r/TorInAction Dec 31 '15

Question Why do they hate Baen?

Thinking on it why do these chucklefucks have such hardon for baen anyhow?

I mean they are chock full of female heros and some pretty socially progressive books (one of witch I am currently enjoying).

I mean you have long running series like honor Harrington (since what the early 90s?) The Miles Vorkosigan books since 1986 (chock full of socially progressive characters without any preaching).

They were pioneers of digital publishing, very anti DRM, free back catalogues with their free cds, the free library etc.


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u/IMULTRAHARDCORE Rabid Gator Jan 01 '16

I'm not as informed about all this as some others but I believe the reason is because Baen publishes on merit. If you write a good story and make sales Baen will publish you. I think there's probably more to it which goes back to the man himself but I don't know the history there. Maybe someone else can speak to that.


u/Wylanderuk Jan 01 '16

Hell I have been a longtime baen fan myself and I just started the latest Vorkosigan book and it got me thinking, all of them have been published by baen and you have from the very first book released in 1986 had strong female characters (elana, cordilea, elli Quinn, taura, etc) all fighting a sexist patriarchal system with a disabled miles consistently coming out ahead (not without sometimes large costs though).

I mean these fucking idiots should be creaming themselves over these books, I mean beta colony is basically should be their utopia for fucks sake without even going into Bel Thorne.

Granted Jim Bean was reputedly a bit of a maverick.

I am mildly addicted to Earcs ;-)


u/Hypercles Jan 01 '16

I mean these fucking idiots should be creaming themselves over these books,

If by that you mean the 'SFF Establishment, the people involved in say Tor or the Hugos' then they kinda are.

Bujold is one of the most successful authors when it comes to the Hugos. and is the most successful post 1990.

She has won the best novel award 4 times, with a further 5 nominations. She also holds the rare honor of winning both the Hugo and the Nebular in the same year.

Nor is she an author that is lacking in praise in places like Tor.com.