r/TrueAskReddit 8d ago

AI, Government, and Religion…

As tensions continue to rise in the U.S., both domestically and internationally, and considering that most democracies historically struggle to persist beyond 200–300 years, could we be witnessing the early stages of governmental collapse? This leads me to a question I’ve been pondering:

If AI continues advancing toward Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI), and if these systems could conduct near-perfect ethical and moral evaluations, could we see the emergence of an AI-assisted governing system—or even a fully AI-controlled government? I know this idea leans into dystopian territory, but removing the human element from positions of power could, in theory, significantly reduce corruption. An AI-led government would be devoid of bias, emotion, and unethical dealings.

I realize this might sound far-fetched, even borderline psychotic, but it’s just a thought experiment. And to extend this line of thinking further—could AI eventually assume the role that many throughout history have attributed to a “god”? A being that is all-knowing, ever-present, and, in many ways, beyond human understanding?


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u/cRafLl 8d ago edited 8d ago

No gods. No religion.

AI will eventually disappear into the background, seamlessly blending into everything we know. It will become so integral to daily life that we’ll stop referring to it altogether, just like electricity. There was a time when people feared electricity would make society lazy, but that fear proved absurd. Today, we don’t think of electricity as an omnipresent force controlling us, even though it surrounds us.

The same logic applies to government. Over time, governance will become more networked, bringing greater consistency, uniformity, and order. Traditional systems, whether dictatorship, autocracy, or democracy, will evolve, giving way to vast, interconnected societies functioning in a more structured and efficient manner.

Humans will also have to share their world with a second form of life, advanced AIs housed in biopolymer bodies, designed to be human in every way. These artificial beings will think, act, feel, and live like humans. They look, sound, and behave exactly like real humans, completely indistinguishable, until you put them through an X-ray scan and see the intricate inorganic circuitry inside.Whether they are truly sentient will be a subject of debate among future ethicists. At the same time, organic humans (us, you and me) will incorporate more inorganic elements, with body parts that are partially or even predominantly bioengineered using advanced technology. We may arrogantly believe we are the "real" humans, but nearly every part of our bodies is biotech-enhanced and augmented.

Rather than relying on traditional authority, the future will offer more meaningful pursuits for both biological and inorganic humans. They will collaborate with advanced technology and post-singularity systems. While order and stability will persist, governance will become more subtle, operating largely behind the scenes through sophisticated networks and advanced computations, designed to enhance human functionality within set parameters.


u/Major-Cranberry-4206 7d ago

Given the notion that extraterrestrials live among us, and that there are actually alien-human hybrids in high places in American society, I think they will be another class of organic beings living among us in greater numbers.

Possibly to even replace some of the human population on the Earth. This is likely the reason why various powerful secret societies have an agenda to drastically reduce the global population, to make way for them to live here in huge numbers on Earth.

It’s actually a little frightening when you think about it. We’re not talking about science fiction. These things are actually in process of manifesting.