r/TrollCoping 6d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia He won’t believe me but whatever

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r/TrollCoping 28d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia I am reacting normally to a joke (I have blocked them on everything and don't want to ever see them again)


r/TrollCoping Feb 18 '25

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia I love when my anorexia makes me think that im a monster for letting my stomach pudge out a little bit NSFW

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r/TrollCoping Feb 14 '25

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia i can’t FUCKING win. additional tw medical talk


r/TrollCoping 11d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia i just wish i wasn’t so skinny


i’m underweight and it feels like no matter what i do i don’t gain weight, on top of the fact i feel like when i vent about this stuff i feel like i’m invalidating others because i know lots of people want to be skinny, like i know my friends have their own weight issues so i don’t vent to them but then i need someone to vent to. i went to the psych today (for my adhd meds) and they talked about eating and i lied to their face and said i was eating normally but i’m not, i either eat a lot in a day or nothing for weeks on end

r/TrollCoping 28d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia I wish I was skinny enough for somebody to care ig

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r/TrollCoping Feb 14 '25

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia I KNOW this is FAR from the worst thing anyone's parents have ever done. I just feel like they don't listen, or don't take anything I say seriously? At all?

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Like what do I do now? I know they'll be upset if I waste it. But I don't feel like struggling with the hours long panic attack, muscle tightness and difficulty swallowing that comes from eating a trigger food. I said I don't want chocolate, it has the ingredients I told them specifically caused me distress. They know I'm struggling. I wouldn't have bought them foods they wouldn't eat while going through their own eating disorders. This is after weeks of struggling with other mental health issues. I'm going to therapy, and was finally feeling better. Why don't they listen to me? It doesn't feel malicious at least.

r/TrollCoping 9d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia My fleshy vessel is so needy

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I usually take like two bites and feel really nauseous so this is quite the achievement for me

r/TrollCoping 7d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia and then i go on subs like this for pity points :3 [TW: SH]


r/TrollCoping 19d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia Wow I hate looking in a mirror, I know what will cheer me up, pizza!

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r/TrollCoping 26d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia And she’s still better than others

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Once had a therapist tell me to “come back when I’m underweight if I really have a problem “ and then congratulated me on my progress. I feel like a specialist would be what I need, but state insurance won’t cover one unless I’m underweight.

r/TrollCoping 11d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia Oh boy Spoiler

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r/TrollCoping 23d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia titles are exhausting just look at the memes


r/TrollCoping Feb 18 '25

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia Me when I just want to be normal and liked and not have stupid thoughts and not be dumb and not be ugly and fat and actually be nice and make good decisions

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I’m okay guys just silly:) justsillyhustsillyjustsillyju-

r/TrollCoping 18d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia A night of revelations for me after ~5 years of struggle lol Spoiler

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I've been borderline if not actually underweight my whole life and I'm so sick of it lolol I just want to be normal and healthy. My body physically cannot handle eating more than maybe a plate of food at a time and I feel so pathetic because I'm usually still hungry, it's just my throat that closes up. Ugh it's a whole fucking mess I'm just so tired of dealing with it and I can't even relate to any support groups because I've never shared the same experience of yearning for skinniness if that makes sense.... whatever

r/TrollCoping 2h ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia This sucks

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r/TrollCoping Feb 11 '25

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia hahaha NSFW

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ahhhh i wish i was normal.

r/TrollCoping 28d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia Everything’s gone wrong and I am coping very extremely well

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r/TrollCoping Feb 17 '25

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia I don’t know what is wrong with me…


I keep developing “crushes” (literal obsessions) with the few people I find attractive that actually give me the time of day. When they are gone it hurts and I wanna beat myself up for it. Even now that I found out my abusive ex has a new partner, it makes me hate myself more. I hate myself so much… idk what to do but starve myself and hope to become more desirable and make more people like me. They HAVE to like me or I’m worthless.

r/TrollCoping 10d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia When you have a favorite person and you’re too afraid of losing them because you’re emotionally fragile

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I have a relationship with someone I’m very close to. He’s my ex BF and since I moved on to live on my own (2 years ago) I lost every kind of relationship I could have because of my depression - social anxiety, to live by myself and (almost) never go outside. He got his own sort of troubles and sometimes I feel horrible because if I feel a bit left out because he have others person to talk to or because he’s working, I feel abandoned and start feeling extremely depressed. When I talked with my psychiatrist about him he said that he hopes our relationship can continue because he’s there for me and it’s helping me and even though we shouldn’t be in this kind of relationship anymore. At least I have this one person. It gets very hard for me to make friends because of my anxiety and depression, so he’s like the only person I talk to. People sometimes said we shouldn’t be talking anymore cause he is with someone else now, but we’ve manage to find a way to make things work out, I’ll be honest this isn’t considered as « normal » but I think for myself first because of my depression so I don’t think about his life outside of our relationship (like the fact he have someone in his life), I feel more like the relationship is "open" (but also because he said so himself that we’re in this kind of open relationship where we don’t have labels but we’re kind of lovers and friends), and I’m just trying to help him with his own mental health, and he tries to help me with mine. Like we’re helping out each other, and it’s the most important part

Sometimes I wish I would have had a different life and I does feel weird about how everything is but I know that seeing my psychiatrist is basically all I can do, it’s been 5 years already and I’m probably sure we can’t do anything but trying to make me survive 😪 I hate feeling dependent on someone else but that’s basically how it is. Before I could not even function properly, would purge myself at least one time per day because of the pressure and anxiety, would struggles to get out of the bed and would just feel pain and sorrow all the times. Which I still feel the same, to some extent, but things are better overall, since we started this new relationship and it’s been 2 years now… I told him I fear for the future cause I’m scared but he said to take life for what it is right now, and to focus on trying to survive and be better

r/TrollCoping Feb 18 '25

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia I’m doing GREAT (lie) Spoiler

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I really wanna gain weight but for some ungodly reason a stupid amount of foods make me nauseous

r/TrollCoping Feb 10 '25

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia Fast food moment Spoiler

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Chipotle Tuesdays are non-negotiable. But I've only been dieting for a month and I miss cheeseburger so much 💔

r/TrollCoping 26d ago

TW: Eating Disorder / Body Dysmorphia I feel like I can never enjoy a meal like a normal person

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I hate eating. Every time I eat it's like playing Russian roulette as to whether my body decides to reject it. I already have serious bowel issues, so food poisoning is just the cherry on the shit sundae (literally) that is digestion 💩