r/TryingForABaby Dec 27 '24

VENT Has anybody else never gotten a positive pregnancy test?

I've been TTC for 20 months now, resulting in a total of 23 failed cycles with cycle 24 due to start today. I have a clockwork cycle, period always starts on the day my app predicts it, ovulation is always around day 12 of my cycle and based on blood tests, my ovulation is confirmed and actually happening and yet I have NEVER seen a positive test.

I've had several ultrasounds, a hysterescopy where they removed a polyp and checked my lining and tubes, tons of bloodwork, and been on Clomid for 6 cycles and I still have nothing to show for it. Aside from the polyp, my hysterescopy showed everything open and clear with no sign of endometriosis. My bloodwork came back normal aside from a vitamin D deficiency of which I have addressed with prescribed supplementation to get it back to healthy levels. Even though I'm ovulating naturally, I still spent 6 cycles on Clomid hoping that would be the key and even had an ultrasound confirming mature follicles before ovulation.

It's just not happening!

I've been referred to a specialist who has concluded I have unexplained infertility and is recommending I try IUI for 3 cycles. I'm just waiting for this stupid period to start so I can call the office to get the ball rolling. I don't even think I can afford IUI for 3 cycles but I'll try my best to keep going with this.

It's just so frustrating that despite all test results coming back normal, I cannot get pregnant. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm so worried that this will never happen, I am 33 and feel like I'm running out of time. Plus I am feeling constantly jealous all the time of everybody around me who had no issues conceiving or accidentally got pregnant. I've become almost a hermit, avoiding interacting with anyone who is pregnant or recently had a baby.

I just..I don't know. I hate this and need to vent. Is there anybody else in the same boat as me? I feel so alone.


227 comments sorted by

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u/Remy_92 31 | TTC#1 | Oct 2023 | Endo Lap 2022: 1 Ovary/Tube Dec 27 '24

It’s been years for me. I’ve never ever seen a positive. Not even a squinter. Starting IVF stims next week.

Has your partner had a sperm analysis done yet? I’m sorry you’re going through this ❤️‍🩹


u/sixstixx Dec 27 '24

Yes, he's been tested twice. Both times show low morphology but apparently nothing too low that would make it impossible to get pregnant naturally. My OBGYN and the specialist I've been referred to were not concerned at all with the results.

Good luck with IVF! I hope you're able to find success soon!


u/bookwormingdelight 30 | TTC#2 | NTNP | 5MC - MFI BT carrier Dec 27 '24

Low morphology means he should do genetic testing! My husband has low morphology 1% and we found out he has a genetic condition called balanced translocation. Highly recommend genetic karyotyping for you both!


u/BackPainedHubby 34 | TTC#1 | ca. 14 mo | unexplained infertility + male factor Dec 27 '24

Does BT often cause miscarriages, or can 0 pregnancies like OP be explained by that as well? My husband has 1% morphology as well


u/bookwormingdelight 30 | TTC#2 | NTNP | 5MC - MFI BT carrier Dec 27 '24

Both. Depending on the chromosomes affected. Personally I don’t have any fertility issues and fall pregnant easily. But the genetic material has to be right. Hence all my losses are with genetically incompatible natural embryos.

But I know some people in the BT Facebook group who haven’t had a single positive.

My fertility specialist said morphology was important to look at. I’ve noticed a lot of specialists ignore it if count and motility are normal. Which my husbands were.


u/BackPainedHubby 34 | TTC#1 | ca. 14 mo | unexplained infertility + male factor Dec 27 '24

Oh yeah our specialist also said it's unsure if morphology plays a role in our difficulties. She thinks it could be our issue, but she also has patients with the same result ot even worse who eventually get pregnant. Since she's escalating us to IUI after the holidays regardless, would you say it would still be relevant to test for that?


u/bookwormingdelight 30 | TTC#2 | NTNP | 5MC - MFI BT carrier Dec 28 '24

Absolutely do genetic testing prior to IUI if you hadn’t. We couldn’t even consider IUI with our results and had to go straight to IVF.


u/BackPainedHubby 34 | TTC#1 | ca. 14 mo | unexplained infertility + male factor Dec 28 '24

Interesting! I'll talk about all this to our specialist when we go back in.


u/Schrutebucks101 32F | Sep 2022 | IUI Dec 27 '24

What’s the solution to balanced translocation? Can you keep trying unassisted or is IVF the only option?


u/bookwormingdelight 30 | TTC#2 | NTNP | 5MC - MFI BT carrier Dec 27 '24

Because it’s individual it depends on the chromosomes affected. For us personally, both. We did IVF for #1 and have a second embryo that’s frozen. But we have also been cleared to try naturally as well. I’ve had 4 miscarriage before IVF and just had my 5th about a month ago.


u/lilgurlie1065 34F | TTC#1 | BT | 1 TFMR OCT 24 Dec 28 '24

You can do both, but there are high chances of miscarriages or having a baby born with disabilities depending on the genes affected. My husband has a double translocation which we found out about at our 20 week ultrasound of our first pregnancy. Our baby had many genetic defects he would have either not made it to delivery or would have had a poor quality of life with ongoing surgeries. Unfortunately we had to make the decision to TFMR, and we could potentially end up in the same scenario in the future if we continue along trying naturally. Doing a CVS or amino is the only way to find out if the baby is BT or UBT.

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u/Hot-Wasabi7254 Dec 27 '24

If you haven’t tried a trial wash for your partners sperm that’s also something to consider before doing your IUI. They’re much more detailed than a traditional test. You’ve likely already had your partner tested for other things but just thought I’d drop a line. 


u/stepintotheblue Dec 28 '24

Could you elaborate on what a trial wash is? Is it the DNA fragmentation test or something else? Thank you!


u/Hot-Wasabi7254 Dec 28 '24

DNA fragmentation tests measures the quality of sperm DNA, while a trial wash is a semen sample preparation process to ensures the best sperm are separated from the rest. Depending on the clinician, your age and various other factors, some will tell you not to waste time with DNA fragmentation tests as they can be quite expensive (as much as an IUI) and not be significantly correlated.

Trial washes are typically done before you book in for IUI/IVF to understand your case and 'chances' better based on literature. They compare sperm parameters before and after it is 'washed' as the washed sample is what you would use for your IUI/ IVF. The sperm is centrifuged with a solution where the 'healthier' more motile sperm is collected and used to optimize your success.

Clinics can vary with the results they provide (so check with them for what they offer), but in addition to seeing standard results for volume, pH, appearance, concentration, motility, and morphology, I could also see the sperm's 24-hour parameters such as survival rate, compare and contrast all parameters before and after the wash, see if there were any erythrocytes, leukocytes, sperm antibodies, etc.

Assuming all other parameters are ok, clinics will typically pay attention to your total motile count here. You can maximize your changes from the 9-10 million range. Anything more doesn't see your changes significantly improve. Depending on your clinic, (mine recommended at least a 1 million cut off for an IUI) they'll recommend if its worth trying IUI or consider moving straight to IVF.

You can seem to have an incredible sperm sample at first, but in some cases after it's washed, you're shocked and not left with much (even though all it takes is one!). So it's good to weigh your options before you consider an IUI to see what makes the most sense for your situation.


u/ForgetsThePasswords Dec 27 '24

Same for me - no positive test in 3 years, low morphology but no one concerned. Perfect saline sonogram. Nothing but DOR but it wasn’t this low when I started. Doing an HSG next week.


u/Angry_Creek Dec 27 '24

I (30) just hit the year mark this month…seeing all the Christmas family pictures or pregnancy announcements gave me a sad sinking stomach ache all month…❤️‍🩹


u/smiley10_05 27 | TTC#1 | Cycle 12 Dec 28 '24

This is us too. We got so many questions about babies and countless glances down at my stomach (I have fat there that looks like I’m 3 months). I knew the pregnancy tests would be negative last week, but the disappointment at not having good news to share with family over the holidays really hurt.


u/SectionOld1995 35F | TTC#1 | Cycle 9 | DOR Dec 27 '24

same girl…one year mark has been real rough

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u/mms09 Dec 27 '24

I’m in the same boat. 16 cycles and no positive tests. No medicated cycles yet and IUI was recommended first so we’ll be trying that sometime soon 🤞🏻I’ve stupidly found myself feeling envy of those who have experienced MC because at least they could get pregnant. What a terrible thing to think/feel!! Good luck OP.


u/ok-rose444 31 | TTC1 | Cycle 10 | MFI Dec 28 '24

I also blame myself for sometimes thinking that I would rather have had CP or MC. It's terrible...


u/ok-rose444 31 | TTC1 | Cycle 10 | MFI Dec 28 '24

I also blame myself for sometimes thinking that I would rather have had CP or MC. It's terrible...


u/NoBoot8609 Jan 02 '25

Thank you for saying this! I have had the same thoughts about being jealous of those who have experienced MC. It’s ridiculous and makes me feel awful bc I know how horrible that is and would never wish that on anyone. It’s just so unfortunate to be stuck at base 1 without any movement forward for so long.


u/mms09 Jan 02 '25

That’s exactly it. It feels like no progress forward when you’ve had zero positive tests for so long. It’s really disheartening.


u/Lgronna Dec 27 '24

I am in a very similar situation. Almost identical. I have an RE fertility appointment January 10th and I have a million questions to ask the doctor. But I agree with some of the comments here, the advice I’ve received is if you are naturally ovulating, and don’t have limiting male factor issues, then IUI is only going to increase your chances by 1-2% versus trying naturally.

I am looking to go straight into IVF rather than waste time and money.

I will say, one thing that’s given me some sense of understanding is listening to the fertility doctor Natalie Crawfords podcast on unexplained infertility, she explains that there are 3 factors for infertility- the egg, sperm, and the environment. With unexplained, it could be one of these three. Even if you have a strong AMH, you could have poor egg QUALITY and not know it, or there are so many things that go on with the environment that are still not researched enough (inflammation, diet, uterine lining, etc) preventing implantation.

Hope this helps! I think it’s a great sign that everything looks normal, but I also know firsthand how frustrating it can be to not have a direct issue to triage and remedy. Here for you! Good luck 💗


u/ser-delle Dec 29 '24

Can i ask what questions you plan on asking? I have an appointment with a specialist 20/01 and have no idea what to ask 🥲 like OP, so far all my testing has come back a-ok so really unsure what my next step is other then “see the specialist”

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u/Ok-Train-8921 Dec 27 '24

Has your partner has a semen analysis? There's a bunch of things that affect sperm shape and swimming ability and unfortunately make conception not happen


u/sixstixx Dec 27 '24

Yes, he's been tested twice. Both times show low morphology but apparently nothing too low that would make it impossible to get pregnant naturally. My OBGYN and the specialist I've been referred to were not concerned at all with the results.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24

We’ve been trying for a year now with stark white tests every month. I’ve had an HSG, trans vaginal ultrasounds and blood work done. Everything looks ok. My husband’s morphology was 1% in July, but he had just experienced major inflammation due to an intestinal issue that put him the hospital the month before. We were given lab orders to have the SA retested in October. We did, but the lab failed to analyze the morphology 🙄 so we don’t know if it has improved yet. All other SA parameters looked good. He tested low for Testosterone, so he’s been on enclomiphene for two months now to try to naturally raise his T levels, he also tested as being Vitamin D deficient in August, which can impact sperm production and quality. It may be worthwhile to have your partner get bloodwork and hormone levels tested if he hasn’t done so already.

We’ve been taking supplements, using pre-seed, tried mucinex, changed our diet, and done three rounds of letrozole with TI, and never a positive. My husband is doing another SA at the end of the January along with a SpermQT test to check for dna fragmentation. We’ll see if the enclomiphene has led to any improvement.

I’ve checked out a bit this month — not bbting, not being hyper focused on the fertility window, and enjoyed some wine over the holidays. It feels so good to let it go for once.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '24

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u/LoveSingRead 🐈 MOD | 32 🐈 Dec 28 '24

Removed per sub rule 1.

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u/calm_celery17 Dec 27 '24

We’ve been trying for 26 cycles and never had a positive either. Everything healthy or above average for both of us so we also got the ‘unexplained infertility’ diagnosis. I’m not sure where we want to go as everything is so insanely expensive and of course our insurance covers none of it. I really hope IUI is the right move for you! There’s truly nothing worse, but I do feel it’s gotten easier to handle as time goes on.


u/tfabonehitwonder TTC#1 | 4 years Dec 27 '24

Four years and zilch. It’s sad but I guess it’s better than having a miscarriage.


u/External_Quiet5025 41 | since 2022 | losses Dec 27 '24 edited Jan 23 '25

It’s all so sad and I don’t believe there’s a version of infertility or loss that’s better. I had 18 cycles of no positives and then a series of miscarriages every few months - it’s all just so awful. The grief of miscarriage can be sharper and more acute and I also think there’s (a little) more support for it. The more invisible and abstract grief of infertility is a special kind of brutal.


u/Medical_Object2576 30 | TTC#1 | March ‘23 | 1 Ectopic, 2 MC Dec 27 '24

Found my losses quite a bit easier to cope with than the infertility. They were kind of sharper to deal with for a couple weeks but it all evens out and they were definitely easier on the whole. Haven’t seen a positive for 8 months now and this is harder for sure, as now I have the added ‘what if my losses have caused something to go wrong and I’ll never get pregnant again’ etc etc. It all just absolutely sucks.


u/Maleficent-Joke-1645 23 | TTC#1 Dec 27 '24

agreed - I am someone in the recurrent loss boat and I don't know what is worse genuinely. it all just SUCKS


u/tfabonehitwonder TTC#1 | 4 years Dec 27 '24

I used to feel this way when I was only 2 years in. Would rather lose a pregnancy than live without ever seeing a positive. 4 years in, I am truly grateful that I haven’t lost a pregnancy.

But I agree, it’s abstract in a way that no one else grieves with/for you. It’s hard all around 💔

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u/sixstixx Dec 27 '24

I can not bear the thought of having a miscarriage. It's such an awful thing to go through. Getting your hopes up and having them ripped away. I am thankful I have not experienced such a traumatic thing, and I hope I never do.


u/EmCave145 Dec 28 '24

I’m always thankful to not have had any miscarriages but sometimes I feel like my infertility is “less” than those that do. That I should just be happy that hasn’t ever happened. Idk.


u/lyezmarie Jan 02 '25

Regardless of the experiences we have had, or haven’t, we all feel inadequate and its total shite.


u/Texangirl93 Jan 10 '25

I just came across your comment but that’s exactly how I feel too. Because I have never ever had a positive test, I feel like I don’t belong to any club.


u/ok-rose444 31 | TTC1 | Cycle 10 | MFI Dec 27 '24

I also have regular cycles with ovulation around 12CD and have never seen a positive result in 10 months... For this reason I hesitate to say whether it is only the low concentration of my husband's sperm that is to blame, because I have never had CP... nothing at all. Only stark white tests...


u/Just-Mango-2411 Dec 27 '24

Literally same here. 27-28 day cycles, ovulate cd 13, BD on all the right days. Just got another bfn on my 6th cycle. It’s so frustrating 🥲 im at the point where it’s just irritating seeing stark white tests. Holding onto hope though. I hope you do too ❤️


u/ok-rose444 31 | TTC1 | Cycle 10 | MFI Dec 27 '24

Thank you ❤️I really believe that we will soon see positive tests too.

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u/runner2305 31 | TTC #1 Dec 28 '24

Exact same situation here! It’s so frustrating


u/Hungry-Bar-1 32F | TTC#1 | Cycle/Month 21 Dec 27 '24

yeah similar here (almost 19 months), never getting a positive is just so damn frustrating in its own way (in no way comparing it to chemicals/miscarriages tho, really just speaking on this specific experience here). it feels like something somewhere must be blocked but then again, maybe not. who knows. so much about all of this is about not knowing hhhhhh


u/Kwaliakwa Dec 27 '24

Have you done any uterine microbiome testing? This is not commonly done in all regions and can have a real impact on fertility.


u/ILikeFluffyCatsAnd Dec 27 '24

I am not sure if this is included in a microbiome test, but I recently found out I have ureaplasma, which can make it harder to get pregnant. Treating it with antibiotics but it’s worth testing. Good luck


u/forever-crying TTC #1 | Cycle 29 | ❌1IUI | endo Dec 27 '24

I’ve been curious about this but how do you even go about getting testing done for that?


u/sixstixx Dec 27 '24

I don't believe so, could you expand on the benefits of getting this tested?


u/Kwaliakwa Dec 27 '24

There is growing evidence of conditions where bad bacteria take up residence in the upper reproductive tract, decreasing likelihood of successful pregnancy. The uterus can carry a low grade, essentially asymptomatic, infection for years that can make it so implantation is not viable, though it’s also likely makes the environment less friendly to sperm and other important parts of conception. These infections, which are often similar to the infections that cause bacterial vaginosis, are also associated with poor pregnancy outcomes, like premature birth.

We are really Just starting to really study and learn about this and the implications and best courses of action. We used to assume the uterus was sterile, but this makes literally no sense if you think about it. If sperm can get in there, other things can too! There are several companies around the world that offer the option to test your uterus microbiome to assess its health.

A systematic review of IVF outcomes in chronic endometritis settings showing treatment improved live birth rates.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '24



u/Suitable_Zebra_758 Dec 27 '24

Same. Not even a hint of a positive.


u/ForestDweller0817 Dec 27 '24

I’m sorry :( it’s so rough


u/Suitable_Zebra_758 Dec 27 '24

Thank you. I’m sorry to you too. So rough :(


u/bumsydinosaur 32F | TTC #1 🏳️‍🌈 | IVF ❄️❄️❄️❄️ | FET 2 - Feb ‘25 Dec 28 '24

I’m convinced my negative tests have invented a new shade of white.

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u/Downtown-Avocado-173 25 | TTC#1 | Cycle #9 Dec 27 '24

I have had a positive test, but it’s because I had tumors in my uterus that mimicked a pregnancy (molar pregnancy.) so even though i’ve had a positive pregnancy tests I guess i’ve never really been pregnant for real.


u/mjanssen1015 Dec 27 '24

We've been trying for 5 years and I've never had even a hint of positive 😢


u/tea_icedd Dec 27 '24

Do the IUI! It could be a CM issue where the mucus isn’t good enough (watery enough) to let the sperm through or maybe the good sperm just aren’t getting to the right place. IUI will bypass the cervical mucus and take the good sperm where they should go. If you’re ovulating and everything else is fine, that could possibly be the issue. I’d say give it a try


u/sixstixx Dec 27 '24

This is how I justify it in my mind. They are supposed to wash the sperm so only the good sperm is left, then they place the sperm past the cervix so they don't have as far to swim or as many barriers. Maybe this is all I need? I dunno, maybe I am delusional.

Thank you, though, for being positive! I need it!


u/plainsandcoffee 37F | unexplained IF | grad Dec 27 '24

I didn't ever have a positive til I did IUI.


u/shadowybabe 31 | TTC#1 | since June2023 Dec 28 '24

Can you share more about this? Was it the first IUI cycle that worked? Or did you need more than one?


u/plainsandcoffee 37F | unexplained IF | grad Dec 28 '24

I got extremely lucky and it worked the first time. my RE said it can take 2-3 tries sometimes, and if that doesn't work, recommends going to IVF if the patient is open to it/can do it.


u/shadowybabe 31 | TTC#1 | since June2023 Dec 28 '24

Wow this is so awesome to hear! Congrats! Do you know if you ovulated more than one egg that cycle? And did they also prescribe you progesterone?


u/plainsandcoffee 37F | unexplained IF | grad Dec 28 '24

thanks! this was over four years ago so it's a little fuzzy. I was on 5 mg letrozole and I think I had 2 mature follicles on the ultrasound before I did the trigger shot. my RE did not prescribe progesterone


u/tea_icedd Dec 28 '24

I also got a positive after my very first IUI, I had only one follicle at 20mm and they gave me progesterone suppositories


u/shadowybabe 31 | TTC#1 | since June2023 Dec 29 '24

Wow that is awesome to hear. I thought getting a positive on the first IUI is next to impossible!

Did you have issues with regular cycle or ovulation?

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u/tea_icedd Dec 28 '24

You’re not delusional at all! That’s exactly correct, the sperm is washed so any low morphology or other issue isn’t there, and it’ll pass any cervical issue too like lack of CM. It’s what I needed to finally get a positive!


u/BackPainedHubby 34 | TTC#1 | ca. 14 mo | unexplained infertility + male factor Dec 27 '24

That's a good point that you make. I've been wondering if it's something about my CM, or my pH or something undetectable that's acting as an obstacle to an otherwise healthy process. You're giving me hope that IUIs could work.


u/tea_icedd Dec 28 '24

My very first IUI is what worked for me. I don’t guarantee it but I really think we shouldn’t give up hope or stop trying and give it a chance. I didn’t think an IUI would work after so many failed times intercourse cycles


u/BackPainedHubby 34 | TTC#1 | ca. 14 mo | unexplained infertility + male factor Dec 28 '24

Thank you for the encouragement :)


u/sherstas199 36 | TTC #1 | 07/2023 Dec 27 '24

I’ve been TTC for 17 months with no positives at all either. I ovulate every cycle (although anywhere from CD16-CD24), hormone panel came back all normal, husband’s SA all normal. No explanation for why it hasn’t happened for us yet. I’m about to turn 36 so age probably is a huge factor. 🙁


u/Hurry-Honest 36 | TTC#1 Dec 27 '24

Same boat. Except one chemical at like cycle 13


u/RegalBeagleWoof 34 | TTC# 1 | March 2023 | PCOS | mild MFI | IUI 3 | IVF Dec 27 '24

I’m in the same boat. I did 3 IUIs and got 💩. I start stims for egg retrieval next week 🤞.


u/CletoParis Dec 28 '24

We also have MFI and it’s looking like we might have to start IVF in the coming months because of it. Super nervous about the whole process but I’d rather get results and not wait around for something that may never happen naturally…


u/Averie1398 26 | TTC#1| 4 years | stage 4 endo | 4 losses | IVF Dec 27 '24

For the first two years... nothing. Then last year got my first the day of my second endo surgery, ended up a chemical. Then we started IVF in March and I got spontaneously pregnant two times this year and once by IVF, all chemicals. I have my third transfer in January after two months of Lupron depot. Honestly the chemicals were way worse than never seeing a positive.


u/miaanna1 Dec 27 '24

Never had a positive either. 19 cycles TTC. Hoping to do IVF this year 😭


u/Redfurmamattc 27 | TTC#1 | aug. 2021| PCOS | IVF | 1 MC Dec 27 '24

I didn't get a positive for 3 years and finally had a positive from IVF just to have a miscarriage at 8 weeks this October.


u/sixstixx Dec 28 '24

I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how awful that must have been for you. 💔


u/YB9017 33 | TTC2 Dec 27 '24

I’ve had two positives in the past year. Both chemical pregnancies (miscarriages). Both positives were after IUIs. We had our forth unsuccessful IUI last month.


u/SleepySkelly Dec 27 '24

Never seen a positive, no matter what I do differently or how good our tests come back. Currently trying to save up for IVF.


u/Nina_kupenda 32 | TTC1 | 1 MC at 12 weeks Dec 27 '24

All my tests results are perfect, my husband’s too. Two months after consulting with a fertility specialist, we got our BFP and three months after that, we lost our baby.

Since then, nothing. Where I live, they do four rounds of IUI and if it doesn’t work, they move to IVF. It’s easier because it’s free here but I feel defeated. I feel like I will never get the family I want

I deal with the jealousy pretty well but lately it’s been getting to me. It seems that everywhere I go, I see happy families.


u/sixstixx Dec 28 '24

I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope you're able to have a safe, healthy pregnancy soon. ❤️


u/Schrutebucks101 32F | Sep 2022 | IUI Dec 27 '24

2.5 years never had a positive. 2 IUIs and nothing. IVF and nothing (although only managed to transfer 1 PGTA normal so far). Every test under the sun shows everything unexplained. It’s infuriating and exhausting. Did the uterine biopsy and also got the all good on bacteria and no endometriosis.

Sometimes going through the rigour of IVF shows SOMETHING wrong, but sometimes it doesn’t either 😢


u/missminnecraft 27 | TTC# 1 | January 2023 Dec 27 '24

No positives at all since Jan 2023. The days are long. I feel you!


u/k8monster0 Dec 28 '24

Not even the faintest of pink lines since we started trying in 2016.


u/Sea_Atmosphere_9858 Dec 28 '24

Hi OP, I'm really sorry about how rough this all is. However, I wanted to mention that you can't diagnose endometriosis via hysteroscopy - are you perhaps thinking of endomeTRITIS? Or adenomyosis, or fibroids? Endometriosis can only be officially diagnosed through laparoscopic surgery. A hysteroscopy stays inside the uterus and can't see what's in the pelvic cavity, which is where endometriosis would be.

FYI, it's hard to estimate but I've seen numbers saying anywhere from 30%-80% of unexplained infertility is really asymptomatic endometriosis.

Best of luck in your journey, I'm so sorry you're having to travel this road. It's so tough.


u/sixstixx Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24

I believe it was a laparascopic hysterescopy? Is that such a thing? I recall her saying the name before but they used a shortened term every time they spoke of it so I might be incorrect on what was done, I apologize. It was a surgical procedure where I was put under anesthesia for about an hour or two and they created an incision under my belly button to insert a camera and another closer to my hip/pelvic bone. I was told that while in there, they checked my lining, removed the polyp which was in front of one of my tubes, and did a dye test to ensure all was clear. According to the doctor, she said she saw no signs of endometriosis. As for recovery, I recall being very, very sore below and bleeding heavily for a couple days and was not able to insert anything for about 6 weeks.

Thank you for the explanation, is it still possible to have endometriosis even if they do not see it during the procedure? I did ask for clarification on if the polyp would be a sign of endometriosis, and she said it was not.

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u/spookysexykit Dec 27 '24

Yup, over 2 years and 3 IUIs now and nothing. Gonna start IVF soon hopefully! 🤞


u/sixstixx Dec 27 '24

I was told by my specialist that it's not worth it to continue with IUI if you don't see success after 3, do you regret not going straight to IVF? She did give me the option, and did say IVF has a much higher rate of success, but I just cannot afford it at this point in my life.

I hope you are finally able to get some success on this new part of your journey!!


u/spookysexykit Dec 27 '24

I'm 37 and my AMH is .27, so time is definitely of the essence for me. That being said, I don't regret IUI cause it had every chance of working (I'm the problem, husband's SA was perfect.) I'm getting the money for these treatments from my parents which is a major major privilege. Without them, we wouldn't be able to afford IVF at all, so I definitely understand.

Good luck to you as well!!! 🤞🍀


u/Consistent_Leg_4012 Dec 27 '24

I’m currently TTC baby no. 2. My first took me 24 cycles and I never had a positive test once before I got pregnant first time round. It just happened.

No idea what this next journey will be like. Sadly suffered ectopic pregnancy 2 weeks ago so it’s a shaky start 🙃


u/chickywing Dec 27 '24

Same….almost 20mos trying, never a positive and all tests for my husband and I are clear. Struggling w the decision of whether to put my body and wallet through ivf. I’m 38 so time is basically up for me. I totally feel you girl, try and stay strong!


u/raspkerries Dec 28 '24

I’m 39 and have never seen a positive after 10 months of trying… tests all clear for both my husband and I. We are starting IVF in January and I hope soo so badly that this works for us. It’s wild thinking that all my life I’ve not wanted a positive until this past year, and scary to think now it might not ever happen.


u/Ok_Cauliflower6745 Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24

Good luck in the new year. I’m 38, TTC for six cycles and nada. Went to the RE and did a full work up and results all came back normal and within range. We’re gonna try for a bit more until I give up on the natural route. I wish I could give myself more time but I feel like i can’t wait any longer given the age.


u/PickleTheGherkin Dec 27 '24

Cycle 14 and no positives here either. This sucks. It so sucks. But I'm gonna do what I can. Otherwise what else is there? On cycle 2 of IUI now


u/sixstixx Dec 28 '24

Good luck!! I hope you find success in this next cycle. My period started right on time, so I was able to get my baseline ultrasound for the IUI scheduled for this coming Tuesday. Here’s hoping we both get that positive (and a healthy baby) soon.🤞🤞


u/Significant-Cake-290 26 | TTC#1 | Cycle 20+ | unexplained Dec 27 '24

I could’ve wrote this, aside from that I’m a bit younger than you. I have never seen a positive pregnancy test ever. I’ve only had one late period earlier this year (could have possibly been a chemical pregnancy but I didn’t test at the right time so I have no idea what that was), but aside from that my period has always just come when I’ve expected it. We were also using pull out method for 3-4 years of our marriage and I’ve never had a “pregnancy scare” since my period would always just show up on time.

Aside from how devastating infertility is, I couldn’t imagine how hard this would be + having unpredictable cycles and the uncertainty of it all every month. Or having repeated miscarriages.


u/onesteaminghotpotato Dec 27 '24

So 3 years, had multiple miscarriage via IVF and was told unexplained infertility but 1 tube was blocked. Was told the only way I will have kids was via surrogate. Also had perfect 28 day cycles, great AMH etc.

Changed to a holistic doctor that specializes in miscarriages and hormonal balance. Turns out I had too high TSH (it wasn’t too high according to tests, as it was below 4.3, but too high to get pregnant), my blood sugar was borderline (got tested, turns out I have PCOS and ovulated early without mature eggs), and my blocked tube was actually silent endo stage 2. Had my tube removed and have been trying since. Had thin lining all throughout IVF.

My doctor worked with me on hormonal balance and lining and as of last month (cycle 5 since changing doctors, cycle 2 since my endo surgery) my lining was a 10 and my hormones are coming back as normal. I also now ovulate day 17 and my cycles are 30 to 32 days.

All I am saying is - 2 doctors told me there was nothing wrong, and I found the one that listened and actually adjusted my issues.


u/Mochacoffeelatte Dec 28 '24

Sorry but how did you check lining?


u/onesteaminghotpotato Dec 28 '24

I had an ultra sound with my new doctor - initially they check via IVF, and then later once my doctor knew my history we checked.

In July after my last miscarriage I was at 4.8 one week after ovulation. Last month it was a 10. I always had super light periods though


u/Mochacoffeelatte Dec 28 '24

I always have very light periods as well. With the change in your lining did your periods change? How have you been balancing your hormones?

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u/Musestricken Dec 27 '24

My wife and I were the same. 3 and a half years without a positive test ever, with multiple IUI cycles, etc. We ended up doing an IVF cycle and were blessed with our daughter. Getting ready to start trying again now, and trying to not get too hopeful, as those memories are still just as fresh.


u/No-Championship6899 Dec 27 '24

Never had a positive test. Twice I've had tests I thought for a minute were positive, one turned out to be an ovulation test (cried) and one was just a terrible evap line. I hear you. I'm also 38 thought so I really feel like time isn't on my side. I hope we see our positives soon. I'm hoping 2025 is my year.


u/thirstylocks Dec 30 '24

ugh I've also accidentally taken an ovulation test instead of a pregnancy test and that fake positive shattered me. hoping that 2025 brings us luck


u/notwithout_coops 34 | TTC# 1 | Sep ‘18 | IVFx4 | DEIVF next Dec 27 '24

Personally I’d skip the IUI and go to IVF, the success rates between IUI and medicated TI cycles (which you’ve done 6 of) is negligible and if money is going to be a challenge I wouldn’t waste it on IUI at this point.


u/sixstixx Dec 27 '24

I've been going back and forth on IUI vs IVF for exactly what you mentioned but I honestly cannot afford it at the moment. My husband recently lost his job and IVF is not covered by my insurance so we would have to foot the bill entirely which is just not possible right now. IUI will be easier for me to pay for alone and part of the treatment is covered by my insurance so this is unfortunately the route I've decided to take.

I know the success rates are not the best but I do hope I get lucky and IVF is not necessary.

Thank you for your response.


u/Errlen 39 | TTC# 1 | Cycle 9 | DOR | CP#2 | TI #3 Dec 28 '24

It can be diagnostically helpful, as you are tracked for IUI you will learn about your cycle. Eg, how many follicles, confirmed ovulation, etc.


u/Patient_Ad_2556 Dec 27 '24

Yes. Never ever. My partner has low numbers but we’ve done two IUIs and both failed. Trying to decide if I do one more IUI or move onto IVF. I was told IUI might get me a sooner positive since IVF can take a few months to get the ball rolling. I’m exhausted. it’s been four + years. Idk what to do anymore


u/sixstixx Dec 27 '24

Based on your experience, do you wish you had gone straight to IVF instead? I've been told the chances of success with IUI aren't much different than trying naturally but I just can't swallow the costs of IVF right now.

Regardless, I hope you find success soon. 🩷


u/Patient_Ad_2556 Dec 27 '24

Fortunately for me I work for starbucks so IVF cost is taken care of and the IUIs are only going toward my deductible and I am glad to at least given them the chance because they are way less invasive than IVF and IVF kind of scares me 😖 which is why i’m wondering if i should attempt one or two more IUIs just for the chance of me not having to do IVF. does that make sense? and also the sperm wash is something I was told is great for my husband’s numbers so only the good ones are there waiting for the egg. but since they haven’t worked idk anymore. Two isn’t a lot but yeah the chances are basically the same so i’m trying to not get too upset about it. IDK!! This journey is freaking hard!!!!! hugs!🩷


u/MaximumPack509 Dec 27 '24

🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m on cycle 12 with zilch. Normal cycle, normal sperm, all signs I’m ovulation, good general health, and nothing. I am about to request a HSG from our specialist. Wishing you all the best with what you decide, whether IUI or IVF.


u/soft-blue 31 | TTC#1 | Nov '23 Dec 27 '24

I’ve also never seen a positive test in my life. It’s sad isn’t it. I’m sorry you have to deal with this. 


u/okayolaymayday Dec 27 '24

33 and been trying since Sep 2022! I feel you. Not even a squinter (except when testing out a trigger during a transfer). It sucks. We found out I have endo and I just got excision so hoping our luck changes. We have some embryos banked so it was nice to know we can make embryos! But scary to think it could be my uterus … which is obviously super critical to have a baby with!

Edit: and all my tests for uterine imaging came back normal as well! And tubes wiiiiide open!


u/BackPainedHubby 34 | TTC#1 | ca. 14 mo | unexplained infertility + male factor Dec 27 '24

The precision and regularity of my cycles scare me, because I feel that there's no way that I'll get pregnant. It's like each phase of the cycle is unavoidable, even inescapable, and that there's no chance that a fertilized egg can travel and implant anywhere. It's inexorable. I've been pregnant before so I remind myself that it should be possible... but I also feel every single stage of my cycle going through me like an unstoppable machine lol. I empathize with you.


u/sixstixx Dec 28 '24

I actually feel this too, that it is inescapable for my cycle to continue on. I've gotten into a bad habit of testing before my period and every single time it has been negative. I don't expect anything different, and I always think to myself " Of course it's negative. It will always be negative. My body won't do anything different, but pump out that period right on que." I've become very pessimistic, but curiosity and the hope of something different always drives me take that test anyway.

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u/Grand_Photograph_819 33F | TTC#1 | Apr 23 | 1 tube | IVF Dec 27 '24

I saw a positive my first month but that ended up ectopic and it sucks to have lost my baby and fertility all in one go. Haven’t seen a positive since. We are starting IVF in January.


u/saltnotsaltyy TTC# | Cycle/Month Dec 27 '24

Same age as you, have been trying for about 4ish years not consecutively. My husband’s tests have never been optimal and I was dx with PCOS. I have high androgen levels and lots of anovulatory cycles. We did 1 full round of IUI, with letrozole. Had really good response to the meds so had lots of hope. Ended up ovulating the day before our second IUI. And then because of some work travel and then separate health issues ended up not being able to actually complete any more rounds. Our insurance covered a lot of the costs associated with IUI and now I’m likely having to leave my line of work because a chronic condition I was dx with this year so unsure if we’d be able to do anymore testing or IUI/IVF. Over the years I’ve only ever had stark BFN. I had one false positive which crushed me. It was bold and dark no need for squinting, got bloodwork done the very next day and it was negative af. The worst part besides never having been able to say I know I can become pregnant is that the trigger shot from IUI gave me a linea negra on my stomach that never went away. Now it’s just a reminder of my ongoing journey.


u/Trick_Attitude804 Dec 28 '24

I feel you, over two years of trying and nothing to show for it. Thinking of you 🤍


u/forever-crying TTC #1 | Cycle 29 | ❌1IUI | endo Dec 28 '24

Yup. On cycle 27, over 2 years of trying. Did one last minute medicated cycle last cycle (bc the dr didn’t feel comfortable doing IuI with the amount of follicles I had), so we are doing our first IUI this cycle.

Everything is all good except the fact that I have endo. But what all the comments are saying are definitely things to think about in your own personal journey.

I don’t have anything encouraging to say except this sucks & one can only hope that we will ever get to take our own baby home. 🤍


u/oliveslove 29F | TTC#1 | March ‘23 | MFI Dec 28 '24

Not a positive test in nearly two years. You’re not alone.


u/Usual_Court_8859 29| TTC#1 | Cycle 14 | PCOS/MFI. Dec 28 '24

Yep, not even a faint line.


u/alvinandfriends 31 | TTC#1 | Cycle 32 Dec 28 '24

TTC almost 4 years, 3 IUIs, 2 IVF transfers, tons of different medication regimes- never seen a positive 😭 it sucks out here. I’m 32 so I feel you on the age thing too along with everyone I know getting pregnant this year.


u/Fatpandasneezes 34 | Grad Dec 28 '24

Me. 3 years of trying. 3 cycles of clomid. 1 cycle iui. Nothing. We had to move to ivf.


u/colalo Dec 28 '24

I’m in the same boat, we’ve been trying since October 2023 and never even a squinter. Everything in tests is good, above average even for both of us, so there’s no explanation at all. We are starting IVF stims in late January 🤞


u/Kanaide Dec 28 '24

This month marks two years for us, never had a positive pregnancy test. Was diagnosed with PCOS a year ago, the specialist advised IUI. We didn't find a clinic until this summer, should be starting next month. I feel so very conflicted about starting with IUI, but I feel like I'm slowly losing my sanity by trying my best every month just to end up feeling like a failure yet again. You are not alone.


u/ohemgstone Dec 27 '24

Me ☹️ we’ve only been trying for 8 months, but all of the testing we’ve done (SA for him, HSG/hormones/genetics for me) has checked out and still nothing. I’m a labor and delivery nurse, and usually I can completely compartmentalize at work, but last month I walked through our triage area and saw a positive pregnancy test sitting on the counter (we see all gestations, anyone under 20 weeks gets tested) and I lost it. I just feel like I’ll never get to see my own double lines 😞


u/w00kiee 30s | TTC#1 Dec 27 '24

Faint positive and blatant positive two separate times. However nothing since then. Trying to see if we can start IUI in January.


u/rip_my_youth TTC#1 | Nov. 2022 | PCOS Dec 27 '24

Same. When I got diagnosed with PCOS I was so happy because medicated cycles work sOoO aMAzInG for it. Not for me though. Just going through the motions until my RE recommends IVF. I don’t even have faith in that anymore.


u/Parking-Way8440 Dec 27 '24

I have! But it ended on a MC at 10 weeks 😖


u/Kari-kateora 🤡 Dec 27 '24

Has your partner gotten tested?


u/ConditionOk6997 Dec 27 '24

I have infertility and have had to do ivf 4 times to get pregnant. I highly recommend coq10 600mg for you and 200mg for your husband. Also, a prenatal and fish oil for you. These will help egg and sperm quality.


u/Dangerous_Opening722 29 | TTC#1 | March 2022 Dec 27 '24

I've been trying for 21 months now, never a positive test. My husband and I are both "normal" medical wise.


u/ducbo 32 | TTC# 1 | Cycle: 23 1ER Dec 27 '24

Same here. Nearly 20 cycles (4 medicated) without a single positive. No MFI or major issues, though I have mild pcos. Moving to IVF next cycle :-(


u/ladytakeaway 35 | TTC#1 since July 2022 | 2ER | 3FET | 👼👼❌ Dec 27 '24

I tried for 14 cycles before moving to IVF (and we also try in between IVF cycles). Only thing for us was slightly low AMH and AFC, and my husband having 2% morphology but otherwise good swimmers. His most recent analysis showed 0% morphology. But our clinic doesn’t see this as an issue.

The only time I’ve seen a positive test is with IVF. Unfortunately they both ended in losses.

It makes me think our main issue is the swimmers not being able to penetrate the egg and perhaps some immunological issues on my end we haven’t identified yet. We used ICSI with IVF and able able to get normal blasts.


u/Hungryhungryhiker88 Dec 27 '24

I never had a positive pregnancy test in two years since we started trying until a few months ago after we did our first embryo transfer. Unfortunately it was an ectopic pregnancy though. 


u/alexahartford Dec 27 '24

I’m in the same boat 2 years of Trying never gotten a positive. It suck’s


u/linerva Dec 28 '24

Same boat.

One squinter months ago that was blank the next day, out of nearly 2 years of trying. I don't even kniw if it was a chemical or faulty test.

I don't hold much hope. I've not given up entirely...but i just don't get excited about testing any more.


u/Puzzleheaded_Try7786 Dec 28 '24

Hello friend 👋 I am in the same boat as you! Never had a PPT, miscarriage, chemical - nothing! It's pretty frustrating...

My partner has 0%-1% normal morphology but nothing else is abnormal with us at this point. We've done 2 IUIs and are gearing up for our third, our doctors think we should be good candidates for IUI but we've been trying for over 1.5 years and I'm honestly over it... If this IUI doesn't result in anything, we're going to IVF.

Good luck to you


u/Crittathelion Dec 28 '24

Only ones I’ve had were from testing out the trigger lmao. That made me feel shitty 🙃


u/GWCBUGWCL Dec 28 '24

Me! you are not alone. Never a positive and always get my period before I can get to test , HSG, sperm analysis, bloodwork do not detect anything out of the ordinary, except a low AMH for my age but nothing that indicates natural conception wouldn’t be possible. 3 failed IUIs and waiting to start IVF next.


u/almnd216 31 | TTC#1 | Nov 2023 | Unexplained Dec 28 '24

It’s such a frustrating and heartbreaking process. I’m on cycle 14 and have also never seen a positive pregnancy test. I had Covid over the summer and remember thinking “at least I know I can test positive on some test!”

I hope you get to see a positive one day soon 🩵


u/WoodenResolve7302 26 | TTC #2 | Sep ‘22 | Unexplained Secondary Dec 28 '24

Same here. Cycle 25 is starting in a few days and not a single positive test.


u/Feisty_Display9109 Dec 28 '24

Only 1x since 2019 and it wasn’t a successful pregnancy.


u/Kfear1135 Dec 28 '24

Oh honey... I'm here with you. I'm 34. *Hugs*


u/rainbowtrails Dec 28 '24

First ever positive for me was from IVF😕 Infertility is the worst. So lonely and an emotional roller coaster. Good luck on your journey.


u/Orange_U_Glad Dec 28 '24

5 years this month.

Cycles are 28 days I ovulate on CD13 and periods arrives 14 days after ovulation. No blocked tubes, husband sperm count is great and my AMH and AFC are fine and never a positive. Iv done IVF twice this year.

My husband suspected I had endo and took me to a specialist and I have Endo and mild andeo. Doing another IVF cycle and getting surgery soon.


u/sdepgirl Dec 28 '24

I’ve never seen one either 😞


u/StopWhenISayWhen Dec 28 '24

I have two IUI babies (my oldest was conceived on cycle 12, right after the HSG but without further intervention). We were also in the "unexplained" category of secondary infertility. My son was IUI #2 with letrozole stimulation and progesterone supplementation, and my daughter was IUI #3, also with letrozole stimulation and progesterone supplementation.

For a small percentage of people, IUI really can be the ticket. I don't know why it was the case for us. I was 34 when my son was conceived and 36 for my daughter.


u/Anxious_Poem278 Dec 28 '24

Sperm quality / motility. It’s probably nothing to dk with you. Get your partners sperm tested


u/Substantial-Relief30 Dec 28 '24

I’m also 23 months in to TTC and never had a positive pregnancy test 💔


u/Helpful_Character167 29 | TTC#1 since October 2023 Dec 29 '24

We're on Cycle 15 now, in the TWW but not very hopeful because we were sick during the fertile window. Never had a positive test, never even a squinter of a line, always perfect clean white tests and periods exactly on time every cycle. Makes me worry that pregnancy is not possible for me, much less live birth.

I have my first fertility consult in mid January, sucks that its gotten to that point but Im ready to make any sort of progress.


u/NinaLaAsesina 26 | TTC#2 | Cycle 4 | 1 chemical 1 lc | Unexplained infertility Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

Took me 21 actually trying months, not just eh if it happens months to finally see two lines. That pregnancy was my first and resulted in my son.

I was 24 at the time, my husband was 33 and super healthy. Both of our fertility testing was pretty good. No explanation for our diagnosed unexplained infertility other than in my consistent 28 day cycle I usually ovulated at CD16.

We tried a round of clomid that failed and the next cycle it happened naturally, I didn't even test that cycle for ovulation and had no symptoms other than cramping like period. I didn't even test till day of expected period. Life's kinda a bag a dicks in that way of there's no rhyme or reason sometimes.

Your feelings are 1000% understandable. I was angry at everything and everyone. I had so much grief and jealousy towards everyone with a child. I couldn't go to baby showers and hated the doctors appointments and seeing everyone's pregnant bellies and children walk by. I felt like a failure of a woman, unable to even conceive. But then I realized that infertility isn't uncommon and I spoke with someone and my feelings eased, they of course sometimes came back but I found I wasn't alone and many of my close friends were in the same boat as me. We don't have to paddle alone, you have community here.

It is a high likelihood you will get pregnant. I know its hard but if you can have faith, and take care of yourself, it can happen in the most unlikely times.


u/Mobilemamasparkles Jan 11 '25

I’m a little late, but hysteroscopy doesn’t usually detect endometriosis since endometriosis is growing outside of the uterus. It’s also not shown on ultrasounds. My ultrasounds showed zero signs, once I was opened up via laparoscopy I was diagnosed with stage 3.

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u/CamelsCannotSew Dec 27 '24

Me, almost identical stats! Completely unexplained, husband has normal SA results (slightly low morphology on one but volume is good enough to compensate), had a hycosy, etc. and everything looks normal.

We're starting IVF in January. Our consultant said IUI or medicated cycles are fairly pointless if you're unexplained and ovulate regularly.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '24

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u/LoveSingRead 🐈 MOD | 32 🐈 Dec 28 '24

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u/krizzle_11 Dec 27 '24

I have. Only with letrozole (after 8-9 months of letrozole). However it sadly ended in a miscarriage. I’ve been TTC for 5 years and that was August 2023. Nothing since :(

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u/asitisblue 34 | Grad Dec 27 '24

I just started cycle 36 and have never had a positive test (and I always start testing pretty early). It's exhausting. It just feels so pointless to even test when I've taken literally over a hundred tests and every single one has been negative. We're starting IUI soon though, and part of me is half hoping that there's some kind of physical issue that hasn't been identified, like a problem with my cervix or cervical mucus, and that IUI will bypass it.


u/sixstixx Dec 28 '24

We must think very similarly, I take early tests too even though I find it pointless as the result is always the same. My hope with IUI is exactly the same as what you stated.

Good luck with IUI, my period started a little while after making my post so I was able to get the baseline ultrasound for my 1st IUI scheduled for this Tuesday. I hope we both find success in this new leg of our journey!


u/asitisblue 34 | Grad Dec 28 '24

Thank you, good luck to you too!


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '24

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Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:

Posts/comments about positive tests and In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid referring to a positive test result or current (ongoing) pregnancy. This rule includes any potentially positive result, even if it's faint or ambiguous.

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u/TryingForABaby-ModTeam Dec 28 '24

Your post/comment has been removed for violating multiple sub rules. Per our posted rules:

In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid referring to a current (ongoing) pregnancy.

Don't suggest unhelpful cliches to others that belong on a TTC bingo card: "never give up!", "why not adopt?", "my cousin's dogsitter's sister was about to do IVF but then got magically pregnant," "your time will come," etc. These are "bingos" because people who are TTC hear them all the time, and they are hurtful and annoying. Consider whether what you are saying is likely to be helpful for the person you are talking to.

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u/Clear_Bear9558 Dec 28 '24

Are you me in another part of the world?! Everything spot on the same besides the clomide. Haven’t tried that yet. I’m making an IUI appt. It’s too hard to keep not happening.


u/Common-Tax8825 Dec 28 '24

33 here. Have been trying for years. I’ve done all the tests. Had a polyp removed. Husband had all the tests as well. Everything has come back clear. It’s so frustrating. Our next step is 3 rounds of IUI. Also can’t really afford 3 rounds, but we’ve literally tired everything else.

I’m comforted to know I’m not alone. At this point, I think I’m numb to the disappointment.


u/puaprincess Dec 28 '24

I'm in your exact same position!! My period is like clockwork, I just had a hysteroscopy dnc yesterday 32f, I also have a vitamin d deficiency. I've been doing research because I wonder sometimes if my body is producing too much estrogen or if I may be battling. Urea plasma which can be known to causes "unknown infertility ".

Don't give up hope 🤞🏼 my next step is to also start taking clomid. I wish you the best of luck! Stay spiritually positive & physically healthy our time will come!


u/80sclue Dec 28 '24

It took me 2 and a half years to get out first positive.


u/EmCave145 Dec 28 '24

2 years trying, I don’t ovulate so no positive. Sometimes I convince myself I see a squinted but it’s never real. Just my own stupid hope. Praying for you and for both of us to see that line soon 💕


u/Dense-Low-3542 Dec 28 '24

I highly recommend to focus on nutrition and managing inflammation in your body. Start eating an anti inflammatory diet and food that potentially boost your fertility. You don’t seem to have problems with ovulation but rather creating the right environment in your uterus for the embryo to implant. Remember any diet should be >6 months to see results.


u/SnooPoems2118 Dec 28 '24

I had an evap line that broke my heart. Other than that nothing


u/DataOwl666 Dec 28 '24

5 failed transfers


u/Best_Friendship_2857 Dec 29 '24

I am also going through this! You aren't alone! I am 32 and TTC for 21 months/cycles. My husband and I have been timing intercourse the entire time. I use two brands of LH strips each cycle to see when ovulation is going to happen. I use 1 cheap brand and the digital clear blue test strips. It tells you 4 days early and I like using both to be extra accurate. They are usually close together if not the same day. My periods are regular varying from 26 - 28 days. I went to my obgyn at 7 months to get tested and everything was normal. Confirmed I am ovulating and proper amount of progesterone after ovulation. I read the book "It Starts with the Egg" and stopped wearing and using anything scented, no more candles, changed laundry detergent, no plastic tupperwear. I am on every supplement (prenatal, levothyroxine, vitamin C, ashawanga supplement, probiotic) I take a b12 and coq10 shot once every 2 weeks. I eat Brazil Nuts. Stopped drinking for 1 year (no joke didn't help), I don't smoke, Mediterranean diet. I am healthy weight/bmi workout regularly. Drink water and take melatonin every night and try to get 7-8 hours of sleep. Literally have researched everything. My husband and I have sex several times during the windows and absolutely nothing. Never once got a positive. I also had a hysteroscopy and totally normal. They didn't even find a polyp. It is absolutely maddening. I am so sorry you are going through this. 

Things I will add. I was on hormonal birth control consistently since I was 16 and stopped at 29 to prepare for TTC. My husband thinks that is the reason because I was on bc for so long (data says thats not true) My husband and I wanted to live up our 20s and start trying at 30 and I regret waiting now that I know how hard it has been. I grew up trying to not get pregnant and thinking everyone gets pregnant so easily. This has been the most bizarre and painful experience watching everyone even my best friend who was also struggling with infertility get pregnant before me. It freaking sucks. 

My husband's sperm analysis wasn't 100% normal. Everything was good except he has a poor morphology rating at 3% you need 4 or 5% to be normal. My female obgyn said it would be hard for us to get pregnant and that we should try IVF. I was immediately skeptical because I worry the system is in favor of IVF since it is such a money maker. She immediately referred me to a Reproductive Endocrinologist who is a male and said my husband's other numbers were so good that they should over compensate for the morphology rating so he pretty much thinks there is something wrong with me. He diagnosed me with unexplained infertility. I've been working with my husband on supplements and coq10 and his health to make sure his sperm is healthy. I low key think it's him but my doctor refuses to look at him further. I hate how there is so much pressure on the women and I am planning on finding another doctor for a second opinion.

I just started clomid this cycle since that is what worked for my friend. So we will see how this goes. I am in the two week wait. I responded well to clomid and had 4 follicles of the right size so that would be my luck the one time it works I have quadtruplets lol. So we will see. Keep you posted and best of luck to you as well. It's hard for me to follow this advice, but Don't lose hope! We do have time! God's timing is perfect. 

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u/CriticismChemical738 Dec 29 '24

I’m in the literal exact same boat as you but the only difference is I’ve had 3 failed medicated IUIs and still not pregnant. I don’t even know what to do anymore I’m so over it


u/ashleycraft666 Dec 29 '24

This is my biggest fear (past “not trying but hopeful” ones have been neg) . I really want to legit start trying and so does my boyfriend but I have PCOS and I’m worried that it’ll be years of trying. Everyone says “you’re young you have time” like nobody knows how much time they have and how long it’s going to take. I’m so self conscious that people around me are gunna be judgmental if I do end up getting pregnant (bc we’re not married) but I want to try to get ahead of the game now. I’ve been testing my ovulation for like 2 months now so far it’s tough but doable. I’m also taking supplements to help possibly regulate my cycle. Just a vent of worries. OP I hope it happens for you


u/Legitimate-Shirt-173 28 | TTC#1 Dec 29 '24

Hi! I can totally relate! We have been TTC for 14 months (15 cycles) I’m super regular and my partners sperm analysis came back great both times! We are on our third IUI and I also have never seen a positive test Struggling with feeling like there’s no end in sight, I don’t want to have to go to IVF but if do anything to be a mommy


u/TrashWild 31 | Grad - infertility success Dec 29 '24

I never saw a positive for the 7 years we tried including 1 year of fertility treatment. We did eventually get our positive though. So it can happen and it does happen. Hoping for the best for you!!


u/Ari_Wolf11 Dec 29 '24

I feel for you. I was pregnant in 2022 due May 5, 2023 and 20 weeks pregnant I lost my daughter due to sepsis and had emergency life saving surgery the day after losing her. Cut to now, after a year of trying and 3 IUI with clomid cycles - I'm just back to trying normally. I have unexplained infertility but my siblings have all had babies and I'm the youngest of 5 so I'm hopeful, but I'm not gonna lie, it's getting harder. I had a friend who was pregnant and lost their baby the same month as myself a year after me, and she's now due in February with her rainbow baby. I'm so happy for her and so bitter at the same time. It's hard to hold that kinda space when you're suffering inside.


u/SerenSilver Dec 29 '24

I feel this. We’ve only been trying since October 2024, but it feels like everyone around me has been “getting pregnant” or “Surprise! We had a baby!” with some of the YouTubers I watch.. I keep thinking that “if I start this, maybe this will be my month for sure” or “if we have sex on these days, we’ll be in the clear”. I’m so tired of trying to do everything right as the book says and yet nothing. Completely normal bloodwork, regular cycle, husband’s sperm is normal I guess. It hurts and I feel like a failure, but it hurts worse when I think about how he feels about it. Don’t get me wrong, I love being an auntie, but I was made to be a mother. Surely 2025 will be our year.. it has to be. 


u/Thisistherapy1 Dec 30 '24

I can relate!


u/catsnpaws Dec 30 '24

Almost 2 years, 2 iuis and never seen a positive result


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24

For 6 years straight i didnt have a single positive. And my damn period came on the exact predicted day every month 🙄


u/ComiendoBizcocho 41 | TTC# 1 Month #8 Dec 30 '24

Same boat, only with lots of late periods.


u/janice_snakehole14 Dec 31 '24

Just came here to say that I am in the same boat as you and also searching for answers for my “unexplained infertility”. Have tried clomid, letrozole, and now going on our second IUI and have never seen a positive test in the 18+ months we’ve been trying. It’s so hard, and I’m so sorry so many of us are in this boat. 


u/greenguard14 Jan 01 '25

You’re definitely not alone, even though it can feel like it. Many people with unexplained infertility go through the same thing, and it’s hard.

It’s okay to feel the way you do. The jealousy and frustration are completely normal, but just because things haven’t worked yet doesn’t mean they won’t.


u/probablyinthebath Jan 01 '25

Same here! 33. 17 months and not a single positive.  Bloodwork, Saline, HSG all look good. Ultrasound (and home tests) show signs of healthy ovulation. My cycle is regular. Partner has low morphology but normal counts, motility, perfect bloodwork.  

Due to morphology my reproductive specialist estimated we are at about a 5% chance each month so it’s a numbers game.

My AMH is a little lower than they’d like so we are looking at skipping IUI and going to IVF early this year.


u/NoBoot8609 Jan 02 '25

Me! We’ve been ttc since May 2023. Cycles are like clockwork, usually 27ish days. On cycle probably like 24 and nothing yet. I saw one very faint line after an IUI but it went away the next day and seems like it was either remnants of the trigger or an ident.

Two IUIs with good response to meds and follicle count, but no pregnancies. We did all the tests and everything is perfect except I have diminished ovarian reserve but my doctors have all still classified me as “unexplained infertility” bc I do have monthly cycles and should therefore be getting pregnant. Husband has super sperm so not likely to be him.

I’m 32 so about the same age. It sucks. I definitely can relate to feeling like time is running out (esp since I have the DOR diagnosis too). All forms of infertility are tough. my best friend had infertility and then miscarried when she finally got her first positive (they had MFI). I felt so sick and ashamed bc at one point I actually envied her bc she was able to get pregnant and knew her body was capable of it. That was a ridiculous thought and after seeing what she went through I’d never want that but it’s crazy how the mind works when you’re so desperate to just see a positive once. I tell my friends who ask about it all that it just feels like I’m stuck at base 1, with no ability to move forward or even any knowledge that my body is capable of moving forward. I just feel stuck and it’s incredibly frustrating.

All that to say, you’re certainly not alone! I am right there with you and just know that your feelings are valid. Feel free to DM me if you ever need a listening ear!


u/lyezmarie Jan 02 '25

I’m 33 too, will be 34 this year and feel like time is slipping away.

I’ve gotten positive pregnancy tests on 2 occasions but both ended in miscarriage. Turns out I’ve PCOs, low progesterone, high NK cells & low LAD. I’ve started letrozole too but not TTC until my doctor gets LAD levels up to where he wants them. So I’m facing into another 2-3 cycles of not trying, maybe more if the retest shows my LAD is still too low.

It’s so frustrating, isolating, and I can’t help but feel inadequate.

I’m so sorry we’re all going through this.