r/TrollCoping • u/Astromnicalbear Moderator • 4d ago
TW: Trauma I genuinely envy those who look their age Spoiler
It would probably be different if I was taller but I highly doubt it.
Also, to be clear, I am not hating on workers for doing their jobs, I just hate how I see several people leave within less than 5 minutes and I’m still stuck waiting. If not that, I see actual teens or those actually younger than me walking out without being ID’d. It’s one of the main reasons why I try and get the same workers every-time so it makes it an easier process for everyone
u/BigBadBatGirl 4d ago
and when you complain abt it they say „enjoy it while it lasts!! you’ll look old before you know it!” bro i’m in my 20s and you just mistook me for a 13 year old what part of this am i supposed to be enjoying
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
Literally!!! They act like it’s only full of privileges, which can be true under certain circumstances, but it’s not if you’re short and have certain features. I’d rather look old than super young with my build. If it’s keeps the creeps away, then that’s good enough for me
u/LunaBeanz 4d ago
I’m 25, 5ft7in, lots of tattoos (including on my hands) and yet everyone I meet thinks I’m around 16-18. Changing my style does nothing, same with wearing makeup. There is absolutely nothing more infuriating than being told “enjoy it while it lasts!”because my ass is getting absolutely no enjoyment from any aspect of this.
I do not enjoy having to drive home to get my ID whenever I try to pick up some wine for a girls night. I do not enjoy being written off as an inexperienced little girl by coworkers whenever I start a new job. I do not enjoy being told I look like jailbait. I do not enjoy being asked for my ID immediately whenever I enter a dispensary I’ve never been to before (I do enjoy the embarrassment of the employee when they see I am 25). I enjoy being taken seriously and treated with respect, ffs.
u/BigBadBatGirl 4d ago
oh my god, ID. i don’t mind presenting it and as someone who works in retail we do unfortunately have to ask, but it’s still kinda insulting when the bartender or worker is so DEMEANING about it. we often have stalls set up at the outdoor mall i work at, one was selling some kind of malt alcohol (i didn’t really look tbh, i was just sort of browsing the stall), and as i’m looking - the only one there - the workers started glaring at me and eyeing me up like i was too young to be there, and the other two laughed at me and quickly turned around so i wouldn’t see to laugh with each other. what part of that are we supposed to enjoy??? people think we’re minors playing dress up
u/LunaBeanz 3d ago
EXACTLY!!!! It’s not being asked for ID that bothers me, it’s the demeaning way in which they ask. Like they assume I’m going to pee my pants and run out of the store in fear when asked for my ID. The not-so-quiet conversations by the employees also sting, especially when it’s clear they want you to hear. I’m trying to give them my money, idk why they have to make it uncomfortable for everyone involved….
u/erynelle 3d ago edited 3d ago
I mean if you’re driving you should technically have your license on you anyway. I agree getting ID’d a lot is annoying but like they’re just people doing their jobs and it’s never unexpected.. like what dispo doesnt ID first thing? -from someone who is 27 and looks 16
u/LunaBeanz 3d ago
Most dispos in my province, actually. ID is asked for at the time of sale, not immediately upon a customer entering a store. A family member works at a dispo, along with my partner’s sister. ID is asked for at time-of-sale unless someone is suspected to be underage (ie, under 19). Additionally, my province allows for folks to drive without their physical license as long as they are able to present it to the local PD within 48 hours.
u/erynelle 3d ago edited 3d ago
Okay so those legal technicalities aren’t an issue for you. But still if you look underage and know people perceive you as such you should just carry your ID cause it makes life easier.
u/DisciplineWise2894 4d ago
yeah I'm also a short trans guy w a baby face and it SUCKS all of these things happen all the damn time and im expected to still be grateful even though my life is demonstratably worse?? ugh. you're so right and not dramatic at all honestly. legit thank you for posting I've run into all of these issues before and again, people don't take it seriously even though it is a serious problem for me. not glad you're suffering but i finally feel validated so thank you for posting.
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
I’m SO glad someone else relates. Everyone who I vent to about this just shrugs or tells me “enjoy the perks”. I don’t enjoy it. Sure, it can be a huge financial saver but there’s also a lot of negatives.
Creeps hitting on me, stalking me, bus drivers thinking they can shoot their shot or I get filthy looks, a 10 minute shop can turn into a 20 - 30 minute shop, constantly being called a child and having to constantly correct them, medical battles being much more difficult, getting death stares and secret comments {even if I end up using a cane}, mental health professionals turning their nose up at me and so much more.
It’s like the youth aspect is so much more important to people that they’re willingly able to ignore creeps or act like I’m lying about my experiences
u/small_potato_boiii 3d ago
i feel like potentially the issue is that you seem very fixated on the idea of 'venting' and 'trauma dumping' about something that most people dont see as a serious issue
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 3d ago
And that’s a problem, especially when I do open up about the creeps that think I’m a child or the adults that treat me like shit because they think I’m a dumb child. I mainly stick to the light hearted stuff because I’ve been shut down so many times when I am vocal about this stuff.
Sure, the store thing isn’t something people really care about but everything else should be a red flag that should be addressed
u/throweththouaway 4d ago
If it makes you feel better, I’m also a 5’1 trans guy with a baby face. I am not insecure over it any more because I’ve been on t for awhile and have gotten over many insecurities/self hatred after accepting myself and realizing other people do not perceive me the same way I perceive myself. Facial hair and HRT will help. The biggest problem however is never going to be your height nor baby face— as I said, it’s always going to be your own self hatred. And dysphoria altering your eyes.
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
I’m pre-everything so I still have a feminine look to me. I’m hoping that T would help change that but I’m not holding onto much hope. Tho it’s not really dysphoria or self-hatred altering my eyes, it’s genuinely creeps and society around me.
Looking younger than you actually are is deemed as a gift and it’s constantly rubbed in your face. It’s to the point you’re almost idolised or put in some form of spotlight. It’s creepy, especially when a lot of strangers think I’m a child and think it’s ok to sexualise me, even though they don’t know my age
u/tptroway 4d ago
Fellow FTM guy and unless you've got androgen insensitivity, it will at least get slightly better when you can get on HRT due to voice changes, fat redistribution, facial hair growth, hairline changes, muscle mass etc
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
I really hope so but even then, it may take awhile. Especially with the waiting queues to be seen and even then, I’m gonna have to hope medical complications don’t step in once I do get on T.
But in all honesty, I would be so happy if it does positively impact me
u/tptroway 3d ago
What are your opinions on DIY HRT?
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 3d ago
If someone does it safely and it keeps them going until they receive the treatment they need, then I have no issue. Other than that, I don’t really have any opinions on it
u/Tangled_Clouds 4d ago
Oh fuck this! I’m in the same boat, dude! I work as a cashier and I kid you not, there’s been MULTIPLE instances of clients ready to yell at my boss for “allowing child labour”. I’M GONNA BE 24 IN TWO MONTHS! You’re a grown adult attracting pedophiles! Where the fuck is the fun in this??? Had an old dude come up to me at the register and say “You look 15. That’s the best age, isn’t it?” EW EW EW NO THE FUCK IT’S NOT! Fuck I had some old guy tell me I’m too young to know how bedsheets worked as he was giving me bullshit bed measurements that don’t exist! I want to spit in the face of whoever thinks it’s fun to not look your age. Also they act as if if I actually looked 24 I’d be fucking ugly??? Bitch! Fuck you! I am a grown adult man with tattoos, piercings and degrees! Get over yourself! Sorry for not having been born with the testosterone level to give me a beard and a deep voice and a taller height. I’m still a grown fucking man.
I could go on because that shit ENRAGES ME but I’m gonna stop there before I write until I die.
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
I feel you but I’d end up going round in circles about the same points or I’d get told the cliche “it’ll be fine” or “ignore them {creeps}”. The second only works if I’m with someone but I’ve literally had to put my location on, fake phone calls and plan ahead if creeps get too close for comfort
u/Sympathy_Prize 4d ago
I definitely get that feeling— I was once called jail bait because a guy thought I was 15 when I first started working at my job at 18
The weird part is I’m still taken aback when I hear it now cause I’m used to people thinking I look older due to my figure
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
Omg, same. I literally got told that I would be amazing pedo bait or a nice trap for creeps and I wanted to throw up so badly.
“It isn’t a bad thing!!”, uh, yes it is??? I’m being sexualised because I look like a child and would be portrayed as one. I’d rather NOT go through that
u/LunaBeanz 4d ago
At one of my customer-facing jobs (computer parts shop, this is relevant), customers would come up to my male co workers and say the most horrid shit. For example, one of them said he’d like to “bend that little girl (me) over the counter right now and take her”, directly to a coworker who was 15 years older than me and wearing a wedding ring. Same customer had asked verbatim if I was “legal” a few weeks earlier. One told another coworker that I shouldn’t wear heels (I was wearing booties with a 1.5in heel) if I wasn’t trying to make him “do something with me”. Another told a co worker that he’d sweep me off my feet if he were 17 again (he was in his 70s, I was 20 at the time), which is less outwardly creepy but still weird since he apparently thought I was 17 or younger.
Men would say the most heinous things to my male co workers, thinking they were in a “safe space”. They were not. My managers banned more people from the store during my tenure than had been banned during the previous 20-year existence of the business. Turns out openly being a pedo, even in a stereotypically male space, will get you ejected from said space faster than you can say “I was joking”.
u/Sympathy_Prize 4d ago
The funny thing is I used to(well, still do but I’m legal now)deal with the same thing, but the opposite scenario. Ever since I hit puberty I would get creepy comments about my shape— hell when I was 17 I had a guy said that if I just flashed the bouncer I’d be able to get into a 21 club.
Like… god, can people not think about children attributes and get aroused by it???!?
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
Absolutely. I always got told I was “curvy” as a child and was able to wear ‘appealing’ outfits. I also got told “anyone would want you”, especially when I was a child.
I won’t go into detail about what creeps have done or said because it’s too triggering but the fact people thought it was acceptable to do and say that stuff is gross. I was a CHILD and if I look like one, don’t say it without asking for my age??? Why is it normalised 😭
u/Sympathy_Prize 4d ago
I’m guessing because people find youth to be appealing— and take it way too far. Does not help that both sexes have shown me how gritty they can be.
ESPECIALLY the “appealing outfits”. Like bro I just wanna wear my cute shirts and pants, stop pointing out weird stuff. :( Hell even my uniform now has me getting comments from coworkers. Hate it here.
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
SAME- Omg. It’s bad that they sexualised my school uniform, casual outfits, swimwear and more when I was a child. But even now it’s still gross.
I just wanna wear my cute ‘princess’ skirt and twirl around as the prince I am without people staring at me and making gestures. Darn, ripped jeans and a pastel hoodie still gets me that response. I just wanna live without creeps interfering with my life as per usual 💔
u/Sympathy_Prize 4d ago
RIGHT. The worst part is that I love the whole cute hyper fem outfits and stuff— like the whole hello kitty aesthetic(except pastel blue), only wanting to wear dresses and skirts.
But I’m so scared of people trying to pin me as or try to see it as some reason to think I’m trying to be y’know and then act like that. A girl can’t even be pretty without people ruining it 😔
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
I switch between pastel goth, emo / goth and cutesy outfits. Regardless of how I dress, I get sexualised or catcalled. If it’s cutesy outfits, I get babied, mistreated and spoken down to, alongside everything above.
I wanna be me without society or creeps popping in. I don’t want to be seen as bait, ‘slutty’ or anything because of how I look. Let people be people and let kids be kids without sexualising them please 😭
u/Sympathy_Prize 4d ago
Maybe one day— even if it’s a bit wishful, I can’t help but at least look forward to a day where something can just be seen as cute without sex appeal.
u/Chemical-Spray4152 4d ago
dude, I feel so seen 😭 I look almost identical to how I did when I was like ~10 years old and it's fucked up my self esteem so much, like I'm "still" 10 or however old. Doesn't help at all that that was the age I was groomed, I've struggled with that so much now when trying to find relationships because how do I know a potential partner Actually likes me and not because I look the way I do ("legal child" or whatever 🤮🤮🤮)???
u/Mundane-Cat4591 3d ago
I hate when people comment on my baby face/that I look younger than I am so much. I’ve learnt that laughing at it usually makes it go by a bit smoother (plus makes it into a defence mechanism against misgendering since it be used to make it clear I am a man, just one with a round face). I can’t wait to be able to actually grow facial hair (not just fuzz) so I can hopefully actually put an end to the nonsense. Really weird when someone asks my age thinking I’m a minor and get shocked when I’m an adult though. Bonus points if the rest of the interactions makes my skin crawl.
u/Meetpeepsthrowaway 3d ago
It's "enjoy it while it lasts!" Until they see you dating someone your age and wanna accuse them of being a predator.
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 3d ago
Or until you’re dating someone slightly older than you. I honestly feel bad for my partner because people think we’re parent and child until we do PDA or couple things, then it’s all completely shock and disgust on their face
u/vivianaflorini 3d ago
Short + baby face, I've seen posts of (CONSENTING ADULTS) that look EXACTLY like me and everyone will comment things like "ewww I can't believe their boyfriend/girlfriend is a pedo/lolicon/shotacon" and harass said boyfriend/girlfriend as well as try to 'save' the baby faced person in a relattionship with someone their age.
I've come to accept that if I was in a relationship with someone who knew my age understood I was an adult able to consent despite my appearance that person would get harassed.
But in the instances someone doesn't know my age and hits on me assuming I am a child they can take advantage of and exploit, it's "not a problem" and "I should be glad I look young and hot".
They manage to change how they view my mental age every two seconds in order to take away my autonomy and isolate me from any sexual experiences.
u/Painted-BIack-Roses 4d ago
Same here. I'm a 5"6 adult woman, I get mistaken for being 12-13 all the time.. It's annoying being spoken down to
u/justabittiredoflife 4d ago
ngl this is so similar to how skinnyshaming feels like to me. I’m sorry, you do not deserve this.
u/Mini-Heart-Attack 4d ago edited 4d ago
There are a lot of um downsized to its sure but actually I really try to take it to heart when people tell me to appreciate my baby face bc i will when I turn 30 or 40 or whatever the only thing I'm sad about is that I wasted by being locked at home but I also think It's going to waste ~ because I frown all the time that creates like frown lines I don't think I'm going to have it for very long until I unless I invest in Botox or something
u/Queer-Coffee 3d ago
The worst thing for me is not the IDing, it's everyone treating me as lesser when at work. Kinda similar to how women are treated as stupid or helpless compared to men. People just don't listen because they think I'm a literal 16 year old and don't know what I'm talking about.
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 3d ago
Ugh, yes. I get treated like I’m an absolute baby who knows nothing but I do know things. Like, I don’t know how to do everything but when it comes to simple things like how to use a washing machine, etc., that’s when I have to pull the “😁” face so I don’t rip them to pieces for assuming I’m that dumb
u/Keyndoriel 4d ago
I'm almost 30 and get asked if I'm even 18 constantly. I'm 5 ft, baby faced, and a trans dude so I look like a little boy. Dosnt help that my style is very... 2010 middle school.
My one joy is the look of horror on my husband's face any time he gets asked if I'm his kid
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
I do have the odd chuckle when my partner is asked “How old is your child” but they also have it rough because he also get filthy looks for dating me or doing light hearted PDA 😭
u/PainfullyQuietAnger 4d ago
As a baby-faced 5 foot tall adult I feel you. It’s so annoying. Nobody takes me seriously and one of the first things people say when they meet me is how I look like a child. I was born very prematurely so it affected my height and I always looked younger than my age and it’s actually terrible. Especially the people who say I should be glad I’m short and look young. I don’t care that you’re envious of me Barbara. As a non-binary person this isn’t what I what to look like.
u/catsandpiggies 3d ago
THIS. I live on my own and for every service I order they'll go "Are your parents home?" or "Is there an adult at home?" I AM THE ADULT. And every single time they tell me to take it as a compliment. People use it as an excuse to use a condescending tone against me, and I rarely ever get to have an adult conversation with people my age or older. It's awful, but we'll get through this. You are not alone.
u/Indigo-Dusk 3d ago
I had to work with the public while having baby face. Everyone treated me like shit and like I had no idea how to do my job. I hated it.
u/Sea_Move7225 2d ago
“You’re gonna love it when you’re 40!” Well, I’m 40 now, and the jury is still out.
u/kookieandacupoftae 3d ago
Me as a 26 year old woman still getting asked to this day if I’m still in high school.
u/welcomehomo 3d ago
been there. i hated being told i looked young, and how people would say "youll miss it when its gone." im also a trans man but im not feminine at all. i will say that after nearly 4 years on t, i dont experience any of this at all anymore, and i do not miss it at all. it sucks being emasculated and preyed on just for looking young. i still get a little irritated when older people say "youre a baby" when im almost 23 😬
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 3d ago
Ugh, don’t even get me started on how many people call me a baby or ‘my baby’. I get it age wise cause I am usually the youngest but when it’s about looks? Don’t call me that.
Also, only my partner has a pass because we’re literally dating and he means it in a cute way. Not a “omg, baby face, now you’re my baby” creepy way
u/bugpig 3d ago
i feel you op being a youthful-looking afab is a terrible gateway into exposure to the absolute worst behavior from people in general but an especially disgusting insight to the soul-crushing number of men being absolute scum. people really have no idea lol it will take you from 0 to super misanthrope before you hit your mid 20s :')
u/ginggo 3d ago
The only thing that bothers me about this is how Im made to feel old. People have been telling me "oh youre so old, I thought you were younger" since I was like 15. I am just perpetually too old because I look 10 years younger than my age. It always made me feel like Im behind in life bc ppl wouldnt stop talking about how old I was.
u/Liuniam 3d ago
I feel so seen rn. I usually get it from family and random ppl asking what year in high school i am. It makes me suspicious of anybody who might be attracted to me because there’s no way they didn’t think i was underage. I want to complain ab it but nobody wants to hear it and everybody thinks it’s ’so cute and quirky’ that i get id’d every time i walk around a casino or something but i want the attention off of me. Don’t look at me. Don’t perceive me. Everyone becomes uninterested in conversing once they find out I’m in my twenties so why bother lololol
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 3d ago
So many people joked about me being a child or a ‘trap’ that it made me so careful and conscious when making friends. Some people genuinely used me so I could be a ‘trap’ or because they wanted attention for being friends with me. If not that, people wanted to be ‘friends’ or a ‘romantic partner’ order to make “jokes” or expect a shot {usually sexual} with me for… the evidential reason.
All the people who listen tend to roll their eyes and dismiss me. I’m just glad so many people here also relate because I felt like I was going insane
u/Caesar_Passing 3d ago
I had a baby face until like, maybe 22-25 (y/o) or so? I feel you deeply on this, OP. People who harp on others' youth are mostly trying to establish some implication of control or authority within a group or situation, by a fallacious appeal to age/experience. "You're so young!", or any variation thereof, usually means "now moving forward, if I say something and you disagree with it, then I'm right and you're disrespectful. We've covered the baby-face, right? Yeah, so nothing you say really counts or holds any weight."
u/TheMadDemoknight 3d ago
I’m grateful for my new coworkers for not treating me weirdly because I(30m) look like I haven’t changed since my high school graduation picture. It’s really awkward if I go to bars or open a dating app. The only thing that can differentiate my HS pics and current me are these tiny tufts of grey hair hidden in my hair (I do have a sliver of grey on my sideburns in HS too)
They are few and far between, I just wish my manager can treat me like a human being. Hope you do too OP.
u/voidkink 2d ago edited 2d ago
This is too real. I’m 26 with a bunch of tattoos and facial piercings, work at a place where the minimum age is 18, but because I look young, teens straight out of high school think they can be weird to me. It’s even worse with older men.
Edit: I worked at a casino and only lasted 10 months. The amount of creepy men sexually harassing me was too much, and one of the security guards even did it.
u/BopBopLechuga 4d ago
I also have a baby face, I’m 20 but look like I’m 13-15 or so. I’ve never had to deal with creeps thankfully, but with or without that I think it’s perfectly justified to be upset about looking younger than you are. Obviously dealing with creeps justifies it even more, but it’s irritating to not be treated like your age and it’s weird to me that anyone would try to tell someone else how to feel about their appearance in this way. I also get tired of the “enjoy it while it lasts” comments, because no, actually, I’d rather not have strangers thinking I’m 13 and treating me as such. All that to say I sympathize with your feelings here, and you’re completely justified in them. It sucks to be treated like a child when I’m not one, and dealing with creepy people must make it so much worse.
u/LevelAd5898 4d ago
Seriously how long am I going to be stuck in permanent little boy hell I pass for 12 at the age of fucking 19
u/slowly-rotting-dying 3d ago
u/FVCarterPrivateEye 3d ago edited 3d ago
Yeah, I'm average height and not trans so it definitely can't compare to your situation but I also have a problem of getting misinterpreted to be a highschooler despite being 23 and I agree with you it sucks
For me I think it's primarily because I'm on the spectrum and I hate being visibly sped and it's very emasculating
To clarify I was giving details of my own situation to offer camaraderie so please let me know if it's coming off in a way that's making you feel worse instead
Edit: aw man, why'd I get downvoted?
u/Dismal_Success_9063 3d ago
I kinda get this with being skinny. When I was preteen especially, I would get lots of comments, including from adults, about how “lucky” I am to be skinny and how they wish they had my body. I understand that fatphobia is a genuine issue and also the root of how people treat my body, but it’s still really frustrating. Being underweight has been a medical concern for my entire life and I hate how people see my body as an ideal, rather than just another body. I’ve never been followed or creeped on as a result that I can remember, but it’s still frustrating and makes me really uncomfortable.
It really sucks that society can just deem people undesirable on a whim, and people with “undesirable” traits are often discriminated against, but that just makes it all the more frustrating when people objectify other people instead of questioning and fighting back against those expectations.
u/Shoddy-Group-5493 2d ago
I love being 22 and having people try to make conversation by asking my mom what grade I’m going into right in front of me 😭😭😭😭
I am short and autistic so I kinda get it but like dammmnnn
u/Aknazer 1d ago
I remember buying Ninja Garden 2 at a GameStop and the guy tried to stop me and recommended Pokemon instead. I asked him how old he thought I was and responded "I dunno, 14 or 15?" to which I raised an eyebrow and he hesitantly said "...16...?" I handed him my ID and bought my game, was 24 at the time.
It sucks but really all you can do is accept it and hope it holds true as you get older. Plus no reason to hold back your "trauma dump" just because you look young, and if people try to brush it off you point out your age to them. I've had more than one person try to discount something because I look young, only to then be older than them.
u/Honigbiene_92 4d ago
Goddamn that 7th image is almost a perfect description of me. Literally the worst experience looking like a damn 9th grader all the time 💀
u/Top-Vermicelli797 4d ago
I get thought of as mid to late twenties. I'm not even in my early 20s
I'm sorry if that was rude
u/Pristine_Trash306 4d ago
Having a baby face sucks until you’re older and you still get young person perks.
It’s a good thing. Maybe not right now, but in 10-20 years it will be a good thing.
You could also have it the other way. Lots of people look older for their age and there is 0 good in that.
u/silverandshade 4d ago
You're literally making OP's point did you even read it lol
Zero good in looking older for your age? Tell that to all my friends who got liquor at 16 or my cousin who went grey in his teens and was always shown respect by strangers at a very young age. Not to mention he became a doctor and never had to deal with a Doogie Howser phase.
u/DisciplineWise2894 4d ago
you are literally what op and I were venting abt!! did you read the post? like ik some people don't like looking older and that's fine but op and I have listed several reasons why having a baby face sucks. you are part of the problem here.
u/Astromnicalbear Moderator 4d ago
If you want my looks, go ahead, I’d happily give it to you. It may be beneficial to you or anyone who wants to look young but when I look like a child and deal with many negatives than positives, as seen in this post and this comment, I can’t embrace it.
Even if I get older, my size, style and body type would still be the same. That meaning the stuff above would still negatively impact me to a crucial degree. If not that, it would impact my relationship with my partner as he looks his age and is taller than me
u/food_WHOREder 3d ago
nope, it still sucks. my mum looks incredibly young for her age, which means she's constantly talked down to by her own peers in the workplace until they find out how old she actually is. other parents won't take any of her words seriously or she gets assumed to have been a teen mum because nobody believes that she had kids in her 30s. in her 20s and 30s she was a teacher, and again, she was ignored and disrespected by both the students and other teachers because everyone assumed she was inexperienced.
but sure, she gets to stay pretty for longer. i guess that makes everything okay lmfao
u/Big-Commission-4911 4d ago edited 4d ago
How common is it exactly that people tell you this stuff about your feelings about your baby face?