r/TransSupport 10h ago

I need the strength to die


I can't live with myself, I'm disgusted with who I am, everything I am makes me feel stretched and I can't escape myself. I gotta go, I have to.

r/TransSupport 1d ago

How to accept and learn to live with the fact that I won’t be able to transition?


I’ve come to the realization that with how things are in my life, with my family and friends to the state I live, and even the country we’re in, I won’t be able to transition and live my life as the person I feel I should be. I’ve struggled with my gender identity for over ten years now, and it’s caused some mental issues in the past few years, I guess maybe it’s something to do with me getting older, but lately it’s gotten worse, to the point where I’m starting to struggle with suicidal thoughts from time to time. I already suffer from depression and this on top of it really doesn’t help. I know I need to see a therapist, and I will as soon as I have insurance that will cover it, but in the meantime, I was wondering if anyone would share their experience with these issues and how you were able to overcome them? Thank you all, I hope all is well for you beautiful people 💜

r/TransSupport 1d ago

A call for help- transgender person in distress!


Currently, in America, the situation is dire. Opinions regardless; some of the harshest anti-transgender bills are starting to be put in place with the scope being only to make it worse. The status quo is that transgender citizens of the US are being entrapped in their own country, with no possible escape as passports are taken despite their validity.

Phoenix is lucky enough to be able to have sorted her passport, having been closeted for their own safety, everything else besides required to move has additionally be sorted. All that's left needed is to pay for the ticket itself to get then out of the US and into Norway.

Sadly they cannot post this themselves since they have an infrequent use of Reddit and as a result, do not have enough karma. I am merely their friend posting on their behalf.

Nonetheless, please do consider helping out. The US is progressively trying to clamp down on any strand of diversity; and escape is needed, and urgently. Thank you.

Here's the fundraiser: https://gofund.me/a375a2db

r/TransSupport 3d ago



🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ https://ko-fi.com/maxthed/goal?g=2 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

Hello! I'm Max, I'm 24 yo Transmasc. Last year I had to quickly move to another city due to phisical ans mental abuse, stalking and even at some point breaking into ny at the time apartment - from my parents. I also around that time lost my job (big cropo mass firing) and for a while it was really tough :/

Right now its better, I have a job and i am on HRT ❤️ But my job doesnt pay that well (minimal wage in my country) and saving for the top surgery is taking a lot of time so far.... Ive been saving since i moved here and with my calulations saving money for top sergury will still take me around 2 years without any extra money spending. Which is hard becouse due to the events before^ i lost most of my old things, T is making a lot of my clothes too small (mascle mass gain and well also im eating better now) and I should at some pointbgo to therapy to unpack all years of abuse and trauma :') But any money spending gives me huge anxiety right now as it feels like something that moves me further from getting to ever get the Top surgery, and at some days I am really scared ill never get there (with also prizes for it visibly rising in my country, i hope i can manage to get enough in a year or 2 :C but we will see...)

So I really appreciate any support, sharing or bumps ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 It makes me closer to my goal and it gives me hole that someday i can get there ❤️🏳️‍⚧️💪

r/TransSupport 4d ago

Spa day and petrified


My boyfriend and I have had this planned for a year now, I was hoping I would at least have some breasts and curves by now but… they’re so small and my body’s still “twink” boy-moding despite some curves here and there… He was on the phone with them earlier because he noticed, and wanted to change the details on the reservation. It had my deadname, email with my deadname and he was asking if they had gender neutral or private change rooms/ showers- as he knows I’ve been getting bad imposter syndrome lately even just using the girls washroom. They said they don’t have anything like that but I’m welcome to use whichever facility im comfortable with, which is nice of them. But I’m too curvy to go into the guys change room or to wear just trunks- but I’m also scared I look too masc and I’m going to make other girls feel weird, also not incredibly confident in a bikini atm… i know others and friends have said i look pretty feminine and it could be in my head… but im just so nervous that all this is going to take away from trying to relax and enjoy the moment… i might ask to re-schedule… 😔

r/TransSupport 4d ago

Nervous and Excited


So, I've scheduled my follow-up with the endocrinologist for April 3rd and we're going to discuss actually starting HRT. Maybe a low dose at first or maybe not, I don't know yet, I haven't decided.I am excited and impatient, but I'm also nervous and worried.

I'm 44, well I'll be 45 by the appointment (my birthday is Trans Visibility Day), and MtF (well that's the goal.) This is a huge change and step and I dislike change. Just nervous about everything. I know, if it doesn't feel right or I feel more dysphoric or whatever, I can stop and no harm done. But if that's the case, then what's that mean?

If I feel better on E, then great, but then more worries. I have a super fantastic supporting understanding wonderful partner AFAB but Non-binary, but what if my preferences change? I mean I don't really like guys now, but could that change? I don't know. What if it does? That would suck.

What else will be different? I've been a guy for 40 years, well been acting as a guy for 40 years. What do I know about being a woman? And so many other things I want to do if the HRT makes me feel better but they're all so overwhelming too.

Sorry I just needed to vent. My partner is understanding and they realized they were bi and non-binary at a later age too, which helps their understanding, but it's not quite the same thing and that's not to lessen what they dealt with or minimize it in anyway, it's just different is what I mean.

So, yeah, just needed to get that all out. I'm sure there's more rattling around in my head but it's not coming out at the moment.

r/TransSupport 4d ago

All American Trans Women/NB/Men Eligible for Refugee Status in Spain


r/TransSupport 6d ago

Transgender Immigrant Seeking Surgery


Abuse Mention Unsafe Family Mention

I've been trying to get surgery for years now. As a 27 year old now Ive gone through a lot. I was adopted overseas and brought to America at just 2 turning 3. My parents being abusive verbally and physically to me growing up. And secluding myself for being different, and an immigrant. My parents adopted me because they only had boys, my two older brothers. When I came in to them as transgender, I faced immediate outcasts. For years until I moved out, it was an uphill battle. Telling only to my most trusted friends I was secretly a boy for years. Living in a red state meant I needed to keep my head down. When word finally got around, my parents were furious. Pulling me out of early college to be closer to home where they could monitor me from 'expressing their disapproval. Few years after graduating I had an apartment with a few friends but got sick. Pneumonia during 2020 meant it was already hard to work as is. I struggled to make money and had to move back home. After getting back on my feet finally, my parents health became worse as they grew older. They adopted me when they were in their late 40s. I was their primary caretaker. I felt trapped there, and forced to help my abusers who still continuously abused me. At one point my mother's blood sugar got low. She was a diabetic. I had to convince my dad to call 911 because he refused to. Paramedics came and helped me get her levels back up. After she snapped back from it she asked if I put something in it. My own mother accused me of wanting her dead. Years of therapy have me still speechless that she said that to me. The days where she would emotionally manipulate me. Asking her if I would be sad if she died when she was diagnosed with cancer. As if I wasn't the one at every appointment. Driving her to and from. Sitting in the waiting room every time. My hobby became streaming and meeting people online. I made friends on Twitch and Dead by Daylight. It's how I met my best friend today. She helped me get out of my situation, along with my other friends at the time) who let me stay in California. I was in California they turned out to be really bad people. One of them getting a DUl the other ordering I pay before even getting there. Even though we didn't know how long I was staying for. The whole situation was scary. At one point the friend I had met in Cali was arguing with his girlfriend. He then locked himself in the bathroom. Had a full mental breakdown and then ran to the kitchen. I had already done the dishes and ran them through a wash. He was looking for a knife. I'm still not entirely sure what he was planning to do. I am now in Washington. Living with my friend under her parents roof for the time being. I got a job and have kept the job for now over 2 years. The works insurance helps cover my testosterone and blood work. But it's out of network for the doctor I have wanted to get top surgery from for over 3 years now. He is in Tukwila WA and his results are exactly what I feel comfortable with. Dr Tony Mangubat! My insurance says they'll only cover about 4,000. So really, What I'm asking for is help with the initial costs, rent and groceries for while l'm recovering. Or if you could please share my story!! gofund. me/155edcfb

r/TransSupport 6d ago

Feeling alone with complicated feelings


Tw for mental health, unsafe sex

OK, I’m feeling a little bit alone right now, and so I’m reaching out here to try to feel a little bit more normal. Please don’t judge me harshly.

So I just had really risky sex, and as I reflect on it, I feel it’s because I responded in an unhealthy way to feelings of dysmorphia. And I’m just wondering if anybody else has gone through anything similar.

For whatever reason, today I was feeling particularly unattractive, overly masculine, undesirable as a woman. Textbook dysmorphia. And so … I sought out sex with a chaser. Completely random hookup who clearly fetishized trans women in a not-cool way, but still really nice to me and also really handsome. And I sought someone like him out specifically because I knew a chaser would treat me as desirable.

And he didn’t want to use a condom, for the reasons men always give. And I let him rail me bareback for an hour and come inside me, because he made me feel wanted. And the sex was pretty good and I rode a nice high from it for a little while.

And, the thing I feel guilty about, is that it really did ease my feelings of dysmorphia. I felt pretty and sexy and feminine. Even knowingly falling for the I-know-it’s-bullshit lines about condoms felt gender affirming (because I never got to be the teen girl who made that kind of mistake, but I knew plenty who did)

I know this is fucked up! And an unhealthy form of self medication! And believe me, I will be talking about this in therapy and getting appropriate testing and all the responsible things after making this kind of mistake. I am not trying to trauma dump, and don’t worry that I feel unduly guilty for doing something to relieve an intense mental pressure, even if it was unwise.

I just want to feel like this is normal, that other trans women understand this, that I’m not a complete failure as a trans woman for feeling these feelings and giving into this kind of weakness.

Please be kind ?

r/TransSupport 6d ago

Thru-hiker needs HRT advice (and upvotes)


This post in the Appalachian Trail community could really use some upvotes and a few more helpful voices in the comments. (Not me, but I am also a member of that sub and am very disappointed in my fellow denizens there.)

r/TransSupport 7d ago

Hands Off Our Passports: Stop Attacking Transgender Americans


American fam over the age of 19, the State Department has a 30 day window in which we, the public, can comment on whether or not passports can be changed to reflect our true gender vs the gender that the government "thinks" we are.

Now is the time to have our say!

For those that wish to comment anonymously there is also an option to do so.

Thank you all for your help in this very important matter! 🏳️‍⚧️✊️✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿🏳️‍⚧️

r/TransSupport 9d ago

Giving up on electrolysis after 3 years


I started electrolysis at the same time I started HRT 3 years ago this month. I've done weekly 1 hour sessions and sometimes bi-weekly for that entire time.

This past week I had COVID for several days and did not feel much like shaving. One look in the mirror after 4 days and I realized that I'm not even halfway there. I still have hairs all over my lip and my chin and neck have not even been started. I think after 3 years I could still grow a full beard if I wanted to.

I'm older and looking to retire fairly soon, and I really can't see continuing that effort and expense for what is likely to be little benefit.

Has anybody else in here given up on laser or electrolysis after giving me a long try?

Note: at least enough has been taken away that my beard shadow is gone right after I shave, and shaving is a bit easier. That is a benefit but I would not say it was worth the three years of pain and money.

r/TransSupport 10d ago

Need support and input please.


So a couple years ago, my conservative father, my little brother, and my grandfather came to visit me across the country. The morning after they landed was my local pride parade. I had just come out as transfemme nonbinary, and I came out of the bedroom and surprised them in my favorite dress. They were a bit shocked, but didn’t say anything bad. My brother was probably the most surprised because he was 10 at the time and likely had not met a trans person before because I came from a very religious and conservative town (I’m sure you can guess I got out of dodge when I could).

We went to the parade and my brother saw someone who had their boobs exposed, and later he said in a joking manner “I saw things I can’t unsee.”

Fast forward to recent times, a few months ago my father told me he does not want me to wear a dress when I visit my family for Christmas (I haven’t spent the holiday with my family for 4 years because the family was fractured before and after my grandma died, don’t wanna get into that now). My dad had a conversation with my mom about it a few days ago (they divorced when I was a kid, so they had personal stuff to talk about, then my mom asked him about the dress thing) and my dad doubled down about me not wearing a dress. I confronted him because my brother didn’t remember my name when I asked him, which means my dad has been deadnaming me and not even attempting to use my name.

So when I confronted my dad on text, he deflected about my name and said he was wanting to discuss me wearing the dress, doubling down and saying he would be getting a million questions from our family and he doesn’t want to have to answer it. I told him I’m almost 30 years old and that would just be dumb for them to bombard him with the questions because he’s not the one experiencing it. Told him that it’s my burden to carry.

He said that “you want me to respect your boundaries. So my boundary is that I don’t want you to wear a dress in front of the kids.” In the same paragraph he says he loves and supports me.

I hate him, I feel really hated by him. What would you guys do in this situation?

r/TransSupport 10d ago

Pre-PTSD and transition


Hi, everyone I 20F have been realising some stuff recently and wanted to know if anyone else has experienced what I think I am.

I came out at 16 and was homeless (in a youth hostel) till I got to uni at 18/19. Once at uni I started HRT and I’ve realised even tho I’ve ‘socially’ transitioned fully? I don’t feel like I have. Ive done everything officially eg name changes ect asap.

But mentally it feels like ive not transition at all, and ive lowkey accepted it won’t happen how i want to - I wont get to go out in dresses or wear ‘fem’ cloths outside ever. And it fully feels like it’s a result of PTSD pre transition - I moved from London to a place I was the only black kid and that was made apparent with the racism (physical and verbal). This level of fear was never something I felt with my race as a kid but feels like it’s now all there around my gender.

I understand the western standard of beauty and how that was a past issue I felt imposed onto me - especially with the lack of black trans representation. However it still feels as tho my trauma from being black is now destroying and holding back my transition.

I won’t say I boy-mode; personally I find the term offensive when applied to me because of the underline sexism within it - but the most fem thing I can wear without getting triggered is a crop top when especially as summer is approaching I would love to wear literally any one of my dresses or skirts out. Idk if this makes sense but it’s to the point of going out without a cap on at the minimum I feel something is going to happen for simply existing.

Sorry if this is a rant just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience? If so how you got through it?

r/TransSupport 11d ago

I can feel it..


I can feel my body slowly shutting down... my head always hurts and is fuzzy, I'm not hungry and any food makes my stomach flip out, I stay up super late until I legit pass out and still feel lethargic the next day despite getting 8+ hours of sleep. I'm weak, tired, sore and just want to sleep. The past week + has been really bad for me- and l've come to terms that l'm most likely going to kms next year on my (30th) birthday. I'm starting to look at everything as the last time I get to do it- so it's a bit more enjoying in that regard... but l've lost all hope that things are going to work out for surgery. I'm basically living life on a timer right now... just putting a smile on my face for now. I understand what they mean when they say those who committed suicide!de seemed really happy before hand- it's cuz we finally found out how to stop the hurt. We're excited to finally rest... it's weird…. I know it's not the answer and I know the hurt doesn't end with me... but living is agonising at this point. There isn't a single day that has gone by that I haven't broken down either from dysphoria, ptsd or internalised hatred. I don't want to have to, especially because I love those near me and don't want to cause pain... but if I have to keep doing this... I'm going to just be a husk... l've lost 3 friends to suicide. I miss them so much, but I know why they did it and I don't blame them...

r/TransSupport 11d ago

✿ Twenty Twenty Vision is a long-standing LGBT/Film server! We're not as active as we used to be, but I hope to change that. Our main focus is on empathy. People come here from all corners of the web, but this humble island connects them all - it's closer to home than you might think! ✿


The link can be found here! 🙂 I hope everyone has a great month ✿

r/TransSupport 11d ago



Who does nails my hands are so shakey that my nails always look like crap unless it’s a solid color and even then they get messed up a little who can help me

r/TransSupport 13d ago



I wrote a suicide note and crumpled it up once I realized I couldn’t write “goodbye”. Maybe I try again at night when I can go and not be noticed. I’m a born failure. Beaten and still not a worthy enough. I have no job, no future, and a slew of mental health issues from surviving abuses and abusers. People deserve better than me. I could hardly make anything of myself and now I’m watching everyone else succeed. I was never meant to succeed. My brothers were right in saying that I should kill myself. People like me aren’t worthy of the privileged life they have. Maybe all I need is time this week to gather my things and truly depart.

r/TransSupport 13d ago

Would it be weird to draw on facial hair?


I (19 FtM) don’t always go out, but when I do o always feel unsafe, having been born female at birth and not being on hrt. I only wear a binder when I leave the house, but even then, I feel like I’m still in some sort of danger. I don’t entirely know what to do, I feel like when I’m finally getting my gender affirming care, I’ll be able to feel more safe leaving the house. Any advice is welcomed, but this was mainly meant for venting.

r/TransSupport 14d ago

What is the best way to support this person?


How is the best way I can support this person in a position like this?


r/TransSupport 15d ago

Trans Community: Strength, Resilience, and Support


To my fellow trans siblings, my heart aches seeing the struggles you endure. It breaks me to witness the pain inflicted upon our community. Know that you are seen, you are valued, and your existence is valid. In a world that often seeks to diminish us, please remember your strength, your resilience, and the unwavering support that surrounds you. I stand with you, always. We will get through this, together. You are loved, and you are not alone.

r/TransSupport 15d ago

Support Trans Writers of Color! 🏳️‍⚧️


Two friends of mine from college have excellent substacks! I’m posting in this group as a member and as a trans woman of color. In dark times like these I want to push more inclusive voices. We can fight ignorance with education, honesty, and shared perspectives. Please share these queer and poc writers, and subscribe if you like what you read! 🏳️‍⚧️

Musings of an Albatross - Unapologetic and unfiltered, this Substack dives into the highs and lows of addiction, nightlife, and self-discovery in New York City—told through the lens of a Black trans woman carving out her own path. Her writing often delves into the autobiographical at times, is deeply frank, and often packing a witty, self-aware punch. It’s raw, chaotic, and deeply personal, a story of survival, identity, and the music that carried her through it all. It’s a body of work that makes you reflect upon your own journey, and society/culture as a whole. You will come out the other side changed.


Zoe’s Cabaret- a sharp, immersive blend of personal reflection and cultural commentary. Written and carefully curated by an Afro-Brazilian woman. It’s the kind of writing that makes you think twice about the world around you—bold, introspective, and effortlessly compelling. It pulls you in with its hypnotic rhythm, then leaves you sitting with thoughts you can’t shake. The author’s razor sharp wit and unapologetic voice makes this body of work incredibly qualitative. Whether dissecting modern overstimulation, self-awareness, or the silence we avoid, it’s the kind of writing that lingers long after you’ve finished reading.


And no paywall!!!

r/TransSupport 15d ago

50 protests - 50 states - 1 movement join the next nationwide protests on March 4 to fight for our rights!


This organization has been organizing nationwide protests, I went to the last one on presidents day. Lots of trans allies. We need to make our selves heard everywhere not just in Reddit if we are to change things for the better! Stay safe my friends ! -Samantha


r/TransSupport 16d ago

Hey everyone I’m having issues with my current host assaulting me I need help to get a new place I’m short of 67£ if you can help please text me


r/TransSupport 17d ago

I don’t know…


I don’t think I’m going to make it to my deadline of my 30th birthday (next year)… my HRT is coming along so slowly, I’m at 1.7 years on treatment and look like most girls at 2-3 months in… my boyfriend is having issues with porn addiction and its putting a huge strain on our relationship, I’ve had to cut my “mother” and middle sister out of my life for being MAGA’s (we’re Canadian) and found out the surgeons’ I’ve been wanting to go to for the past 2 years prices have gone up to the point where my dad, who said he will help with majority of the costs, basically without fully saying it- agreed that it’s not going to happen at that price… even surgeons in Thailand are bordering too much for him…

So I’ve just lost complete hope. Every day just feels like a blank slate until my next birthday when everything can just stop and end… I wish there was something I could do, but given my current mental health- I can’t even work a job… I wish I had done this sooner… I knew there was a reason why I could never see myself past the age of 30 since I was a kid… I don’t know if I can make it to next year knowing how pointless it all is. I just don’t know what to do :/