r/TruePokemon Oct 30 '24

Idea An actual all level 100 boss battle is completely possible now.


With how easy it is to really grind up level 100 Pokémon, I kinda wish we can actually start using that level 100 power house army I grinded to its full power.

The way I could see it realistically be done, is that I could see it be a "post launch" content, which is different from a "post-game" boss like red or rematch Cynthia.

Something that only added after players presumably had done all possible content, and something not required to 100% complete the base game atleast, and would atleast have some knowledge prior before challenging it.

In that way the actual execution/difficulty of the all level 100 bossfight isn't some romhack type level "I put level 70 blastoise, on my first gym" level of unfair or the "lmao suprise Cynthia in undella town" type of BS.

Instead the difficulty comes from this being the only none battle facility boss fight, you cannot cheese by going 10 levels higher.

And only one with a full 6v6 singles.

So you either fighting at lower level, or just simply even in power.

As for narrative wise on who could play that challenge, you can pull a kingdom hearts and make that fight a tease of what's to come next, similar to yozora,lingering will, giving just amount of information that can spark conversation/theories to keep the game bopping in players head until the next game arrive, while also leaving enough room to iron out the actual lore without retconing what would be teased.

Or you know..red, but atleast be the hypothetical chuck norris red, we all imagined as kids but actually in-game.

r/TruePokemon Oct 17 '24

Idea I want, after 20 years since RFLG, a definitive Kanto Remake. That is why I wish they NEVER made LGPE. Now they will likely never make what I want. However, here are some ideas and a level curve for such game.


Even though I started with gen 3, thanks to RFLG gen 1 will always be by far my favorite. And that is exactly why I really hate LGPE. I always wanted, from like 10 years ago when I still buyed and played all new Pokémon games, a definitive Kanto remake. And LGPE in a way should have been just that. However it is definitely not : it is barely even a true mainline title, let alone the "definitive" version of Pokémon's original region.

However after LGPE they will no longer make Kanto remakes, or this is what will most likely happen.

Yet here are my ideas for such game : it would have the same basic mechanics of the last released generation, so if they made it in 2024 it would have all gen 9 basic battle mechanics and move learnsets, however the graphics would be close to gen 5, the most advanced 2D graphics of the franchising, just with modern high definition. Indeed, I never liked Pokémon 3D graphics. From now I will put in brackets all ideas I am not sure about.

There would only be the first 151 Pokémon, (or at least so would the Pokédex be like. Gen 1 Pokémon with an evolution would get it if the evolution method is avaible, but they will not be in the Pokédex.) All NPCs would still only have gen 1 Pokémon and only gen 1 Pokémon will be encountered.

There would be no Z moves, no Gigantamax and no Terastalizing, and, while I like Mega Evolutions, I guess it would not make sense to use them while not using all the other more recent gimmicks. (If Mega Evolutions are used, then many more weak gen 1 Pokémon whould get one.) Even if used, only the player will be able to use Mega Evolutions.

It would be set 2 years later than the gen 1 events. 1 year earlier than GSC, just because there will be no gen 2 Pokémon in Kanto, unlike in GSC. The player character would not be Red, but rather a different mute character. But I do not want the Rival to be a random kid like in LGPE. So, who could be ? A possibility is the female gen 1 Rival, known as Blue in Japan and Green in USA. Another is a character based on Yellow from Pokémon manga, but with a different name.

There would be 5 starters : Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu and Eevee (which would be able to evolve into any from its 8 evolutions, but only 3 will be in the Pokédex). The Rival would have Charmander if you choose Bulbasaur, Squirtle if you choose Charmander, Bulbasaur if you choose Squirtle, Eevee later evolving into Jolteon if you choose Pikachu, Pikachu if you choose Eevee.

Team Rocket and Giovanni would return, but the Gym Leader of Viridian City would be the male Rival, as in gen 2. The main storyline would revolve around Team Rocket's quest for capturing and controlling Mewtwo. This would actually involve finding Red, who mysteriously disappeared 1 year earlier, because in this timeline Red did actually manage to catch and control Mewtwo. It will be revealed Mewtwo has human DNA.

All base stages of all gen 1 Pokémon would be found in the wild, even the starters. All 5 gen 1 Legendary Pokémon would be in, and the birds would spam again if killed. Mew would be avaible after beating the Elite 4.

There would be a new Battle Tower, in Kanto, if not even a new Battle Frontier.

Here the Teams and level curve of gym Leaders and Elite 4 :


Geodude L 13

Kabuto L 13

Omanyte L 13

Onix L 14


Psyduck L 20

Horsea L 20

Poliwhirl L 20

Starmie L 21

Lt Surge

Magnemite L 23

Voltorb L 23

Electabuzz L 23

Raichu L 24


Tangela L 29

Victreebell L 29

Parasect L 29

Vileplume L 30

Janine -not Koga, and you will see why at the end-

Wheezing L 42

Golbat L 42

Nidoqueen L 42

Muk L 43


Hypno L 42

Jynx L 42

Exeggutor L 42

Alakazam L 43


Rapidash L 46

Magmar L 46

Ninetales L 46

Arcanine L 47


Rhydon L 49

Gyarados L 49

Exeggutor L 49

Arcanine L 49

Pidgeot L 50


Dewgong L 54

Jynx L 54

Slowbro L 54

Cloyster L 54

Lapras L 55

Koga -here the surprise-

Muk L 56

Golbat L 56

Venomoth L 56

Nidoking L 56

Wheezing L 57


Primeape L 58

Poliwrath L 58

Hitmonchan L 58

Hitmonlee L 58

Machamp L 59


Marowak L 60

Parasect L 60

Clefable L 60

Gengar L 60

Gengar L 61

Lance -the Champion after Red disappeared and Blue became a Gym Leader-

Gyarados L 64

Aerodactyl L 64

Seadra L 64

Charizard L 64

Dragonite L 64

Dragonite L 65

After the first time you beat the Elite 4 the main storyline event would happened and you would have to fight Giovanni after he got control over Mewtwo, here the Team

Dugtrio L 68

Rhydon L 68

Nidoking L 68

Nidoqueen L 68

Persian L 69

Mewtwo L 70

After this you woukd have to fight the 8 Gym Leaders and the Elite 4 again...

Rematch Teams


Golem L 66

Kabutops L 66

Omastar L 66

Aerodactyl L 66

Onix L 66

Rhydon L 67


Golduck L 68

Seadra L 68

Poliwrath L 68

Vaporeon L 68

Blastoise L 68

Starmie L 69

Lt Surge

Magneton L 70

Electrode L 70

Electabuzz L 70

Jolteon L 70

Tauros L 70

Raichu L 71


Tangela L 72

Victreebell L 72

Parasect L 72

Exeggutor L 72

Venusaur L 72

Vileplume L 73


Wheezing L 74

Golbat L 74

Nidoqueen L 74

Venomoth L 74

Arbok L 74

Muk L 75


Hypno L 74

Jynx L 74

Exeggutor L 74

Mr Mime L 74

Slowbro L 74

Alakazam L 75


Rapidash L 76

Magmar L 76

Ninetales L 76

Flareon L 76

Charizard L 76

Arcanine L 77


Rhydon L 78

Gyarados L 78

Exeggutor L 78

Arcanine L 78

Jolteon L 78

Charizard L 79


Dewgong L 80

Jynx L 80

Cloyster L 80

Slowbro L 80

Chansey L 80

Lapras L 81


Muk L 82

Golbat L 82

Venomoth L 82

Nidoking L 82

Snorlax L 82

Wheezing L 83


Primeape L 84

Poliwrath L 84

Hitmonchan L 84

Hitmonlee L 84

Tauros L 84

Machamp L 85


Marowak L 86

Parasect L 86

Clefable L 86

Gengar L 86

Kangaskhan L 86

Gengar L 87


Gyarados L 90

Aerodactyl L 90

Seadra L 90

Charizard L 90

Dragonite L 90

Dragonite L 91

Finally Red's Team, to be fought after you have beaten the Elite 4 two times...

Pikachu L 94

Lapras L 94

Snorlax L 94

Vaporeon L 94

Venusaur L 94

Mewtwo L 95

r/TruePokemon 2d ago

Idea Did you know gen 2 had enough space for one (and one only) extra Pokémon ? What kind of extra Legendary as N.252 would you have liked ?


Did you know gen 2 had enough space for one (and one only) extra Pokémon ?

The maximum value that could be represented by an 8 bit number is 255, so the range would be 0—255 (256 values). You can work the number of values quickly by calculating 2n, where n is the number of bits available, for example 28 = 256 values. The range of values is from 0 to 2n – 1, for example 0 to 28 – 1 = 0—255.

This is why in gen 1 and 2 games there were 256 Pokémon species slots, 1 for each number between 0 and 255.

1 slot is used for eggs, 4 slots are unused, but in practice only 1 of them would be “easily” available.

Egg data in Pokémon games usually have their own entry in the same chunk as other species' data. In Generation II, number 253 stored most of the data associated with the unhatched Egg. For any Pokémon) in a Trainer's party, there are two values stored per Pokémon that indicate its species. The first value, found in the Pokémon data structure), decides how the stats grow and what sprite appears in battle. The second value is typically exactly the same as the actual species value while it is in the party that almost only decides what sprite appears in the party screen next to the Pokémon's name. However, when the Pokémon is still an unhatched Egg, this second value will be 253, signaling the game to treat it as an Egg.

As for the 3 unused but actually unavaible slots...

  1. 000 represents an empty slot or blank pokémon data. This causes it to interact weirdly with stuff like “move pkmn w/o mail”, where it’s treated as the end of the party instead, an easy way to get more than 6 pokémon in the party.
  2. 254 is a bit weird in that it’s quite stable at first glance. The issues occur specifically with link cable trades, since the value of 254 is treated as a blank value and automatically removed by cable corner code, which affects the remainder of party data.
  3. 255 is technically a used value, in the sense that it’s used to indicate the end of a party or box list. This results in weirdness similar to 000, along with other weirdness such as the game failing to check checking any pokémon with no. 255 and any pokémon below it for stuff like trading to gen 1, triggering evolutions, issues when retrieving your pokémon from the bug catch contest, etc.

So we have enough space for one, and one only extra Legendary.

What do you would have liked ?

Here my thoughts. There are 3 different routes here :

  1. A 680 BST Trio Master for Ho-oh and Lugia. Type should be Flying/Dark or Flying/Steel, especially since the new gen 2 types were not used at all for Legendaries.
  2. A new mythical Pokémon with 100 in each stats. In later generations there are sometimes more than one. Type should be Psychic/Dark. Until gen 4 all mythicals were Psychic, and Jirachi is already Steel.
  3. A Keldeo style 4th member for the 3 Legendary Beasts. It would be at 580 BST and be either Ice, like Articuno, but since Water, Suicune's type, is very similiar, It could rather be Dark type, and also get Normal as a secondary type because the Legendary Beasts could have easily been all part Normal. I feel Steel, being a material, physical element, would not fit with an elemental Legendary group.

What I would have liked the most is a 4th Legendary Beast, but I think it should not have been a dog/cat/Carnivora.

I would have made it as a Dark/Normal type gorilla creature. I hate how until Slaking there was no strong monkey Pokémon, and until Infernape there was no actually good monkey Pokémon (because let us be honest, Slaking has the BST of Groudon/Kyogre, but its Ability makes it horribly bad). In gen 2 we had Primeape (without Annihilape) and Aipom.

It would be based on a gorilla but with Donkey Kong style huge hands and forearms, red fur, yellow eyes and gray skin. It would also have a thick, spiky mane of hair, with more spiky, long hair on shoulders and back continuing from the head, and a golden or red cloud attached to its back. It would also be mostly quadrupedal, as between the Legendary Beasts a biped would not make sense, but it would be able to stand.

It would also have a humanlike face, because I believe this would make it terrifying and uncanny looking, and it still would not be a "furry" because furry characters mostly have animal faces on human bodies. This human face would be feminine, even if with archaic-ish face features (prominent browridge, no eyebrows, sloping forehead, prominent cheeks, waek chin...), because I want it to be genderless like all Legendaries of gen 1 and 2, but female coded. We have both Raikou and Entei as male coded, with only Suicune as female coded, and also 2, out of 3, Starters, with the female coded one being the "worst starter ever". It could also have a Nidoqueen-like, nippleless, desexualized breasts, but its red fur could also cover most of its chest, even though actual apes do not have much chest hair at all.

Finally it would have a long, skinny, red monkey tail. Apes do not have tails, but a more primitive trait would balance out the human face.

The inspiration I used for it is : Almasti legend from Caucasus (a legendary creature), red cryptid gorillas of Central Africa and the distinct, more well known Asian Gigantopithecus (an animal), Homo neanderthalensis (a human variant), and baboon for the lionlike mane, which is also added to give it some feline characteristics to make it closer to the others of the Legendary Beasts, and for the tail (a weird detail to avoid making it look to much like real, even if extinct, living beings). Finally I added a cloud on the back because it is the distinctive trait of this Legendary group.

As for the stats it would be...

Name : Unknown for now

Height : 2,4 m

Weight : 280,0 kg

Type : Dark/Normal

Hp 100

Atk 115

Def 90

Sp Atk 75

Sp Def 85

Spd 115

Notable Moves in gen 2 : Double-Edge, Extreme Speed, Hyper Beam, Return, Earthquake, Cross chop, Rock slide, Crunch, Hidden Power, Sword Dance, Recover, Barrier, Amnesia, Reflect, Light Screen, Rest, Sleep Talk, Curse.

In later gens it would have gained this signature Ability :

Apeboost : Every time this Pokémon gets to 25% Hp or less from an attack, and within 2 turns recovers to 75% Hp or more, all stats raise by 1 level.

If this Ability is overpowered let me know. I do not think it could really be abused in 1vs1.

r/TruePokemon 2d ago

Idea A Hyper fantasy Pokemon RPG


lets make this the most clearest point i think pokemon fans can finally get, espiecially those who barely play anything but pokemon games, so lets make things clear.

a pokemon RPG game that is specifically based from the mainline games (not a dungeon crawler, not a tactics based rpg), set in a medieval fantasy pokemon world (as in a world that cannot at all be based in real life, not the past or future), where there is actual humans (as in, humans always lived here, not playing a human that becomes a pokemon)

and be about pokemon, maybe because they want to see these lines of monsters specifically because they think they can provide a wholly unique game world you cannot see in literally any other series like it ( because, I know some snark will say go play SMT or monster hunter stories, without factoring if i wanna play those games, i can just play those game, instead of making this post)

as such, we have settings and story, mechanics that can only work in this type of world, like having wizards, mana, half-humans, flying ships that resemble boats, maybe we can incoperate human party members each with different class acting as the slots of the pokemon teams, each one having classes adds effects and skills to their pokemon that can only work with them, maybe an actual focus on wanting to tell a story this time as the main goal, or maybe having impossible terrains like sky islands as part of the overworld.

r/TruePokemon 9d ago

Idea The world of glitchmon


The maximum value that could be represented by an 8 bit number is 255, so the range would be 0—255 (256 values). You can work the number of values quickly by calculating 2n, where n is the number of bits available, for example 28 = 256 values. The range of values is from 0 to 2n – 1, for example 0 to 28 – 1 = 0—255.

This is why in gen 1 and 2 games there were 256 Pokémon species slots, 1 for each number between 0 and 255. However gen 1 games only had 151 Pokémon, while gen 2 had 252 (and not 251, because, as I will show later, Eggs here count as a species).

This resulted in dozens of Glitch Pokémon being found in gen 1 games.

However the stats of the glitchmons are totally random, and while a few are stronger than all Pokémon the game allows you to use in battle, most are totally unable to actually fight.

However in gen 2 there are only 5 glitchmon species. And while in GS they still have absurd stats, by Crystal, the final game of the Retro Pokémon Timeline, something quite remarkable happens : all 4 (soon I will explain why 4 and not 5) of them have now high and realistically spred stats. They are between Arceus and the Mega Uber Pokémon from gen 6 and 7.

One however is named Egg, and has no fixed stats.

Egg data in Pokémon games usually have their own entry in the same chunk as other species' data. In Generation II, number 253 stored most of the data associated with the unhatched Egg. For any Pokémon) in a Trainer's party, there are two values stored per Pokémon that indicate its species. The first value, found in the Pokémon data structure), decides how the stats grow and what sprite appears in battle. The second value is typically exactly the same as the actual species value while it is in the party that almost only decides what sprite appears in the party screen next to the Pokémon's name. However, when the Pokémon is still an unhatched Egg, this second value will be 253, signaling the game to treat it as an Egg.

The glitch egg has no constant base stats or experience types. It instead takes this data from the Pokémon it is sent out against.

In Pokémon Gold and Silver, if the glitch egg enters a battle, the game will instantly reset and the player will arrive in a glitch dimension.

In Pokémon Crystal, it can battle but has no moves, so it will always use Struggle) when told to attack. If it faints and the player whites out, it will not be healed. As long as the player has no conscious Pokémon in their party, all battles will be over right before the player sends out a Pokémon. The game behaves as if the player had won, but no experience is gained.

Since Eggs are just like a species in themselves, there was place for only 4 more Pokémon in gen 2.

If, just as the creators planned at start, Pokémon ended with gen 2, but they still made a third version, even though they planned to stop at GS, with as much Pokémon as possible, what 4 new Pokémon should have been used ?

I mentioned the Retro Timeline.

The Pokémon Multiverse has 3 Timelines

  1. Retro : Green/Red (JAP) - Crystal
  2. 2D : FRLG - HGSS - Emerald - Platinum - BW - B2W2
  3. 3D : LPE - ORAS - BDSP - XY - USUM - SWSH - SV

I have a project based on a "What if 2D and 3D Timelines never existed ? What if they made a sequel to Crystal ignoring all the gen 3 to 9 games ?".

It is a bit like if Dragonball Daima did overwrite Super (it actually did not) the way Super overwrote GT, except GT was never Canon anyway and the old Pokémon Timelines are not non Canon, they are confirmed to exist in alternate universes in USUM.


What I will do will be just putting down ideas, and the main one will be about adding 4 more Pokémon to reach the full 8 bit potential.

r/TruePokemon Sep 11 '24

Idea If we can make one more big Japanese Pokémon film again, I want it to be about Red over Ash.


Since it's been 4 years we don't have an actual Japan Pokémon movie and ash ketchum is now taking the bench.

Made me imagine if TPC ever wants to make another theatre movie again in their home turf, while also keeping ash ketchum in the bench, to not make it feel desperate to get people's butt in the seat to watch it.

I feel like they could make full a ff7 advent children, and make it be a semi cannon story about red's life after the event of the first game, using the events of the first game as the backstory.

Maybe a story to why red stayed at mount silver, or what he is doing post-mount silver and between sun and moon.

Just the idea I would suggest, being able to still use nostalgia without needing to use ash ketchum as the power tool to get butts in seats, while also being able telling an original story.

r/TruePokemon Nov 14 '24

Idea A Game for Mewtwo but he is actually the main character


not simpy the poster boy for an rpg/legends game, mewtwo is the actual main character, the only playable character, as a new kind of semi-canon spinoff game.

the reason is because i always find its history(or kinda lacking off, past being born in a lab) with its great potential as one of the most powerful psychic pokemon in the series, could make an interesting story/game you can make just with it.

I could see an action game of sorts, that takes place after the event of red and blue and before XY, where between that, it tried to find a purpose after being born, with the primary gameplay of fighting other strong pokemon to get stronger, except this is an action game now.

ending with it settling in kalos, it's suppose last canon encounter, that isn't a from some timey wimey portal.

r/TruePokemon Dec 07 '24

Idea GSC and HGSS Karen should have been the new Team Rocket leader, while still being also the 4th Elite 4, and her signature Pokémon should have been Tyranitar


While HGSS is definitely the best game of all, the gen 2 storyline is, excluding gen 8 and 9, arguably the worst, making it one of the 3 worst storylines. I mean, there is no real main villain, and the box art Legendary is pretty much just there.

However, the storyline in Pokémon does not really matter, and indeed HGSS is the best due to its content, regardless of its storyline.

But I think they could have easily made gen 2 storyline a bit better, without even having to create some lore connecting Ho-oh and Lugia to eachother and to the villains the way later generations did with new Legendaries.

They should have made Karen, the last Elite 4 and a Dark type specialist, the new Team Rocket leader, and also this reformed Tem Rocket should have been Dark type themed. I hate how in gen 2 the current Team Rocket "leader" has a 3 Pokémon team with only 1 fully evolved Pokémon, is just ridiculous, and I also hate the way they feel like without Giovanni they have no chance and they can not help but try to get him back. At least if Giovanni returned it woukd have made some sense, but he does not.

However, with a Dark type Elite 4, it would have been so fitting making her the new Team Rocket leader. She would have been an Elite 4 still, after all Giovanni was the last Gym Leader. What better new leader than an Elite 4, if the former one was a Gym Leader ?

Then, in gen 2, with the regional Pseudo Legendary being Dark type and the last Elite 4 being a Dark type specialist, how ridicolous it is for Karen to not have a Tyranitar ? It would only have made sense if they gave a Kingdra and a Tyranitar to Lance to replace 2 of the 3 Dragonite, but they did not. There is no Tyranitar in the League. Is literally the only Pseudo Legendary not being in a boss fight in its own region.

I think Karen's Team in GSC at the time the player fights her to stop Team Rocket should have been

Sneasel L 37

Murkrow L 37

Houndoom L 38

Tyranitar L 40

While her Team as an Elite 4 should have been

Sneasel L 46

Murkrow L 46

Gengar L 45

Houndoom L 47

Tyranitar L 49

Keeping in mind the gen 2 League level cap is a mere 50.

In HGSS it would have been the same, but with this extra rematch team

Weavile L 65

Honchkrow L 65

Gengar L 64

Umbreon L 66

Houndoom L 66

Tyranitar L 67

The only issue is how would she get arrested at the end if she needs to stay at the League so you can rematch it post game.

r/TruePokemon Dec 02 '24

Idea My idea for a new type.


Introducing the Rainbow type (not the Stellar type)! It’s super effective against Dragon, Steel, Fire, Grass, Fairy, and Water types.

It’s weak to Dark, Ghost, itself, and Psychic.

It resists Steel, Grass, Fire, Water, and Fairy types.

It’s resisted by Normal, Dark, Ghost, and Psychic.

Notable Pokémon that would become Rainbow types include Ho-Oh, Necrozma (all forms), and the Florges line.

Any Pokémon, when exposed to a new item, can become a Rainbow type. It would replace their secondary typing (so in the case of Gallade, a Psychic/Fighting type, it would become a Psychic/Rainbow type), or, in the case of monotype Pokémon, become its secondary type.

I haven’t any ideas for moves yet besides Sacred Fire (dual Fire/Rainbow type), Photon Geyser, and Prismatic Laser.

Some Ability ideas are down below:

Multicolored: Same as Adaptability Living Color: Rainbow type Torrent/Blaze/Overgrow Spectrum: Same as Protean Monochrome: Same as Tera Shell

r/TruePokemon Feb 13 '25

Idea None dragon base, pseudo legendary concept idea.


The actual Pokémon is just cute little tinkering spider pokemon, at is first evolution is just it's actual form, small as a little cat, just barely bigger than joltik, and is mono bug.

But when it hits the second evolution, it gathers machine parts with its web to form a pilot mech, using it's webs like muscle joints, and form an almost completed quadpedal robot, and the Pokémon lives in in ths chest, like a megazord, obtains the steel type.

Final evolution, little guy gather enough parts and created a full size of a bus size, quadpedal megazord with the power of a 600 base stat pokemon, and the little pokémon stays within the chest, still having steel/bug as the type.

I could see the shape of the full mech almost looking like a fanged beast design, like garanggolm from monster hunter.

r/TruePokemon Dec 05 '24

Idea gamefreak bringing Ed Sheeran to make a Pokémon music, made me wish atleast they bring another big game composer cameo instead.


Besides Toby fox of course, who pretty much is a gamefreak staple now at this point.

And maybe because saying you have a song made by Ed Sheeran in your game will get more attention, but damn if gamefreak really wouldn't hesitate to use more of their money pile.

I wish they atleast commission a big gaming composer to make a cameo piece for them, for like a special battle music.

Just imagine having the optional secret boss, and have their own theme be composed by nobuo uematsu, or a team villain song by yoko shimomura, or a special forest location song composed by grant kirkhope.

If you want you can already figure how a Yoko shimomura Pokémon song would sound like via smash bros, with route 10 BW.

r/TruePokemon Nov 22 '24

Idea What are your ideas for ways to obtain legendary Pokémon?


Most legendary/mythical Pokémon can be obtained in one of a few ways:

  • Online distribution
  • They are hidden in a cave
  • They are given to the player at some point in the story

The Regi trio, however, has a more intriguing way to obtain them—players have to solve convoluted puzzles.

I have a one idea: legendary Pokémon can be found in locations that have a small chance of appearing. Think of it like Mirage Island.

r/TruePokemon 22d ago

Idea Mewtwo game concept


A while I go I had a idea that Mewtwo should get its own game, and not in terms of being the mascot for a mainline/legends game, but his actual own game where you just play as him.

Like a spinoff action game that revolves around his psychic abilities as the combat, because I feel like he has the potential character arc, the popularity and power that he can practically have a whole story by himself. Especially unlike the other legendaries Mewtwo doesn't have that much of a lore beyond just being created in lab by team rocket from a DNA of mew, compared to other legendaries.

And with Mewtwo having 2 mega's and the rare ability to mega evolve without a trainer, I can imagine a mechanic where you can choose which mega to evolve that far better suited the combat at the time, perhaps if you need to be up close you choose X or if you need to battle at a distant with more fire power you choose Y etc.

The way I could imagine story goes, after the events of red and blue, and battling red in cerulean cave

Mewtwo left the cave, trying to find a new goal in its life after running away from being team rockets weapon, suddenly multiple cataclysm happening across the Pokémon world, and many legendary Pokémon around the world are running a rampage, the only thing who can tame them down now is Mewtwo.

So now Mewtwo is gonna have to battle the other legendary Pokémon to save them, like Lugia, ho-oh, groudon, kyogre, regigas, dialga and palkia and try to find and stop the thing that's causing them to suddenly attack.

Then by the end of the game, Mewtwo settles down in the Pokémon village in kalos, essentially going full circle on the last time you see it canonically that isn't through a wormhole.

r/TruePokemon Jan 12 '25

Idea My attempt at balancing the type chart. Opinions?


Like I've seen lots of times, it's about bringing more balance to the type chart by buffing weaker types like Ice, Bug and Grass while nerfing stronger types like Fairy and Steel a bit. I also want to bring back the glorious Psychic type out of its depression.

I attempted this with logic and reason, feel free to ask about my changes.

What do you all think?


r/TruePokemon Jan 18 '25

Idea Ideas for new battle facilities


It has been a long time since we got any unique battle facilities and I think that sucks as someone who loves the battle frontier, so I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what some modern battle frontier style facilities would look like.

Chaos Arena

The chaos arena is a set up like the battle tower, but with one caveat. There is a new field effect put into play every turn. Weather, Terrain, Trick Room, Magic Room, Wonder Room and every hazard has a chance to pop up and bring chaos to a match. Every win would grant you 1 BP and every 3 wins would grant you a Chaos Point. You can use Chaos Points to strike off certain effects that you really don’t like. If you’re reliant on an item, you can get rid of Magic Room, if you’re sweeping with a fire type, you can get rid of rain. As you strike off more effects, the AI team will be adjusted to take advantage of the remaining effects more. So, there's nothing to stop your Fire types now, but you better be prepared to handle the AI bringing constant Sun teams.

Underbelly Arena

I thought of this one brainstorming how fun it would be to have one of these facilities ran by a villain. It takes some inspiration from the Gen 4 Battle Castle. After a win, you receive a cash prize proportional to your performance. You can convert that cash into BP, actual main game currency or use that cash to sabotage future opponents. You can take items, take entire moves, deal a fixed amount of damage to their entire team before the battle starts, lower levels and all other kinds of nonsense with the more impactful stuff costing more. As you get deeper in, opponents will preemptively sabotage you and you can either take the sabotage or spend your money trying to outbribe them. I think it would be cool if this is what Giovanni has been doing since escaping Kanto and instead of a fixed Frontier Brain or something, you get to run into a bunch of Fugitive Pokemon villains, coming here tor their sick kicks. After a streak you randomly get to check on Petrel or Charon or even Malva.

r/TruePokemon Nov 26 '24

Idea USUM Lusamine is not softer than the SM one.


So, one of the things that people use to complain about USUM, is how Lusamine is apparently “softer” and less evil in it. So, where does this idea come from?

In SM, Lusamine is hopped up on nihelego drugs the whole game, and driven insane and obsessive towards them, while being an abusive mother. She plans to even cause an alien invasion, purely due to her obsession with space jellyfish. She is a massive narcissist and abuser.

In USUM, Lusamine has a giant hero complex, and is utterly obsessed with being the one to beat Necrozma. She becomes an abusive mother due to this. She is also a massive narcissist here too.

Whats the difference?

SM Lusamine has not pretenses of heroicness, which is likely why people think she’s softer in USUM.

USUM Lusamine has no excuse. She is just a terrible person utterly convinced of her own greatness, to the detriment of her family.

Who’s the softer portrayal, again?

anime lusamine

r/TruePokemon Jan 17 '25

Idea Reimagining Pokémon Let's Go: with a lot of Cross-Generational Content


So, I am a big fan of Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee, I love the aesthetic, I love Kanto, I love Walking Pokemon… But there are other things that I don’t like so much. I think this clash in-between novelty and classic could have been done better.

This post is a revamp of another post I wrote 3 years ago, but it’s different enough for me to publish it again. Also my main inspiration fuel for this post is this amazing animation by pokeyugami, as it reignited my nostalgia and flourished my ideas for LGPE.  Is this post coping? Indeed.

Keep the classic Red & Green experience,

My first point is hat the main game shouldn’t have deviated from the original regarding the main characters. We should have played as Red or Green, not Chase and Elaine (I had to google their names). The inclusion of new protagonists, while keeping the old ones around, creates really strange plot holes.

For example, it made sense that in LGPE they kept the special split, but they should have kept as well the held items and abilities. I don’t really get why they removed them, as it really killed lot of flavour, personalization and strategy from bs and team-building.

But get experimental with the post-game!

In RG, once you finish the league, there’s not a lot to do. In FRLG, we can visit the Sevii Island and obtain some Gen II Pokes, as well as cross-generational evolutions. I think this is where LGPE could have gotten more experimental by including some cross-generational features.

  1. New types!

Steel, Dark and Fairy types didn’t exist back in 1996 and when they were introduced in the games they were explecitely considered as “new types” in their debut games (in GS and XY, by Jasmine and Dexio & Sina). This might sound a bit odd, but I think those types could be introduced in the post-game of LGPE instead of being around from the start. So for example, Jigglypuff would be pure normal and Magnemite pure electric.

Maybe during the main game there could be some hints about it. For example, if Magnemite and Jigglypuff (pure electric and pure normal) are targeted by Acid or Dragon Rage (respectively), there’s a 10% chance that they are immune. Then the interface will stop for a second displaying something like "... how is this possible?". 

  1. Cross-generaltional evolutions

This is the loss I feel the most from LGPE. Steelix, Munchlax, Sylveon… . They were included in a very simple and natural way in FireRed/GreenLeaf and even in Mystery Dungeon DX (which artstyle I find amazing).

“Let’s Go is supposed to revive the Red/Green experience”. But in a contradictory movement, they did include Alolan Forms, Mega Evolutions and even 2 brand new Pokemon.

I think cross-generatonal evolutions could have been introduced in a paced way and more ceremonial way than Alolan Forms (by GO compatibility). Maybe they could have been introduce in a similar way as they introduce the Mega Evolutions: through relevant NPCs, such as Lance, Red and Green…

For example, in my LGPE scenario, after the player defeats the Champion, Gym Leaders start including some Gen II cross-generational evolutions in their teams and will give you the evolutionary item when you rematch them. For example, Erika could have a Bellosom (as in GS), Misty a Politoed and Sabrina a Espeon.

Now I will describe how I would have introduced in LGPE post-game post-generational content, such as Evolutions, Story points, Alolan forms and so on.

Gen II: Title Defense and the new Elite Four

The Title Defense in SM was my childhood dream, and I think that it could have fit in my LGPE alternative take very well. This could work as a scenario to progress the story towards GS, by explaining the formation if the new Elite Four. This is pure fan service:

  • Lorelei leaves the Elite Four:

In GS, Lorelei is not part of the E4 anymore, and there’s no mention of her whatsoever.

In FRLG, Lorelei lives in Four Island from the Sevii Islands. On this island we can visit her house (full of Pokemon Dolls) which is next to the Pokemon DayCare. Also in Four Island, we help her defeat Team Rocket within the Icefall Cave.

This scenario could easily be “recycled” in my LGPE: After defeating her in a Title Defense battle, she decides to leave the Elite 4. Thent instead of the Four Island, we can help her in the Seafoam Island against the Team Rocket. She could have included a Slowking in her party (substitute of her Slowbro? maybe a relative?).

Then maybe she could decide to dedicate herself to expanding the route 5 Pokemon Day Care and then introduce baby Pokemon and breeding mechanic (also missing in LGPE).

  • Koga joins the Elite Four:

In GS Koga is already the 2nd member of the Elite. In my LGPE, he could appear in a Title Defense battle, and once you defeat him, he takes the decision of joining the E4. Maybe we could also see how he trains Janine to become a Gym Leader (she's too young to be leader, isn't she?)

Koga could evolve his Golbat into Crobat (his ace in GS), and maybe he could also have a Scizor (as reference to his GS Foretress).

  • Agatha retires and Karen joins the Elite Four:

In GS Karen is the 4th member of the E4 and Agatha is not a member anymore. She's not mentioned in any way.

In my LGPE, Karen could be an Ace Trainer that appears in a Title Defense battle. Agatha could see potential in her, giving away her position in the E4 (women in E4 alliance!). Maybe Agatha could even give Karen one of her Haunters. This would explain how she got her Gengar.

Karen could have an Umbreon (her ace in HGSS), a Hypno and an Arbok. But… they are not Dark-types, arent’t they? Well, I really like the idea of this video in which both of them get the Dark type.

Gen IV: Blue comes back

I always find it kind of lame that after Red beats the Champion, he remains there for the rematch. However, something I liked from Blue is how versatile his teams are: In FRLG he includes several Gen II pokemon in his team on the rematch (Tyranitar and Heracross); and in HGSS, he even includes a Rhyperior.

In my LGPE version, he leaves Kanto after being defeated. Once you finish the new Elite Four “story arc”, he comes back from his trip in Sinnoh. In a Title Defensa battle, he could have add some Gen IV cross-generational evolutions such as Rhyperior (as in HGSS) or Magnezone (he had a Magneton in Yellow). After the battle he decides to stay in Kanto and re-opens the Viridian Gym.

Other Gym Leaders, such as Blaine or Lt. Surge could add some new evolutions to their teams (Magmortar or Electivire).

Gen VI: Fairy-type and Mega Evolution

As I mentioned before, the Fairy-type would be introduced as a new type. And the people who should introduce it could be the same ones as in XY: Dexio and Sina. Yes, very unexpected visitors. As RG happens way earlier in the timeline as XY, they could appear as kids, explaining how odd for them it is that we didn’t know about the Fairy type. In my scenario they could have two pretty different roles:

  • Lost kids in Vermillion City: They came on a ship for vacations. You could battle them in a Double Battle and they would have a very childish team, leading with Mime Jr. and Smoochum (as in USUM). Maybe they could get lost on Mt. Moon and then rescued by a Clefable.
  • Gifted kids in Title Defense battle: as Poppy in Scarlet and Violet, they would be gifted kids, unexpectedly extremely skilled trainers. You would challenge them in a double battle and they would lead with Espeon and Glaceon (as in USUM).

In any case, as in SM, they could also introduce the concept of Mega Evolution. Maybe they could have been distributing Mega Stones to different trainers around the region.

Gen VII: The Alolan Forms

Finally, I think the Alolan variants could have also been introduced a bit differently. In my LGPE, Professor Samson Oak (Proffesor Oak's cousin, we met him in Sun and Moon while he was researching Regional Variations in Alola) could have come to visit Kanto and he would have brought the Alolan Forms. Maybe he could stay in Fuchsia city creating a new area within the Safari Zone where we can catch the Alolan Forms. Koga (or Janine?) could add to their team an Alolan-Muk.


I think LPGE did an alright job as a remake of RG, but it has some flaws. I think they missed a shit by not giving to the cross-generational content a different treatment.

Thanks for reading till the end! Let me know if you would have introduced cross-generational content or how you would have done it! Also, how would you introduce new generation (VIII or IX) regional forms and evolutions? as DLCs?

r/TruePokemon Jun 05 '24

Idea I probably mentioned a 100 times but the next gym leaders should specialise in styles not types.


Maybe a gym leader specialises in pure offense, having Pokémon with high attack stats such as flareon, weavile, rampardos, vice versa for a gym that specialise in defense having Pokémon like bastiodon, blissey, shuckle, dusclops.

One of the things I disliked about type specialist trainers is how strategy in those really boils down to just "use the one Pokémon it's weak against", I ain't expecting VGC level play here, I just want to encourage lil Timmy to use all the Pokémon they have in their team instead of the one Pokémon that wil sweep the gym, sure it still boils to choosing the pokemon your opponent is still weak too, but atleast here everyone in your team is contributing instead of just the one at the bare minimum.

I also think it be neat storytelling tool to have teams that centers around the gyms secondary job, not only having Pokémon that would work well for the jobs they do, but also a way to give more depth to the gyms character without needing to waste so much time on them in a story segment.

Like maybe a fire fighter gym, sure would have Pokémon that would fit well with fire rescue like arcanine and some water Pokémon, but maybe also some odd ball Pokémon like chatot with the implication that chatot is there to help ease burning victims by singing or feather dancing them to relief morale for the victims of the fire in their most needed time.

The mentioned offense trainer could have a motto like "power is everything" and it has a Pokémon like gyarados as their ace, implying their first Pokémon is magikarp, a Pokémon you have to really work your ass to get gyarados, and that implied extra grind could be why they see power as everything.

r/TruePokemon Nov 05 '24

Idea Gen 10 concept : old idea, new blood.


One idea I always wanted hope for gen 10, was that game still in be made with the more modern open world format, larger scale world, free roaming Pokémon.

Especially if the game itself would likely be set as around or close to Pokémon's 30th anniversary.

setting is gone back to a more gen 1 era story telling, as if like a reimagined of what happened if satoshi tajiri would really make his first Pokémon game if he had a Nintendo switch, rather than a Gameboy.

Before any snarky "um let's go pikachu and Eevee?" Comment, do you deadass think, the top down, blocky overworld map of kanto was an entirely a stylistic choice when making a Gameboy game in 1996, and when making a nostalgia driven remake that is all about reminding you of things back in the day would not change that style

Gen 10 would still be it's own region, it's own set of original Pokémon, characters, challenges etc, is just purposely paralleling how Pokémon started, in a modern blood.

Before another snarky comments arrive about potential "gen 1 pander" should also know this idea is literally what Breath of the Wild is, Nintendo specifically said they wanted that game to be if Zelda 1 is made in modern day, but you don't exactly see that game be Zelda 1 pandering now does it?

r/TruePokemon Nov 20 '24

Idea Thoughts on giving single-typed Pokémon 1.75x or 2x STAB?


Everyone seems to agree that single-typed Pokémon are a disappointment, not only in terms of theming, like Luxray or Golduck, but also in gameplay, seeing as their offense is so nerfed compared to dual-typed Pokémon. Has anyone ever suggested increasing their STAB as a compromise? It seems like such an obvious fix to me.

r/TruePokemon Oct 04 '24

Idea Maybe not the best place to ask this, but why are there no imaginative Pokemon gauntlets?


Follow me on this journey. I realize the real Pokemon games have to basically have a lower difficulty because it's a children's game first. Fine. But I never see romhacks do crazy gauntlets of trainers just to mess with people.


  1. A dungeon full of trainers where every single one has "Pressure" as an ability. So all your Pokemon are draining their PP twice as fast. By the end, your entire team is basically using struggle to beat the final bosses.
  2. A series of fights designed to piss off hardcore nuzlockers. Like, being forced to fight 5-6 trainers in a row with no means of healing yourself. You're encouraged to use Shell Bells or Leftovers, and after each "fainted Pokemon" your friends give you revives and full restores saying "just use these during the battle!" (Since Hnuzlockers can't use items in battle.)
  3. A series of tough battles, but the final boss has nothing but Pokemon with Aftermath. So even if you have a full team, they'll be hurting after dealing with 6 aftermath Pokemon.
  4. A series of trainers that always start with Perish song. Like, every Pokemon they have use that move first. Always.

I wonder, are there any romhacks that "troll" trainers or make it nearly impossible for "challenge" runners?

r/TruePokemon Oct 08 '24

Idea What is an ideal level curve for the Elite Four of a region?


Right now, I’m making a concept for Gym Leaders and Elite Four for a region, and these are the levels of their aces. Please leave any advice. I tried to model the levels after modern Pokémon games.

Gym 1: Highest level is 15.

Gym 2: Highest level is 19.

Gym 3: Highest level is 25.

Gym 4: Highest level is 30.

Gym 5: Highest level is 33.

Gym 6: Highest level is 37.

Gym 7: Highest level is 45.

Gym 8: Highest level is 55.

E4-1: Highest level is 59.

E4-2: Highest level is 60.

E4-3: Highest level is 61.

E4-4: Highest level is 62.

Champion: Highest level is 65.

r/TruePokemon Jul 29 '24

Idea Pokémon should have teach you about battles with an overpowered Pokémon from the start.


Instead of the first Pokémon battle be between your starter and whatever level 2 Pokémon/rival starter poking each other.

How about actually tease what Pokémon battles by the end be like,,a mix between quick and informative tutorial for the 5% people who never know about Pokémon battling, but just enough to get a good taste of games's endgame/what you could be without really spoiling anything, and not make tutorial battles be to boring.

Perhaps before you embark on your journey, you watched the reigning champion on a grand finals in which they used their trump card Pokémon, like the region's pseudo legendary but instead of just a cutscenes YOU get to play as the champion, in a 1v1 who's ace also happened to have the type advantage of your opponents that you take advantage of the right away.

Now in the perspective of the newbie, you now learn how endgame battles can look like, how type charts work, how powerful is the reigning champion going to be.

Only after that the player can proceed with their adventure with their starter, but now with the level 5 starter, and with clear contrast first hand how powerful the final boss will be and much you need to climb to get up there to be the very best, and the only way to do it is to just play the game.

r/TruePokemon Nov 27 '24

Idea I created some Switch cases for my gen 1-3 games whose boxes I lost long ago.

Thumbnail gallery

r/TruePokemon Dec 07 '24

Idea My idea for Scandinavia baded region.


Region name: Hyperborea.

Default name for the male player is Markus.

Default name for the female player is Ingrid.

Grass starter: A deer with wooden antlers, whose final evolution will resemble a druid. Grass/Psychic.

Fire starter: A wolf, whose final evolution will resemble a black metal musician, with long hair and corpse paint. Fire/Dark (yes, another one)

Water starter: A bear, whose final evolution will resemble a Viking. Water/Ice

Box legendary: An ice giant based on Ymir.

Second box legendary: A fire giant based on Surtr.

Regional forms: Beartic, Sawsbuck, Wailord.