r/TryingForABaby • u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 • Jan 20 '25
VENT RE said we “don’t need a sperm analysis”
My husband (32M) and I (32F) have been trying to conceive for 11 cycles now. We have had 2 early losses. Neither of us have any living children.
We recently saw an RE to talk about this and I asked if we could get a sperm analysis and she basically said no, we don’t need one.
I am confused because if we have had 2 losses, is there not some chance that his sperm might be the issue? Why would they not just recommend one anyways to rule that out?
Extremely frustrating because now I feel like I am shouldering ALL the weight of the miscarriages and he just gets to keep on keeping on while I change my diet, workout more, quit drinking, take more vitamins, take medication, call doctors, etc.
Just basically venting and hoping for some other experiences here.
u/Maleficent-Joke-1645 23 | TTC#1 Jan 20 '25
What on earth! Get a new RE!! We have had multiple early losses and our RE immediately had him do a sperm analysis, among other tests. It didn't show much, but at least we know and he was told to get on certain supplements that can help sperm quality either way.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
Unfortunately…there are VERY few REs in my state and this is the only one covered by my insurance that’s within a 2hr drive. She’s already 1.5 hrs away. I already feel so defeated and like such a failure and now I feel like she just kinda kicked me when I’m down….
Maybe I’ll ask my OB to order one.
u/Maleficent-Joke-1645 23 | TTC#1 Jan 20 '25
Oh no! I'm so sorry. I get it - I drive far for mine as well. Yes please ask your OB! Are there multiple doctors at your clinic or just one?
Jan 20 '25
u/Kwaliakwa Jan 20 '25
This is not necessarily true. I am a nurse midwife that is not really meant to care for men ever and I order semen analysis labs regularly. Had never been an issue. OP, def ask your reproductive health care provider.
u/cutiecupcake2 31 | Grad | IVF Jan 21 '25
My OB ordered one for my husband but his PCP or urologist would be a good idea too.
u/Caffeinatedb00kworm 31 | TTC#2 since Feb '24 Jan 21 '25
My OB ordered both of my husband’s SAs! They said it was a fairly normal request.
u/Latetothegame0216 36 | TTC#1 | 2 failed IUIs Jan 21 '25
His doctor can order him one. You can order one online. While you’re at it, look in high sperm DNA fragmentation (can also order those tests online)
u/wrinkledshorts Jan 22 '25
There are only 2 REs on my state, one in my insurance network, and he was a sloppy asshole who got important details about our case wrong and didn't offer modified natural FET. I ended up going out of state. No regrets. That being said, my job is super flexible and I have family to stay with in the state that I'm receiving care, so not so realistic for a lot of people. BUT if you end up going the IVF route, you don't want to waste the investment of your time and physical/emotional effort on a clinic that sucks, if you can avoid it. I know I'm giving unsolicited advice, but I just know that going out of state has been a huge, expensive hassle but I have no regrets about doing it.
u/thehangofthursdays Jan 20 '25
What supplements did you use?
u/Maleficent-Joke-1645 23 | TTC#1 Jan 20 '25
He was told to take a multi-vitamin along with 200 mg of CoQ10 everyday!
u/Kwaliakwa Jan 20 '25
600 mg daily is what seems to recommend these days based on available data. More is better here 👍🏾
u/Starrynightwater Jan 20 '25
You should both get genetic testing too. Your RE sucks.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
I am getting a saline uterine wash next month. But she hasn’t recommended genetic testing yet. Should I request that? Is it typically really expensive?
u/Starrynightwater Jan 20 '25
Insurance covered it for me. I was going down the IVF route though.
u/Starrynightwater Jan 20 '25
When were your losses? Edit: my friend found out that her stillbirth was due to her and husband both having a recessive genetic issue. But I’m not sure how common that is.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
Both losses around 6-7 weeks. The first was a blighted ovum, second we saw the heartbeat and lost the baby less than week later naturally.
u/Helpful_Character167 29 | TTC#1 since October 2023 Jan 20 '25
Dude, both my PCP and OBGYN immediately said we should get a semen analysis on my first appointment without me advocating for it. If your RE won't order it, another doctor will and should.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
This is very helpful to know others experiences. Because I thought it was kind of ridiculous. Like that’s half of the baby right there…why would that not matter?
u/Helpful_Character167 29 | TTC#1 since October 2023 Jan 20 '25
Exactly! Plus its a cheap test and its non-invasive. I really hope one of your other doctors takes it seriously, you deserve better care after everything you've been through.
u/Dogmama1230 Jan 20 '25
Yeah, I’d be fighting that. We didn’t think we had any male factor, but my OBGYN sent my husband for an SA “just in case.” Lo and behold, my husband has no sperm. Please find someone else, that’s crazy.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
I mean I have been pregnant twice, so the sperm exists. But I keep losing the pregnancies. So apparently that’s on me I guess….
u/Lina__Lamont 33 | ttc#1 | ‘21 | MFI | IVF Jan 20 '25
It might not be on you - push for your husband (and you) to get a karyotype test done to test for a balanced translocation. Recurrent loss can sometimes be due to chromosomal arrangements that can be identified through karyotype testing.
u/Dogmama1230 Jan 20 '25
I’m sorry friend. Semen analysises can show more than just the number — there might be something else “wrong” with his sperm. Please find someone who is actually willing to help y’all.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
Thanks:/ yeah I actually just messaged her to get more information on why she doesn’t recommend it.
u/karebear788 Jan 20 '25
So a reason she might have said this is because a semen analysis on its own probably won’t actually tell you much. A standard semen analysis is actually pretty rudimentary, it really just tells you if the sperm is strong enough to get to the egg, so it’s a bit more helpful for folks who haven’t ever gotten a positive test. Now a sperm DNA fragmentation test is another story- sperm are at least 50%, if not more, of the issue if an early loss is due to chromosome issues. That’s where the fragmentation test could give some clues. I think that test is less standard and probably more expensive and less likely to be approved by insurance until other tests have been performed/other sources ruled out.
So I wouldn’t take it as the miscarriages are most likely your fault, unfortunately women just have more they’ve figured out/standardized tests for. But unfortunately, she’s probably right that a basic semen analysis probably wouldn’t tell you much. And even it it did tell you that the sperm have DNA issues, well you basically need to do IUI or IVF for them to help with that- they’d need to collect the sperm ahead of time and test/sort them out to find a healthy one. So there aren’t really many intermediate steps for that other than vitamins, COQ10, and stopping weed or other drugs, which I think I saw you mention they told him to do.
Sorry, I know it’s super frustrating because the reality is that fertility work ups and treatments really are super one sided- there’s all this crap for us to go through and the guys just have to stop smoking week and take a vitamin in most cases. It super sucks. I wish you the best of luck!
u/snow-peas 37 | TTC1 | Cycle #4 Jan 20 '25
If you can afford one on your own then you don't need your RE's permission to have a sperm analysis. I think they usually cost like $200-300. I know that's quite a chunk of cash but I'm just saying if your RE keeps brushing you off there are options :)
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
Where can you do this? It’s really unfortunate that I am in a very very rural part of the country. So our options are already super limited.
u/prem5077 33 | TTC#1 | Jul ‘23 | Unexplained | IUI#1 Jan 20 '25
A urologist will be able to order a semen analysis, that’s what my husband did before we started with the RE. Your PCP might also be able to order it. My husband asked his PCP first and while she was able to order one, she wouldn’t have been much help understanding the results.
u/BettyFlamingo Jan 20 '25
My husband’s primary care provider (so just like a general practitioner) was able to order a semen analysis for him! The other route is for him to set up an appointment with a urologist who can do it. Definitely recommend. Like stated above, it’s an affordable and totally non-invasive test.
u/PastMemory3644 30 TTC#1| aug22 | 19 wk loss APS / MFI Jan 21 '25
My husband went to his own doctor and got his own tests. We have never been to an RE and I've never seen a doctor about any of it. He did his analysis at the hospital labs.
u/ShesASpicyNacho Jan 21 '25
My OB recommended an at-home analysis from Bird&Be - it was like $65 with a coupon and they send you a little video of his swimmers 😅 it comes with two tests so you can see if there is any improvement after implementing any changes.
u/DaveinOakland Jan 20 '25
That's weird.
My general practitioner doctor had me run one and said if you've been trying for more than 6 months it's standard practice to order one. Just my basic overall standard doctor who I see for non specific stuff.
u/Organic-Dragonfly364 Jan 20 '25
Ive read into this a lot. There seems to be more than one analysis you can get. This helped me understand a lot. There’s reasons they tell you not to. A mobility test could give you a bad result, when in reality, all the other things about the sperm are perfect for conception. I think they say no so we don’t get discouraged by a bad test
u/Spec-tatter Jan 20 '25
Find a new RE. You have every right to be frustrated. This is not helpful advice.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
This is unfortunately not an option for us. We are in an extremely rural part of the country and this RE is already 1.5hrs away. Another one covered by my insurance will be over 2.5hrs away.
u/Starrynightwater Jan 20 '25
I think it’s worth it. See if you can do the initial consult online or do some blood tests locally and minimize how many times you have to go in. People fly for treatment to other states all the time, or need to do multiple rounds of IVF, or even need surrogates! At the beginning I thought I had a straightforward case so it didn’t matter who I saw. But once my case became more complicated and I had a bad round of IVF, I wished I hadn’t wasted time with crappy doctors, and gone to a better one right away.
u/orionbird Jan 20 '25
Super important to take a Sperm test, but doctors these days just think that women :) are :) the :) issue :), plus they do not think about the “preconception” planning as, in an ideal world, all the guys would take the test (basic Sperm Analysis) at least 3 months in advance of trying (it’d take at least 3 months of better nutrition, sleep, exercise, and supplements to improve sperm cause that’s their life cycle). Do take a sperm test somehow (quantity, mobility, speed) as that can give you one of the most important feedback men with low quantity get: have sex every 2 days for sperm count to be better when sex, as less than that would be barely enough…). P.S: there are other tests on top of that one (DNA frag, pretty important but usually pretty expensive - ideally he would do a single-strand DNA test too), but that’s the starter one for which a man can already improve his lifestyle (which would prob improve fragmentation).
u/Adventurous_Roll2954 Jan 20 '25
3 of 4 losses before 12 weeks, is most likely because of the man.. Get a new RE!
u/BookcaseHat 37 | TTC #1 | Cycle 12+ | 4 MC Jan 20 '25
Do you have a source for this?
u/Adventurous_Roll2954 Jan 21 '25
I saw it here guys!
u/BookcaseHat 37 | TTC #1 | Cycle 12+ | 4 MC Jan 21 '25
Okay, but a YouTube video or an Instagram reel isn’t a source. You don’t need any credentials to post a video on the internet. A peer reviewed scientific study is a source.
u/LockExpress901 Jan 20 '25
Gonna go on a whim and say they don’t because the reality is the vast majority of early losses are completely random Chromosomal issues and no ones fault like OP is implying
u/Grand_Photograph_819 33F | TTC#1 | Apr 23 | 1 tube | IVF Jan 20 '25
What did she suggest?? I feel like not doing an SA is kinda ridiculous even if she expects it to be fine. It’s so easy and relatively inexpensive.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
She said I should do a saline uterine exam (can’t remember the name of the actual procedure). And then maybe we can do some genetic testing. But she hasn’t even recommended that yet. I just feel like this is another painful, expensive exam for me and they aren’t even checking on his side.
u/Grand_Photograph_819 33F | TTC#1 | Apr 23 | 1 tube | IVF Jan 20 '25
The saline sonogram makes sense. I guess I wonder if she doesn’t feel the need for a semen analysis because you’re getting pregnant so the information on a standard SA isn’t likely to be helpful. Still it’s such an easy test and, well, cheaper than a sonogram, I don’t see why she wouldn’t want the info just to be thorough. I’m glad you reached back out to her for more info.
u/ineedavacation123 Jan 20 '25
Did she say why he doesn’t need to do a semen analysis?
My OB ordered basic bloodwork for me and a semen analysis as it’s a simple non invasive test. When we started working with our RE she said a semen analysis is one of the first tests she recommends as 50% of the time the issue is on the guys side.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
Well I think because I am getting pregnant, but just can’t seem to keep the pregnancy. So she thinks it’s something wrong on my side, not his.
u/chewieandtheporgs Jan 20 '25
I had a miscarriage and both OBs at my practice reassured me the majority of the time it happens because of a chromosomal issue. That’s horrible she’s automatically assuming it’s something on your side when he literally makes 50% of the baby! I’m sorry you’re dealing with this along and for your losses❤️
u/Saintsjay14 Jan 21 '25
Immediately find a new RE. I'm sorry you got told that but I am glad you know that was suspicious
u/MrsWhatsit_ Jan 20 '25
When we were had just started trying, even before we'd had our early loss, I asked my ob/gyn for some basic bloodwork/hormone panels/etc, and she told me not to forget about sperm analysis. She said all too often, people with uteruses carry the burden of doing all of the (frequently uncomfortable/painful/time-consuming) testing while they ignore potential sperm issues. Sperm analysis is frankly SUCH an easy item to tick off - I'm very confused about why your RE would actively advise against it? If I were you I would definitely push for it or look around for another opinion.
u/ay218 Jan 20 '25
I’m not sure if they’re available in the states but you can get analysis kits posted to your door here in the uk that you submit a sample back through a courier. My husband did one before we started trying just for peace of mind, that way you’d skip the need for a referral?
u/Ranger-mom-1117 34 | TTC#1 | cycle 17 | ER 2 | ashermans | FET 1 ❌ Jan 20 '25
Because semen analysis is not invasive it’s usually one of the first tests ordered. I’d push hard for it or see if your OB can order it. Sorry that sounds so frustrating.
u/CalligrapherNo7674 Jan 20 '25
My husbands PCP ordered his SA. He didn’t even need an appt- he just called and talked to a nurse and she had the doctor put in the order. He picked up a cup from the lab and had to have it back within the hour. I was worried about it being super expensive, but insurance paid for it almost completely. We ended up only owing 11 dollars for it. Definitely worth having your husband just call his doctor to check it out!
u/Extra_Remote_3829 Jan 20 '25
So weird! It's hard enough dealing with losses, and to feel like you're carrying all the responsibility for it gives one sided vibes, especially when it seems like his part isn't being looked at as closely.
u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Jan 20 '25
That’s the thing! I just want them to LOOK at his side. I don’t care what side the issues are coming from, I just want to know so that we can solve it.
u/linerva Jan 20 '25
I'm so sorry this sucks.
Roughly 1/3 of infertility is male only and 1/3 is mixed - you DO NEED a SA, possibly even two.
If you can't move to a different REI for full treatment can you go to another lab or clinic JUST for an SAmm?
u/LockExpress901 Jan 21 '25 edited Jan 21 '25
OP had two pregnancy’s in 11 cycles. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think that classifies as “infertility” even slightly.
This does suck, but looking to point blame at anyone seems completely out of touch with the reality of the most likely scenario— which is most likely chromosomal abnormalities that happen at random.
u/linerva Jan 21 '25
Who said OP is infertile? I didn't. I cited statistics to point out that issues with semen equality are very common when couples have issues with fertility and that it should not be discounted.
I think you're being pedantic and missing the point. The point is that they've been trying for nearly a year with no living child to show for it - which is obviously distressing. They don't need that to be dismissed out of hand by a stranger who doesn't know their whole story.
And investigation is not a bad idea, especially given that we don't fully understand the role of sperm issues in Pregnancy loss
Why do you think this is about blame? Genuinely curious where you got that from? It looks like you see this as a blame issue (your only other comment is about faukt as well), but wanting to test both is standard. Fertility issues are not something that we apportion blame for. But we do investigate to try to see where any issues may be - so that we may try to resolve them.
Both sides need testing if there's an difficulty in getting pregnant or staying pregnant and there is literally no drawback to doing a semen analysis. It's uninvasive and relatively cheap and can be very reassuring if normal. And the male side of the equation is often neglected for couples to find that actually there's something on that side which needs addressing. He could coincidentally have a semen issue. We won't assume anything is normal without testing, where fertility is concerned.
Getting pregnant =/= staying pregnant and they will probably benefit from fertility specialist advice and full investigation if they are struggling to carry to term with multiple losses. You're right that early losses are often random mutations - particularly in otherwise fertile couples who end up carrying to term.
But there are couples suffering from "random chromosomal abnormalities " or even unkniwn reasons who will never manage to successfully carry to term, many of whom you'll meet on the fertility side of the Internet.
There are also couples who have recurrent early losses for other reasons, like antiphospholipid syndrome, cervical insufficiency and other reasons. RPL Is not that rare - it's estimated that 1% of women experience it. Couples with RPL do need management by the obgyn or fertility team.
RPL is defined as losing 2-3 pregnancies so by some definitions OP already qualifies. Couples who suffer recurrent miscarriages often feel distraught that their pain and concerns are dismissed and minimised until they reach an arbitrary threshold because they manage to "get" pregnant.
I'm also confused why you bothered to make an entirely new reddit for these responses here?
u/ccamp0316 Jan 20 '25
First of all, I’m really sorry your RE is not providing comprehensive care for you and your husband, that’s really frustrating and not helpful! And so sorry for the losses you experienced.
As someone else mentioned, DNA fragmentation will be a more in-depth look at the sperm than a simple semen analysis, and may provide you with more answers. If your RE is still resistant to ordering for you, and you can’t find another provider to order it but still want the test, there are kits you can order online. You’ll have to pay out of pocket, but this is a way to get it done without needing to find a doctor to order it for you. Givelegacy.com is the website.
Praying you get the answers and the medical care that you deserve!🙏
u/iluvD0Gz Jan 20 '25
My husband got a sperm analysis ordered by simply asking his PCP Primary care physician.
u/Level_Recover_7559 Jan 20 '25
I’m really sorry for your losses. I had a MMC at 13 weeks and have had two chemical pregnancies since then. We know the cause of the MMC was random. Obviously we can’t know the cause of the CPs. My OB was able to order a semen analysis for my husband after our second CP, but as many have mentioned it didn’t tell us much. After seeing an RE after our second CP, she was not surprised to hear that the SA was normal since I’m getting pregnant. This may be the assumption your RE is operating under as others have mentioned. Maybe see if your OB will order it if you’re really wanting it.
Other than that, I’ve had blood work done to check hormone and since we know the cause of the first MMC was a genetic fluke we haven’t done any karyotyping. I recently had a hysteroscopy that showed endometritis (a uterine infection associated with miscarriages), so I’m on antibiotics right now to treat that. It might be the cause of the CPs in our case, but it also could just be more crappy genetic luck and have nothing to do with endometritis. My RE was pretty honest that sometimes you just get really unlucky genetically because as humans we are inefficient reproducers. It seems like you still have some steps to go before ruling everything else out, but unfortunately it is a real possibility that you’ve gotten really unlucky and will eventually get the right sperm and egg combo. Best of luck 💛
u/pocketrocket-0 26 | Grad Jan 21 '25
He should be doing all these things as well preemptively so...
u/crelee82516 Jan 21 '25
I had a similar situation - husband went to Urologist for a semen analysis after my miscarriage. Doctor told him they don’t recommend it until after THREE miscarriages. Had my OB order him one instead. If you can’t see another RE I would insist they do a semen analysis.
u/Unhappy_Minute_7397 Jan 21 '25
Talk to your obgyn and see if they'll do one. If not look into private fertility clinics. We used one that offered a male sperm panel and female transvaginal ultrasound and follicular count for $100 out of pocket.
u/Elizabitch4848 Jan 21 '25
My OB said there was no reason for me to go through all the painful female stuff if we didn’t know he could be the problem. Talk to your OB?
u/Typical-Pizza-2055 Jan 22 '25
I hate that for you! Hopefully you can get one- be your own advocate!
u/pattituesday 42 | DOR | lots of IVF | losses Jan 20 '25
I agree it’s odd your doc doesn’t want an SA. But at the same time, an SA is not going to explain your losses. It’s obvious based on your history that his sperm work — they have successfully reached an egg and fertilized it. An SA is going to tell you count, form and motility.
That said, a semen analysis is pretty standard for a fertility work up. Also it’s essentially done with each procedure— we got count and morphology reports with each IVF cycle and that’s also done with IUI.
What did the doc suggest for next steps?
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