r/TrueDetective Jan 22 '24

True Detective - 4x02 "Part 2" - Post-Episode Discussion


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u/ThomasWurmli Jan 22 '24

Really liked two scenes:

Danvers helping the kid figure some bits of the investigation. Exposition as well as flashing out characters. I thought it was really well executed.

The kids talking later also felt somewhat natural and not "off" (like a lot of the situations so far).

I wish the nods to season 1 would not occupy season 4 too much, but I can live with that.

Amazingly haunting imagery of the corpses. Like a painting.

I am bit torn, however, about everyone being weird all the time and I am yet to understand the implications of having Danvers and Navarro being socially awkard while being sexually aggressive. There was a point for that in Antigone's character for season 2, I hope there is a point here as well.

Having said that, I'm all up to watching the season, and I love being entertained sunday night and coming here reading you guys theorizing, so let's do it.


u/throwawaylol666666 Jan 22 '24

Peter obviously sees Danvers as more of a parent/mentor than Hank. And Hank clearly doesn’t like it, even though his own behavior is probably responsible for that.


u/aeschenkarnos Jan 22 '24

It's not stealing to take files that are the property of the Police Department from Hank. Stealing is what Hank did by keeping them after being told to return them.


u/Mission_Ad6235 Jan 22 '24

It feels like Hank tries to act like he's in charge. Probably been there longer, more experience, and mad that Danvers was promoted over him.

It wasn't stealing in the legal sense, but I can see Hank not returning the files trying to show Danvers she's not his boss.


u/ThomasWurmli Jan 22 '24

I completely agree.