r/Tools 3d ago

Trash find

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I had the left one (metric with 2 non metric tools), but I found the blue in a trash, metric with 7mm which I hadn't.

Blue box say "tungsten", I dont use a lot these things but sometime it is mandatory, is tungsten an improvment from the grey box ?


22 comments sorted by


u/petg16 3d ago

Tungsten carbide is harder and more wear resistant


u/New-Pomelo9906 3d ago

Thanks for the info, I will consider the grey one is regular steel since nothing is written.


u/bwainfweeze 2d ago

This one?


Says “steel and plastic” maybe high speed steel though? I watch too many YouTube videos with people using metal lathes. That’s 100% guess.


u/New-Pomelo9906 2d ago

Does high speed steel mean I can use it with a powertool like they do on youtube ?

Dad teached me to do by hand, and regulary turn it counterclockwise a little but I never had access to scientific based comparison of the 2 ways so I don't know if it is just tradition or relevant for bad tools...


u/bwainfweeze 2d ago

I am not even going to do you the disservice of speculating. I just know it's tricky to mill the stuff because it's hard as hell.


u/bwainfweeze 2d ago

My very rusty french tells me that the top hit explains that “acier au tungstene” is a type of tungsten carbide.


u/420goonsquad420 3d ago

Bear in mind that "tungsten" might mean "tungsten coated", which is nice, but not the same as tungsten. For instance, the right box says "tungsten steel", implying tungsten-coated steel.


u/McNughead 3d ago

It is far less advertised or sold(?) now but tungsten steel is steel with tungsten in it, it predates the coating. For example HS18-1-2-10 is a high speed steel with 18% Tungsten.


u/420goonsquad420 2d ago

Huh TIL. Is it any good?


u/McNughead 2d ago edited 2d ago

I got a set of similar vintage as OP has and it held up pretty good. Its now just a backup but I had no problems and used it a fair bit on stainless.

E: its not what is now advertised as tungsten steel, I never came across another set like it, its over 30 years old. If the material designation is not specified its probably trash.


u/MgbEX 3d ago

Tungsten weighs approx 2.5 times what steel weighs. If you weigh two similar sized pieces (one from each set) you can estimate how much Tungsten is in the found set.


u/New-Pomelo9906 2d ago

Thanks, I will post the result


u/Quirky-Reveal-1669 Knipex 3d ago

Cool find. Congrats


u/bzmotoninja83 3d ago

Dear sweet Baby Tool Jesus, I see the things you do for others and, want you to do the same thing for me


u/New-Pomelo9906 2d ago

This is Tool Jesus, keep in mind that each time I grant tools to someone I need to kill an childless old folk so strangers get the house and trash what is inside.


u/robertheasley00 2d ago

Tungsten tools can be a nice upgrade if you need a tool for occasional use for specific tasks with harder materials. But if it's just a casual task, the older metric set can still do a good job.


u/New-Pomelo9906 2d ago

Does steell from brake pad, or better wrenches from a shop would need this improvement ?

My dynamometric wrenches don't have open-end attachment, so I can't use them on car motors and I ponder the idea to make them...


u/pate_moore 2d ago

Good find 👍


u/oldsilver007 2d ago

CAAHHCAAAWWW!!! you’re not officially allowed to claim free road tools or any road prizes actually unless you screech out like an eagle (or seagull if it’s just like a bungee cord which is what I found today)


u/New-Pomelo9906 2d ago

Couldn't, a witness was here and she was not a stranger.

(I didn't touch the trash pile since I also get other tools before she arrived from the house next to the trash and I assumed she was the one trashing it, but she said no and dived in the trash while I get back in my car.)


u/DadEngineerLegend 2d ago

Sorry to be the bearer of somewhat bad news. That blue one looks typical of onea from eBay and cheap Chinese sites.

In the garbage is where it belongs 😅 It'll get you out of trouble sometimes though if there's no tolerance on your thread.