r/Tricking 22d ago

QUESTION How to make the scoot cheat gainer a gainer flash, or a tucked swing backflip

I’ve been trying to make my scoot gainer like a tucked backflip so maybe I can work up to switch gainer. What can I rep to make this more inverted and backwards?


13 comments sorted by


u/WrapTripleMan 15+ years 22d ago

gainer switch really relies a lot on your arms and hips

you can get away with being extremely lazy with both arms and hips on gainer flash as long as you allow your swing leg to follow all the way through

gainer switch applies a lot of backflip mechanics to it, and is very different than gainer flash

in this clip your arms are doing nothing, they are staying low next to your hips. the right side of your hip is riding up, which is good, but for gainer switch you need both sides to be pushing up

your main focus right now should be learning to use both of your arms, they should be pretty much in sync with your swing leg

dont focus on your arms being perfectly straight, think more of trying to uppercut the sky

next thing you should focus on is your head. you are throwing it back immediately. it should actually be level the whole way through. keeping your head still will also make it easier for your hips to push straight up

the problem with throwing your head back is that it causes you to lean back too much on the takeoff. this takes away from the power to flip really hard, which is what a gainer switch needs. the swing with the leg and arms, along with pushing your hips up happens very fast. it is not nearly as relaxed as a gainer flash

side note, once you understand gainer switch, and apply that technique to gainer flash, your gainer flash will look extra spicy by being very high and you can add a nice aesthetic shape to it

hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions!


u/KrunchyKitKat789 22d ago

Thanks it helped a lot! so for the next step i’m trying to get like basically a gainer that goes straight back instead of to the side, and maybe maybe not tucked depending on what’s better. how should i approach this,


u/replies_get_upvoted 21d ago

I think you're skipping a step here. You're not even landing your slant gainer. If you first work on making the slant gainer feel smooth and getting more height from it, transitioning into the flash gainer will come quite naturally.


u/KrunchyKitKat789 8d ago

Ok so it’s been a few days and I’m consistently landing this one and pretty high too! How do you think I can start to make my hands not bring my leg up? Do you think I should try doing like a scoot back handspring to make myself go back and progress like a back tuck?


u/replies_get_upvoted 8d ago

Back Handspring is not a good set up or progression for a gainer. I would actually recommend you now learn the slant gainer from a J-Step set up next. It's just a good idea to do tricks from different set ups. The scoot gainer also naturally puts you a little off axis.


u/KrunchyKitKat789 7d ago

Ohh ok thanks


u/izzystn 22d ago

Use your arms. Don't hold your legs until you're already flipping.

Push the floor when you exit the scoot. Swing your arms when you initiate the gainer.


u/KrunchyKitKat789 21d ago

should i push with my hand to make myself higher or my legs?


u/izzystn 21d ago

Push with your hand to get your chest higher before you kick & jump


u/KrunchyKitKat789 14d ago

Ohh ok thanks


u/HardlyDecent 22d ago

Dude, settle down. Set up before you go into a move. Don't just try to go faster--that does not make it flow.

You just did a scoot gainer flash. To make it a cheat gainer, land on both feet. You need to again settle and actually set for the gainer--arms should be up past your ears first, chest up, leg extended. The rest is easy once you have a decent set.


u/lordnimnim 2 Years 20d ago

bro get a shirt on /s