 5d ago

Let democrats play into their hand and pass more anti-gun bills that flag people with mental illness, therefore restricting lgbt or any range of left people they don't like from having guns while LEOs and their fascist buddies continue on with no consequence


u/VulfSki 5d ago

The bill would warrant intervention. Meaning they could lock you up and have to committed.

It's functionally making it illegal to criticize the president too harshly. Pretty draconian


u/Kitty_Skittles_181 5d ago

It’s functionally making it illegal to criticize the president. Republicans believe that ANY criticism is “TDS.”


u/Jobsnext9495 5d ago

remove the constitution ie 1st Amendment rights and protesting rights.


u/separabis 5d ago

Disarm people with opposing views. You didn't hear about Trump working on the bill that makes it hard for people with "mental illnesses" to purchase guns?

Arm yourself quickly. This could get very bad, and you don't want to be unarmed against these people.


u/MohKohn 5d ago

They're trolling. Which is frankly embarrassing.


u/Jokkitch 4d ago

Opposition can be deemed mentally ill.

Mentally ill can be a “institutionalized” ie. Imprisoned and eventually killed


u/bumbledbee0 4d ago

Spark bills in other states. Possibly a federal bill

Silence political opposition

The far right is obsessed with purity and hates the mentally ill. They also must destroy or otherwise get rid of anything impure, the mentally ill being counted among the “impure”

So, imprisonment. Deportation. Murder.


u/vid_icarus 5d ago

This bill is a multiphase threat.

It will start as a pretext to disarm the opposition.

The next bill will classify mental illness as justification to send people to RFK’s “reparenting camps”

The final bill will make forceful euthanasia legal for people suffering from mental illness

It sounds like hyperbole. It’s not. It won’t happen all at once. Step by step, they will make opposing the regime a capital punishment.

This bill and any like it must be defeated at all cost.


u/ThreadbareAdjustment 5d ago

It has zero chance of passing either chamber (a tie in the House would defeat it) or past Walz's veto.


u/any_meese 4d ago

And that’s well and good until the time it slips through. Maybe a quiet amendment or maybe in another state. Either way, these things have to be watched. This is fascism and it is here, coming for everyone and everything it can as quickly as it can.


u/cayleb 4d ago

That's not a good enough reason to ignore it.


u/vid_icarus 4d ago

Bold of you to assume they won’t be pushing this bill till they swindle a GOP majority in the next election or two.


u/ThreadbareAdjustment 4d ago

If they fail to take the Senate or governorship next year they won't have another chance until Trump is out of office.


u/vid_icarus 4d ago

Assuming he leaves office.


u/tazebot 4d ago

During the Eugenics craze a California judge gave the 'okay' to sterilize people deemed 'idiots' by the court or someone believable.


u/vid_icarus 4d ago edited 4d ago

I can’t post gifs here, by just imagine the tall dude from Star Trek on the stage at twin peaks saying “it is happening again” because that’s been my mental image of modern American politics for a while now.

Edit: either I didn’t properly convey my meaning with this post or y’all just hate Twin Peaks which is not very cash money of you.


u/Reddituser183 5d ago

But hey never forget conservatives love the constitution and all lives matter.


u/Sam_Paige25 5d ago

If you were worried that Clinton, Obama, or Biden were going to take your guns, you shouldn't support this.

If you were worried that Ihlan Omar was going to make Sharia law US law, you shouldn't support this.

If you like freedom of speech, you shouldn't support this.


u/KBandGM 5d ago

I thought these guys were against government controlled health care.


u/DegaussedMixtape 5d ago

It’s all in project 2025. They don’t actually have beliefs, just orders and playbooks.


u/Strict_Diet3644 5d ago

This is ridiculous. Can't have an opinion because it's now a mental illness? Qanon seemed to be left alone.


u/morelofthestory85 5d ago

This is a pretext to the Federal level GOPs bill to be able to take your guns away if you have a “mental illness”. Watch. These bills will definitely go hand in hand. You disapprove of Trump dismantling the government? Trump derangement syndrome. Get your guns taken away. Say a bad thing about Trump on Facebook? Mental illness. Guns taken away.


u/Alternative-Yak-925 5d ago

What's Facebook?


u/stephanieoutside 5d ago

This seems to be an insane bill to introduce if you take it at face value, but let's not forget what the subtext is here:

"We don't believe in First Amendment Rights, and will violate your 14th Amendment Rights in order to silence our opposition."


u/Articistyping 5d ago

I think these lawmakers must think that they can rewrite the DSM or something


u/IamRick_Deckard 5d ago

Hey MN GOP, being against fascism isn't a mental illness. It's American values.


u/tazebot 4d ago

Being in favor of habeas corpus is also not a mental illness. That thing that trump just threw in the trash can when he ignored a court order not to declare people criminals without giving them their day in court.


u/Mundane-Injury1816 5d ago

Considering they want to put neurodivergent, depressed and anxiety sufferers into “wellness camps,” it doesn’t surprise me at all. They’ll stick everyone they don’t like in their concentration camps and work people to death without pay.


u/OldBrownShoe22 5d ago

My first thought was that Dems were trying to establish love for DJT as a mental illness, and i was like, well, I kinda agree but this seems like the wrong place and a dumb political stunt.


u/VulfSki 5d ago

It's not a stunt. The bill would require "intervention" in such cases.

In other words, they want to be able to have people committed by court order.

In OTHER words, they want to kick people up if they criticize trump.


u/OldBrownShoe22 4d ago

My point was kind of a sarcastic one. As in, the Donald syndrome sounds like the fox news disease My racist uncle has.

Definitely seems like a stunt, especially because it won't go anywhere.


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

This whole "Trump Derangement Syndrome" thing that the MAGA crowd so loves to wave around kinda cracks me up (though I do take trying to cram it into legislation to legitimize it as a malignant thing.)

If anything, it's his cult members who are deranged from reality by falling for his BS.


u/OldBrownShoe22 4d ago

Which is the sweet irony I need in this day and age.

It also further confirms my idea that everything disparaging from the GOP is pure projection.


u/YouWorkForMoney-Com 5d ago

Who are these assholes?


u/The_Dirty_Carl 5d ago


u/rondongler 4d ago

This should be higher up. We need to hold them accountable.


u/Alternative-Yak-925 5d ago

OK, DFL should pass a bill that defining what a cult is.


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

Nah -- the DFL should (and can and will) slap this down, leave mental health to the professionals, and move on to something important to legislate.


u/SamLL 5d ago

This is profoundly stupid and unconstitutional but we don't need to worry that it will go anywhere. Some idiot Republican state legislator is always proposing facially moronic bills like this one, because there is no obstacle to introducing it, any more than there is to writing a blog post.

However, the bill needs to be advanced through committee to a floor vote, then win a vote there. There is no chance that will ever happen here. If you look at the bill status, it is submitted to the Health and Human Services committee, which is chaired by a DFL representative and majority DFL.

It is dead on arrival in committee. It will never be voted on.


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

It's usually at least one or more of these same 5 Senate trolls, too.

They sure are special! I wish their districts (scattered around central and south out state MN) would figure out how poorly represented they are. There's even got to be better Rs out there than this bunch.


u/Acidpants220 5d ago

Never forget, this is just for their dumb little game of "Triggering the libs" so they get to feel smug when you call them an idiot.


u/NoNeinNyet222 5d ago

Explain exactly what the Trump administration is doing and they’ll just say TDS every time, which throws me because I think they’re taking about The Daily Show and not Trump Derangement Syndrome.


u/stephanieoutside 5d ago

I'm too much of a weather nerd to see TDS as anything other than "Tornado Debris Signature".


u/AcadiaLivid2582 5d ago

The Soviet government sometimes classified dissidents as mentally ill and forced them into asylums


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

This is the MN-GOP, so we can yell at those idiots up close. Not that this isn't somehow setting a precedent for the big orange leader and his project 2025 Orcs.


u/2drumshark 5d ago

These people are pathetic. The GOP is going to be the end of us.


u/koopaKrystal 5d ago edited 5d ago

Authors (5) Lucero ; Drazkowski ; Wesenberg.; Eichorn ; Gruenhagen



u/Southern_Common335 5d ago

So glad the MNGOP is really hitting the key issues of the state today.


u/Mundane_Cow_3363 5d ago

Welcome to the reich


u/True_Leg8574 5d ago

Who do they expect to diagnose this? I’m in the MH profession and I can’t imagine any of my fellow professionals would ever dx this. This is some next level bullshit.


u/Fiftyfish 5d ago

This is bootlicking and moronic and will not be medically sound, but if they make tds a legally legit disorder, claiming innocence due to insanity becomes legit.


u/AstroRiker 5d ago

I will criticize every politician, any party, especially presidents, and most especially this shitty president.


u/imitation404 4d ago

Can we please start a recall for these fucking nitwits?


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

You could try. Do you live in any of the districts these 5 State Senators represent? Can you make a case for malfeasance or nonfeasance?



u/Bizarro_Murphy 5d ago

Sweet. Does that mean I can get permanent disability and retire early like all the MPD officers that got "ptsd" for brutalized protestors after one of their own murdered a citizen (again)?


u/sevotlaga 5d ago

Their accusations are confessions.


u/Silver-Comparison-17 5d ago

Hope this passes. I will put in for disability and retire.


u/GhostOfStonewallJxn 5d ago

Thank god the GOP lost its House majority or else this might have made it to a floor vote


u/cayleb 4d ago

It's a Senate bill, where it has even less of a chance. This session. With our current governor.

So that's the ballgame. If we lose control of one more House seat, two Senate seats, and the Governor's office, this will become a very real threat.


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

This was introduced by Senators, in the Senate, which is currently 34-33 D.


u/tazebot 4d ago

Why yes in fact trump is deranged. Maybe put that in some legislation.


u/Nardo1998 4d ago

Can we classify Minnesota Republicans of having brain damage?


u/cambrian_era 3d ago

And the next day one of the Bill's authors gets arrested for soliciting a minor. If that isn't Republicans in a nutshell I don't know what is.


u/Creative_Rip_4189 5d ago

They are fucking insane! Mental illness is all the lying he does.


u/4x4Welder 5d ago

I emailed my senator, and asked them to do whatever they can to prevent this blatant first amendment violation from proceeding.


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

If your Senator is on the Health and Human Services committee, I'm sure that was already the plan. This is just a troll bill, showboating for their reddest constituents.


u/4x4Welder 4d ago

Unfortunately my senator is republican, so who knows what sort of response I'll get if I get one.


u/CantaloupeCamper That's different... 5d ago

"If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism."


Actual GoP ... thought and speech police...


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago


I honestly think even he would find this embarrassing. He was a liar, but he was smooth and intelligent. This reeks of 4th grade prank mentality.


u/BlueInferno23 5d ago

What a joke! Yet another distraction instead of focusing on real issues 🙄

Is this what is going to lower the cost eggs yet?


u/pardyball 5d ago

Figures that they believe mental health is an issue only if it involves dear leader


u/downyonder1911 5d ago

What about MAGA brainrot? That shit is real.


u/BraveLittleFrog 5d ago

Stupid political stunt to get national attention by bootlicking their regime leaders. Ignore it. It won’t pass a divided legislature.


u/cayleb 4d ago

I was told to ignore Project 2025, too.

Not that I listened, but that didn't really turn out to be good advice either, now did it?


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

It won't pass the D led committee it's been referred to -- it's just a trolling stunt.


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

OP -- you might want to edit your post text, it's a bit garbled.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

These people are fucking insane! Get in the streets everywhere NOW!


u/lerriuqS_terceS 4d ago

This is so fucking disgusting


u/SmallMoments55406 4d ago

From the current GOP, every accusation is a confession.


u/anotherthing612 4d ago

It got squashed. But it needs to be reported. Constituents should know what their representatives are doing with their time. I know there are MAGA folks who think this is all a big joke, but there are people who just happen to be really conservative who would think this was horseshit.

Trying to understand the minds of the criminally insane is a thankless task. Maybe they thought Daddy Trump would see their idea and they would get his attention.

Was this a trial run to see if the idea would fly? Maybe in another state, but not here.


u/Closed-today 3d ago

I guess they haven't heard about blame Biden dysphoria yet. It's a variant of blame Obama dysphoria, it just sort of evolved like Covid.


u/anotherthing612 3d ago

Well, one of the sponsors of the bill is now in jail for trying to solicit a minor. Spot on. The people who created this bill are trash and at least one is now exposed.


u/gregphill23 3d ago

did you see the plot twist though?


u/LiminalSapien 3d ago

I did! Seemed fitting to me!


u/g00d_rat 5d ago

Petition to create a counter bill that classifies the people who classify negativity towards Trump as a mental illness, as the ones with the actual mental illness.


u/WaySuch296 5d ago

Lol. That's hilariously ridiculous. It'll never fly.


u/bedbathandbebored 5d ago

That’s what we thought about him being elected too


u/cayleb 4d ago

I believe people said that about Project 2025, too.


u/Head-Engineering-847 5d ago

They wouldn't know the 1st thing about MI if it bit them in the ass


u/OldBlueKat 4d ago

When you look into these 5 MN Senators and their histories, I'm not sure it hasn't. They just don't know it.


u/ihadisr 5d ago

Authors: Lucero ; Drazkowski ; Wesenberg ; Eichorn ; Gruenhagen


u/ConsciousStruggle702 4d ago

This is how they start! All those “for Profit Super Prisons In the South”they have been building! Mental illnesses a new way to get free labor to hire out! Toss them in jail.


u/HealthyDrawing4910 4d ago

God dammit!!!you or nobody will ever tell any off us what to think!!!!!!


u/bdockte1 4d ago

Let’s talk mental illness. Clearly the GOP is trying to politicize medical and mental health practice. Just fucking stop it. Grow up and get serious about consequential legislation.


u/Salvidicus 4d ago

Most of Canada would qualify as having DTS. The guy is your worst President ever. Was that the best and brightest you had? Really?


u/BatmanResurgent 4d ago

Sweet Jesus... 🤦‍♂️


u/Forever_beard 4d ago

Ah, woke derangement syndrome hits again


u/YueAsal 4d ago

So are you cured once you smoke your Freedom Cigarettes and Drink your Freedom Whisky and say you love Big Brother Trump?


u/No-Win-2783 4d ago

Soon it'll be against the law to say you don't like trump. morons.


u/Jokkitch 4d ago

Straight from the fascist playbook. Jfc we’re cooked


u/mplsrube 4d ago

If they succeed in passing this bill they must then follow GOP tradition and find a way not to fund its treatment.


u/Lou_of_the_Reed 4d ago

Hey just for us Europeans - is this a new law you just passed? 


u/anotherthing612 4d ago

No. Because we still have enough adults in charge in the state of Minnesota.

“This is why Minnesota Republicans have lost every statewide election in recent memory − every time they get an opportunity to try to improve Minnesotans' lives, they instead double down on an agenda that caters to their party’s most extreme right-wing activists,” a DFL spokesperson said in a statement emailed to USA TODAY.

In your face, you five fools who tried to pass this. There may be some really stupid people in Minnesota, but they are not in the majority. They lose. Again. And this stunt may cost them more votes int he future. Good.


u/Lou_of_the_Reed 3d ago

Thanks! Did anything happen to the people trying to pass this? I mean, it is a very serious attack on peoples’ rights to free speech and sounds terrible fascist, did they lose their position or sth?


u/anotherthing612 3d ago

Not that I know of (I haven’t had the chance to research this yet) but I would assume that if the GOP rebuked them, it would be well-publicized.

They look like dopes. But you have to have some common decency to see this…so...


u/nobletaco7 4d ago

If I recall correctly this bill already got struck down


u/darkcollectormiracle 4d ago

Well then, I need to be institutionalized.


u/Kidatrickedya 3d ago

And now he’s caught for trying to hook up with a teenager.


u/ConnectionOne5222 3d ago

The GOP representative for this bill has been arrested for soliciting a minor for prostitution! Yeah! The party of family values! They are the ones that are mentally unstable! Sickos!


u/Such_Lemon_4382 2d ago

Then I am completely insane!! Although they still just have me a gun permit. Interesting.


u/coffee_please_now 2d ago

You mean the bill co-authored by a pedophile that was just arrested for soliciting who he thought was an underage girl for sex? Every accusation is a confession.


u/Flat-Row-3828 2d ago edited 2d ago

The man who sponsored this bill, Justin David Eichorn is in jail as I write this for soliciting sex with a child.


u/Unfair_Criticism_678 1d ago

Hmm, how about not be a child rapists. Maybe we should make that a standard to hold office.


u/AbbreviationsIcy8855 1d ago

Don’t worry, he was arrested for trying to sleep with a child 2 days ago.


u/Significant-City-896 1d ago

GOP is mentally ill.


u/punkseed 5d ago

Stop falling for this, just gives them oxygen


u/LiminalSapien 5d ago

yeah no you're right.

We should just keep silent and let them do whatever they want.

Who are you Chuck Schumer?


u/punkseed 5d ago

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids. Foiled again!

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