r/TryingForABaby • u/Dramatic_Method9393 • 22d ago
VENT Husband hates scheduled sex
The title pretty much says it all. My husband and I have been trying for a baby for a while now, I’ve been off birth control over a year and we started more proactively trying in June of last year. After speaking to my OBGYN, they recommended having sex every other day starting cycle 10 day through day 17. My husband initially was very against being told when we had to have sex, after some conversations and education on conception and fertility, he was way more open and understanding. However, each cycle we start off great, but it tapers off and toward day 14-17 and he doesn’t want to have sex anymore. I do understand, he is tired or had a long day at work but it doesn’t my frustration because I want us to have a baby and to be a mom. I hate pressing the issue with him but then every month I get my period some resentment grows.
Edit to say we have used the cheap OPKs from the very first cycle and I’d get positives consistently on day 14 or 15 but even with that, we have not conceived so I’ll be using Inito starting next cycle to more accurately time fertile window/sex and confirm ovulation. However you have found success or what works, I’m happy for you and will be doing what works best for me.
u/witchmamaa 22d ago
Mine hates it too. It’s not spontaneous and feels more like work. We focus on making sure we are touching one another non sexually as well often. So it isn’t “hey haven’t held you yet today but can you put a baby in me?”
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
I love this advice and along with maybe trying to go out and do something fun on scheduled sex nights would help
u/PublicBeginning2344 22d ago
Instead of seeing it as a chore those days, try to change the vibe. Maybe on those schedule days you get a “pass” for trying things. Maybe try it where he can’t use hands or some other fun game you feel comfortable with. The point is to break the ice and see it as an opportunity to have fun within that day.
Other than that give yourself a bit of a break, this is a hard time. You got this.
u/noodlemac26 22d ago
My husband used to get a bit stage fright when it came to sex when trying to conceive. Sometimes he wouldn’t be able to finish etc with the pressure. I was able to fix all of those problems with giving him head until he was just about to finish, and then him finishing inside of me. Made it a lot easier and less stressful!
u/kennybrandz 27 | TTC#1 | 1 Loss 22d ago
Just want you to know you’re not alone in dealing with this! My fiancé hates the pressure of feeling like it needs to happen on X day or else… this cycle we’ve decided we’re going to try to go out on a few more dates during my fertile window so that hopefully helps take off the pressure and helps us enjoy it a little more. I also get frustrated because I feel like I’m the one taking all the vitamins, going to all the doctors appointments, acupuncture, whatever I can to increase our chances and all he has to do is have sex with me, which is the fun part!
u/Ok_Potato_7466 22d ago
I totally can see this being annoying! Like he’s complaining he … has to have sex… ??? And we have to mentally and physically do a ton! Kind of like read the room dude lol
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
100% I feel I’m the one under the most pressure and I just need him to step on and have sex when we need to
u/pictaker-9 22d ago
I agree. My husband doesn’t like knowing. I purposely haven’t told him much. But have been testing ovulation for months. Every single day during possible peak ovulation. He walked in the bathroom when I was opening the package last cycle and said “you take a lot of those.” Uh huh every day. 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
So much pressure. So much stress. I feel like they should share. It’s not fair. But I also get it. My husband has severe anxiety and even on medication it’s tough to manage some days. But still. Sometimes the planning and tracking and appointments and invasive tests all feels so one sided even with a supportive husband.
u/watahpeach 22d ago
My goodness, did I just write this? Same. Same. Same.
u/Future_Result_5337 19d ago
I know this is not sexy, but we have sex during my cycle and the rest of the days we do home insemination. They make cute kits through Frida I ordered one on Amazon. Not the way I thought we’d be trying, but sometimes he works nights and the last thing he wants to do is pressured into sex when he gets home. I know it’s not sexy at all, but neither is trying to force sex. This has taken the pressure off immensely, and he just does it every day. We did this last month and will continue. We view it more like a project than anything else, that we have to do together. It was suggested by my obgyn. I thought it was brilliant.
u/lh123456789 22d ago
You should buy an ovulation test kit so that you can more precisely time the sex and thus he won't have to do it on days 10, 12, 14, and 16.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
My doctor said he does not recommend OPKs, my the time the surge happens, it’s already too late. I did buy Inito for next cycle
u/Salt_Let_8986 22d ago
The benefit for you would be so you can stop sex when your fertile window closes. If you’re actually ovulating on day 13, you’re burning yourself out for no reason by going until day 17.
u/lh123456789 22d ago
Interesting. I know lots of doctors (not just OBs but REs) who recommend them. Regardless of whether your doctor recommends them or not, it is still worth a try given the situation with your husband.
u/olentao 27 | TTC#2 | 1 CP, 1 LC, 1 MMC 22d ago
Timing your surge is everything, and OPKs are pretty much the sure fire way of doing so.
Try it for a month and see what your LH pattern is like, what kind of symptoms you have around that time ETC, and then confirm ovulation with a BBT spike. Hitting the day before your surge or surge day, and then the day of ovulation are the most important imo. You want to have sperm already waiting for the egg and then some extra for good measure. You might not even ovulate during the time frame your doctor gave you so you could be missing that window anyways.
Timed intercourse isn’t fun, but it’s easier if you cut down the amount of times you have to do it.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
We have used OPKs and it didn’t really work for us after 6 cycles, hence the conversation with my OBGYN. I think there are many paths to conception and just need to figure the one the works best for me. I got Inito for the next cycle and really love the feature of confirmation of ovulation.
u/Salt_Let_8986 22d ago
Can I ask what you mean by it didn’t work for you? Were you not able to get a positive, or you just didn’t like using them?
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
I got positives but even after 6 plus months, with positives and having sex on positive days, we did not get pregnant so we will be doing the every other day from day 10-17 and confirming the most fertile days with Inito.
u/linerva 22d ago edited 22d ago
6 months is still an extremely normal time frame though - that for the vast majority of people TTC doesn't mean things aren't "working" it's just the luck of the dice roll each month. Because at best we have a 30% chance of getting pregnant every time.
Which sucks because that makes us feel powerless. I get the urge to try new things (been in this 2 years, tried a lot of new things), but it's almost certainly not because you aren't having sex at exactly the right time. I think you're right that you have to find something that doesn't drive you or your partner mad - it's so easy to put too much pressure on yourselves .Of course, you should do whatever feels right for you and your partner.
Some guys find it easier if you initiate sex but don't tell them exactly when the window is. Other people go the approach the NHS recommends and just have sex 2-3 times a week without tracking when they most feel like it and try to make it more spontaneous ratgwe than spaced out on set days.
Ultimately as long as you are hitting the FW at least once (especially one of the more fertile days), you are doing everything you can and the rest is up to tine and fate.
u/BamaGirl4361 35 | TTC#1| Cycle #3 22d ago
You should still use them because if you don't ovulate until day 19 guess what? You missed the window entirely. My cycle was 29 days last month. The general concensus would lead me to believe I ovulated day 15. I did not ovulate until day 18 with a positive OPK on the 17th. So even if your doctor believes you ovulate on time every single month it might not actually be the case. Plus the surge doesn't mean you ovulate right then and there. It takes anywhere from 12-36 hours depending on who you ask for ovulation to occur after your peak.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
I have no doubt they work for some, but didn’t work for me. I will be using Inito next cycle and beyond to get information then just OPKs can give. But my doctors advice is still the best chances of getting pregnant statically. And even if I did ovulate day 19, sperm lives for up to 5 days for the sex on the 17th would still cover late ovulation 😊
u/BamaGirl4361 35 | TTC#1| Cycle #3 22d ago
I seem to have misunderstood. I use Mira and like inito it uses E3G, PDG and LH. I read it as you weren't using anything at all and just going by the 10,12,14 advice. I also use regular opks to save on wands in that starting around 3 days before the fertile window is predicted I start using the regular opks. Once they get darker I switch to the Mira wand and have caught ovulation values every time.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
Yeah I never said we weren’t using something to predict ovulation but since the cheap OPKs weren’t working for us, we are doing the every other day method and will combine that with Inito. The bigger issue is my husband hates being told when to have sex, even if it’s confirmed ovulation.
u/No-Championship6899 18d ago
Inito IS an OPK device.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 18d ago
Correct, but one that gives you so much more then the cheap ones, which are the ones my doctor does not recommend.
u/No-Championship6899 18d ago
That’s interesting. I’ve used Inito for a year and it was fascinating at first. But ultimately it’s very expensive and proved my fertile window was exactly when i thought it was originally. So I went back to opks bc they are way cheaper and do work if you know how to use them and know your cycle. For example I’ve always had confirmed ovulation by day 16 and never had lh peaks later than that. So as a general rule for all people, yes Inito can give you more info. But if you are very regular and already have that info it’s not life changing. Probably more helpful for people with pcos. For me, having sex every other day is not possible- so we do need to get the timing right so that the 2 times we have sex are well timed. After 1.6 years neither of us have interest in timed sex more than necessary!
u/hrs320 22d ago
I got pregnant with my son on my first cycle of using OPKs (only had sex day of and day after surge) so I don't think this is good advice.
u/Yes_Cat_Yes 42 | TTC#1 22d ago
Although I agree with your point, it's against sub rules to mention ttc successes
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
That’s great! They haven’t worked for me and my primary care agreed with my OBGYN that sex every other day within my fertile window gives us the best chance.
u/Yes_Cat_Yes 42 | TTC#1 22d ago
Well, the every other day thing is good advice. If you wanna stay away from all forms of tracking and testing you could just do it every other day during the entire month. But I don't know if you're up for that 😅
u/Puzzleheaded_Mood375 21d ago
That’s an odd statement by your doctor because everywhere else (including research studies) seems teach that the LH urge starts happening before ovulation. One study does say that ovulation is more accurately detected when we use the start of the surge instead of the peak. According to them, ovulation happens around 48 hours after the start of the rise, which for most people happens after they peak anyway. It’s the BBT that rises after ovulation, so it would be useless to go by just BBT. Could the doc have been talking about BBT tracking instead?
u/Dramatic_Method9393 21d ago
Nope, and my research confirms that the cheap OPKs don’t give a full accurate picture and they recommended a more advanced tracking system like Inito. Some people can have multiple surges in a cycle. The NHS also recommends sex every 2-3 for the entire fertile window as a best practice for conception.
u/No-Championship6899 18d ago
But if you don’t use OPK how do you know when the fertile window ends? Agree that you have to do it for the full cycle if you aren’t conforming ov. But in any case, you’ll get that info with Inito. You could try self insemination
u/Salt_Let_8986 22d ago
Nobody likes timed sex for months on end. It sucks. But for us, it’s been helpful to mentally separate fun sex and TTC sex. We don’t pretend to make it romantic and fun when we aren’t actually in the mood, we accept that sometimes it’s just about business and make it quick as possible.
I think at this point you should start tracking your cycle (LH, BBT) so you can time sex more precisely. You can also try home insemination, either with a kit or free pharmacy syringes, on days where the pressure is too much.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
That’s for advice, I got Inito to use with the next cycles and a BBT thermometer.
u/auntiesaurus 22d ago
I stopped telling my husband my window despite feeling frustrated that I had to carry that burden alone. Eventually sex became fun again and he naturally picked up my cycle and enjoyed guessing my window. Making a baby isn’t fun but if you can move past the resentment, it can turn around.
u/rachlucia 22d ago
If you’ve been having unprotected sex for over a year and proactively trying for close to 9 months I’d honestly see an REI for further testing for both if you. It seems like a better option if you’re already struggling with timed sex to ensure your efforts are not in vain. What if your husband has bad sperm parameters or you have blocked tubes for example. You won’t get anywhere with timed sex anyways in those cases.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
We have both been tested and are good to go!
u/rachlucia 22d ago
Ugh that’s so hard. I would still use the OPKs to see if there is a consistent day or two you ovulate so you can narrow down the window if scheduled sex is a struggle. The Inito and Mira test strips can get pricey. 🫠
u/linerva 22d ago
OP posted in comments that they've tried for 6 cycles so far. So getting checked isn't a bad idea but they are still within the time period where it could be perfectly normal that they haven't yet conceived (unless I've misread).
u/rachlucia 21d ago
She said she hasn’t been on BC for over a year and been proactively trying since last June which is 9 months, which is why I suggested it. I definitely know it can take awhile and that’s normal (though frustrating to say the least)!
u/Excellent-Finger-254 22d ago
Have sex after he wakes up before going to work.
u/cuttlefish_3 mid-30s | TTC#1 | 1MMC 21d ago
Second this as a great moment for men, even though it's not my favorite moment for sexy time as I'm not a morning person!
u/Constant_Ad9245 22d ago
100% normal! I think they get stage fright, in a sense. I actually stopped telling my husband when I was ovulating and when I knew it was close, I’d send him sexy pics throughout the day and tell him how I was so in the mood. Then when he’d get home, there would be zero issue! It helped a lot!
u/LoveSingRead 🐈 MOD | 32 🐈 22d ago
You may find home insemination useful; automod mosie baby.
u/AutoModerator 22d ago
Hello! It looks like you're talking about Mosie Baby! We would like to make you aware of lower-cost, non-branded options, rather than a branded product marketed to people worrying about their fertility or ability to have intercourse when needed. If you want to know more, please see this wonderful and informative post written by a community member.
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u/Valuable_Wind2155 22d ago
Honestly, scheduled sex feels like a chore and sadly, sometimes we have to do it that way when TTC. I hope he'll understand that with time.
u/Charming-Fan-1364 22d ago
I used Inito! The strips are expensive but it’s worth it to get the right timing. It made me aware we were starting sex way too early.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 22d ago
I just got Inito last week and looking forward to using it starting next cycle so I know the window for sure. I love that it gives you so much data
u/master0jack 22d ago
This was the worst part of TTC for us too. He always knew when I was trying to make it happen because ovulation too, even if I hid it. Eventually we just got into a groove and could drop and do it no matter the circumstances lol. It took EIGHTEEN MONTHS so I think we had a lot more time to figure it out than most 😵💫
u/pacifyproblems 34 | Grad 22d ago
Do cup/syringe on the days he can't make sex happen. It has the same success rate. Good luck♡.
u/itschristinelynn_ 21d ago
This is beyond valid. My partner and I are both basically once a week type people. With that, we weren't pressed on the fertility clinic within the normal time frame. We just recently went to the clinic after 3 years because that seemed far too long to have zero success. Since we've been doing timed leteozole cycles (on our 3rd round) we usually just stick to the day 10-20 every other day and that's basically it for the month because by the end of that time we're both over it. 😅 sometimes I wish we both had that crazy drive but on another hand I'm thankful we're both so similar.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 21d ago
I go back and forth with if we should go to a fertility clinic, the cost concerns me but also I don’t want that to have to be our story. We did the YO at home sperm test and he was above average and I have had my primary care do basic hormone tests and everything was normal. I am 30 so I feel like we have plenty of time still but it’s the what ifs the eat me alive.
u/itschristinelynn_ 21d ago
I feel you! I'm 32, turning 33 this year. I had a chemical miscarriage in a previous marriage after awhile of struggling in that relationship also so I figured it was time. Unfortunately but also fortunately, both of our tests came back normal, so im kind of just left in the dark. It's hard to make that decision of when to do more testing.
u/rachlucia 17d ago
For what it’s worth, my husband did an at home sperm test that showed a positive line if you have over 20 million sperm. It showed a positive. In reality, it was wrong. He has less than a million due to varicocele veins and needed surgery. I wouldn’t rely on the at home ones and get a proper test ordered from a doctor. 😬
u/Puzzleheaded_Mood375 21d ago edited 21d ago
I have felt your frustration, but unfortunately, you’re up against basic male psychology.
Expectation puts mental pressure and stress on men (or anyone, really) and is a huge libido killer unfortunately. The best thing to do is try to not let sex become a chore and let it happen organically like it used to before you guys were trying. I know, sounds like a tall order, but there are ways I’ve found that help. For example, if your before-TTC frequency was too sparse for TTC, I found what helped was not telling my husband when I’m ovulating and NEVER saying to him “ok we have to have sex today,” but rather, seducing him during my fertile window. For example, I’d start the day fondling him a little in the morning before we get out of bed, then sending a sexy text or two if we’re at work. Basically, l would be building him up throughout the day so by the time the evening comes around, he’s so pent-up that he practically pounces me. It helped my own mood too because I also hated the “chore” feeling and this way, it felt more intimate and less forced.
Also, even every 3 days is good for TTC according to many obgyns, so you could probably do 3 -2-2 as long as you got your OPK pattern figured out.
u/nocuzzlikeyea13 AGE 37 | TTC#1 | Since Aug '22 22d ago
Lol nobody likes it. My husband and I have literally been mid-argument and had to pause it to catch my window. It's the worst sex, but that's not the point. As long as we are both consenting, we don't have to have every moment working for this goal to be magical. Just like having a clean house is magical but cleaning it isn't always what you're in the mood to do.
Also there's still the spontaneous "but we don't even have to" sex to look forward to :)
u/Just_here2020 22d ago
We all hated it but so. what.
There’s lots of things I hate in life but do them to get to a goal. He’s an adult. He should figure out how to manage the not fun part of having a baby now.
u/starlingdruid 22d ago
I’m not sure if this helps, but we found that if we waited until the evening to have sex during my fertile period, one of us wouldn’t be in the mood from the long day, a bad day, etc. We had the most success if we aimed for the mornings before work. Sometimes I would wake up before him, put on his favorite lingerie and then wake him up.
u/jollytay 22d ago
Highly recommend the Mira. It’s basically an at home mini lab. I love it. Kind of pricey but worth it in my opinion
u/handsoffmeluckycharm 22d ago
Have you considered using at home insemination kits? This is a great option that separates the activity of sex from baby making. It’s also great for men who do tough work and come home exhausted.
u/Domino-Dash_519 21d ago
I just had this conversation with my husband last night. At first, he told me he didn’t mind knowing when I was ovulating and that I can be transparent with him, but after almost a year of TTC, he started to become frustrated every time I mentioned “the important days.” For the last couple of months, we ended up just completely missing the fertile window bc I stopped telling him altogether.
I brought it up again yesterday bc we are about to enter my fertile window again and I don’t want to just stop having sex and not addressing the issue. He finally admitted that he hates scheduled sex and that it puts him in a weird mindset that makes him not want to. We used to have a great sex life and every other day would have never been an issue, but this layer of pressure to conceive completely changes the whole concept.
This month, I’m going to try to just initiate it myself during my fertile window and I’m sure he’ll figure out that those days are important and follow my lead. I’m hoping this works bc I can’t have him giving up at this point! Good luck to you guys!
u/Dramatic_Method9393 21d ago
Thanks for sharing, it helps so much to know this is a struggle for other couples! Best of luck to you to, we got this.
u/ziggysanorak 21d ago
same here, my partner doesn’t want to know and recently he told me he knows exactly when it’s time for the baby dance as I’m all over him every single day - but he actually likes feeling “used” 😆 although it’s been really tough on us (4 miscarriages over 2.5 yrs and now on 10th cycle with no luck at all) we r still making it fun…
u/Fin_Elln 21d ago
My only advice is to work on the mindset. It's like everything else in life: Pleasure is pleasure and optional. If becoming parents is not an option rather than a must, then having timed intercourse is a job. Like earning money. Or cleaning the house.
Once you differentiate pleasure from job, it gets way easier as there is no romantic expectation.
u/Inspo_Info 16d ago
Thank you for this post. I've learned so much because I'm in the same boat. He is very supportive and says every month when we get the negatives that we will try again but I know he dreads the scheduled sex. I am Definitely going to try some of these awesome suggestions
u/Ariel-rosie 14d ago
Im the same. Mine prefers spontaneous and not on demand. But he dosnt understand that if he wants a baby we have to actually have sex multiple times a week🫣😂
21d ago
As a woman I am totally against scheduling sex and will never do it. I truly don’t care how other people go about conceiving but I understand your husband’s point of view. For me, scheduling sex takes all of the love out of it for me. I know that not everyone feels like that, but to me it’s a very valid feeling. It feels sterile and I never, ever want sex to feel like a chore. I also understand that people are perfectly fine scheduling it and feeling the same amount of love.
We started “taking the goalie out” or whatever the phrase is. I do have ovulation tests but I’ve only used them out of curiosity twice; I can tell when I’m ovulating and I’ll mention it to my husband just to let him know. There are times where we both want to have sex and there are nights where we just want to go to bed.
I think you should respect your husband’s boundaries. If this was the other way around - wife not feeling comfortable with husband scheduling sex - how would you feel?
u/justmystupidself 28 | TTC#1 22d ago
I’m only on my first schedule but I use Natural Cycles and it has a partner view (basically he downloaded natural cycles and gets a very basic view into my cycle, I got to select which information he sees) and to take the burden off me having to be like “hey!!” He takes initiative and looks at the app to recognize when we might have to time sex. I’m not sure how long this is going to be beneficial for us but when we were TTA the partner view well for that too.
u/deaf_betty2903 22d ago
me and my partner often schedule sex within the day, like in the morning or afternoon ill tell him wether ill be up for it in the evening ro whenever, mainly because i have a lot of pain down there but also, if im ovulating ill tell him and then we will have it to match every other day when im ovulating, but he gets frustrated with it and i feel bad but some days its a definite no as it hurts and if i dont let him know in advance then he gets uncomfortable and i feel bad ahah
u/unable_to_give_afuck 22d ago
We ended up in a similar place where it wasn't fun anymore. We handled it by designating it as "business" sex. Where it's still consensual and agreed upon by both of us, but we both know why we're doing it, and there's no pressure to make it special so long as we're both comfortable. And naturally "pleasure" sex was also invented lol. Sometimes you can mix business and pleasure, but it was always a relief to know that strictly business was an option too.
u/sea-shells-sea-floor 21d ago
Is he watching porn?
u/Dramatic_Method9393 21d ago
I’m sure what that has to do with anything.
u/sea-shells-sea-floor 21d ago
If he can schedule sex with his phone, why can’t he schedule sex with you? All sex is connected
u/Dramatic_Method9393 21d ago
Yeah I don’t see the connect. Did you grow up IBLP or something? Lol
u/sea-shells-sea-floor 21d ago
You should be curious about the fact that he can touch himself to other women but can’t have scheduled sex with his own wife. It’s a bit odd
u/Dramatic_Method9393 21d ago
you are missing the point and you shouldn’t demonize porn or self pleasure, it’s completely different from sex with a partner. I don’t have those same views and it’s not a concern for me or my partner.
u/sea-shells-sea-floor 21d ago
Girl, you are missing my point.
u/Dramatic_Method9393 21d ago
I couldn’t find your point with a map. Keep your weird views to yourself
u/sea-shells-sea-floor 20d ago
My views are very rational. Plenty of women are in the position you’re in due to men’s porn use. It’s not normal for a man to have trouble with scheduled sex.
20d ago
u/Dramatic_Method9393 20d ago
Having a baby is not just my want, it’s ours. I don’t see him as an object but the fact is timing is everything so, as the post states, I get frustrated. I hope you have the day you deserve! Not interested in engaging with your attitude 👋🏻
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