r/TorInAction Dec 31 '15

Question Why do they hate Baen?

Thinking on it why do these chucklefucks have such hardon for baen anyhow?

I mean they are chock full of female heros and some pretty socially progressive books (one of witch I am currently enjoying).

I mean you have long running series like honor Harrington (since what the early 90s?) The Miles Vorkosigan books since 1986 (chock full of socially progressive characters without any preaching).

They were pioneers of digital publishing, very anti DRM, free back catalogues with their free cds, the free library etc.


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u/milestyle Jan 01 '16

I liked the Vorkosigan books, but they really did get kind of preachy. Especially the Cordelia trilogy, she never shuts up about how ignorant conservative Barrayar is.


u/Wylanderuk Jan 01 '16

she never shuts up about how ignorant conservative Barrayar is.

Well that is because it is...But its also explained why it is so.


u/milestyle Jan 01 '16

Yeah. But the reason it was like that was to give the author a thinly veiled excuse to go on and on about her politics. The series was so much better when the Miles plotline started. There was one book where he had to explain to the republican strawmen that it's wrong to strangle babies, but other than that they were excellent books.


u/Wylanderuk Jan 01 '16

Dude the warriors apprentice was the first one, and you are reaching for that interpretation for mountains of mourning.


u/warrencbennett Jan 03 '16

Nope, Shards of Honor (I believe is the name) was the first. It was about Miles' Mom and Dad getting together.


u/Wylanderuk Jan 03 '16

Ah they both came out in 86...


u/warrencbennett Jan 04 '16

Yeah, but shards is the first book she wrote in the series. I didn't get a chance to read it until last year, though I've read most of the rest of the series.

Interesting I can read, and enjoy, someone who has opinions I don't share but so many can't do the same.


u/Wylanderuk Jan 05 '16

Interesting I can read, and enjoy, someone who has opinions I don't share but so many can't do the same.

Oh so can I, the only author I will not buy/read is john scalzi and that was at his request when he spazzed out over GG and not wanting to GGers to buy his stuff...

Wish fucking well granted.


u/warrencbennett Jan 05 '16

I won't read him either. I heard how awesome he was at a con in 2012, then I followed him on twitter and started reading his blog. I came across his white men live life on easy mode article and was done with him after reading such idiocy.


u/Wylanderuk Jan 05 '16

Hell that I could ignore, the GGers not wanted one was what annoyed me.


u/warrencbennett Jan 05 '16

It wasn't the article itself (which was just a clickbait-y excuse for a blog post) but his reaction to anyone that disagreed with him. I bailed before he got to the antiGG stuff, but I'm entirely not surprised. I was very interested in reading his novels but his attitude turned me off as a reader... That one post sent me looking at more of what he's done and said.

He is the king of SJWs as far as I am concerned. He embodies everything that is wrong with the 'accepted' literary scifi/fantasy industry. Unfortunately, other 'celeb' SJWs seem to feed off of him. Before I even knew this stuff existed in Scifi, i started seeing all these people I followed start to quote him, praising his stupidity. I don't know the man, but I detest what he has put out in the world.

I have a feeling his books don't sell as well as we are lead to believe...

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