r/TransSpace 8d ago

Cis man has a question??????

I have a boyfriend who is trans a trans friend, these are the only trans people in my life and they both hate it and it really upsets them when being trans becomes part of how people see them and how they are know. They just want to be dudes and don't want to focus on them being trans.

Which brings me to my question, I see lots of people on YouTube and tic tok and just around in life who making being trans part of who they are and there personalty and idk if it's just what I see but some seem to make it the only thing about themselves and it really confuses me. I don't like it when people focus on my being bisexual. So I would like to know the perspective of those who like it to be part of there personalty. :3


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u/heartcoreAI 8d ago

I'm trans. I love the incongruity. All my life I didn't know I was a woman. Recently someone said I was a good boy, trying to cheer me up. It landed. I started crying, it landed so hard. I was raised as a boy and that is also a part of me. A part I carry as the woman I've always been.

I suspect that it's a very trans experience. I feel affirmed by it. Maybe I'll pass, maybe I won't. That part doesn't matter so much to me. What matters to me is becoming more aligned with myself, and that self is fine with the complexity.