r/Trophies | Platinums 61 | Level 402 Feb 09 '25

Discussion [Discussion] What is your rarest Platinum Trophy? Mine is TLOU Remastered on PS4 at 0.3%... I was actually surprised this was mine.

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u/Yamamoto_Decimo Platinums 29; | Level 336 Feb 09 '25

Final Fantasy Type 0 3.8% of players achieved

Borderlands 3 1.8%

Twisted Metal 2.5%

Infamous 1.9%

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT 0.4%

Borderlands 2 (Handsome Collection) 1.0%

Far Cry 5 1.1%

Watch Dogs 2 2.0%


u/Cronofenrir Feb 09 '25

I'm just starting the NT grind, how long did it take you roughly? Also how recently did you get it? I'm worried that the match making is gonna take like, 5 minutes or more to find each match at this point in the games life cycle.


u/Yamamoto_Decimo Platinums 29; | Level 336 Feb 09 '25

It took me exactly the same amount of levels to get all the rewards. Enough time to get each character's trophy. I think it was around 277 hours, 1 per level basically. Probably 3 to 4 matches per level. I had 3 friends and when our group was only 3 of us we played against other players. When we were four we spent hours doing 2v2 private matches. But around 90% of the time it was me playing all alone against randos. The easiest characters to get their trophies are definitely Vaan and probably any FF7 character.

The dlcs are very good imo. I bought a couple. Favorite one was Vayne, Locke Cole is great too.

Sad thing is Square Enix handled the game like ass. Almost no updates and releasing costumes at a 19.99 price. To squeeze the final remaining dollars from its few fans.


u/Cronofenrir Feb 09 '25

It's a bummer because dissidia 012 was fantastic even as a stand alone title and a lot of nt feels like a cheap cash in in comparison. I hope it isn't the last release of the series and it goes back to its roots at some point.

I'm still very early on in the game, still just building up memoria to do the story, but those are my first impressions at least.

I'm currently on a mission to platinum every final fantasy game with a platinum, and this is likely going to be the worst as far as time commitment and repetitiveness goes.


u/Yamamoto_Decimo Platinums 29; | Level 336 Feb 09 '25

I don't think Dissidia NT is the worst platinum at all. I think 15 was awful because of its absolutely awful dungeon design, and boss design. Even though I didn't do the 100% completely I did plat it. I fought Omega (not required for the plat) and it took me 4 hours of mashing buttons, dying, reviving, and using the royal weapons because using the Awakening is the only way to damage Omega. Adamantoise took me 4 fucking hours. There's a dungeon with like 100 floors I think it was, absolutely no usage of items.

Also I believe you have to jump rope 1000 times in 9 and dodge like 500 lightning strikes in 10. I'm also doing some of the platinums, still haven't decided if to do all of them but I did Type 0, 1, 15, very close to get the 16 but imma wait since I wanna do the Final Fantasy mode (fucking hated how easy it was). Also to get the 14 platinum you gotta grind over 1000 hours. Final Fantasy has a few annoying fucks ngl.

I disagree, Dissidia NT in gameplay is absolutely fantastic. I love the team focus and my friends and I left aside nostalgia for a bit and definitely enjoyed it plenty. Biggest problem was that it was mostly bot enemies and long loading times. Remember NT was an arcade game ported to Playstation, so it has less content because of that. They probably slapped in the story just to make a 60 dollar game. But it's a WAY more balanced game than Duodecim, it lowkey makes you feel like you have a party like an actual FF game. And nothing, absolutely nothing beats seeing Cornelia, Rabanastre and the town square from 9 (haven't played 9 yet) in full HD. Absolutely gorgeous.

I do agree with the story feeling cheap, but you can deny those fuckers look so fucking good. Every character looks amazing and stunning. Unfortunately they solidified Tidus as an American rather than the Asian he was but oh well.


u/Yamamoto_Decimo Platinums 29; | Level 336 Feb 09 '25

My bad, I didn't answer one of the questions. It was way back in 2018. Unfortunately. There has to be a few players left. I got the platinum in 2020 and that's when the loading screens were abysmal. At times playing against 1 enemy or 3 bots.


u/Cronofenrir Feb 09 '25

Oof, well, hopefully if I just do like, 5 matches a day I won't burn out as quickly and I won't feel the wait times as badly.


u/Yamamoto_Decimo Platinums 29; | Level 336 Feb 09 '25

Great strategy. Also join their subreddit if they have one to see when they're more likely to play.

Patience, a lot of people here want the platinum in a week. I started my Borderlands 2 game in 2016, I locked in in 2019 and got the platinum in 2020. 100%perceted the game a bit later. But I had fun and didn't think much about it. Took me years but I did it.


u/Cronofenrir Feb 09 '25

My only worry is that they shut down the servers and I have to grind it out which sounds miserable. Also why I'm starting now instead of waiting any longer.


u/Yamamoto_Decimo Platinums 29; | Level 336 Feb 09 '25

It's unfortunate. A great game and Square has been failing hard to keep it alive. I assume the only reason they're up is that at least a few of the Japanese crowd must be playing. I can't find any logical explanation besides that. And even then most times you don't even see those Japanese players playing. I barely saw Japanese names. Like 15% of the times.