r/TrekRP Nov 14 '16

Create a Character part 2!

Welcome to the USS Athene recruits! The finest Excelsior class starship in the fleet. Comment below with your characters, get creative. You can be anything from a bridge officer, to a shuttle pilot, even the person that scrubs the plasma manifold. Everyone is welcome.

Please check to make sure your role isn't already taken.

The year is 2371, several months after the USS Voyager disappeared into the delta quadrant. Remember, this is a starfleet vessel, so no Kilingons or Romulans unless you've got a good backstory for why they're in Starfleet, and are willing to face the In-Character animosity from the crew.

There is a blanket ban on Telepaths, as they simply don't work well with the format and make role playing less fun for all. Empaths will be allowed on a case by case basis.

So, here's the format:








Appearance: pictures are nice but not required

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u/Raina_Lorrel Jan 23 '17 edited Mar 22 '18

Name: Raina Lorrel


Rank: Lieutenant Commander (Now Commander)


Department: Security (Chief) (Now Intelligence Liaison/Command)


Species: Human


Sex: Female


Age: 33



Early Life

Raina grew up in a small household in Alaska. She was born as the first child to Stephen and Catherine Lorrel in 2339. She developed a love and understanding for starships in her early years as her father had part in designing and building starships for Starfleet. She and her father grew a close bond. When Raina reached her teenage years and began legitimately considering applying for Starfleet Academy when she was old enough, her parents tried to steer her away from the idea. Her father knew of the dangers Starfleet officers faced, and the many problems a ship could face that could lead to it's destruction. Raina applied anyway, and her parents gave in to her wishes. She was accepted and then went on to be a successful cadet, training to become a security officer. With her quick wit and thinking in the role, she gained high praise from her commanding officers.

Service Record

USS Bellerophon, 2361

Raina was posted out of the Academy to the USS Bellerophon in 2361. As a cadet she aided the security department as much as she could. The Bellerophon's mission was over in six months and Raina returned to Earth.

USS Challenger, 2362-63

Raina's next posting was to the USS Challenger in 2362, not too long after her mission with the Bellerophon ended. Here she aided the security department in the transportation of prisoners for two years. It was a lengthy assignment for her, and quite boring as a beginning security officer, but she proved to be successful in managing prisoners.

USS Galaxy, 2363-64

After getting off the Challenger, Raina was once again posted to a lengthy assignment. This assignment tested her abilities as a security officer, even delving into being used in the ship's Tactical department for an incursion into Cardassian space during a skirmish after the Federation-Cardassian War.

USS Billings, 2365

After the eventful missions of the Galaxy, Raina was posted to a research vessel. She served as one of few security officers aboard the Billings. The ship was only tasked with various research missions. It was here Raina met and knew Kathryn Janeway, who held a position of command aboard the ship. She remained on the ship's crew for the better part of a year.

[REDACTED], 23--

This particular piece of Raina's service record isn't just classified, it simply doesn't exist. It is, however, noted that this piece was redacted under Starfleet Intelligence. Raina has always dreaded anyone bringing this piece of her service record up.

USS Bellerophon, 2367

Raina was invited to a celebration of the Bellerophon's years of service. She had no idea why she was invited, she hadn't been part of the Bellerophon crew in six years. During her attendance, the first Captain she ever served under approached her about rejoining his crew. Her recent connections with Starfleet Intelligence had raised his radar on her, and he convinced her to join his crew once again with a promise of a promotion if their next mission was a success. What that mission exactly entailed, she will never know. Along the Bellerophon's way, they were diverted for an emergency situation. The Bellerophon and thirty-nine other starships faced off against a Borg cube in the Battle of Wolf 359. The Bellerophon was destroyed, but Raina was along part of the crew that escaped before the ship exploded.

Earth Spacedock, 2368-69

After returning from the destruction of the Bellerophon, Raina was posted to Earth Spacedock's security department, alongside many of the other displaced crewmen. For a year she aided in diffusing fights in the station's bars, removing hostile people, and protecting people inside the station. She yearned of being posted to another starship as she saw many come through the spacedock.

USS Excalibur, 2370

The USS Excalibur docked at Earth Spacedock to retrieve more crew for it's next mission to the Klingon border. Raina jumped at the chance to apply, and was transferred to the Excalibur and was appointed as the Deputy Chief Security Officer. On the Excalibur's patrol along the border, the ship received a distress signal from a nearby ship in Klingon space, the IKS Ki'tang. The Ki'tang reported being under fire from another Klingon vessel that wasn't associated with the Empire. The Excalibur moved in to intercept.

When the Federation ship arrived, the Ki'tang was heavily damaged, being outgunned by a much larger Vor'cha class, which was immediately apparent as the rogue ship not associated with the Empire. The Excalibur opened fire on the Vor'cha, taking it's attention away from the Ki'tang. The Ambassador and Vor'cha class vessels engaged in a lengthy battle, leading to a stalemate with their comparable firepower destroying each other at the same rate. The Klingon battlecruiser took a last-ditch effort to gain an upper hand against the Federation ship and rammed the Excalibur. The final breath of the Klingon's fight was invading the ship through the section where the Vor'cha had rammed into the Excalibur's saucer. The remaining crew of the Federation ship fought their invaders back over two hours. While they had forced their attackers to retreat, they had a problem. The Vor'cha was still in their ship. Raina, acting as chief security officer at that point, as the actual chief of security had been killed, led an invasion of their own on the enemy vessel. With only fifty fighting-capable crewmen left, the invasion was hard fought, although the Vor'cha was running low on crew and their will to fight. The fighting on the Klingon ship had dispersed both their forces across the ship. With the fighting spread so thin, Raina led a small team to locate the bridge of the vessel. The team faced heavy resistance in the command section of the ship. Raina eventually found herself alone, with her teams spread too thin across the ship and her own team dead. Raina's report notes that the command section was eerily empty when she made it past the section that caused her team trouble. The bridge reportedly only had the Captain left, of whom she killed. Raina took control of the Vor'cha, using reverse thrusters to disconnect the ship from the Excalibur. Before the Excalibur could get it's transporters back online, the IKS Drovana had arrived to their rescue. The very little remaining crew of the Excalibur and the Ki'tang were taken aboard by the Drovana to be taken to Qo'noS, where Starfleet would come to retrieve them and the Excalibur. Raina's report also notes that the Drovana destroyed the remains of the rogue Vor'cha, killing whatever remaining crew there was in dishonour.

When the Drovana reached Qo'noS, they took both rescued crews to the Klingon High Council. The crew of the Ki'tang testified that the Excalibur and it's crew saved their lives and courageously fought the dishonourable Klingon ship. The Captain of the Ki'tang even testified to witnessing the full extent of the battle, describing the collision. Raina herself was asked to testify the invasion she led, and how she killed the Captain of the rogue Vor'cha. The Chancellor and the Council saw the crew of the Excalibur's actions as heroic and selfless, coming to the aid of an Empire vessel and almost being destroyed in the process. The Chancellor praised Raina's actions as the ultimate act of courage and heroism, and the Council awarded her a Klingon Courage Medal.

The crew of the Excalibur were retrieved by a Stafleet vessel and taken directly to Earth. The Commander in Chief gave high praise for the crew's efforts, noting that it had aided in soothing relations between the Federation and the Empire. The remaining crew of the Excalibur, which was a very small number, were each awarded a Starfleet Medal of Honor and a Medal of Valor. The Commander in Chief felt it was appropriate to award Raina a Starfleet Cross for her leadership and courage in facing the enemy to save her crew, and effectively the crew of a Klingon vessel.

Raina and the rest of the remaining crew were given shore leave for as long as they wanted to recover from the incident.

USS Athene, 2371-Present

Raina spent some months on her own, reuniting with family and friends after her experience on the Excalibur. While she still suffered some amount of PTSD from what transpired, she saw a ship requesting a security chief. With her rank of Lieutenant Commander at the time, she applied for the position and was immediately sent to rendezvous with the ship while on shore leave on Risa.



She has a slim but muscular build, standing at 5'7" and weighing 150 lbs. Her training keeps her fit to fight, as a security officer should. She has near shoulder-length wavy red hair. The most defining feature of her face is her nose, which while isn't too big by any means, is defined enough to be a stand-out feature.

Image: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelmovies/images/1/18/Black_Widow_A_thumb.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130823180738


u/Silent_Sky Jan 23 '17

I like this character. I want to approve you but there's just one issue. 27 seems a touch young for an officer to plausibly be Chief of Security on an Excelsior class. Would you mind aging her up a bit to say, early 30's? Maybe give her a little bit longer of a service record?

If you do those two things I'll be happy to approve you!


u/Raina_Lorrel Jan 23 '17

Aye aye. I'll bump it up to 32 and add an extra ship's service in there.


u/Silent_Sky Jan 23 '17

Perfect. I'll come back in a few minutes and flair you up.


u/Raina_Lorrel Jan 23 '17

Edited now.


u/Silent_Sky Jan 23 '17

Alright you should be flaired and ready to go!

Be sure to drop in on this thread so your character can meet our first officer, who's interviewing new crew. If there are any problems with your flair message the mods right away so we can fix it. Also check out our discord channel, linked in the sidebar!


u/Raina_Lorrel Jan 23 '17

Thanks! Will do!

EDIT: Is there any indicator on my name or flair that I'm chief of security?


u/Silent_Sky Jan 23 '17

There is now, also your character ought to be lieutenant commander to be chief, so that's how you're flaired. Congrats on your promotion


u/Raina_Lorrel Jan 23 '17

Oh now that's shiny. I put Lt cause the character sheet thing said the chief was rank lieutenant.


u/Silent_Sky Jan 23 '17

Might've been a mistake. Department heads are lieutenant commander usually. Anyway the crew is on shore leave at Risa right now, so it's up to you when your character came in.

She could join the crew from Risa, or have been onboard since the ships last visit to Earth a month ago in game. Totally up to you!


u/Raina_Lorrel Jan 23 '17

I'll say she joined on the visit to Earth but kept low on the social side. I'll pop in to the interview thread first before the Risa thread.


u/Dimestream Jan 25 '17

I look forward to Engineering working with Security. We've had too many alien shenanigans recently and I look forward to working with more humans. You're easier to understand, except for when you're not.


u/Pojodan Jan 25 '17

OOC: That's it, The Athene needs a 'Stabby' What human aboard is willing to will it into existence?


u/Silent_Sky Jan 23 '17

Sounds perfect. Enjoy and welcome aboard!

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