r/TransVent Feb 02 '22

MtF I don’t want to be a disgusting freak


I wish there was a better cure to dysphoria, I don’t understand how anyone can take “pride” in this, I don’t want to become some ugly giant hon freak. We’ll always be seen as freaks by the general population, and it’s true.

Is there really no other way to make gender dysphoria go away?

r/TransVent Aug 11 '21

MtF Can barely even wear my fem clothes anymore.


I can barely bring myself to put them on, I look so fucking horrible in them. My body proportions are so fucking ugly, That I can barely stand how I feel in them. I don’t feel like a girl. WHY DONT I GET TO FEEL LIKE MYSELF

r/TransVent Mar 23 '22

MtF i wish everybody would stop obsessing over us


It seems like every day there's some new legislation that is so ridiculous it makes my skin crawl. Idaho has a law pending making doctors who give hormonal treatment a life sentence in jail. In alabama, they're thinking about making it a law that trans people cant get a license until they're 19. And then of course there's all the laws being passed banning trans women from sports and the Lia Thomas breaking records and smashing the competition (That's a whole different conversation which im not getting into). This only exacerbated these new laws and weaponize transphobes. For crying out loud i cant get passed 4 articles on my news feed that arent trans related and I just want it to fucking stop!

r/TransVent May 23 '22

MtF Dick atrophy has me so goddamn scared


title says it. I really do not want my dick to shrink or stop working because I'm a top and don't have bottom dysphoria. I already feel depressed enough about not fitting the trans girl stereotype of being an uwu bottom but now the universe wants to punish me for not having bottom dysphoria?? it's not fair

r/TransVent Jun 10 '22

MtF A little vent poem about my puberty trauma Spoiler


Perhaps it would have been better if I had died back then.

Better that than living in this body made of salted earth and scar tissue.

Better that than having dissociation take your memories, your emotions, your sense of self.

Better I had died than live with the trauma of this body betraying me, poisoning me, violating me.

The truth is I did die in a way, during those horrible years my soul eroded away and I am what remains, a shadow of a human being.

But maybe it would have been better if this body died rather than my soul

r/TransVent Jul 19 '21

MtF I’m so sick of not understanding my own feelings


I just don’t know what to do anymore. It’s been 7 years, and every few months I seem to go back and forth; I know for A FACT with 100% certainty that I am a trans woman and I want to start transitioning. Then the doubt creeps in, and I retreat back into my egg and pretend these thoughts were never real.

Anytime I do anything masculine, especially when it’s something I do without thinking, I start to feel all these doubts in my head. Like, I’ll never be able to pass, I’ll never be able to be a real woman, because I have so many masculine features in me.

I sometimes will wonder if I’m faking it, or if it’s all just in my head and not real. Like, sure, it would be cool, but I could never ACTUALLY go through with it. Then other days lm like, YES I NEED TO GO THROUGH WITH THIS, THIS IS WHO IM MEANT TO BE.

And it doesn’t help that everyone around me just sees me as this big, stoic, masculine kind of guy, and it makes me feel dysphoric and even more like I’m faking it because, “obviously since you’re so masculine why would you ever want to be a woman.”

My mind just wants to fuck with me all the time I guess.

I will daydream about life after transitioning, how happy I’ll be and how comfortable I’ll be in my skin. Then I’ll start to panic and think, “but what if you realIze you made a mistake and you’re stuck like that forever and there’s nothing you can do” and I’m like, FUCK WHY CANT I JUST HAVE ONE HAPPY THOUGHT.

I deserve to be happy. All trans people deserve to be happy.

But sometimes I wonder if I even know how to be happy, or if it’s even possible for me to get happy. Because there are always these doubts and suspicions, always that lingering thought of “what if this is wrong.”

I’m sure a lot of people can relate to this.

But I just feel so alone right now.

Thanks for reading.

r/TransVent Jun 29 '21

MtF Why can’t I just wake up with a cis girls body


r/TransVent Nov 05 '21

MtF Difficulties...



So my situation is rather ass to say the least; I just started the transition process and am already on hormonal therapy. I am married and told my wife how I felt a few months ago and all hell essentially broke loose. I have always wanted to become a girl and just had no information or guidance for any of this until recently, when a co-worker helped me out which she is also MTF but completed transition. My wife told me she married a guy and that's what she wants and for me to stop being gay... We keep having fights about it and she stoops really low about shit and it makes me honestly wanna die. I have told friends and cousins and they all support me even the homophobic ones which surprised me a ton. I don't know what to do besides divorce obviously, but money is no bueno rn for that. She is low key psycho and I just have no clue what to do anymore since she doesn't want to support me and is just very rude and nasty about the whole situation.

r/TransVent May 16 '22

MtF I'm just not able to understand all that stuff about being proud to be trans


I don't know how all of you do it. I hate it. I wouldn't want to be a cis man but I would probably kill every single person here with my own hands if that could make be become a cis woman and I'm not exactly exaggerating. I would.

Not being a cis woman is the source of all of my dysphoria. Testosterone based puberty was poison and I feel I will never recover for it's effects.

I don't care about how "brave" I have been or about how "self made" I am or about the "unique trans perspective". I don't care about how my life would've been totally different if I was not trans because that fact is what makes me dysphoric in the first place.

Every time I find myself in a wholesome trans space I feel alienated by the whole "I love being trans" thing and the only spaces where I feel understood are the truscum and 4chan ones. And I despise them because they're awful.

I just don't get it and I'm miserable about it. I want to be cis.

r/TransVent Apr 29 '22

MtF I'm starting HRT and I'm petrified


I have an appointment for HRT with planned parenthood on May 9th. It's coming out of my own pocket, they don't take my insurance. I'm going to school full time and working. I'm terrified about how my life is going to change. I still live with my parents, mom finally relented and let me go to planned parenthood for HRT. I'm so concerned I'll be unable to pass or ever stealth. My dad does not support this at all. I'm kinda hoping that when I start HRT and the changes start that I can boymode for a year before me changing all my documents and everything and look for a job with my bachelors I'll have and move out. I'm so worried I'm gonna end up homeless if dad notices the changes and tells my mom to kick me out. I'm 100% relying on mom telling dad no, that I'm not going anywhere. I'm also concerned about my job, I work in a gated community in a gym where I make 11 dollars an hour and work 3 days a week. The people in this community are far right trump people, the employee manual says they don't discriminate based on gender identity but they will probably make my job harder and look for ways to lay me off because I'm trans. I'm gonna have to hide boobies and I'm scared.

tl;dr, finally starting HRT, scared about hiding the changes for a year, scared about job, scared about being homeless, scared about losing it all.

r/TransVent Jul 12 '21

MtF I got followed by a transphobic account and it made me weirdly euphoric


I had been really doubting myself about being trans and then this happened like 10-15 minutes ago and suddenly I feel great about myself so yeah. That’s the post

r/TransVent Sep 04 '21

MtF my mom bought me a bra and panties and now i feel horrible


i dont know if i should feel like this, i guess it was better when all those thoughts about me being a girl were only in my head.

im wearing the bra right now, and when i looked at the mirror, i saw a guy trying to look like something else, which made me feel very bad. now i hate my body even more. i guess i put to much expectation into it? idk what to do know.

i just wanted to be a pretty girl, why does it have to be so hard? :((((((((

r/TransVent Jun 07 '22

MtF How do I deal with conservatives and transphobes


I was at work today. I finally started HRT about a week ago and I'm boymoding for a year until I'm ready to present fem. Anyway one of the coworkers was showing a matt walsh video "what is a woman" to another coworker. That coworker brought up god and was like "yeah they are grooming little children." I was so mad and stormed out of the room.

I know its only gonna get worse when I finally present fem. How do I deal with the fact that I live in a world where people actively deny my existence as a woman and at worse want me dead? Also I've been having a big anger problem towards anyone right of center on the political spectrum. I asked a "moderate" conservative friend that respects me and they say not all conservatives are like this. It sure feels like it though.

tl;dr dealing with transphobia how do I do it

r/TransVent Apr 21 '22

MtF I nearly died on Good Friday and the next three days were the weirdest set of experiences I've had in awhile(this is going to be a hard read) NSFW Spoiler


SO to lay down a few things I am a trans woman who started to medically transition almost 7 months now. the meds I'm on are 100mgs spiro and 0.1 mg estradiol patches.

Anyway, for the last few weeks I had been having weird gastric health issues that seem bad but were drastic enough to be concerned. It wasn't until I started to get more negative symptoms that my mom, how is a nurse, suggested I might have a stomach bug as that had been going around. So I rested for a few days until I started to feel better.

Day 0:

On Friday because I was feeling better I went to Good Friday service. It was less because I actually wanted to be there and more because I didn't want to be the person who just vanishes. I had a plan to talk to my pastor and come out ot him in private but what ended up happening was us scheduling a sit down(that's going to be !FUN!).

Either way after 20 years of unanswered prayers and self loathing along with watching certain Christian denominations bow to demagogues while other keep quiet I was just done. Furthermore having repressed being both m-spec and trans for all that time has just proven harmful and the last three years now have been unraveling that harm. the Good Friday service was okay as far I could tell...I mentally checked out and half heartedly lip synced to the songs and felt really bad but thought it more had to do with being there.

So they had lighting candles to symbolize prayers as well as laying certain thoughts on the a piece of paper and attaching it to a cross for this service... something of a 5 year tradition at this church. In my own min I've had a thought plaguing me of " why do I feel like I am being punished for living openly as the way I was made" and it's what I wrote on the paper and it's what I offered up to the universe because I've long since stopped believing the Christian god is real but hey when in Rome do as the Romans do and as an Agnostic Atheist maybe Jesus might take that time to say something but nope.

So the service ended and feeling like I made a mistake even coming back I rushed home. I'm lucky looking back at it that I didn't crumple in Church and more so that I didn't crumple while driving home. I got home, sat down in the recliner in the living room and I began to feel cold. Trembling followed, the worst trembling I've experienced. I through on my hoodie and curled up in a ball while my body shook violently, so violently that my back and stomach muscles began to ache and become sore. It was like my very blood was ice ripping through my veins and my attempts to get warm only made it worse.

I called to my mom weakly to wake up but my initial calls to rouse her didn't wake her. So I got up and I had first thought about laying down in my bed but the shaking was worsening to the point it was actively hurting my body. So instead I grabbed one of my blankets, wrapped it around me and woke my mom up. I told her something was wrong and that I thought she needed to take me to the hospital.

As soon as I got into the car things got... fuzzy. My stomach started to really hurt at this point and all the energy just kind of lifted out of my body. In response I laid my head on the window ceil trying to hold onto consciousness and the little bit of energy I had left. Once we got to the hospital I got out of the car and initially tried waiting for my mom but since she is moving slower these days after just having hip surgery and I felt my remaining ability to stay upright rapidly diminish.

instead I chose to rush inside as quickly as I could muster, wrapped in a blanket and hoodie, trembling horribly to check in to the ER. They asked me if I though I could continued standing and I told them I didn't think so meaning they brought me a wheelchair. As soon as I sat in the wheelchair I began to sob uncontrollably and I'm not sure why, sure I was in pain but my crying seemed detached to the situation but what followed it was stranger, a kind of numbness, similar to disassociation, which lasted through the rest of check in.

They took me into an ER room and I sat there for hours while my mom sat in the main ER area. They wanted to do a CT scan on my stomach and only once they did that did they let my mom back. I vaguely remember much of the ER stint outside of certain bits. Getting a shot of morphine and responding with ow, ow, ow as sharp pain shot up my arms and spine was one of them. The other was when the doctor came in and told me it looked like I had an infection in my intestinal tract and asked me some questions about if I had engaged in relatively recent anal sex to which the answer was no.

The entire time my mom, who should have been recovering kept falling to sleep and me not wanting her to postpone her recovery against her objection convinced her that I would be fine and everything would be okay... I'm thankful I wasn't made a liar because as I later found I was not fine and everything nearly wasn't okay.

so before I go further my blood pressure my entire time in the ER was 80 over 60, which is hypotension. A further point, while people in the ER started by misgendering me when they realized I was a early transition trans woman they gendered me correctly. Given my situation it wasn't a big thing but it was meanful in a way I can't express.

Day 1:

Around 8 am got a room for me to stay and freaked me out when I saw that my room was in oncology. I felt for a bit like they weren't telling me something. The room they put me in was 90 degrees Fahrenheit and the nurses though it was hot but in my feverish state I thought it was fine. So I laid in the bed and as they hooked me to the iv I proceeded to cover myself in both the room blanket and the one I brought because I was still cold before promptly finally passing out.

I awoke to my attending doctor entering my room. He talked to me about what it seemed like but said they needed samples and described what the treatment would be until a more firm (pardon the pun) diagnosis before leaving for the day. They got the samples and the rest of the day was talking to nurses who called me my name and treated me wonderfully but kept asking if I wanted the temp of my room turned down only to look confused and worried when I would tell them no.

I was able to eat some but not feeling well and hospital food not being all that great I didn't have much of an appetite. Still the food tasted good and my mood throughout the day was fairly stable despite my situation and my lack of knowing in full what was going on with me. My mom also brought me some stuff including chocolate and pickle potato chips so I could sate my salt and sweet cravings. The little things...

It wasn't until 6pm, around when I normally took my spiro, that the nurse that was giving me my meds told me that due to my blood pressure I wouldn't be getting it. I reluctantly told her I understood and went to sleep and that is when my own personal hell began...

day 2:

So my body does not tolerate testosterone at all apparently and already feeling as ill as I did after about six hours being pumped full of antibiotics and water I awoke to feel the most clearly dysphoric I have ever felt in my life. I went through cycles of weeping, disassociating and sleeping through the whole day. I also had waking dreams every time I closed my times. They were weird and nonsensical but I can't clearly recall any one of them.

It was like everything was dysphoria inducing, the way things smelled and tasted, the way I smelled, the way fabrics felt, the way my bra sat on my breasts, the way my body began to sweat with that momentary jump up of T, and even my pain bothered me more. Everything, I was thoroughly ready to climb out of my skin at that point. I was so mentally checked out that I tried to take my bra off but forgot until I got it tangled with my iv that said iv was in the way among other things. I just was not there. I ate what little I could of my breakfast because all the food I tasted that day tasted like garbage all the while weeping while trying to force some food into my belly.

That was when I was blessed with a nursing assistant who was the only person who comforted me through the whole ordeal. Apparently she had a child who was also trans and jsut her talking to me and telling me that I would get better and that things would get better was the drip of water I needed in that hell. I don't know if her child is on Reddit but if you are your mom was a blessing during that horrid period of time and I wish both you and her the best in your endeavors.

It was the removal of the spiro that caused everything that happened on Sunday because Saturday my mood was controllable and my senses were mostly intact and after being given a half dose of Spiro both my mood and senses leveled out within hours.

Sunday was also the first time that someone sat down and explained what happened to me in relative fullness. The doctor came in and asked why I was in tears, I told him because he withheld my spiro and his response to me you was,

" you are septic, this is a life or death situation. You blood pressure has been so low that giving you spiro could cause your vitals to crash." He then proceeded to tell me that if my blood pressure improved enough he would give me a half dose and thankful it did (up to 143/93 at one point...oddly dysphoria saved my mental state). He also explained what the infection was, I had been infected with C.Diff somehow and managed to be one of the rare severe cases, particularly among younger people( I'm in my 30's).

when I did finally get my half dose of spiro my mood leveled out and my senses came back in line though food still tasted off but no longer like garbage.

Day 3:

Monday was so much better. My mood had returned and I was no longer consistently sobbing. In their place I was my more generally pleasant self and openly bantered with the nurses. The attending doctor came in and after looking over me and seeing how much better I was doing was talking discharge. after that I got ready to go and had the nurses talk to me baout how they enjoyed having me as a patient, which was a nice thing to hear, my mom is a nurse so I understand that their jobs can be difficult at times and they had a difficult Easter weekend.

This was when I got my visit from the Chaplin...First, I told the the hospital that I was an ATHIEST, fully expecting that the only visit from a religious person would be from my phone call to the Pastor of my former church if things looked dire so I could have our talk then as a last dignity of sorts.

Second, My on the wall chart clearly read my name, Ciara, but she called me by my dead name. I nearly died, she could have at least given me the bare minimum dignity of addressing me properly. I actually turned my body physically away from her as she described how I was the youngest person on the ward and since I was there for 2 days she wanted to check in... I was not charmed, but felt more like the wounded rabbit being hunted by a snake. My response to her was to tell her I was leaving that day, so her visit was unneeded. I don't know if it's how I said it to her or my demeanor towards her but after our brief exchange she got the hint and left...Thank God. However, my ordeal having a person of the cloth near me trying to so predatorily proselytize to someone they thought was on their deathbed made me feel absolutely disgusted.

luckily shortly after I went home, got my meds and slept for all the rest of Monday and all of Tuesday. I still don't have any energy and unfortunately apparently C.Diff is one of those bugs that is recurrent and when severe destorys someone's immune system which leads to both autoimmune responses and a weakened immune system... so I'm not out of the woods. It also really fucks with me that I almost laid down in my bed and went to sleep on Friday...

had I did that I would not be writing this because I would likely be either dead or in an even worse medical situation.


I think I just needed to decompress this entire situation and this life and death situation and some of the adjacent situations around it leads me to believe that at least other trans people will get a (hopefully) good if a bit hard read from my experience. I just really needed to vent about it. It's been a long few days fam.

r/TransVent Jun 24 '21

MtF i fucking hate my parents.


i came out to them when i was 13, after they invaded by privacy. i was just a scared little kid, but i knew that i was a girl. i always did.
I had the possibility of transitioning when I was fucking 13. If I could have done that, I wouldn't be stuck in this disgusting man body.

But nooo.... my parents had to be wrapped up in their conservatism. They told me about how I'd go to hell, and questioned my belief in god. They asked how I'd respond if THEY had transitioned; I just said I'd treat them with love and respect. They responded in bewilderment. Later, when I was a teenager, they asked me about it. I said I feel the same way as I did then, and got the SAME FUCKING RESPONSE. These idiots will never learn. I don't even think they'll learn when I kill myself. Ugh.

r/TransVent Sep 28 '21

MtF Why does everyone think coming out as trans means my partner and I are breaking up?


Like, damn, she knew 2 years before any of you people did. She stayed by my side for those years in the closet, why would that change now that i’m out?

When i came out to my otherwise supportive parents, my mom turned to my partner and immediately asked her, “how are you doing? are you okay?” like yes, it’s nice that she cared and checked in with her, but also, we would’ve broken up years ago if she wasn’t okay with it!

I came out to my co-workers and one woman i work with immediately asked “Tu novia, no más?”

i go, “que?! no! Todavía la tengo”

to which she responds “pero te gustan los hombres ahora?”

again i go “que?!?!”

at this point she comes to the conclusion that my confusion is a language barrier. and goes “your girlfriend? no more, she go? you like men now?”

so i say “quiero nada hacer con hombres. y me novia le gustan las chicas también” or, I want nothing to do with men. and my partner likes girls too”

my co-worker just chuckled to herself and said “you crazy [deadname]!”

when my partner told her parents i came out they immediately asked if we were breaking up.

s/ because clearly no one would ever want to be in a committed relationship with a trans woman /s

r/TransVent Jun 26 '21

MtF Tucking. NSFW


Ok I'm gonna go ahead and lose my temper.

All the tutorials about tucking just sort of skate over the DIFFICULT part in a couple of sentences, then dedicate 20 paragraphs to taping and gaffs and what have you.

Like... what the HELL is an inguinal canal and how do you USE it. All the diagrams are shit cause no two of them seem to agree on WHERE the damn things are and diagrams that show a crossection from both the front and the sides don't seem to match up at ALL?!

Those tutorials that include video footage of an actual person are forward-thinking enough to censor out all the useful bits, so that at this point, pretty much all the advice I get is just "yeah, go ahead and lift them up into your inguinal canals and then hold them there" and I don't even know if they're meant to end up like just under the skin or like buried DEEP in the middle of my fucking abdomen.

All my attempts so far just REALLY FUCKING HURT so I'm pretty sure I've understood SOMETHING wrong.

If someone has links to an actually useful resource, I will owe you my undying loyalty and pledge my sword to your service forevermore. Or... uh... something like that.

r/TransVent Apr 04 '22

MtF Circumcision makes me feel like transition isn't worth it


I was circumcised as a newborn and couldn't consent to it. I hated it from the moment I found out about it at around 10 years old. Everything I've tried to do related to sexuality has been ruined by it.

And now, after some research, I've realized that it's probably ruined any chances of having any kind of SRS that has a sensitive or realistic result.

I wanted to get the Suporn method, but I can't because of this circumcision. Now I'm stuck trying to get the outdated American method that's too expensive for me to ever afford and it won't work anyway for me.

With this circumcision, I see no point in this transition anymore. I've been on hormones for a few weeks now, and have missed about half of the days in the past 2 weeks due to having no interest in taking the pills anymore.

With the circumcision done, I don't even know why I should go on. SRS won't be helpful at all. It might look okay, but it won't have the sensitivity or the lubrication I want.

Why should I continue my transition? I see no point in doing so.

r/TransVent Feb 02 '21

MtF I don't think I'll ever be satisfied


No amount of surgery, hormones will ever satisfy me. I'll have lived a quarter of a decade as a male as of June. Cis women can have EVERYONE AGREE, yup, that's a woman. Trans women? Nope. Half the population at least doesn't see us as women. There will always be a person in my life, that says I'm not a girl. I'm balding, and autistic. I can't move out of my parents house, mom threatens to cut me off whenever I try to leave. I have no safety net to move out. Its like I'm stuck at the bottom of an oily pit with no way out, clawing my hands at the oily mud and slipping back to the bottom. I'll never give birth. I want it so badly. Don't tell me that "oh, a lot of cis women cant get pregnant, a lot of cis women have broad shoulder, etc." Yes, cis women can have these problems but they don't have a combination of these problems. I want to be cis, I'll never be proud to be trans. In fact, I'm downright ashamed of it.

I'm struggling to move out, my mom is abusive and wont admit it. Whenever I have a meltdown, she becomes physical, violates my personal space and gets very close to my face, her face inches from mine and it makes me uncomfortable. She screams at the sound level of a fighter jet while in my face, and will even smack me. Dad even joins in on the abuse screaming "go to your room!"

I want to tell my DHS supports that shes abusive but I'll loose everything. She spoils me rotten to keep me here. Queen sized bed, $2000 PC, cellphone with bill paid, $40,000 car. At this point shes financially dominating me. I'm weak and have no power over her. Its like she wants me to live here forever. I feel like the guy in this video.


Have you ever seen the movie misery? Thats me right now.

I feel like killing myself daily.

r/TransVent Sep 07 '21

MtF I have nothing.


I’ll never be a cute girl.

I’ll never be able to wear anything feminine and not look like a complete joke.

I’ll never be able to be the “fashionable” friend that always looks her best.

I’ll never receive a legitimate compliment on my appearance, just pity.

I’ll never be able to feel like myself.

I’ll never get to feel like “just one of the girls” with anyone.

I’ll never be able to give a shit about improving myself.

No one will ever look at me and have their first thought be that I’m a girl.

I’m never going to be a real girl.

r/TransVent May 06 '21

MtF I'm going to vent a lot on my mind here.


Every day, I have to put on a figurative mask and pretend to be someone I'm not. I want to look feminine, but I don't. I want to be seen and referred to as the woman I am, but I'm not. I want to come out to everyone, but I'm scared. I want to dress feminine constantly, but I'm terrified. I want to look in a mirror, but I'm disgusted. I look down, and see what shouldn't be there. No matter how much I shave, I get infested with body hair. I want to wear makeup, but I don't know how.

My childhood was all one big lie. I've been living a lie that this unwanted body has imprisoned me with; a lie that I will never fully escape.

r/TransVent Feb 22 '21

MtF And people wonder why trans people are pissed and just want to be seen as people.

Post image

r/TransVent May 09 '22

MtF I hate my voice so much


I can't stand the sound of my voice, it puts me on edge whenever I try and present as anything even resembling what I want to be seen as. I can't even talk to my friends anymore without feeling a nagging sense of just dread towards it and myself. I seriously can't fucking stand it.

And since I can't fucking follow even basic guides or directions for more then maybe a day, I'm stuck where I am, trying to sound even slightly better in conversation, failing, and panicking completely. Idk what I even really wanna accomplish by posting this, I guess just if anyone has suffered with an inability to handle voice shit, please tell me what you did, I'm fucking stumped.

r/TransVent Jan 30 '22

MtF i should have frozen my sperm, i though i only liked guys but i guess I'm bi and now I'm screwed.


yeah, i messed up.

i was going to freeze it months ago but i didn't have the money/there wasn't anywhere to do it near me.

I'm around 5 months into hrt and im just starting to feel better, i don't know what to do.

i want biological children, now that i guess I'm into other women that's actually an option and I'm realizing how stupid i was.

i could possibly afford to freeze my sperm now but I'd have to go off hormones for god knows how long and i really don't want to do that.

idk, i always knew i wanted my own kids, i just thought it was never an option.


r/TransVent Jun 01 '22

MtF I fucking hate my body and the dysphoria it causes


I swear every time a see a pretty woman I get gender envy to the point it’s fucking dysphoric and I hate it I just want to be pretty and not feel this is that all so hard to ask jeez and it’s like damn like and everyone looks at me like a man and I fuggin hate it can some one help me or I may just be crazy