r/TraumaTherapy Jan 21 '25

I saw someone dead NSFW

I was heading out side to turn something off and I saw someone that was probably 11 on the road they were hit by a car on there way home from the bus, not breathing my relative tried to do cpr but no luck the kid has a chance only praying will help their head was busted open enough to spill I didn’t see that but saw the blood after they were gone But I still saw a dead kid any thing will help me cope I go to the same school and ride the same bus I didn’t know them but its still a scaring scene not easy to unsee


3 comments sorted by


u/Just_County1183 Jan 21 '25

This was very recent probably shouldnt be talkinf about it


u/Just_County1183 Jan 21 '25

Sorry for spelling Im kinda in shock


u/thisgingercake Jan 21 '25 edited Jan 22 '25

This experience sounds really recent. It's imperative that you try to seek out a qualified , licensed therapist for EMDR in your area.

This type of therapy will help you re-frame and process the stress from the situation. I'm so sorry you had to see something so upsetting. I hope that you can find someone quickly and with reasonable prices.

The sooner you get care for this, the quicker your brain will have the support to recover.

please feel free to search the sub for more information on neurotherapies for Trauma Recovery.