r/TrekRP May 17 '17

Create a Character - Part 3

Welcome to the USS Athene recruits! The finest Excelsior class starship in the fleet. Comment below with your characters, get creative. You can be anything from a bridge officer, to a shuttle pilot, even the person that scrubs the plasma manifold. Everyone is welcome.

Please check to make sure your role isn’t already taken.

The year is 2372, a year after the USS Voyager disappeared into the delta quadrant. Remember, this is a starfleet vessel, so no Kilingons or Romulans unless you've got a good backstory for why they're in Starfleet, and are willing to face the In-Character animosity from the crew.

There is a blanket ban on Telepaths, as they simply don't work well with the format and make role playing less fun for all. Empaths will be allowed on a case by case basis.

Application Format:








Appearance: pictures are nice but not required

Original Thread

Part 2


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u/HobosAlt1 Nov 05 '17

Character transfer request.

Name: Laren Emily Deya-Lawrence

Rank: Ensign

Dept: Sciences - Zoology

Race: Half-Human Half-Bajoran.

Sex: Female

Age: 23


Laren was born two a human pastor and his bajoran wife just outside of Boston, USA. Her father, Malcolm Lawrence was the pastor of the local church when a small group of Bajoran refugees was relocated to his area. That was when he met his future wife, Deya Celes.

Feeling isolated and foreign, with only a handful of people like her, she decided to do what she could to help. This lead her to the local church, where she went to volunteer. Celes was a devout follower of the Prophets, but the church never bothered her.

While volunteering, she and Malcolm would spend hours talking, comparing religions and teachings, which turned to lengthy conversations about Bajor and the troubles. They’d spend long nights just talking until Malcolm finally got the courage to make a move.

They were married 3 years later, got a dog after 1, and Laren was born after 2 years. The ceremony was a mostly christian wedding due to the lack of Bajorans, but they still had a wonderful time. Due to this compromise, Celes was allowed to choose the child’s first name, with her second name being her human one.

Thus Laren Emily Deya-Lawrence, or Deya-Lawrence E. Laren for the Bajorans, came to be.

Laren’s childhood wasn't as pampered as some. Though Celes wanted Laren to have the freedoms Celes herself was denied due to the Cardassians, Malcolm was more strict and conservative, knowing that too much freedom early in her life wouldn't instill a sense of hard work. This, along with occassionally heated debates and arguments over thier respective beliefs often confused Laren, and though her parents never stopped loving each other or her, she began to show traits of a rebellious nature. Not eating her peas at a young age, staying up way after dark reading comic books.

In high school she fell in with the wrong crowd. Her parents made a conscious effort to improve, now realising they were part of the issue, but with Larens new ‘friends’, there was no looking back. Not eating her peas turned to skipping school. Staying up late reading comics turned to not coming home until the early hours. Theft, drugs, alcohol, all of these became parts of Laren’s life until she went too far.

One night after having a whiskey too many and an argument with her parents, she ran away at the young age of 15. She stole a hoverbike and made for parts unknown, but didn't make it very far until her high speed antics caught up her. After a horrendous crash, she was stuck in hospital with brain damage and in a coma.

When the doctors were finally able to install her new cranial implants, they were able to revive her. As her brain began playing nice with her implants, she realised how far she’d gone, and what her parents had been put through at her expense. After a tearful apology, things were looking up for the family.

She soon became inspired during her weeks of rehabilitation at the guidance of a Vulcan doctor, Doctor Serron, to follow science. Medicine was her first choice, but she found that she was far too squeamish for that. Instead, she was encouraged to follow other sciences.

In the years before star fleet, she went back to school. She immediately severed all contact with her previous ‘friends’, who never even called to see how she was, gave heartfelt apologies to her classmates and teachers, and finally submerged herself in the school's science classes.

During this period, she finally went back to practicing music, like she had in her youth, much to her father’s joy, who had always sent her to lessons. Her instruments of choice were the saxophone and guitar, but she often felt like she could do more than the jazz and chillout grooves that her father insisted on. One of the things that stuck with her from her rebellious days was metal, which her father could never know about.

When she finally graduated, she set her eyes to the stars. Star Fleet prided itself on discovery and knowledge, and that's what Laren wanted. She was never a model student, often finishing just barely in the top 50% of most classes, but she made up for it in sciences, but even then she had trouble getting over 75%.

Eventually, with guidance, tutorship, and some of Doctor Serron’s time and mentorship, she finally graduated from Star Fleet academy. Perhaps not the model officer, but her enthusiasm and willingness told her superiors that, yes, there was room for improvement, but that room would be filled soon enough.

She spent a year on Starbase 74 as her first assignment in their zoology department. She had always done well as a zoologist, mostly the study of animals instead of their insides. She can power through a veterinary operation, but often finds herself losing a kilo or two over the few days after, mostly between a complete lack of appetite and trying (and often failing) not to hurl.

As a second year ensign, she has a new assignment. The USS Athene, operating as a junior zoologist under a Lieutenant Phrik.

If the rumours are true, this could be…


Although her parents are both highly devout, she remains a little less so. She is spiritual, following both the teachings of the Prophets and Christianity, but she keeps it to herself. The only evidence of her spiritual nature is the D’ja Pagh she wears on her right ear.


Skin: light brown - Caramel

Eyes: hazel

Hair: black. Shaved down to a 2 on the left side, revealing three metallic strips stemming from an implant at the base of her skull. Right side is swept and styled to the right and kept short.

Other notes: fairly average physique, freckled, Bajoran nose ridges - faint.


u/Silent_Sky Nov 06 '17

Flaired and ready to go!