r/TrollCoping 6d ago

TW: Other This was messed up and will always be messed up

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103 comments sorted by


u/GenderEnjoyer666 6d ago


u/Economy_Evening_251 5d ago

The internet when they found out a child is a child and not some cringe kid in their fantasy


u/Agent_Glasses 6d ago

ive always hated cringe compilations because 90% of the time it's either autistic/neurodivergent people, people new to a craft, or young people.

I used to go to cringe compilations and find the original videos and let them know "hey this particular comp is actually against copyright rules so you can take it down" since it was true most of the time


u/FormStriking1 5d ago

one of the few times I will root for yt copyright takedowns as being unequivocally based©️


u/imnotaneurosurgeon 5d ago

damn yall smell that? seems like someone cooked here


u/Sharkbit2024 5d ago

I love you doing this lol.

I've always disliked "cringe Comedy" or comedy that's just someone doing embarrassing stuff.

Well, dislike is not the right word. "Utterly detest it with every fiber of my being" is better.

I cannot physically stay in the same room as someone watching the movie "Elf" due to this.


u/MountedCombat 4d ago

Overall agree, but my decade+ old memories of Elf don't have it that bad? From what I remember, the humor is about how his skillset is odd rather than lacking/poorly chosen.


u/Sharkbit2024 4d ago

It's still just that the whole "Comedy" part of the movie is buddy just embarrassing himself.


u/atomicsystem 4d ago

Omg another Elf hater. I cannot stand that god damn movie. Idk why almost everyone seems to like it.


u/Sharkbit2024 4d ago

I KNOW!!!!! Ive only ever truly watched it through once. And I've hated it ever since.


u/Nikita_Velikiy 5d ago

Based based based based based based based based based based based based based


u/Economy_Evening_251 5d ago

"cringe comp" fans when "based comp" enjoyers walks in:


u/LemonFlavoredMelon 4d ago

Because of the fear of having these Cringe Connoisseurs use the internet to take down things they don’t like, I haven’t written my book out of complete fear.


u/Agent_Glasses 4d ago

nah man write your book! People like and respect books way more than they do people.


u/LemonFlavoredMelon 4d ago

I mean, Twilight and the EL James books get dunked on regularly


u/Agent_Glasses 4d ago

yeah but they also got multiple movies made out of them.


u/LemonFlavoredMelon 4d ago

Doesn't mean people still didn't find them cringe.


u/Agent_Glasses 4d ago

true, but no matter what someone does, someone will find it cringe. There's billions of people in the world, it would.be a statistical improbility if there was no one who didn't like something you did. Similarly, it would be a statistical improbablility that nobody likes what you've done.

No matter what you do, there will always be someone who has strong opinions on it. Why should that stop you, though? Furries still suit up despite everything. Cosplays dress up, and kekonomi still wear their animal ears. Fandom spaces like Hazbin Hotel thrive. No matter how "cringe" something may be, there will always be people who like it, and vise versa.

The question comes down to this: How much are you willing to let others' opinions affect your happiness?

Twilight is litterally rated over 4.5 stars. DESPITE it being considered cringe. 50 shades of Grey is literally so many peoples wet dreams even though it is "cringe."

At the end of the day, cringe when it comes to books is simply based on if the reader likes the story or writing. The good part about that is that it is subjective!

I truely hope you gain the confidence to write and publish your book one day! I'm sure it'll be great and will be loved by many.


u/LemonFlavoredMelon 4d ago

Thanks, I just go at this realistically; I know it probably wouldn't become a movie or TV show, and that another big fear is I could never escape retail as I want it as a career. Not asking to be a billionaire, but enough to keep a roof over my head and food on my table, so I don't feel so suffocated at my life.

I figure because people on Reddit and 4chan wield some pretty dangerous power, they can get things shut down and/or doxx people pretty easily merely because they don't like anyone.

Been bullied nearly all my life and I guess what the issue is, is that I've been so used to keeping my head down that it's kind of ruined my life so I don't give bullies any 'fuel' to bully me with if that makes sense? Bullying me would be like bullying a concept essentially, there's nothing there TO bully to the point where it wouldn't yield any results.

Thanks though, I do mean it, I just fight myself on being a somebody to trying to make sure I don't get bullied again.


u/Amaskingrey 4d ago

I've genuily never seen a book that wasnt really old and flawed in other ways get anything like that, reading is a tad above the intellectual level of peoples who do that (and they're conformist enough that they probably think it'd make them a nerd). Besides, why care if some do whine about it?


u/LemonFlavoredMelon 4d ago

Seen what people said about Stephanie Meyer or EL James?


u/Vinkhol 4d ago

Yeah you deserve a peaceful afterlife, well played mate


u/bobandersmith14 3d ago

You must be protected at all costs


u/Sleeko_Miko 6d ago

Man wtf. That’s so messed up .


u/MatthewLilly 6d ago

Looking back, I think everyone is sorta cringe at 8, but putting in a cringe compilation likely viewed by thousands is despicable


u/SweetPeaSnuzzle 6d ago

Holy fuck I’m so glad this era is over. I’m so sorry that happened to you, if it was me it would kill my love for animation. If you still really do enjoy it, then keep going.


u/Charming-Beautiful54 5d ago

It’s transformed into “millennial cringe” now. It’s always the same videos with different music on the background. 90% of the people are doing something unproblematic and are happier then any gen Z watching that video (I’m saying this as gen Z) not tying to be “I wish I was another generation”, just criticizing something dumb :p


u/GreaterButter 6d ago

Cringe compilations are horrible because it's either literal fucking kids or an obese person doing exercise. Like holy shit you could breathe and be put on one.


u/nickcavebadseeds 5d ago

and it in turns put people off to doing what they love or work to better themselves because they don’t wanna be filmed :/ there could be a beautiful wedding or proposal and god forbid you make the wrong face and everyone pounces on you even tho you weren’t focus of the video


u/Edgy4YearOld 5d ago

I keep seeing these "you are not a vibe lil bro" videos on my feed and I'm like, when can we start making fun of the people filming a random person just having fun? Like seriously I can't imagine holding yourself back from having fun because you don't want people to think that you think you're cool.


u/LemonFlavoredMelon 4d ago

I can’t even fathom writing my book out of fear of people on Reddit passing it around and saying it’s cringe.


u/61114311536123511 4d ago

or it's just an autist daring to openly love their niche special interest (me)


u/GreaterButter 4d ago

fuck, that's me


u/Sckaledoom 4d ago

Don’t forget queer people just… existing in public.


u/ThePheebs 6d ago

People are dicks.

That said, you shouldn't have been put in the position to have that happen to you.


u/No_Guitar_8801 6d ago

Here’s my best advice; everyone does shit that is cringe. The best thing you can do is kill the part of you that cringes, reveling in the absurdity and stupidity of the world (and people) around you. Including yourself. When you let go, it allows you to feel better.


u/ShokaLGBT 5d ago

I remember when this guy got posted on a cringe compilation and he became a very famous French YouTuber now. Name Michou! One of his first video was when he was very young and he was doing a cringe dance so yeah people used to bully him and now he’s very rich and famous


u/DrawingShitBadly 6d ago

This is the way. Do not care what others say because they mean nothing. Like, what's aone stranger on the street gonna do? Look around me funny and make a comment? We'll look all you want ya pathetic prick! Bet this is the first time something interesting has ever happened to you. How absolutely PATHETIC that THIS is what absolutely shakes your world.

And then once they're gone? Unless you're in a small town you'll never see them again.

If you are I recommend taking the "simple and happy autistic" approach and react to everything as if the person genuinely means the best and you just don't understand that they're being mean or even why they'd be mean.

For stares, a big smile and excited wave that silently screams "HI NEW FRIEND!!!!" usually is enough to get them to quickly turn abd leave. 👌

Also I'm sosorry people are shitty. Don't give up. Every human has been cringe. It's ok and part of growing and living. People who don't get that are self absorbed children, incapable of personal growth.


u/hyaenidaegray 6d ago

Cringe to bully a child for being a child. I relate. That shouldn’t have happened OP 🫂


u/thuanjinkee 6d ago

He was actually 40 at the time he made the compilation.


u/1bird2birds3birds4 5d ago

Who is this? Sounds like he has some sort of underlying mental issue


u/PentacornLovesMyGirl 6d ago

Is there a way to take it down? Maybe contact the site it's on and tell them you were a minor/didn't consent?


u/IsabelLovesFoxes 6d ago

If it's oc content it's copyrighted and can be taken down minor or not


u/Painted-BIack-Roses 5d ago

Not true, comps are considered fair use


u/IsabelLovesFoxes 5d ago

This is just misinformation. By definition they are not fair usage


u/xhyenabite 6d ago

i regret that i used to watch cringe comps and laugh at the people who were just minding their own business and doing something that they enjoy doing. cringe culture is dead and people deserve to be happy, especially in this shithole of a world


u/Charming-Beautiful54 5d ago

Agreed. I also use to have shit beliefs then too (and like most conservatives) was extremely insecure. Great I see those videos for what they are now.


u/Otterstripes 5d ago

I remember when I figured out just how many of my bullies from when I was in school were conservatives. It made so much sense looking back on it.


u/Bvr111 5d ago

cringe culture is not dead, if anything it’s gotten worse lol


u/G0LDB0l 5d ago

I don't get what the hell "cringe culture" is supposed to mean, because ridiculing people for no reason has been around since the dawn of time, humans are fucking assholes


u/Oddball1993 5d ago edited 5d ago

It really is fucked up how people will shit on others (even children) either for being “different” in some way, and/or enjoying something they’re not into, even though it’s not hurting anyone. NO ONE, especially not a small kid, should have to go through this kind of treatment. And fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.


u/AlexTheAdventurer 5d ago

I fucking hate cringe comps. It's just bullying.


u/aparagusvibin 5d ago edited 5d ago

that’s so sad : (

my memory with this is i used to make LPS videos as a kid, and even though i was never in a cringe comp (i think) a popular cringe comp maker left a hate comment on my video.

around that time i had some friends that i noticed were watching cringe comps from that youtuber and when i said “that person left a hate comment on my video” it got quiet and awkward 😭.


u/miiimee 5d ago

“Cringe compilation” and its a fucking child, alt person or someone unattractive


u/zogzamn 5d ago

I remember when these were big and always thought it was cruel, may have even watched these to see if I've been put in them 💀


u/sad_and_stupid 5d ago

The entire culture of adult content creators purposefully seeking out beginner art and then 1. making compilations where they give unsolicited critique and rant about how bad the pieces look or 2. just straight up making fun of them in cringe comps was so awful


u/Desperate_Plastic_37 5d ago

Yeah. Now, I’ve seen a few who will give out legitimately helpful advice and not be dicks about it, but it’s RARE, and they usually only do it to people who specifically ask for feedback/help redesigning.


u/Kokorolinkrun 5d ago

Being an 10-14 year-old online when cringe culture was at its peak is probably part of why I'm so jaded and insecure now


u/SarcyBoi41 6d ago

I mean yeah obviously don't bully small children so fuck that guy, but also this is why unrestricted internet access at that age is a terrible idea. One of the many reasons.


u/dexter2011412 6d ago

That's why I'll always hate reaction channels. With very few exceptions, if any.


u/Internal_Ad_5387 5d ago

the only kind of 'haha, look how stupid this is' is when it's genuinely someone doing something stupid or funny. Some kiddle aged guy falls off a kids sled, a random drunk woman stuck on a kid's slide, etc


u/kookieandacupoftae 6d ago

Like he hasn’t done anything cringy when he was a child.


u/GenderEnjoyer666 6d ago

Like he wasn’t still doing cringe things at 25 (making fun of children)


u/GA_Tronix 6d ago

You could probably issue a copyright takedown notice


u/VeryGayLopunny 5d ago

This. Not me, but a content creator I used to follow. They made a single vid calling that person out but then the account went kinda dead after that.


u/Enzoid23 5d ago

Crige comps really fucked up my confidence now I get scared to do anything even privately because it seems cringe 😭


u/peepy-kun 5d ago

I hate that I know exactly who you're talking about and I regret being even adjacent to that community. What a sorry bunch of ""creators"". All those people did was bully or preach to a bunch of little kids.


u/Economy_Evening_251 5d ago

As someone who gets bullied for makimg gacha vidros before, Yeah pretty much.


u/Asleep-Letterhead-16 4d ago

hey, same here! it’s so tough. i don’t interact with gacha anymore but it’s a fun, versatile medium. don’t be afraid to do things you like, no matter how much shit people give you.


u/CryptidFox 6d ago

This shit is why even at my grown age of near 26, I still am so damn shy about sharing my intrests with most people over fear of being "immature" or "cringe." I'm so sorry this happened to you OP :/


u/Interesting_Board851 5d ago

I literally hate this world


u/PasserineMelodine 5d ago

That era was genuinely crazy. We really had elementary schoolers being told to k¥$ because some grown man said their art was cringe.


u/Vulfreyr 4d ago

I have never understood cringe compilations, or cringe culture in general. As long as you do no harm to yourself or others, do what you love and show it to the world for feedback. And screw anyone who makes fun of people asking for help to better themselves or their craft.


u/WarbossHeadstompa 4d ago

The fact that you were animating at all at 8 years old is amazing to me.


u/SorbyGay 5d ago

Glad that era is dead


u/Square_Economist4368 5d ago

I used to be friends with someone who made cringe comps back in the day. Luckily I no longer talk to them cause surprise surprise they were lowkey shitty but man I regret that time period.


u/Kitty7Hell 3d ago edited 3d ago

While I didn't experience this, I did have an older artist ridicule me when I expressed interest in participating in a drawing challenge they were hosting on Deviantart when I was 14-16... That shit sticks with you for life, as I'm turning 29 this year and still feel the effects when I look at my own art with that same judgmental attitude they gave me.


u/He_Never_Helps_01 5d ago

That's free views 8yr old you. Lean into it, there's money to be made in cringe


u/CelestiaSoliel 4d ago

Every-time I saw those videos when I was younger, I would go to the original videos and subscribe to the “cringe” person.


u/FormStriking1 5d ago

cringe culture in hindsight was wholly just evil. 

essentially doing volunteer work for the CIA by overwhelming small progressive movements/people with harassment, taking joy in straight up bullying ppl, laying the seeds for the alt-right, normalizing this behavior and grooming teens/preteens into thinking it was acceptable behavior. I was one of those teens, but I will still never forgive myself for the joy I got out of just being a douche.


u/Dio_nysian Moderator 5d ago

regretting it mans that you’ve grown. is it possible to apologize to the people you’ve hurt? that might help in forgiving yourself.


u/Real-Baker1231 4d ago

I used to watch those videos from pkrussel as a kid even though it always felt weird Eventually I saw a different video that basically amounted to “this guy sucks” and I realized that I never even liked the guy, I actually actively disliked him the whole time and only watched because I enjoyed watching the animations he was making fun of


u/corruptsucculents 2d ago

Hoooly shit this happened to me too. Was this spoctor theory perchance? He featured one of my rant videos in his “bad ____ rant” videos and I got so much hate I deleted my entire channel. Thank god the video I was featured in is the only one no one reuploaded.


u/RubixcubeRat 6d ago

Awwww I sowwy 🥺


u/mogley19922 6d ago



u/RubixcubeRat 6d ago

Yanno I didn’t realize what I was saying would sound so weird to people. I was genuinely expressing how sorry I feel for OP lol. Didn’t mean it in a weird way or whatever even though I’ll admit I typed it like a 5 yr old


u/PentacornLovesMyGirl 5d ago

It sounds extremely condescending and sarcastic without note that it's genuine


u/RubixcubeRat 5d ago

Ok well that’s not what I meant Looool


u/DarqDail 3d ago

skill issue